Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1)
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  “Hello? Isis?” Isabelle's voice came through the phone and startled her.

She lifted the phone back to her ear. “Yes, I'm sorry.”

  “I'll see you when you get here, then we can talk,” her sister told her.

  Isis disconnected the call then handed the phone to Marc. Their hands touched and she felt a current run through her body before she quickly placed her hand at her side.

  “How did you know to come and get me?” she asked. “Did my father call you?”

Marc shook his head. “No, Ray did. Your father called Isabelle.”

Isis nodded. “Well, thank you Agent Graham.”

He watched her closely. “You're welcome Miss Martin.”

  The car began to move and she looked at him in question. “We're taking you to Ray and Isabelle.”

Isis looked down at herself in jeans and a blouse. “I look a mess.”

  “You look beautiful, like you always do,” he said quietly turning to the window.

She flushed and stared at his profile. “Thank you.”

He nodded without turning back to her.

  “You look so different today without your glasses and suit,” she commented.

Marc turned back to her. “I didn't want to tip off the gunman by looking like an agent.”

  “You're very brave,” Isis commented.

He shrugged. “It's my job.”

Isis caught his gaze. “You're still very brave to come and rescue me.”

  “You were very brave as well. I know you were scared.”

Isis placed a hand to her heart. “I don't think I've ever been that afraid. I couldn't even think.”

  “Well, you did great. Most people panic.”

  “I did panic,” she corrected.

Marc smiled. “You were fine. You're a very good actress.”

Isis laughed softly. “If my director saw me today, I'd be fired.”

  He turned back to the window and Isis took her fill of him. Agent Graham was a sable colored god and his chiseled features gave him a look of African royalty. He had dark hair that was neatly cut and those beautiful, distinctive platinum eyes captured her every time she looked into them.

  “Are you still investigating my father?” she asked him.

Without turning, he answered, “Yes.”

  “The gunman accused my father of being a murderer. Do you believe that also?”

He turned back to her. “It doesn't matter what I believe Miss Martin, only what I can prove.”

  “He wanted to hurt my father,” she said quietly.

  Marc knew that Milton Martin had lots of enemies from his assortment of crimes. He hoped that no one else would try to us his daughter as a substitute. He knew Ray would increase security on Isis immediately, but she also needed to be warned.

  “Miss Martin, you have to understand that your father is not the man you want him to be. You need to be cautious at all times because people will use you to get to him.”

Isis lifted a brow. “Does that include you Agent Graham?”

  Marc heard the challenge in her voice and leaned forward. “I don't have to use you to bring your father down and if I wanted you, I'd simply come and take you.”

Isis gasped. “I can't believe how arrogant you are.”

Marc shrugged. “I'm honest, which is far more than I can say about your father.”

  “You're smug, arrogant and conceited,” she told him with her eyes narrowed.

  “You're naive and totally blinded to your father's actions,” he countered.

She turned to the window. “I really don't like you.”

  “You liked me fine when I was kissing you,” he said quietly.

She frowned. “My life was on the line, I wasn't thinking about your kisses.”

  “Whatever you say Miss Martin.”

She folded her arms and looked at him. “I should also add delusional to the list.”

Marc lifted a brow at her. “Is your life on the line right now Miss Martin?”

Isis looked confused. “Not to my knowledge.”

  “Good.” Marc reached behind her head and brought his mouth to hers.


As Marc sat across from Ray Parker briefing him on the situation, his only thought was that he should not have kissed Isis Martin. It was out of line in the worst possible way and he owed her an apology. It didn't matter that she frustrated him to no end in her defense of her father. His job was not to convince her, but a jury of twelve.

  When he had lifted his head, she'd stared at him in surprise before slapping the hell out of his face. He now rubbed his cheek in the spot her hand had landed and shook his head; yeah, out of line and he knew it. That's why he hadn't even responded after the blow. He'd simply sat back quietly until they'd arrived at the Parker estate.

  As soon as the door had opened, Isis had bolted into the home and had been whisked away somewhere by her sister. Marc hadn't seen her in the hour he'd been sequestered with Ray but knew he had to see her before he left.

  “What did the guy say?” Ray questioned.

  Marc shrugged. “He kept going on about how Milton Martin is a murderer. He would never say whom he allegedly murdered or how he knew. I'm going to question him some more when he's released from the hospital.”

  “I'm just glad he didn't hurt her,” Ray commented. “She looked really shaken when she got here, but that's to be assumed after an ordeal like that.

  Marc wondered if it was the ordeal or what had transpired inside the car. “Yeah,” he agreed getting to his feet.

He looked over at Ray. “I need to see her before I leave. Can you get her?”

  “Are you trying to question her now?” Ray asked raising a brow.

Marc shook his head. “No, it's not about the incident at the apartment.”

  “Really?” Ray said standing to his full six foot five height. “Then what is it about?”

   “It's about me investigating her father,” Marc answered.

Ray studied him for a minute. “Wait right here. I'll see if she wants to talk to you.”

  Marc nodded and watched Ray leave the room. He moved to stand by the window and looked out at the immaculate grounds. Not too long ago, he'd been dancing with Isis on those grounds at Ray and Isabelle's wedding party. That night they had called a truce but he knew he'd broken it today.

  “You wanted to see me?” the soft voice asked.

  He turned to her, noticing that she had changed out of her shirt and jeans into a skirt and blouse that accentuated her sexy frame. He could tell that she'd showered and she smelled like jasmine. Her honey skin glowed and her dark brown eyes followed him as he slowly walked over then stood looking down at her.

  “I'm sorry Miss Martin. I was out of line in the car and it was unprofessional,” he told her.

Isis stared up into his silver eyes. “Why did you kiss me?” she asked quietly.

  Marc lowered his head for a moment then looked back at her. “Honestly, I don't have the answer to that but I can assure you it won't happen again.”

  “Again my apologies and have a good night Miss Martin.” He replaced his glasses then walked around her and out of the room.

  Isis turned to watch his retreating frame. She touched her lips that had been tasted by his. In the car, he'd held her tightly and treated her mouth to a delight on a level she'd never experienced before.

  Isis hugged herself tightly recalling the events of the day. Agent Graham had shown up at her apartment and taken immediate control of the situation. She had to admit that he was dangerous, handsome and sexy. When he'd touched her, she'd lost her breath and not for the first time from his touch.

  She slowly licked her lips, still tasting him on her mouth. Agent Graham had promised her he would not kiss her again but Isis wasn't sure if that was a promise she really wanted him to keep.



Chapter 2

  Isabelle Parker entered the room where her sister Isis stood deep in thought. She'd seen Agent Graham on his way out and he'd seemed the same way.

  “Are you alright Isis?” her sister inquired.

Isis remembered where she was and turned to her sister with confused eyes. “I don't know.”

Her sister embraced her. “What is it honey?”

Isis shook her head slowly. “It's just been a long day.”

  “Let's have a seat,” Isabelle said leading her sister to the sofa in her husband's office.

  The two had a seat facing one another and Isabelle took Isis' hand. “Talk to me Isis. I know this had to be very traumatic for you.”

  “I was so afraid Isabelle. He put a gun to my face and told me to call Daddy,” Isis began. “He told Daddy if he didn't come, he was going to shoot me.”

  She looked at her sister. “The funny thing was I didn't know if I wanted Daddy to come because I was sure that man would kill him on the spot.”

  “Why would someone want to kill Daddy?” Isis asked Isabelle.

  Isabelle squeezed her hand gently. “Isis, Daddy has done some bad things. Things that other people are not willing to forgive him for, like you are willing to.”

  “Have you forgiven him Isabelle?”

  Isabelle's past with her father, Milton Martin was one of turmoil. Milton had not been kind to his daughter after the death of their mother. Isabelle's mother had left all of her wealth to her oldest daughter because she had not trusted her husband and Milton had shown his disappointment on more than one occasion.

  Milton had married their mother for her money and had never told her or his daughters that he had another child, a child who had tormented Isabelle at every turn in their lives while Isabelle had never known the reason why.

  In addition, Milton had conspired to kill Isabelle's husband Ray and her two best friends, Jordan Black and Sean Jackson. Had Isabelle forgiven her father?

  “No Isis. I have not forgiven Daddy but because I know how much you love him, I don't wish any ill will on him.”

  Isabelle sighed. “No matter what my relationship is with him, I believe he loves you. It was evident when he called to ask for our help, especially Ray's help.”

  Isabelle's husband had no love lost for Milton Martin but he had all the love in the world for one Isabelle Parker and there was nothing he wouldn't do to make her happy, and to keep her and her sister safe.

  “Daddy was smart not to come himself. That man would have just killed both of us,” Isis stated.

  Isabelle frowned. “So instead Daddy called and asked my husband to rescue you, probably with the hopes of him getting killed.”

Isis gasped. “Don't say that Isabelle.”

  “It's true Isis. Daddy doesn't care about anyone but himself and getting what he wants,” Isabelle told her.

Isis lowered her head. “Agent Graham says I'm naive and blind to Daddy's actions.”

  “Agent Graham is a very intelligent man. He's also very handsome,” Isabelle said quietly.

  Isis met her sister's matching eyes. “He saved me. I can't believe how brave he was. He shielded me with his body from that gunman who could've started shooting at any time.”

Isabelle studied her sister. “That's his job Isis. He is with the FBI.”

  Isis shrugged. “I know. It's just...I never knew what his job entailed or how well he did it. He was so calm and in control the entire time.”

Isabelle smiled. “I see that Agent Graham has gotten your full attention.”

Isis blushed. “I'm just saying he's very good at his job Isabelle, that's all.”

  There was a brief knock at the door as Ray entered the room holding Isabelle's phone. He walked over and kissed her lightly.

  “Your father has been calling Belle. He's probably trying to reach Isis,” Ray relayed.

  Isabelle smiled up at her husband, the Sun God, who was raised in the Khemetic beliefs. “Thank you. We'll call him now.”

  Ray nodded and placed a hand on her slightly extended stomach. “Don't let him upset you,” he warned as his bright brown eyes hardened.

She placed a hand over his. “I won't.” Ray kissed her again before glancing over at Isis.

  “How are you?” he asked.

Isis smiled slightly. “I’m much better now, thank you Ray for sending Agent Graham.”

  “You're family Isis. We'd never let anything happen to you.”

  Isis watched as her sister beamed at the man who had made her not only his wife, but also his entire life. She marveled at how a man like Ray Parker had gone from a dangerous player to a devoted husband and soon to be father.

  “Thank you Ray,” Isis said graciously.

  Ray looked at the two women who looked so much alike now that his wife had started growing her hair longer. When he'd met Isabelle she'd worn her hair in a stylish professional short cut, but now with the pregnancy she was allowing it to grow longer and now it curled around her ears. To Ray she was beautiful either way, but the fact that she was letting her hair grow told him that she felt safe and trusted he would never let anything happen to her ever again.

  Ray kissed his wife again before he left the two women alone again. Both watched him leave before Isis turned to her sister.

  “I'm so happy for you Isabelle. Ray loves you so much.”

  Isabelle smiled broadly. “And I love him because he is the most intelligent and desirable man I've even known. He is everything I've ever wanted and I was going to have him no matter what.”

Isis leaned forward. “How did you make him fall in love with you?”

Isabelle smiled slyly. “I made a list.”

She looked confused. “A list? What kind of list?”

  Isabelle laughed softly. “When the time is right, I'll tell you.” She dialed a number and handed Isis her phone. “For now, you should probably call Daddy since he's obviously concerned about you.”

  Isis took the phone and watched as Isabelle got to her feet before leaving the room. She wondered what kind of list her sister had made that could make a man like Ray Parker fall in love with you. As her Daddy came on the line, her thoughts were still trying to figure out more than a few things.


  Marc entered the hospital dressed in his full agent attire including the dark sunglasses. He stepped into the room containing two agents and the man who'd held Isis hostage. Marc looked him over sitting on the edge of the bed in a hospital gown. The wound had not been that severe and the doctors had been able to patch him up quickly.

  “Are you ready to talk now?” he asked.

  The man smirked. “I'm not talking to you. You'd better get it while you can from Milton Martin's daughter because she won't be around for long. I'm not the only one who wants his ass.”

Marc stepped closer. “What the hell did you just say?”

  “You heard me.”

  Marc stepped back and glanced at the other agents in the room. “Give me a minute,” he instructed and they both quickly obliged leaving Marc alone with the gunman. Before the gunman could blink, Marc had drawn his gun swiftly then grabbed him by the hospital gown and pointed his weapon directly into his face. The gunman howled in pain from the sudden jerking and his eyes widened.

  “Now you listen to me you stupid piece of shit! I don't give a fuck about vendettas against Milton Martin but if anyone thinks they're going to use his daughter to get to him, they will regret it. Now whoever wants Milton, they can have his ass but tell them to stay away from Isis Martin,” Marc warned.

  The gunman stared up into dark glasses. “You can kill me, but you'll have to keep killing because we won't stop until we get to him.”

  Marc released him and took a step back. “Killing is part of my job but if you keep coming after Isis Martin, I can take killing to a level you've never imagined.”

  “Don't fuck with me.” Marc turned and walked out of the room and down the hall. He pulled out his phone and dialed Ray Parker.

  “We have a problem,” he barked then disconnected the call.


  “Hello Daddy,” Isis said into the phone.

  “Baby girl are you okay?” Milton asked frantically.

  “Yes, I'm alright. Agent Graham came and rescued me.”

Milton huffed. “Well that's his damn job!”

Isis glanced out of the window. “Why do they want to hurt you Daddy?” she asked.

  “Isis, when you're rich and powerful people want to bring you down, don't worry about this baby. I'll get you a new apartment and everything will be fine.”

  “He said you murdered someone. Why would he say that?” she questioned.

  “He's a lunatic with a gun. You can't pay any attention to what he was saying,” her father told her.

Isis sighed. “I'm scared Daddy, scared for you and for me.”

  “It's fine baby girl. I'll hire some security to keep you safe,” he promised.

  “What have you done? Please tell me,” she implored.

  “Whatever I've done, I never want it to touch you Isis. You are my baby girl, you know that.”

Isis shook her head. “Agent Graham is still investigating you Daddy.”

  “That young buck is going to learn his lesson,” Milton vowed.

  “I can tell you from experience that he's very good at his job,” Isis told him. “And he's not going to give up.”

  “I will handle him. I want you to get some rest and put this whole thing behind you while I set everything up for your new apartment and security.”

  To be honest, Isis was tired and she knew her father was avoiding her questions. She'd wait until she could see him in person to continue her questioning.

  “I'll see you soon Daddy.”

  “For now stay with your sister. Her husband is a killer so you should be safe,” he told her.

  “Daddy, Ray is not a killer. He runs a security company,” Isis corrected him.

Milton gave a short laugh. His daughter was truly naive. “Okay baby girl. I'll talk to you soon.”

  “Be safe Daddy,” Isis said softly.

  “I will.”

  Isis disconnected the call and stared at the phone. Her Daddy must believe she was a complete idiot not to know he was hiding something. She had to find out what it was so that she could protect him. Agent Graham was clearly not one to mess with and she couldn't let him send her father to prison.

  Outside of her sister Isabelle, her Daddy was the only family that she had. She wouldn't lose him too. Losing her mother had been devastating enough. Isis had been a teenager when Iris Martin had passed away. Her mother's death had driven her even closer to her only surviving parent. Isis knew her father wasn't perfect, but she couldn't imagine him doing something that would send him to jail.

  Agent Graham was doing his job, but he was barking up the wrong tree with her father. Maybe if she just talked to him, she could get him to see that. Her father was clearly in danger and she needed Agent Graham to find out who was trying to hurt him, instead of trying to put him behind bars.

  She also needed to find out why Agent Graham was able to make her feel things she'd never felt before. Why this man that she could not stand, could make her lose both her thoughts and her breath with just one touch? What she really needed to do was take her father's advice and stay as far away from Agent Graham as possible because the last thing she needed to do was develop feelings for a man determined to ruin her entire life.


  Ray Parker climbed into bed next to his wife who welcomed him. He kissed her passionately as he enfolded her within his arms. Isabelle ran her hands over the muscled biceps that she had admired from afar before she'd made him belong to her.

She pulled back and stared at him. “Thank you for saving my sister.”

  “She's now my sister too,” he reminded her. “How is she?”

Isabelle sighed. “She's gone through a very traumatic event. I know she's afraid.”

  “She can stay here for as long as she wants,” Ray told her.

She smiled at him. “Thank you.”

  “You never have to thank me Belle for taking care of you or your sister. I will always do that.”

  She kissed him again before he stopped and looked at her again. She could tell by the look in his eyes that something had happened.

  “What is it?” she asked cautiously.  

  Ray stroked her side gently. “Marc says that Isis is still in danger. They want her to get to your father.”

Isabelle's mouth fell open and she put a delicate hand to it.

  He continued, “I don't want you upset. I'll put twenty-four hour security on her and you know my men are the best.”

  Isabelle thought about her younger sister. The thought of someone trying to hurt her to get to their father was unfathomable.

  “Does he know who it is?” Isabelle asked.

Ray shook his head. “Not yet, but he will. I'm also putting Trent on it.”

  “I need for her to be safe Ray,” she told him and he pulled her back into his arms.

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