Here for You (9 page)

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Authors: KC Ann Wright

BOOK: Here for You
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The three of them continue for about a minute before their coach runs back off and Johnny heads back to home plate. Fonz comes over to the wall less than a minute later. He motions for Quinn to lean forward and she talks to him for a few seconds before she looks back at me. She doesn’t say anything to me before she turns back to him.

Finally she leans back in her seat and looks at me. “It’s totally against protocol, like really against it, but they want you to go down there. Something happened and they need someone to help pull Cam out.”

I look at her and know my eyes are round. “What do you mean?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know, but Johnny thought you might be able to get through to him, so he told Coach to tell Fonz. Otherwise, they’re going to pull him.”

“Oh, no pressure here.”

“I’m sorry, girl. I can tell him no.”

I shake my head. “No, of course I’ll try. How am I going to get there?”

“They’re already letting security know, and they’re going to escort you to the dugout.”



“Okay. I’ll try.”

Quinn gets Fonz’s attention and nods her head. The security guards are at the end of our aisle a few seconds later and I go with them. We go down stairs, wind through a few different hallways and then another set of stairs. The next thing I know we’re walking toward the dugout.

By the time we get there, the guys must be off the field because Johnny meets me at the entrance and takes my hand. I follow him as we walk past the rest of the team sitting on the bench. He motions for the few guys near the end of the dugout to move away from Cam. He’s sitting at the very end with his head down in his hands. It hurts to see him like this. I have no idea what’s going on or that I will even be able to help, but I will certainly try to give him what he needs.

Johnny drops my hand when we’re almost to Cam. He moves everyone else in the area farther down in the dugout and he nods at me before turning back to the game with everyone else. I’m temporarily motionless in my spot, but I know Cam needs me so I move forward.

I kneel down in front of him. “Cam?”

The sound of my voice must surprise him because his head snaps up. His eyes meet mine and the emotion in his almost breaks my heart. I have no idea what’s going on but I want him to snap out of whatever has him in this place.

“What’s wrong? What can I do to help?” He doesn’t say anything but shakes his head and looks back down. “Hey.” I place my hand on his cheek. “Remember I’m here for you.”

He looks up again at this statement. “I know you are. I just don’t know if I can do this.”

“Do what? Pitch?”

“All of it.”

“What do you mean all of it?”

He shakes his head again, and now I’m scared to know what he means by this statement. The only thing I can do is try to break him out of this state of mind. I can’t solve any major issues in five minutes.

“Cam, you need to go back out there and win this. The fans are cheering for you. The team is counting on you. And you better believe Cameron is waiting for his uncle to be the hero of the day. You want that for him, don’t you?”

He looks up as soon as I mention Cameron’s name, and I know that I’ve hit at least one thing correctly. “Cam,” my voice is soft so he’s forced to concentrate on only that, “I
you to do this for me. Whatever else is going on, I’m here for you. We’ll do it together, okay?”

He nods his head, and even though I know I’m the one that’s going to get hurt in the end, I lean forward. I put my free hand on his other cheek and pull his face toward mine so we’re only inches apart. His eyes are locked on mine. “You and me, Cam. We both have shit to deal with, but we’re stronger together. I’m here no matter what. I want you to put the other stuff behind you and go out there and win me my very first division title.”

I see his eyes almost light up and I don’t give him an opportunity to second guess anything. I close the remaining space between us and kiss him with all the passion I feel at that moment. His lips immediately respond to mine and his right arm pulls me into him. I pull back from the kiss and look him in the eyes. “You gonna do that for me?”

He gives me a genuine smile and nods. “Yeah, I can do that for you.”

“Good. Now I’m going to go back to my cushy seat and maybe finally be able to enjoy a drink. You’ve had me so freaking nervous, I haven’t been able to do that. Now that I know you’re promising me a win, I can relax. But as a fair warning—if you don’t give me this win, I may start hanging out with Stan instead.”

He laughs and leans forward to give me a quick kiss. “Thanks, Ash. You’re just what I needed.”

I laugh as I wink at him. “Yeah, I hear that all the time.”

I stand up so he can have a few moments before he has to go back out on the field. Johnny is watching me and he nods to the security guards. I walk back to where they’re standing.

“Thanks, Ashley.”

“It’s the least I could do. Just make sure someone brings me a beer, like five seconds ago.”

He smiles, knowing that I have lightened the mood for at least one more inning. After that, they are on their own. If he goes down again I don’t think there’s anything else I can say today to bring him back from that place. Wherever he was.

They escort me back the same way we came. When I get back to my aisle, I nod to them. “Thanks, guys.”

They both smile and one leans closer. “Thank
. I hope he’s good to go.”

Less than a minute later someone brings me a beer, and I’m amazed at how fast these guys get things done even though they’re down there. The same person brings one for Quinn and Stan and finally at the top of the seventh inning, we’re all enjoying our first beer.

“What happened?”

I shake my head at her. “I have no idea. He has some serious shit to deal with, but all I know is that I want to be the person to get him to the other side.”

She offers a small smile. “Just be careful, Ash.”

“I can’t promise that. I know I’m going to get hurt at some point, but just knowing I’m helping him is honestly enough for me. I have no right to fall for him because neither one of us is in a place to offer their heart, but I just don’t care anymore. I feel more with him than I ever did with Charlie. I’m also doing this for me.”

She nods as if she’s in the same place, and we go back to watching the game. Stan has relaxed too. He’s back to telling me about more stats and more rules, and I love the information he shares. Everything he tells me makes me enjoy the game more. When Cam comes off the field after the eighth inning, he nods.

Stan tells me they’re probably going to pull him. Even though he is still on track to have a shut-out, it’s likely they’re going to win, which means they need him strong for the playoffs. He has kept them to zero runs, so he’s done his job. There’s no reason for him to push his arm. The relief pitcher should be able to finish up the game.

After listening to so much information from Stan, I get it. I understand why they would pull him at this point. Stan is correct because when the team runs out on the field for the ninth inning Cam is not on the mound. Nerves take over temporarily, and we manage to wave down the guy that brought us the last beer. He brings each of us one more and I concentrate on drinking that while my legs shake up and down.

Stan turns to me. “Young lady, you better control that nervous energy or you’re going to give me a heart attack.”

I laugh. “I’m trying, Stan. This has got to be the most intense thing I’ve ever been through, and I’ve been through some intense negotiations.”

“It’s all going to be fine. What are you going to do during the playoffs?”

“I don’t know, but you’re both going to be with me because I’m not going to get through this on my own. Will your wife come to the next game?”

“She’s not a huge baseball fan, but I imagine if you ask her, she just might.”


Chapter 11
oday feels like one of the greatest wins of my career. I don’t know why, because I’ve had other high-pressure games, but I really needed this one. Now that it’s done, we can look ahead to the playoffs. We still have a few regular season games, but now that we’ve clinched our spot, we can relax a little. We can’t let up on our intensity, but now we can focus more on the future.

It’s a special night, so Cameron and Monica come to the locker room. The smile on Cameron’s face is enough to make everything worthwhile. I pick him up with my right arm because my left needs to rest. It feels good after pitching eight innings, but I don’t want to push it.

“Uncle Cam, you won! You’re the best!”

“You think? You don’t think I just got lucky?”

He shakes his head rapidly. “No. You’re the best pitcher ever.”

I laugh and hold him a little closer. I look to Monica before I say anything else and she shakes her head. I was going to ask if they wanted to join us for dinner but she must not be feeling it tonight, so I don’t say anything. As soon as the words leave my mouth, Cameron would latch on.

“Are we going to hang out tomorrow?” I ask instead. “We could throw a few balls around.”

His eyes look at me with that awe. “Really? Can we?”

“Of course we can. You just make sure you’re good for Mom tonight, okay?”

“Yeah, I can do that.”

I lean down to put him on the ground, and he runs around to give all the guys high fives. To any person on the outside, he looks like a totally normal, happy kid. He has his moments, but the games seem to bring out the best in him. I’m glad I can be part of giving him that.

“Congratulations, Cam. I know it was a big game and you deserve it.”

“Thanks, Mon. I’ll come to the beach house tomorrow. We have meetings for a few hours, but no official practice.”

“Okay. Have a good time tonight.” She lays her hand on my arm. “You need to enjoy it.”

“I know. I’ll try.”

“Cam, you need to try harder.”

I look down and by the time I look back up, I hear Cameron’s chatter. “Uncle Johnny said he would get me a ball signed by everyone.”

I look down at him and smile. “If that’s what Uncle Johnny said, then that’s what he’s going to do.”

I lean down to give him one last hug. I give Monica a hug before she leaves. There’s nothing else I can do and it kills me. She and Cameron walk out hand in hand. There are a few other wives and kids in the locker room still, but I’m ready to head out to dinner. I look around at the group. Most guys are waiting. We had a celebration out on the field too, and they’re all ready to go out and celebrate now.

Everyone is in a suit tonight. We just clinched the title for our division, and we’ll show that we deserve it. I look to Johnny. “Ready?”

“Yep.” He puts his arm around my shoulders, and we head to the exit. The rest of the group that’s going out is following. “You pitched a hell of a game tonight, man.”

“Yeah.” I turn sideways to look at him. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

Nothing more needs to be said. He saved me today. I’m just glad he knew what to do. Otherwise I have no idea where we’d be right now. When we make our way out to the lot, I see her. She’s smiling and looking only at me. Everything about the moment hits me. I feel it in my head, my groin—and even in my heart, and that scares the shit out of me.

With no hesitation, she runs toward me with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. As she throws her arms around my neck, I wrap my right arm around her and lift her up. I bury my face in her neck and take in her intoxicating smell. I’ve only been around her three times, but I know her presence the moment I smell her unique vanilla and citrus scent.

Even in our best moments, Crystal never greeted me this way after a game. This woman saved me today, and I know she
the angel to get me through to the other side. So far she has not failed.

She’s still holding on tight, and I almost laugh at her enthusiasm. When I saw her wearing my jersey, I wanted to jump over the wall and pick her up just like this. She makes it so clear that she’s here for me. She finally loosens her hold, and I let her slide down so her feet are back on the ground. “Thank you for my win,” she says.

“You’re very welcome.”

“That was amazing. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

I laugh at her excitement. “I’m glad I could accommodate.” I pull her in close again because it just feels better to have her there. “Love the boots. Maybe we can make you a country girl after all.”

“Who says I’m not already?”

“I do. Ready for dinner?”

She looks up at me with those doe eyes. “Are you sure you want me to come? Don’t you have to celebrate with the guys?”

This almost hurts. I know she didn’t come to the locker room because she didn’t think it was her place, but what she doesn’t know is I would rather celebrate with her and forget about the rest of the team. “Of course you’re coming.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.”

I lean down and kiss her on the forehead. “Johnny, you riding with me?”

“Yeah, Wills. Hold on. I’m just making sure we have everyone.”

Ashley gets in, and I wait for Johnny and Quinn to walk up before I go around to get in on my side. “We good?”

“Yep. Everyone is heading out.”

We head to Al’s Steakhouse, a restaurant that we go to frequently after games. They always do an excellent job of accommodating our large group and trying to get us in a semi-private area so we don’t have to sign autographs all night. Tonight it will be difficult to ignore the fans, considering we have clinched the division, so I need to make sure no one celebrates too much.

A line of cars pulls up to the valet and I laugh, knowing it’s going to take the kids a while to get the vehicles all moved and parked. I hand my keys to the valet and remind him that if he sees anyone from the team who appears to have had too much to drink getting their keys, he’s to find me. I’m not taking the chance that one of them does something stupid. Or worse.

Ash and Quinn walk into the restaurant arm in arm in front of us. They’re both smiling and laughing like today has been the greatest day of their lives. It’s so refreshing to have both of them around us that I hope Johnny finds a way to hold on to the “Maneater.”

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