Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations (5 page)

BOOK: Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations
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God allowed me to see a curious sight. There was a baby boy walking around. He looked like he was about four or five months old at his death. He had full, intelligent thinking capacity and was able to talk. He was very small—a little over a foot tall, but he was able to walk. I also saw an elderly couple who had been married on earth. They were Christians who were now happy residents of the city. The baby boy walked up to the older woman and jumped up into her arms. She and her companion cuddled and loved the baby. The child patiently and eagerly received the love of the couple. When they were finished cuddling the baby, he jumped down out of the granny’s arms. The little boy went on his way praising God. I had never seen or heard of anything like it on earth. It was an amazing spectacle! The Lord’s Words in the Bible rang in my ears,
“Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”
(Matt. 19:14). It was comforting to see how much love the little ones receive in the Kingdom where there is no death, no sickness, and no sadness.


I went to another section of the city. It was full of people. There was some sort of block party going on. People were dancing and singing in the streets. All of the merriment was focused on God. People would turn toward the direction of God’s throne and sing and shout praises to Him. Every bit of rejoicing was directed toward the Lord. There was happiness everywhere. Hurt feelings and sin were nowhere to be found. I noticed the people were in colorful clothing. Heaven was full of color and diversity including the people and their clothing. They wore beautiful, sparkling clothes, as well as dazzling, white robes. They were not dancing the same dances you may see on earth. They were twirling, jumping, and praising God. All of the activities were expressions of praise. The people were excited and so grateful to be there.

Being in Heaven taught me many things about praise. The methods of praising God were expressed in infinite varieties throughout the Kingdom. The city became very quiet when someone was offering a song or poem to the Lord. After the individual finished with the praise, the whole city erupted with excitement as people, angels, and beasts joined in to praise God all together. It was like a mass Hallelujah chorus. God received glory from everything around Him. When someone sculpted a great work of art—God received the praise. If someone painted a lovely picture—God received the glory, because the people knew their talents and abilities were originally given to them by God. God was proud of each and every one of them. Any attempt in Heaven to create something wonderful for others to enjoy blessed the heart of God Himself.

The music in Heaven was incredible! What a wonderful way to express praise to the Father. The music had great diversity. Some refrains were lilting. The melodies were intriguing and their magnetic refrains played over and over in my spirit. The words were meaningful. They spoke of honor, covenant, majesty, goodness, mercy, and truth. Although they sang, shouted, and talked with their voices, people often communicated non-verbally, like telepathically. And the language barriers were gone. Every culture and nationality understood each other. When the Father or Jesus communicated with me, sometimes it was through verbal language, and other times it was telepathically. We can hear God and others thinking to one another. There are no secrets in Heaven. We do not hear every thought people are thinking, but we can hear other’s thoughts in our heads if they are close in proximity, as if someone was speaking directly to us.

I could never have imagined such a place. Every detail was precise. It was not just a place of purpose. It was a land of righteousness and beauty. It is a Kingdom based on fulfilled covenants. It is a land of unbroken promises. Christians have told me they think Heaven is a sort of dreamy-like state. It is just the opposite—it is the ultimate reality. Everything was so real!

Christians have told me they
think Heaven is a sort of dreamy-
like state. It is just the opposite—
it is the ultimate reality.

The angels of God continued to escort me throughout the city. As I walked along a glowing golden street, I looked to the left over a small, grassy knoll, and I saw Jesus walking along the street parallel to me. He was with an entourage of several other men. Some of them were angels who appeared like men dressed in white. The angels did not have wings. Some of the group was comprised of people. It was hard to tell who was a person and who was an angel. They looked identical except for their faces. Angelic faces seem to be more round than human faces. The humans’ faces were also distinctive because they denoted a particular age. Angels have an “ageless” quality.


The Bible tells us the Lamb, or Jesus, is the light of the city. The Bible records that,
“… the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb”
(Rev. 21:23). When Jesus first appeared to me, He came in response to my call for help. He came as Jesus the Savior and lover of my soul. Now as I saw Him in Heaven on the golden street, He was engulfed in an orb of glorious white light. His countenance glowed like our sun, only brighter. The light that was emanating from Jesus was the whitest, brightest light that anyone could imagine. His light was like electric splendor. There was no color variation in His glow. It was pure white in color. The light formed a circle approximately four feet in diameter around Him. The light was the glory and anointing of God. When He walked down the street, it was as if the sun fell from the sky and was slowly moving along the ground with Him. Jesus was a self-generating ball of fire. If one were to look directly into the middle of the fireball, he would see the form of a man walking in its center. It would be Jesus. Light shone from every fiber of His being.

Another time while strolling along the street accompanied by the angels, we were walking behind a hill. I saw what I thought was the sun beginning to rise. I soon discovered I was not witnessing the dawn of a new day when Jesus Himself came walking over the hill toward me. Jesus told me something then that He wants me to share with the people of the earth. Jesus wants us to get close to Him. He wants us to feel His glory and anointing. He wants to pull us into the inner circle of His presence. He wants to see our faces bathed in the glorious light of the anointing of God. He wants us to walk with Him inside the orb of fire of His glory.

My heavenly experiences gave me a whole new perspective of the phrases “Kingdom living” and being “a child of the King.” When I stood in the heavenly realm, I realized that this wonderful place had a King. It had royal subjects, and I was one of them. Earth has her kings and Heaven has its King of kings and Lord of lords. There were laws governing the land. They are heavenly laws, which are being taught to its inhabitants by the Holy Spirit. There were seasons and times for various forms of pageantry. Saints are commended for their loyalty to the Lord while they were here on earth.

Words of peace and gratitude were spoken to them by none other than God Himself. God said things like, “Well done. I particularly liked how you handled that situation. When people were hateful to you at work, you baked cookies for them and showed them love. You were faithful to Me, and I appreciated your efforts.” How would you like to be given praise from the King of the Universe for baking cookies? There were degrees of rewards in Heaven. There was a lot of pageantry and ceremony in Heaven. There were ceremonies when deceased Christians got their crowns. They were rewarded according to their service on earth just as a military person received a medal for valor or heroism.

There were crowns on saints’ heads that were soul winner’s crowns. Upon closer examination of a crown, there were many stars on it. They actually looked like thousands of points of light. I stared down through the brightness at all the sparkles. To my amazement, I realized the stars in the crowns were bits of real stars like the stars in the sky. They were unevenly cut as if God pulled them apart and fit them into the crowns with His own fingers. They were small fragments of planetary material, which gave off pure light and energy. The stars were being held in place by some sort of invisible force field. It was a dazzling display when the saints turned to the left and right displaying their crowns, shafts of light shone from each pinpoint of star. I have never seen anything on earth equal to it! The light rays were so bright they would have blinded the natural eye.

There was a great deal of light everywhere in the city. It was the glory and anointing of God. I was keenly aware of the fact that I was in a Kingdom with the real and living God. Every song, every poem, every dance was directed toward God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. They were all expressions of the love of the people and heavenly creatures for their God. The music was like the song of a siren; captivating to the soul. When the heavenly choir began to sing, everyone froze. The songs were so beautiful that no one wanted to miss a word or a note being sung. I am still curious about how the singers sang as high as they did. They hit notes that reached octaves above the highest pitches sung on earth. I enjoyed the diversity of the heavenly choirs. Some choirs were made up of Christians. Some choirs were comprised of angels only. Some were mixed with humans, angels, and other creatures all praising and adoring God. Talk about variety. The sights and sounds of the celestial city were magnificent!


At last it was time for me to return home from my heavenly visit. Jesus scooped me up in His loving arms and flew me back up over the wall. My heart pounded with the excitement of the descent. It must be like the sensation astronauts feel while descending into the earth’s atmosphere. I felt like I was quickly falling a great distance at an incredible rate of speed. We descended down through the atmosphere just the way we had ascended.

The closer I got to earth, the less I remembered. The sensation I got as I flew up to Heaven reversed itself. I could not remember the answers to the questions that had been bothering me for years. I remember praying, “God, please don’t take the knowledge of Heaven away from me,” but it was as if God did not hear me. My mind started to cloud up like a veil was being dropped on it. Unanswered questions stuck in my mind. The glory of Heaven was closing to me. God gently told me it would be unlawful for me to remember everything I had seen and known.

As Jesus and I descended through the atmosphere the moon was on our right. I saw the stars and planets. I could see the roof of my home and my body lying face down on the bed. As soon as Jesus deposited my spirit back into my body, I experienced a jolting sensation. It felt like I was in a skyscraper elevator and had just descended many floors in a few seconds. I was a little dizzy at first. I took a huge breath. I had to breathe deeply to fill my lungs with air. I do not know how many hours I was lying face down in the suspended state. As soon as my spirit reentered my body, it was like being awakened abruptly from a deep sleep.

I could not end this story without saying that you do not want to miss God’s Heaven. There is beauty and majesty awaiting all who have placed their trust in God through Jesus. He has laid up crowns for us and robes of splendor. There are loved ones and great men and women from the pages of history to meet. God’s Kingdom is not magical or mystical. It is real. The great message of the Bible is that Jesus paid the price to enable us to approach God in His holiness in Heaven. I have the assurance that if I died tonight, I would go to be with Jesus in all His holy glory in Heaven forever. He is offering you the same opportunity to come to this assurance.


Why Jesus chooses some people to take to Heaven is a mystery, but we are told of realms most of us have never experienced or ever imagined. Jubilee’s story began when she cried out to Jesus to rescue her from despair, and He was immediately at her side. As Lord of the galaxies and firmaments, Jesus easily flew her through them and then took her to the City of God in Heaven. What Jubilee saw and experienced dispels any limited views of what our personal eternity will be like. The expanse, the beauty and the creativity, the myriad of different types of angelic and other beings, the sounds of worship that permeate the atmosphere, the presence of God Himself, all far exceed our loftiest expectations. Every being in Heaven is filled with the glory, the joy, the personal love of God to the fullest—and His rewards to us for the loving choices we have made while on earth are plentiful. One day every question you’ve ever had about the Lord will be fully answered when you see Him as He is, in all of His glory, on the day you walk through those gates of Heaven.

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