Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1)
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He tilted his head. “What?”

  Isis let out a breath. “Our families have already booked the venue, selected the invitations, prepared the guest list and picked the food.”

  “We're getting married in two months. Surprise!” she said putting her hands in the air.

Marc frowned. “But nobody knew I was proposing.”

  “I think they just took it as a given,” she told him.

  “So you just knew I was going to ask you to marry me?” He frowned some more.

  Isis picked up on his mood. “No babe, I didn't know anything. I tried to tell them, but I couldn't stop them.”

  She looked away. “I mean, of course...I hoped you would.” She studied the comforter. “I want to always be with you.”

Marc lifted her face and kissed her lips. “I clearly need to have a talk with my mother.”

  “Tasha said she booked the venue the day after the birthday party,” Isis told him.

He sighed. “You're okay with all this?”

Isis smiled. “Yes, they included me every step of the way.”

  He shook his head. “I can't believe all of you. What would have happened if I didn't propose before the date?”

Isis shrugged. “I don't know, but they said they had a Plan B.”

Marc shook his head again. “Wow...I'm afraid to find out what that was.”

  “I wasn't going to pressure you,” Isis told him linking her arms around his neck. “And if you want to change the date, I'm fine with that.”

  He placed his hands on her waist. “Since everything is in place, I see no need to change anything.” Pulling her closer he said, “As long as you have what you want, I can work with that.”

Isis kissed him slowly sucking his luscious lips. “I have what I want...right here.”

  “Two months, huh?” he asked.

  She nodded. “And your mother thinks we should start working on grand babies as soon as possible.”

  “See, she's out of control.”

Isis laughed. “I think I'd like some more making love on the dining table before we get to that.”

  Marc picked her up from the bed. “Yeah, I can work with that,” he said carrying her to the dining room.


Chapter 25

  Two months later, the day of Marc's wedding to Isis dawned bright and clear. As she sat staring in the mirror, she thought of the man with the beautiful platinum eyes and she smile broadly.

  “I know what that smile means,” Isabelle said watching her sister.

  “It means I'm so happy,” Isis told her.

Isabelle hugged her sister over her large baby belly. “I'm so happy for you.”

Isis touched her sister's stomach. “And I'm so happy for you.”

  “This is your day Isis, enjoy it.”

Isis sobered. “I always thought Daddy would be walking me down the aisle on this day.”

  “I know he would have wanted to.” Isabelle told her.

  “He wouldn't have been happy with me marrying Marcus,” Isis said quietly.

  Isabelle lifted her sister's face. “But you're happy and that's all that matters. You're marrying a man that loves you and will always take care of you. If Daddy wouldn't be happy with that then he didn't care about you at all.”

  “Don't let Daddy spoil your day. He's done enough,” Isabelle finished.

Isis smiled. “I won't. I'm too happy to let anything spoil today.”

  There was a knock on the door and both women turned to see who entered. Gregory Graham poked his handsome head through the door and smiled at them.

  “Hello ladies,” he greeted smoothly.

  Isis and Isabelle returned the greeting before he asked to speak with Isis. Isabelle smiled and kissed her sister's cheek.

  “I'll see you out there.”

  “Okay,” Isis answered while standing to give her a quick hug.

  Gregory and Isis watched Isabelle depart before he turned to her and looked her over. “My, my...you look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Isis gave him a hug. “And thank you for walking me down the aisle today.”

  “It's my pleasure and an honor.” He took her hand. “Not only have you made Marcus the happiest man in the world, you've brought our son back to us.”

  “You opened something in him that closed a long time ago and we are so grateful to you,” he told her.

  “I'm happy that Marcus has gotten closer to all of you. Your family has been so good to me.”

  Gregory smiled. “That's because you've made us a family again.” He patted her hand and watched her for a moment.

  “I want you to know that you are my daughter and if you need anything, I am here for you just like a father.”

  Isis gave him a soft smile. “Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me, especially today.”

  Gregory nodded. “Well I'll let you finish and I'll be waiting for you outside.” He gave Isis another hug and she embraced him before he exited the room leaving her alone.

  Isis took a deep breath then walked over to the large mirror and took in her reflection. She placed a hand on her stomach to quell the butterflies inside and looked away. Her mind replayed her entire relationship with Marcus beginning with meeting him at her father's office to dancing with him at Trent's birthday party and then Isabelle's wedding party. He'd rescued her, made love to her, comforted her and shielded her. He was everything she ever wanted and never knew.

  She could admit now that she'd fallen for Marcus Graham the first time she'd seen him and each time they had encountered one another, her feelings had increased. When she'd finally gotten to know the man behind the glasses, she'd been a goner for sure.

  When she looked back into the mirror, platinum eyes caught hers and she gasped as Marc hugged her from behind then whispered in her ear, “It's okay Princess, it's just me.”

Isis leaned back into him. “I didn't hear you come in.”

  “You were deep in thought.”

She nodded. “I was.”

  “I know this day probably feels bittersweet for you with your father not being here and your sister waiting to be sentenced.”

Isis closed her eyes.

  “But we've taken care of everything that your father left behind. You're no longer under investigation and we're free to move on with our lives.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “I want this to be the best day of your life, until we spend the next best day of your life together,” he told her softly.

  She smiled and opened her eyes meeting his in the mirror. “This is the best day of my life. It's just as I imagined it.”

  “You imagined marrying me?” he asked skeptically.

Isis nodded. “I imagined marrying my hero and that's what you are.”

  Marc caressed her waist and slowly moved upward. “I better get out of here before I get us both in trouble,” he said kissing her exposed neck.

  “We have tonight,” she said smiling.

He nodded. “Yeah, you can gain that Pro Status.”

She laughed. “Get out! I'll see you in a little while.”

Marc turned her to him and looked down at her. “I won't kiss you, because I won't stop.”

Isis nodded. “Okay.”

He continued to stare down at her. “You're so beautiful Isis.”

  “I think you're going to kiss me.”

  “Yeah, I am.”

She touched his face. “Just once, then you have to go.”

  “I'd better make it count then.”

He lowered his head and their tongues began their dance.

  Outside, the hundreds of guests were being seated at the elaborate setting on the water. The Graham/Martin wedding was the wedding of the year and everyone who was anyone, was in attendance.

  Isabelle and Alice Graham looked around for Marcus, noticing that he was not standing at his station to wait for his bride. They waited five more minutes before turning to each other.

  “We should be starting,” Isabelle told her.

Alice sighed. “I'll get him.” She turned and walked away as Ray joined Isabelle's side.

He smiled down at his wife. “Marc is MIA huh?”

  “We know where he is,” Isabelle answered.

Ray laughed. “Can't blame him, the Martin women are irresistible.” He kissed his wife.

  “We're the Parker and Graham women now,” she told him.

He smiled at her and rubbed her belly. “This little Parker will be irresistible too.”

  “We should take our places as the Matron and Best Man,” Isabelle said taking his hand. “Alice should be back shortly with Marc.”

  Together they walked to their assigned places to await the groom. When Marc finally arrived five minutes later, Ray turned to him.

  “Really Bruh?” he asked lifted a brow.

Marc shrugged. “She's beautiful.”

Ray shook his head and watched as the ceremony began.

  The bridesmaids and groomsmen included Trent and Callie, a few of Isis' acting and college friends, along with some of agents who worked with Marc and of course, Tasha and Jeremiah. Altogether there were eight couples who strolled down the aisle before the main event.

  When it was time for the bride to appear all the guests stood, anxious to see the beauty and they were not disappointed when Isis appeared. Her dress was pure white and made of lace. The sweetheart neckline cradled her soft bosom before the rest of the dress hugged her hourglass figure.

  Marc ran a hand down his face as she approached with his father. The smile on her face touched his heart and he lost his breath for a moment. She reached the front, and his father handed her over to him. Marc felt the slight tremor in her hand and he took it in his.

  Isis looked up at Marc as he took her hand. She felt him give a little squeeze and returned the gesture. Together they moved to the spot in front of the official who began the process of making them man and wife.

  The ceremony continued as the sun began to set in the distance. When the official announced that Marc and Isis had decided to act out their vows, Jordan turned to his wife Sage and frowned.

  “Be nice Jordan,” she whispered while holding their son.

  He rolled his eyes and focused back on the couple at the front as they began their scene. Isis turned her back to Marc and dramatically lowered her head while he did the same.

  “I shouldn't fall for him. He's not the one. He's arrogant and rude. I don't even really like him.” She folded her arms.

  Marc began with his back to her and arms folded. “I won't let her get to me. She's spoiled and naive. She's not my type at all.”

  Isis lifted her head. “But... he's also very handsome and very brave. He makes me feels safe and shielded from harm.”

  Marc lifted his head. “But... she's beautiful and strong. She's smart and funny. She makes me feel...happy.”

Isis turned to Marc's back. “Maybe...”

Marc turned to face her. “Maybe...”

  They joined hands and recited in unison while staring into each other's eyes. “Maybe our differences make us perfect for one another. Maybe our weaknesses make us strong together. Maybe our love could last forever... if we tried.”

Marc pulled her closer, “Maybe I'll take her...” he whispered looking down into her face.

Isis looked up at him. “Maybe I'll let him...”

He kissed her cheek softly. “I think I love her.”

  “I know I've fallen.” She touched his face.

  “I want to spend the rest of my life with you...” they finished together before Marc kissed her lips softly.

  The entire crowd stood and clapped for the beautiful and talented couple. The official continued and rings were exchanged before he pronounced them husband and wife. Marc kissed his wife before lifting her off her feet into his arms. He carried her down the aisle and everyone could see the bright red bottoms of their shoes as they strode away.

Isis was laughing as Marc carried her inside the building. He sat on a sofa with her on his lap.

  “You're mine now Princess,” he told her.

  “Mmmm...I was always yours Marcus,” she said kissing him.

He returned her kiss. “Jamaica, here we come.”

  “Yeah, Mon!” Isis said in a Jamaican accent.

Marc laughed. “I love you so much sweetheart. I never knew I could love someone this way.”

  “I know. I never thought so either.”

He looked at her. “Are you happy Isis?”

She smiled her brightest smile. “Yes babe, I'm so happy.”

  “Me too.” He stood to his feet. “Let's get this reception done so I can take you...”


  The reception was filled with food and music. The bride and groom danced the night away in each other's arms much to the delight of Isabelle and Alice, who stood watching the pair.

  “Mission accomplished huh?” Ray asked the two beaming women.

Isabelle smiled at him. “I handled that.”

Ray laughed and hugged her. “Yes, you did goddess. You handled that.”

  “Well I've got two more to marry off. Marc was going to be the challenge so I've gotten a lot of practice in with him,” Alice told them.

  “You two are dangerous,” Ray told them.

  The women laughed and Alice excused herself to find her husband before Ray looked down at his wife.

  “I think we should be taking off. It's been a long day for you Belle.”

Isabelle agreed. “Yes, okay. I know that Sage and Lily left awhile ago with the babies.”

  “Are you feeling okay?” Ray asked.

She laughed. “I'm not about to have this baby Ray, so relax.”

Ray frowned. “You ladies like to cause pandemonium at any and all events.”

  “The ladies?” Isabelle shook her head. “I think it's those Black Diamonds that cause the pandemonium.”

  “Well, we're going home where you can cause all the pandemonium you'd like.”

  Isabelle watched the happiness on her sister's face as she gazed up at Marc. “I'm ready. My job is done here.”

Ray and Isabelle passed Trent and Callie as they headed for the exit.

  “Hey Ray, you guys leaving?” Trent asked.

Ray nodded. “Yeah, glad you could make it back for the wedding.”

Trent looked down at Callie. “Yeah, me too.”

  “How are things over there?” Ray asked.

  “Good. We've started the initial process,” Trent told him.

  “Okay, you know if you need anything,” Ray said lifting a brow.

Trent smiled. “I'm cool. Thanks.”

Ray escorted his wife out the door and Trent turned to Callie. “Ready to go sexy girl?”

  She smiled at him. “Yes, I don't want to spend all my time with you at somebody else's wedding.”

  “Pretty soon it will be our wedding.” He winked at her.

  The pair left the facility hand in hand. They drove to Trent's apartment and he went to shower while Callie kicked off her shoes and plopped on the sofa. She was tired and told him she'd join him later. Trent had come home for a few days, since he and Callie were both asked to be a part of Isis and Marc's wedding after both Trent and Callie had apologized to Marc for pulling a gun on him. Trent was scheduled to leave tomorrow to go back to Africa.

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