Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1)
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  Callie leaned back and closed her eyes. It was good to have her baby back home, even if for just a little while. She'd missed him the last two months, but he had been true to his word and called her everyday. She smiled as she thought about him in the shower. Maybe she would join him after all.

  Callie stood from the sofa as Trent's phone began to ring on the table. She glanced down and saw the name Elle before picking it up.

  “Hello?” she asked raising a brow.

  “Hi! Is Trent available?” the perky voice asked.

Callie paused. “Who's calling?”


She took a deep breath. “What do you want with Trent, Elle?” Callie asked slowly.

  “Oh, I'm with him on the project in Africa. I missed him and was just calling to see how the wedding went?”

  Callie reared back. “Look Elle, I don't know what the hell you think you're doing, but you don't want this.”

  “Want what?” Elle asked confused.

  “Want me to whip your ass! That's what!” Callie yelled.

  “Ummm...tell Trent I'll just see him when he gets back tomorrow.” She quickly disconnected the call and Callie threw the phone on the sofa before heading to the bathroom. She yanked back the curtain and Trent turned to her.

  “Who the fuck is Elle?” she demanded.

  “What?” Trent asked confused.

Callie shook her head. “Trent I swear, I'm about to kick your ass!”

Trent shut the water with soap still on his body. “Wait, what? What the hell is going on?”

  Stepping out of the shower he grabbed a towel and followed a livid Callie out to the living room where she was grabbing her bag.

  “Callie, what is going on?” he demanded as she began to walk past him. He stopped her and held her rigid body.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “Who is Elle?”

Trent frowned. “She's on the project with me.”

  “Why is she calling you talking about she misses you and asking if you had a good time at the wedding?” Callie asked turning her head.

  “What? I don't know.” Trent shrugged. “Everyone knew I was coming for a wedding, that wasn't a secret, but she doesn't have any reason to be calling me.”

Callie nodded. “One question, you been with her?”

  “What? No! Why would you say something like that?”

  “Because she was too damn comfortable calling you Trent and she knows all your damn business!”

  “I haven't been with her Callie. I haven't been with anybody!”

  Callie felt something wasn't right and her instincts rarely let her down. “Have you touched her?” she asked.


She watched his face. “You kissed her?” Trent flinched and Callie caught it.

  “You bastard!” Callie screamed. “You asked me to wait two years for your ass, and you go and kiss another girl in two damn months!”

  “I didn't kiss her Callie. She kissed me!”

Callie threw her hand up. “Shut the hell up Trent! I don't want to hear that!”

  “She did! I wouldn't kiss her.”

  Callie put her hand on her hip. “So tell me Trent, how the hell did your lips get close enough to hers for her ass to kiss you? Huh? Tell...me...that!”

  Trent lowered his head and blew out a breath. “We had all gone out as a group one night, Elle got drunk and she was stumbling around. I went to help her and she kissed me. It was like two seconds.”

Callie nodded. “Two seconds too got damn long.”

Trent reached for her. “Callie, I don't want Elle.”

  “Clearly, Elle wants you Trent,” Callie pointed out.

He looked down into her angry face. “It was nothing Callie.”

  “So what's next Trent? Elle accidentally has sex with you and it means nothing?” she asked tilting her head.

  Trent lowered his head and stepped away. “I'm not having sex with Elle, Callie. I told you it was nothing.”

  “What if you came back and I told you that Kyle had
kissed me. How would you like that Trent?” she demanded.

  “I wouldn't.” Trent eyes narrowed before he turned and walked into his bedroom leaving Callie standing in the same spot.

  Callie grabbed his phone and memorized Elle's number. She went in her bag and grabbed her phone, programming the number in her contacts.

  When Trent returned, she was sitting on the sofa. “So what's up?” he asked standing in shorts and T-shirt.

  “You tell me baby, what's up?” she asked swinging her leg with her arms folded.

  “What's up is that I have one more day here with you and I don't want to fight with you over some girl who means nothing,” he told her.

  “How long have you known that she wanted you?” Callie asked.

  He shrugged. “I don't know. I mean she would, like try to flirt with me in class but I just brushed that off.”

  “Do you think she's attractive?”

Trent frowned. “Uh, let's just say I like cocoa...not milk.”

Callie raised a brow. “Oh really? That's what up, huh?”

  He nodded. “Yeah.” Trent took a seat next to her. “Besides, mean ass girls from LA are beautiful and sexy to me.”

  “I was about to beat the hell out of you,” Callie told him.

  Trent smiled. “Callie you know you can't beat me up, and you can't beat me in basketball either, even though you still cheat like hell.”

  “I will beat the hell out of Elle though,” she told him.

  “Yeah, you probably would.” He looked at her. “But you have no reason to.”

Callie stared at him. “She did that on purpose Trent. She's trouble, I can feel it.”

  “I gave her a pass because she was drunk,” he explained. “She hasn't tried that again.”

  “Does she call you like that all the time?”

  “No, but we all have one another's numbers. Everyone on the project is encouraged to stay in contact with one another since we're in a foreign country. I don't know why she called like that, but I'll check her about it when I get back.”

He laid back against the couch and closed his eyes. “I see you really need to be tightened up.”

  “Boy, you gone make me kill somebody,” Callie told him.

  “You should take that dress off.” He didn't move.

Callie looked over at him. “You think so?”

  “Yeah, cause in like ten seconds I'm about to be all over that ass.”

She laughed. “What?”

  “Six, five, four...” he whispered.


He sighed. “Three, two...”

  In a flash, he was off the sofa picking her up and striding toward the bedroom. Inside he dumped her on the bed before covering her body with his. Trent began kissing her and she responded immediately.

  He smiled down at her. “You are my Nubian queen, Callie. I love your dark eyes and brown skin. I love your wide nose and full lips. I love your round hips and that sexy ass. I love your strength and your power. I love your thickness in all the right places and I love what it feels like when you love me.”

Callie looked into his sexy eyes. “Damn boy...take this dress off.”


  “Oh my god Babe, look at her!”

  Marc looked at the beautiful honey-toned baby girl with bright brown eyes and smiled. “She looks like you Princess. She's beautiful.”

Isis smiled. “She's so beautiful. I can't wait to see her in person.”

  “She's going to fall in love with her Aunt Isis,” Marc told her.

  “I wish we would have been there. I told Isabelle to wait until we were back from our honeymoon,” Isis said pouting while staring at the screen on her phone.

Marc laughed. “I don't think she had any control over that.”

  “Well they video taped the birth. You want to watch it?” Isis asked.

He frowned. “No.”

Isis looked at him. “It might be good practice.”


She smiled and sat the phone down. “Okay babe, for now we'll just practice making one.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” he agreed taking her hand.

  “Isabelle said that the birth was very easy for her. She said that Skye practically delivered herself and Ray was like a doctor,” Isis explained. “I hope it's that easy for me when it's our time.”

  “Skye Parker? So you have the Sun God, his Moon and his Skye.”

Isis laughed. “Yes, they're very cosmic.”

  Marc pulled her closer. “So we have Iron Man, his Mighty Isis and what will be the name our baby one day?”

  “Hmmm...I think our son should be named something dramatic,” Isis said leaning into him.


She nodded. “Something that says strong, intelligent and fearless...”

  “Okay...” He waited.

She looked at him. “Something like, Marcus Graham II.”

Marc paused then looked at her. “You are the sweetest woman alive.”

  “Nope, I just love you.”

He pulled her into his arms kissing her softly. “And I love you Princess.”

  After a minute, Isis turned in his arms and looked out over the water from the deck of their villa. “I can't believe Isabelle is a mommy. She's going to be so perfect.”

  “I can't believe Ray is a father. No one will ever try to date his daughter,” Marc chimed in. “At least they shouldn't try.”

Isis laughed. “With her father's bright brown eyes too? She's going to be a beauty.”

  “Her mother and aunts are beauties so I don't see why not,” Marc added.

  “Yeah, Sage is exotically beautiful. I'm sure she knocked Jordan right off his feet,” Isis told him.

Marc kissed her ear. “Well, you knocked me off of mine.”

  They sat quietly for a while enjoying the presence of one another and the soothing sounds of the water.

  “My family wants us to start coming for Sunday dinner,” he informed her.

She smiled. “I'd like that.” Isis turned to look at him. “Would you?”

  “We can try it,” he answered quietly.

Isis settled back in her seat against him. “So when's our next mission?” she asked.

  “I'm working on that.”

  “Are we still going after Dr. Smith?” Isis asked.

Marc paused. “Yes, but I have to tell you something.”

Hearing his tone, she turned to him again. “What is it?”

  “We have reason to believe that Dr. Smith might have had something to do with your father's death.” He paused at her gasp.

  “There is no proof or evidence so it could just all be coincidence, but I'm going to find out the truth,” he finished.

  “Dr. Smith might have murdered my Daddy?” Isis asked in disbelief. “Oh my god!”

  She laid against Marc's chest and he stroked her back. “We don't know for sure Isis. It's just speculation at this point.”

Isis looked up at him. “Why?”

  “That's what the Diamonds will find out,” Marc promised as he turned to stare out at the blue hued waters.

  Unbeknownst to Marc, those same waters that he stared at contained a yacht en route to an unknown destination. On the deck sat the two passengers surrounded by crew members dressed in black.

  “They're not going to stop until they find you,” the man with dark eyes said before looking over at his companion.

Dr. Smith smiled behind her sunglasses. “They have a hard task ahead of them.”

He laughed. “Do you think they've figured it out yet?”

  “No, not yet, but 'm sure one day they will, they're too smart not to.” She reached for her drink. “They've already connected me to the services company. They've been checking into it.”

  “I can't believe we had traitors in our employ. It's so hard to find good help these days,” she finished.

  He nodded. “First the guy we had hold Isis hostage was on his own agenda and then the double crosser who was at the Graham estate.”

Camille shook her head. “Where is the loyalty from people?”

  “Well they're both being taken care of and won't be doing any more talking,” he assured her. “And our work is done for now. Milton is dead, Trent is back with the family, Jordan is married with a beautiful daughter and an heir to the Black name.”

  “We still have one more though...we need to bring her home,” he looked over at Camille.

She nodded. “Chloe...”

  “She's a Black through and through. She's going to be tough,” he commented as he took her hand.

Camille smiled. “We'll get her. She needs more time though.”

  “I agree. I hope Carolyn will be able to handle it.” He turned to stare at the calm waters. “Because If Joanna thought Jordan was a handful, wait until Carolyn meets Chloe...”


  In a room situated on the top of a building, she sat staring out the window. She knew who she was now but she still didn't know who was keeping her here. Her memory was returning, albeit very slowly and puzzling. Each day she tried to put the bits and pieces together.

  She knew she was Joanna, and she had a son named Jordan. Her husband was Justin Black and they lived in Los Angeles. Her only thought now was that she had to get back home to them, as she was sure they were missing her. Jordan had to be at least seven years old now. Where did he think his mother was?

  Joanna had also been trying to piece together the memories of another woman who looked like her. This woman represented danger in all of her recollections. She had to find out who she was and why she was trying to hurt her family.

  Joanna didn't panic because she knew her husband. Justin Black was a powerful man and if she'd been kidnapped, he would surely find her or he would destroy everyone and everything in his path. She also knew he would take care of their only son, he always had.

The door opened and the server dressed in black brought in her food.

The server smiled. “How are you today?”

  “I want to leave here,” Joanna told her. “I want to go home to my family. I have a son.”

  After setting the tray on a nearby table, the server turned to her. “Your son is the reason you're here.”


  Trent sat at the outdoor cafe located in the village back in Africa. He picked up his phone and dialed his best friend and confidante.

  “What's up Trent?”

Trent let out a breath. “Nothing, just waiting for her to get here.”

Kent looked at his friend and brother. “Dude, how did you let this happen?”

  “I was just trying to be nice to her, but now she's taken it overboard.”

  “See, that's why I'm never nice 'cause these women will try to put a case on you. You gotta let these chicks know,” Kent told him.

  “I called because I need some support dude, not a lecture on how Kent handles his females,” Trent told him.

Kent laughed. “I'm just saying, you gone let this chick mess up you and Callie?”

  “Hell nah, ain't nothing messing up me and Callie.” Trent vowed. “That's why I'm putting Elle's ass in check today before Callie puts a bullet in both of us.”

Kent made a face. “Ooooh...I know Callie was mad as hell when old girl called on your phone.”

  “Dude, mad doesn't even come close.” Trent told him.

  “Yeah, I know Callie. Good thing she couldn't get to her,” Kent commented.

Trent nodded. “Definitely a homicide situation.”

  “Well handle your business dude. Get that chick off your team,” Kent told him.

  Trent frowned. “She was never on the team. Callie is the team, the owner, the coach, the cheerleaders and the bench.”

Kent laughed loudly. “I swear that girl whipped your ass so hard.”

  “Bye Kent. I'll let you know how things went down.”

  “Yeah, let me know.” He smiled. “And Trent?”

  “What's up?”

  “Stay black Bruh!” He said laughing. “We need you to stay on the team.”

Trent frowned again. “Shut the hell up Kent.”

  He ended the call and waited for Elle to show up. He'd asked to meet with her at the outdoor venue to have a public conversation. Somehow, Elle had gotten into her mind that Trent was available to her and he needed to end that nonsense right now.

  “Hi Trent!”

Trent watched as she took the seat across from him. “Hey Elle.”

She smiled at him. “You wanted to meet with me?”

  “Elle, look I don't know what's up with you but calling my phone and talking to my girlfriend, that's not going to happen...ever again,” Trent began.

Elle looked shocked. “What? I was just checking in on you.”

  He shook his head. “No, you have no reason to check in on me. I'm not your man and I don't want to be. We work on a project together, period.”

Her face fell. “Why are you being so mean Trent?”

  “I want you to understand. We're going to be here a long time and I'm not going to have any drama while I'm here. I'm here for a purpose and that's to do the best I can on this project so that I can go back home and marry the girl I love.”

  “See somehow you've got it twisted,” he finished.

She pouted. “You kissed me Trent and you took me back to my apartment.”

  Trent gave her a look before he leaned forward. “First of all, I didn't kiss you. You were falling down drunk and all over me. Secondly, I took your drunk ass back to your apartment to make sure you got home safe and not gang raped on the side of some damn road!”

  Her eyes widened. “Did you tell your girlfriend we kissed and that you were in my apartment?” she demanded.

Trent shook his head. “You are so far out your lane right now, I don't even know what to say.”

  Elle reached for his hand. “Look, she doesn't have to know. What we do over here...I won't say anything.”

  He pulled his hand back. “Elle damn! Can you get the message?” he asked completely frustrated.

  “Nah baby, maybe she needs to hear it from me.”

Both Trent and Elle turned to the voice.

  “Callie?” Trent looked confused as she placed both hands on the table.

  “I'm putting my hands on this table so you can see them. If I move them, that means...I'm about to kill your ass,” Callie explained to Elle.

Trent and Elle listened quietly in shock as Callie continued.

  “Now this is how it's going down. You gone get your scheming ass up from this table and go do whatever it is that you do.” She paused and took a slow restraining breath. “See he told you to fall the hell back but you still sitting here begging for him to smash you.”

  Callie pinned her with a hard stare. “Now for that alone, I should beat your ass all over this cafe.” She looked around the area.

  Elle glanced at Trent to see if he would somehow intervene. When he just looked at her, she gave her attention back to Callie.

  “But this project is important to Trent and I would never to anything to jeopardize his position here, because it's rare for a young black man to have this type of opportunity and I'm not going to make him lose it over some thirsty little hoe.”

  “Now, I'm about to move my hands so you got about ten seconds to get your ass up.”

  With one last glance at Trent, Elle grabbed her bag and rushed from the table. Callie turned to Trent and smiled.

  “Hey baby.” She took the seat that Elle had quickly vacated.

Trent looked at her stunned. “What are you doing here Callie?”

  “Looks like I was about to whip some flat ass.” She looked in the direction that Elle had taken off.

He continued to look at her. “How did you get here?”

She smiled at him. “Ray sent me.”

  “Ray?” Trent asked.

  Callie nodded happily. “He sent me to work with his Aunt Ruby and Uncle John at their community center here in Senegal. I'll be doing security for the kids along with more Uncut Diamond training and working on my social work degree.”

Trent smiled. “For how long?”

  “Two years,” she answered. “Ray said that he had his own kid now and we weren't going to drive him crazy with our drama.”

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