Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations (2 page)

BOOK: Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations
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If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will outlive every problem you will ever face on this earth. That is Good News! Everything about Jesus is love. His love for you is so personal it seems as if it is only for you. You come to realize that He has cared for you forever and will continue to care for you forever. His love is alive. It is more than just a sense. You are becoming His love. You are His love. Jesus loves us completely.

I saw various parts of His body, and each part seemed to love me. I saw His feet. He still has the wounds where the nails pierced His feet. But what really overwhelmed me was the love His feet showed me. He loved me so much that I did not have to look at His face to experience the love He has for me. Even His feet expressed His love for me. It was not only that He loved me, but it was like I was the only one He loved in all of His creation. I knew He loved others, but it seemed as if I was the only one. His feet loved me!

When I looked at His hands, I experienced the same love. I could see the nail piercings, but it was the love that was coming out of them
me that expressed His love
me. As I looked at other parts of His body, I experienced over and over again, the love of Jesus just for me. I came to understand that He advocates for us with His whole being. I saw what His body went through just for me. I saw what it cost Him for me to be there and to have a relationship with God Almighty. I did not know before this happened how much it cost in pain to His physical body for us to have a relationship with God. He still bears the scars of what He suffered for us.

On His head was a crown that looked like the sun in all its glory with rays going up and out in the atmosphere of Heaven. I could not see any end to the rays. I knew the rays had something to do with healing. The rays intertwined with His hair. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow. As I looked at His hair and crown, I again experienced His love for me.

Heaven is huge and expanding. Our universe is like a fragment compared to Heaven. I came to understand that Heaven is expanding, becoming larger. There is no distance, as we know it here on earth. I seemed to be far from things and yet near. If I wanted to be somewhere else in Heaven I just had to think it, and I was there.

The most gorgeous sky ever seen here on earth cannot even come close to the atmosphere in Heaven. It is bright because of the glory of our God. Jesus and the Father light up everything. There is no darkness in Heaven. Their glory, or light, shines out of everything. The atmosphere is something you experience, not just see. It is golden, yellow, white, and had more colors moving throughout it. The atmosphere looked like curtains moving on a breezy day. It also looked like a waterfall in reverse. It was as if I was looking at one of the great waterfalls on this earth and seeing the water going up the fall, not down. I first came to really see how alive the atmosphere was when it bowed when Jesus spoke to me. It just folded over and bowed.

Jesus’ words are alive! Jesus spoke to me with His voice. His voice is love. His voice is mighty. His voice left Him with power and authority, but when it got to me, it was life and comfort—especially for me! It was alive when it entered into me. The words He spoke to me were from His heart, just like everything else there. When Jesus and the Father, or other beings wanted to communicate, generally they did so through thought only. Because everything is alive, everything can communicate so that you “experience” the communication—you don’t just hear it. There was no miscommunication, no misunderstandings. There was nothing you would hide from one another. We were all pure, so every thought was pure. There was a rule that you did not go into any other’s thoughts without them giving you permission to do so. The last being that did that was Lucifer and he is no longer there in Heaven.

Everyone and everything praised the Lord; but the only time I saw beings open their mouths, was when they were singing praises to the Father at the throne. Every living being and creature praises the Father and Jesus. Every part of God’s creation praises God all the time. No one else receives praise, only God. Worship is like breathing air here on earth. I seemed to live off the praise. I lived because of God Himself and nothing else. I did not need any food. Praising Him seems to be all that is needed. To hear the flowers praise the Lord is wonderful. The birds sing praise to the Lord. Water praised the Lord. Mountains praised the Lord. Praise came from the atmosphere and praise was in the atmosphere. Praise was the atmosphere! We all praised Him repeatedly, over and over again. We never ran out of things for which to praise Him.

When I looked into Jesus’ eyes, His eyes were like flames of fire with changing colors of red, orange, blue, green, yellow, and many other colors. John said in Revelation 1:14 that, “
His eyes were like a flame of fire.”
I experienced in His eyes that they are deep and full of life. I could get lost in His eyes and never want to come out. In His eyes I saw the love for every human and creation of God. At first it seemed as if His eyes had love only for me. But when I thought about someone else, I saw His love for that person. It was like He loved only that person. So I thought about someone else, and the same thing happened. I saw His love for that other person. I did this with a number of heavenly beings and a few people here on earth. I saw in His eyes that He wanted everyone who is still alive on this earth to be in Heaven in due time. He did not want to lose one person or have them go to hell. Jesus wants all people saved.

When I looked in His eyes and saw this love, I knew I became that love also. If we have Jesus, we have His love in us and should be becoming His love for others. He loves us no matter what! Now, during that time of looking into His eyes, we communicated through our thoughts—no words were spoken. I said to Him, “Even child molesters?” I had worked with children and teenagers over the past 33 years. During that time, the one issue that came up a lot with the children I had worked with was sexual abuse by adults. This one issue, to me, seems to do more damage than all the other issues I faced as a counselor. I have seen many people who had recovered from many types of abuse, but every time I had to deal with someone who had been sexually abused, the damage seemed to be the most harmful out of all the other abuses. I would always get upset inside myself.

So as we communicated, Jesus said to me, “When you place a person in jail, they get out. They either get out when their time is up, or they get out when they die, but they get out. But when we put a person in hell, they are there for eternity.” Then His eyes looked at me with a fiery red flame that said, “WHO ARE YOU TO NULIFY WHAT I HAD DONE!” This came across to me as very stern. I saw Him stretch out His arms like He was on the cross where He paid the price for everyone who has or ever will sin, implying that we do not have a right to condemn anyone since He does not. He truly wants all people there with Him.
people! But it is for each person to accept His atoning death for his or her sins in order to enter the newness of life He offers to us.

One of the most fascinating things I experienced was being connected to everything there at the same moment. It is like the electricity that connects power to run anything that needs electric energy here. It is like our computer systems that are connected to the Internet, which connects us to every computer in the world. God connects every one of His creations together. Because of this, I came to understanding life in Heaven quickly. There is no substance on earth that can come close to what substance God used to create everything in Heaven. There is no sin to corrupt what God has made. His creations there are in their purest form. There is no sin to destroy what God has made.


I came to understand there are two units in the army of God. There is a heavenly unit and earthly unit, but they are the same army of God. The heavenly unit is made up of the angels of God. The heavenly unit understands for whose Kingdom they work. When Jesus would communicate to them, they showed great awe and respect. That moment for me, I have not forgotten. I wanted to be with His creation that honored Him for who He is, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. I saw how those heavenly creatures bowed before they left Him, and backed out as they left. They would not turn their backs to Him. They left immediately on their assignment. They were sent to fight in the heavenly realms. They were fighting evil spirits that belong to Satan’s army. I knew that prayer is what moved them.

Then, there is the earthly unit, the one I was sent back to join. I left as a soldier going to war. I knew that it would be for a short time and my life on this earth would be short-lived. If I stay here on earth another 50 to 100 years, it is short compared to eternity. I want to be part of this unit here on earth as long as I can. I know what the heart of God is. It is to get people saved. It is to get people to live with Him forever.


If I were to die right now, I would be in Heaven in a twinkling of an eye. Yet the prayers of people who were praying for me and other prayers were moving faster than I was when I was on my way to Heaven. They were like shooting stars passing me. All I saw as they went by me were balls that looked like fire and a tail of light that looked like fire. I saw prayers as I was going to Heaven and prayers as I was coming back to my body in the hospital on earth. I was moving in a river of prayers going to Heaven. The prayers close to me were for me; the farther away the prayers were from me, they were for other people.

Just think, if you were praying at the time I left my body to go to Heaven, I saw your prayer pass me by. It passed me as if I was standing still. I knew there were two types of prayers passing me. One type was prayers from people who had prayed a prayer and understood the authority they had when they prayed the prayer. They were praying in faith from their hearts. They were praying according to a verse in the Bible that they had understanding of. They were praying the will of God over me and others. So when they prayed it, they knew in their heart what it was supposed to do. And they knew that God would answer the prayer with His power.

When I arrived in Heaven, I went to the feet of Jesus and stopped there. The prayers went straight to the throne and the Father. Not only did they go to Father God, they went inside Him. To try to understand this, you will have to realize that the throne of God is not a seat. It is a place. Well, more than that. He
the Throne! There were millions upon millions of prayers entering the Father. Our prayers became Him, and He became our prayers. I saw these lights of prayers like shooting stars entering the Father. I came to understand that He answers our prayers with Himself.

I came to understand that He
answers our prayers with Himself.

Jesus downloaded information into me about prayers. I understood that our prayers must come from our hearts. Our God is a heart God, and He is looking for us to talk to Him from our hearts. I do not have the word to describe this, but our prayers become substances. They only become substances if we are praying to God from our hearts. He hears us if we are praying from our hearts. He hears your heart. He understands your heart. He only hears prayers from the heart.

I saw Jesus strategizing; He knelt down to the ground and put His hand out pointing at the ground and the ground rose up and became a city. What city I could not tell you. I just knew it was an earthly city. He pointed at areas in the city and looked up at an angel. He bowed and backed out quickly. I knew the angel had been given instruction on what to do. I knew that Jesus had received information about a situation on earth that the Father had gotten from someone praying here on earth and gave that information to Jesus—at the same moment He had received the information. Then Jesus saw what the Father wanted and gave that information to the angels that went to earth to carry out the orders that were given to them by Jesus.


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