Here for You (6 page)

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Authors: KC Ann Wright

BOOK: Here for You
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The guys are ready to go. Before we leave the locker room I make sure everyone in our group has on a suit. Coach doesn’t always require it, but as we near playoff season, he prefers us to carry ourselves appropriately. I agree and typically make any group I’m with put suits on if they are going to dinner with me after a game. I want my guys representing the team properly.

“Ready, Johnny?”

“Yeah, just making sure my tie is straight.”

I look at him. “Dude, you sound like a chick.”

“Hey, my girl is here, so I want to make sure I look good for her, man.”

He means nothing by it, but the statement is the equivalent of a punch in the gut. I miss Crystal waiting for me after the games. To have that one constant, the beautiful smiling face greeting you after a game, is the greatest feeling in the world. Even when you lose, if you have someone waiting for you, it makes the loss bearable.

I see that prick Anderson in the back with a suit on, which means they’re most likely coming to dinner with the group. It’s a large group tonight because the guys are in the mood for a celebration, and we play at home again tomorrow.

My job is to make sure no one is drinking more than one or two cocktails. I’m pitching tomorrow, so alcohol is completely off the table for me.

“Let’s go. I just need to say goodnight to Cameron and Monica before we head out.”

“You got it, bro.”

When we make it outside, Cameron and Monica are waiting near the exit. Cameron starts running toward me at full speed the moment he sees me. It breaks my heart, but I force the emotion out of my head and smile when he reaches me. I bend over and scoop him up, throwing him up in the air and catching him at chest level. He’s laughing like he just went on the greatest ride of his life.

“Did you enjoy the game?”

He nods his head rapidly. “It was great, Uncle Cam. Are you pitching tomorrow?”

“You got it, buddy.”

“I can’t wait.” He looks at me with awe. I have to admit, even though he’s only four years old, it does something for my ego to know the little guy looks up to me.

“Are you and Mom headed home?”

“Yeah, she said it’s bedtime. But I want to stay with you.”

“You do what Mom says. Besides, I have to go to bed early too because I have to throw tomorrow.”

He nods as if he understands why I might need more sleep tonight. “Okay, Uncle Cam.” He wraps his arms around my neck and I hold on, careful not to squeeze him too tight. He gives me the strength to go on some days. I can’t believe I put that pressure on a four-year-old. But he has no idea how important he is to me, so I try not to feel guilty about it. When I set him back down on the ground, I look up to see Monica standing in front of me.

“Say goodnight to all the guys, okay, buddy?”

The group is still standing behind me. None of them have made a move toward their cars, girlfriends or wives. This is a recent change and they just started doing it a few weeks ago. I have no idea if they all talked about it or someone stayed behind and the rest just followed. Either way, it takes all of my emotional control not to break down. They show such respect on this issue and my pride for them is overwhelming. How it touches me I can’t even begin to put into words.

I swallow the lump in my throat knowing they’re waiting for me to finish my goodbyes. Even the wives and girlfriends seem to know this is a new tradition because no one moves until after I’ve said goodnight to Cameron and then Monica.

I reach for Monica and hug her like I always do. “Thanks for coming, Mon.”

She has tears in her eyes tonight. It must be one of the bad days. “I wouldn’t take this away from Cameron for a second. We’re always here to support you.”

I nod when I step away from her and turn back to see if Cameron has made his rounds. Johnny is holding him and I swallow again seeing him in my best friend’s arms. Cameron may have lost his father, but he will always have the guys and me. I nod to Johnny, and he sets Cameron down and gives him a high-five before Cameron runs back over to me.

“See you tomorrow, buddy.” I pat the top of his hat. “I’ll be pitching for you tomorrow, so don’t take your eyes off the game.” He smiles up at me and it lightens my mood.

“You got it, Uncle Cam.” I put out my fist and he bumps it with his small one. I wink at him and he giggles.

Monica takes his hand and they head to her car. I turn back to the guys and nod trying to keep the unshed tears from showing. Coach is standing behind the group and he nods at me before turning to go back in the locker room. Shit, even he is in on this. I close my eyes briefly to keep everything inside. Please let me win tomorrow. If I can take one thing off my shoulders, I feel like I’ll be able to breathe for at least a few more days.

Johnny gets my attention. “Wills, I want you to meet my girl. Come on.” He motions for me to follow him.

I hear Fonz say to the group, “Hey, if no one is claiming the blonde, she’s mine. That woman is gorgeous.”

The single guys in the group must have been talking about new faces in the lot as I was saying my goodbyes, and I shake my head with a smile. These guys can be awful sometimes.

When I look ahead, I see the blonde that Fonz must be referring to. My heart almost stops when I realize it’s Ashley. I blink my eyes a few times to make sure I’m not hallucinating because honestly, I wouldn’t put it past myself right now.

“No one lays a finger on her and no one even talks to her. You got it?”

“Yeah sure, all right, Cap. Do you know her?”

“Yes, I do, and I want to make myself very clear in case anyone missed it the first time. No one touches her.”

A few of the guys have split off to head toward their girlfriends or wives, so it’s a small group heading this direction. When she makes eye contact with me, I watch her eyes go wide. I laugh to myself because this seems to be her usual response to me. She looks amazing, and I want to make sure no guy on this team hurts her. I don’t want anyone playing with her heart. I know I’m not the guy to offer anything to her right now and she knows that, but the least I can do is protect her.

Without thinking, I reach out to hug her and give her a light kiss on the cheek. Her friend looks at me with eyes wide. “Do you know each other?”

Ashley turns to her friend. “This is my neighbor, Cam.”

I see Johnny, Fonz and the other guys look at each other. They think I know her better than I do because she just called me Cam. Only a select few use that name.

“Pleasure to meet you.” I put out my hand to shake the redhead’s. “I’m going to guess you’re Quinn.” I smile at her and she starts laughing.

“You got it, Mr. Hottie.”

I hear Johnny interrupt. “Hey, what about me?”

Quinn laughs. “Oh, don’t worry. That name goes way back.” She winks at me and then turns to Johnny. “You, Mr. Perez, are

She wraps her arms around him, and he starts kissing her—inappropriately, if you want my opinion. She pulls away and turns back to Ash. “Wait, why didn’t you say he played for the team? You didn’t mention it all afternoon.”

I narrow my eyes and turn my head slightly to the side in anticipation. I’m afraid she might be upset that I didn’t tell her. She shrugs her shoulders. “He never told me he was a baseball player.”

I smile at her easy acceptance. I see the guys all look at each other again, and Johnny speaks up. “And she still spent time with you? There must actually be some charm in there somewhere.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Believe it or not, I
a gentleman and sometimes even a beautiful woman like Ash enjoys my company.” I wink at her, hoping she isn’t offended by the comments.

“He promised Quinn he would make sure I was fine that night.”

“When?” Johnny asks.

“A month ago. He sat up with me because my best friend was out of town and I was in the middle of something.”

“Wait a minute.” He smacks my back. “That’s why you showed up the morning after your birthday looking like you hadn’t slept.”

She raises her eyebrow at me. “Why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday?”

I shrug my shoulder. “It was about you that night. Not me.”

“Holy shit.” Johnny laughs. “You didn’t even use the ‘it’s my birthday’ card. Wow. I suggest you hold on to this one.” He’s laughing as he turns back to Quinn.

I ignore him and turn back to Ash. “Are you coming to dinner with us?” I ask her casually but I think I’ll be crushed if she says no.

She raises an eyebrow at me. “I’m not sure.”

you come to dinner with us? I promise to be charming.”

She looks down for a moment and then meets my eyes again. “Sure.”

“You can ride with me.” She looks at Quinn who shrugs. She has her arms around Johnny and he’s practically drooling on her. “Come on.” I put my hand out and she looks down at it before taking it. Finally, she gently places her hand in mine. The instant I feel the warmth of her, I feel better.

“See you guys at the restaurant,” I say and start making the way toward my car.

I open the passenger door, and she slides in gracefully. I have to say, she makes a tight skirt and blouse look sexier than most women can make a bikini look. She must be wearing four-inch heels, which I’m surprised to see at a baseball game, but I’m sure there’s a reason behind it.

I hesitate before I open my own door to get in. There are probably a few things we want to say to each other but I just need to be sure we’re on the same page. I never thought I would see her again, and I’m more than happy to see her, which is a little scary to me. But I need to reiterate that I can’t do more than friends. Even though I didn’t know I would see her again, there is something inside of me that will fall apart if I lose her as my friend.

I get in and put the key in the ignition before I turn to her. When I do, she’s gazing at me. “Ash, I’m still in the same place I was a month ago.”

She places her hand on my thigh. “I know. I can see it in your eyes. You still need a friend, right?”

I nod not trusting words out of my mouth right now.

“Me too,” she says and leans her head back against the headrest.

I pull out of the lot knowing that we’re on the same page.

I believe in God. I really do. I can’t say I’m an overly religious person, but I definitely believe. After what has happened to me the last two months, though, I’ve lost my faith a couple of times. I’m man enough to admit it. But Ash showing up again at this moment tells me I am right to believe. I’m so near the edge of darkness, and I believe that Ashley is my angel. She’s here to make sure I get through to the next stage of my life. I can’t give her my heart right now, but I can’t lose her. For some reason that I can’t explain I know I need her in my life.

I reach out and take her hand in mine.

Chapter 8
s we sit down at dinner, I notice most of the guys have their significant other with them. When I look closer, I realize Cam would have been one of only a few without a girl by his side. It breaks my heart to know that he does it even though his ex-fiancée will be here with his teammate. God, when he said his co-worker, that was so much better than a teammate on the same professional team. He is literally around him every day, and to have this kind of group know the truth about what happened must be unbearable at times.

I hear the same kid from earlier call out. “Hey, Wills, can I have a drink?”

I want to laugh out loud that he’s asking for permission, but when I see no reaction on Cam’s face I realize it’s a serious question. “Yeah, Fonz. One. I don’t want to see you having two. Understood?”

“You got it, Cap.” The kid smiles and nods his head before turning back to the table he’s sitting at. No one in the group even reacts to the exchange.


He turns to me. “Yeah, I’m the team captain.”

Of course he is. There’s an unspoken respect for everything he does and says. Even as an outsider, I can sense it. I don’t know any of the underlying dynamics in this group but it’s clear that Cam is the leader. But it’s also apparent that the respect is due to more than just being named their captain. I haven’t been able to pinpoint it yet and I know now is not the time, but it’s something I need to understand.


He nods his head. “Last name is Williams.”

“As in
JC Williams?”

“The one and only.”

His eyes are sparkling with amusement, and I know it’s my chance. “So, at the game tonight I learned a few things about you.” Johnny and Quinn are sitting across from us, and I know they’re both listening. “What I don’t understand is if it’s your job to throw strikes and all, why is it so difficult for pitchers to have shut-outs?”

He throws his head back and laughs, which is my favorite sound as of a month ago. “That’s an excellent question.” He turns his head and calls out to someone a few tables down. “King, my friend here wants to know why it’s so difficult to throw a shut-out.”

Everyone laughs except for King. “Screw you, Wills. Just because I don’t have any this season doesn’t mean I’m not capable.”

Shit. Why did he have to go and do that? He looks back at me, eyes still lit with amusement. “I guess it’s harder than it sounds.”

I laugh because I know he’s not the least bit offended by my question. I lower my voice, so only he can hear me. “Congratulations on your no-hitter. I hear those are rare.”

He looks down at me and I’m not sure what emotion crosses his face but I think it’s gratitude. “Thanks. I appreciate that more than you know.” He leans forward and kisses me on the forehead. Not wanting the dynamic to change, I turn to Quinn and start chatting about a business deal while Cam talks to the guys around him.

After the dinners have been served and everyone is enjoying their food, I notice that Cam is quiet and he’s watching the couple a few tables down. They are on the opposite side from us, and I have determined by now that this is his ex-fiancée and teammate. He never pointed them out to me, but he watches her with longing and fury combined. The couple is making out right now, and Cam looks like he wants to kill the guy. I place my hand on his thigh just so he knows someone cares.

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