Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations (8 page)

BOOK: Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations
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Jesus took me through lovely meadows in which I saw animals such as rabbits, deer, and foxes. Then I walked with Jesus as He took me to the Throne Room of God. It had sparkling lights and golden pillars and paintings like seen in old churches—and there were jewels everywhere in the room. I saw two rows of angels with banners on the end of golden trumpets. The banners were purple and golden with no picture on them. The trumpets were long like they have in C.S. Lewis’ story of Narnia when they crowned Edmond, Peter, Susan, and Lucy. There were big angels with white robes and wings coming out of their backs, but their wings were all folded down. They had faces like men, happy faces and very bright, but not as bright as Jesus.

My knees were shaking because I was so overwhelmed at all of what I was seeing. I was also crying and jumping up and down. There was the noise of the trumpeting and a lot of background sounds and the angels were singing “Hosanna” and other songs I did not recognize. They were playing with harps and some things that looked like tambourines, small drums with small cymbals. There were creatures around the throne that were not like animals on earth, but rather combinations of different animals, such as a lion with eagle’s wings coming out of its lion-like back. But they were not scary.

Then Jesus held out a staff in His hand. It was wooden like a shepherd’s staff. I looked to where it was pointed and I saw three thrones. As I looked at each one, they somehow looked like they were joined together, as if they were one throne. Just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all one God, so these thrones were three yet one. It is sometimes hard to describe things like that in our world. The thrones were golden, and I saw jewels covering the thrones. The jewels were all the colors of the rainbow and more. I saw emeralds, rubies, blue sapphires, yellow stones and purple ones, plus ones I had never seen before.

I was taken up into these clouds
and began to dance with
the angels.

I looked up and saw no roof above the throne. I saw clouds above the throne like the Northern Lights but much brighter and more colorful. They were dancing colors and angels were dancing in the clouds in a line. I was taken up into these clouds and began to dance with the angels. I felt so joyful, so amazed, and so full of life.


Then the Lord took me outside to the town. The town was lined with golden roads. There were many houses, all different. We came to a river, the River of Life. It was crystal clear and fast flowing; and it was coming out from a tree I knew was the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life had loads of fruit on it, and somehow I knew that each day the youngest children came and took a piece of fruit to share it with their families. Everyone in Heaven is part of a big family. They lived on that fruit for the day. There was different varieties of fruit on the tree—pomegranates, apples, grapes, oranges, bananas—every type of fruit was growing on the same tree. The tree was like a big, strong oak tree and it had a thick trunk. And the water was flowing from the Tree of Life into the houses; it was empowering them, giving them light. Jesus cupped His hands together and dipped them into the River of Life. Then He began to pour water over my head, like He was anointing me, and I felt power coming into me.

Jesus poured water over my head,
and I felt power coming into me.

Then Jesus took me to a door. It was a normal door made from an oak tree. There was a jewel on the end of the knob. It was a ruby. I felt like He wanted me to open the door, so I put my hand on the handle and opened it. I went through the door, which opened into a beautiful garden—the New Earth. As I went into the garden, I saw it was filled with wildlife, lakes, waterfalls, and rainbows. Animals, mostly deer, were drinking from a lake. It was like a rainforest only more colorful and full of life. It smelled lovely and was so wonderful and beautiful. Jesus spoke to me, “This is the New Earth that we will treasure.”

Then Jesus took me out into space and showed me the old earth. It was like seeing a satellite picture of Earth from space. It was grey and dull and covered and surrounded by a black mist, and the mist was sin. He seemed sad, and I felt His sadness inside my heart. The Lord then took me down to visit it, and all the buildings were crumbled and destroyed. There was no life in it at all. All the plants had died. I saw no people—it was deserted.

Jesus said to me in the same kind voice as before, “This is the earth that man has destroyed.” Then He said, “What I have shown you I want more people to see. I have shown you this because I want you to tell the people that you have seen this and that they should turn back to God. This is what is going to happen and you can’t stop this…but you can help save more people.”

Then Jesus left, and I woke up back in my seat in the church.


Jane McCormack, Michael’s mother, had this to say about Michael’s experience. “This is every parents’ dream that the Lord would take their children and show them His heavenly Kingdom. We know our son, and this is a totally genuine experience. It was incredible to see this happen to him; but at times during the encounter it was somewhat fearful as I could see the fear and awe of the Lord upon Michael’s little face as I watched him. We feel that the Lord commissioned Michael that very night before our eyes.” When I (Lonnie) interviewed Michael by telephone, he told me, “I feel it’s my mission to tell people. So I’m not worried when I have to speak in front of a whole church. The Holy Spirit often comes upon the people when I do.” This is a young man who is assured of his calling in God. When I asked what impact it had on him to see the world destroyed by sin, Michael said, “I know I won’t be there. I’m going to that beautiful place, so there’s nothing to fear.” We would all do well to adopt Michael’s attitude and assurance and fully put our treasure in Heaven.

But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells
(2 Peter 3:13).

About Michael McCormack

(written by his father)

Born in New Zealand, Michael is a most amazing young boy. He has a heart of gold and is a very caring and loving young man. His passion is for all types of sports, fishing, and diving. He has lived in about fifteen different nations and is currently attending a Christian school in London, England. He has two sisters, Lisa and Sarah. His grandparents live in New Zealand and Canada.

The Lord has really begun to open the heavens above Michael’s life, and it is astounding to hear all the Lord continues to reveal to him.



by Khalida Wukawitz

Born in Palestinian Bethlehem, Khalida was orphaned at a young age and sold as a slave child to a Muslim Bedouin tribe. There she learned the Qur’an and also about Jihad. Walking for years barefooted with her personal camel as they traveled in caravan back and forth throughout the Arab nations, she was eventually married off to a Muslim man who abused her and then took her daughter and abandoned her. She was married off again and brought to the United States, but kept in isolation. When her life was threatened by her husband’s beatings, she managed to flee with her two children. Homeless and penniless, a Christian woman saw her plight and offered her a job and a home for her and her children. This is where Khalida’s story picks up.

A Christian woman I worked for had been sharing her faith with me for two years. I was raised as a Palestinian, and even though I was sure my Islamic faith was the only true faith, I wanted to have peace and love like she did. For two years she told me about Jesus, but because of how I was raised, I couldn’t believe God had a Son. After all, I was raised with the Qur’an and I loved Mohammed.

But finally I started asking more questions about her faith. At the same time I was fasting more, and saying more Islamic prayers, asking Allah to show himself to me. I prayed, “If you are the truth, why would you not come to me to show me the truth?”

One day I was at the store, working in the back room. I thought,
Nothing is working. I’m making money, but I’m so unhappy. Where is the truth?
Even though it didn’t make sense to me about Him, I said, “Jesus, if You are the Son of God, come down and show me.” That moment, something happened in the room. The room itself changed. All of a sudden a person was standing in front of me, but different from any person I’d ever known. I heard His voice—it was the same voice I heard years before. Though I didn’t know who it was then, He said over and over to me when my Muslim husband was beating me and threatening my life, “Leave the darkness for the light.” He said in Arabic, “I am the truth, the life, and the way, and no one comes to the Father except by Me.”

His voice was like rushing waters, powerful and soothing at the same time. The minute He said, “I am the truth,” I knew immediately it was Jesus. He didn’t say, “I am Jesus,” but every fiber of my being knew who He was. I had never read the Bible before, but somehow I knew what Jesus was saying to me was in the Bible. I was so consumed by His presence that I dropped to my knees and looked up at Him. He is so glorious, so beautiful. All light inside of Light. I said, “Lord! You
Lord!” He said, “Yes, I am Jesus, the One you denied. The One you said is not the Son of God. I came to save you, to make you a happy person. You don’t have to do anything, just know that I love you.” I said, “That’s it?” He said, “Yes, believe in Me.” It was like I went to school and studied everything in one day. All of a sudden Jesus made sense to me.

He started walking closer to me. It took only a split second and Jesus was right there before me. He got so close that there was too much light to even see the color of His eyes. It was not like looking at any human being. Somehow with His being and His voice came light. A huge light. An overwhelming light. As He was with me for a while, I became part of Heaven. The room was so changed it wasn’t the room any more. I thought,
I am not on earth anymore.
He was talking to me, but at the same time I was seeing Heaven right before my eyes.

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