Heart of Money (Alpha Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Thriller) (6 page)

BOOK: Heart of Money (Alpha Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Thriller)
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“When can I see him?”

“You can come right now, if you wish. I’d recommend afterwards that you go home and get a full night’s rest. I understand you and Brad are staying together at a beach house he owns?”


“In regards to safety, I’m not sure what the situation is. But I can assure you that police will most likely be camped out in the driveway and surrounding areas. From what I’ve heard, the man who shot Brad is on the run.”

“The bastard.” I grimaced.

“Indeed. Well, anyway,” He muttered nonchalantly and flipped the pen into his pocket, “Follow me, ma’am.”

We walked a long hallway with fluorescent hospital lights beaming down on us. I felt slightly dizzy, but I don’t think it was any kind of physical ailment other than perhaps the remnants of pain shooting down my chin from my lower lip. The doctor stopped in front of a large door and held his arm out. I stepped inside and caught a brief glimpse of Brad on a hospital bed, unconscious and totally doped up. His shirt was off and I saw two technicians hovered over his body, inspecting his wound. Doctor Johnson smiled grimly and awkwardly, and gestured for me to step aside.

“I know it looks bad,” He rasped, “And it
bad. What that man did is atrocious. But Brad is going to be alright. Thank heavens it was just the shoulder.”

“Please make him better. Will he be awake in the morning?”

“He’ll be awake tonight, after the anesthesia wears off, although I’m not sure it would be the best idea to come talk to him.”

“Why not? I have to, doctor.”

“Fine,” He pursed his lips and nodded his head, “If you’ll wait in the waiting room I’ll come inform you when the surgery is over.”

“Thank you, doctor.” I said slowly, and turned to shuffle down the hallway. I felt drunk with shock, the floor tiles blurring slightly as the light shone down on my shuffling feet. I reached up to feel my swollen lip and then took a quick glance back and saw Doctor Johnson walking into the hospital room that held Brad. I wondered how much Brad knew about what had happened. I wondered how he felt riding in the back of the ambulance on a stretcher until he arrived at the hospital and was put under for the surgery. I hoped he knew that I was okay. I hoped he wasn’t as much of an emotional wreck as I’d been, when I was in the dark about his status, not even knowing if he was dead or alive. Thank goodness for the paramedic who’d rushed over to me as I sat on the back of the ambulance. I couldn’t believe I’d blacked out after it happened, but it had just been a rush of emotions and shock combined with an enormous sensation of panic and…
. But Brad wasn’t dead, I reminded myself, and leaned against the wall with one hand propped against it.
He’s okay, you’re okay, everything is going to be okay
, I said silently, but it didn’t work. At that moment, nothing could calm my nerves and the wretched panic attack that filled my brain.

My head began to spin as my body pressed against the cool stone wall, and I remember dropping to my knees and feeling them smack the tile as a jolt of pain went up through my thighs. I was fainting. I flopped down to the floor and felt my tongue fall out of my mouth, and before my eyes rolled back into my head I saw the blurry outline of two hospital workers rushing towards me, their voices sounding like they were a thousand miles away.

Chapter 9

“Brad?” My voice trembled. It was seven a.m. and I’d fallen asleep in the waiting room curled up in a little ball. Having expected Doctor Johnson to wake me upon the surgery’s successful completion, I was a little startled and angry. Above all else, I was

Had the surgery been a failure? Did something go wrong? Did Brad

I ran through the empty and still bright hallways and stopped at the door. Opening it, I was shocked to find Brad alone in his bed, eyes closed and body still as a board. He was wearing a white hospital gown and I stumbled across the room to touch his face.

Warm – he was a live.

?” I repeated.

A quick stir of the neck assured me that he was indeed alive. His body twitched and then his eyes shot wide open. He stared at me in confusion momentarily before quickly reaching up with his right arm and embracing me. The other arm was in a cast from the shoulder down to the elbow, and I felt a single tear swell up in my eye and then drop onto his bare neck. He still looked as sexy as ever, but I was simply glad that he seemed to be okay and responsive.

…” He said raspingly, and then cleared his throat, “I was so worried, but they told me you were unharmed.”

“Yes, Brad. I’m alright.”

He sighed, and held me tighter, “Maybe you wish you’d never met me. That way you probably wouldn’t have experienced anything near as crazy the past two or three days. I can’t even remember what day it is, I still feel kind of out of it.”

“That’s nonsense,” I smiled and kissed his cheek then rose up to look at his injured shoulder, “God, I feel like it’s my fault. If you hadn’t met
you’d have never come here, and then seen Daniel and so on and so on. It’s the butterfly effect.”

“It would have happened sooner or later, and maybe then he’d have killed me. The sucker only got my shoulder and I’m not even in any pain, but then again they were spoon feeding me painkillers all night so surely I wouldn’t feel a thing. I’m done with those things today though, not taking anymore.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“I don’t take drugs. And I want to be clear headed for my mission.” He stared at me, and the warm gaze of love had vanished from his eyes. It had been replaced by a stern look of aggression, but not at all towards me. He clenched his jaw and nodded his head.

“You’re going to go after Daniel?”

“I know him better than anyone here in Hawaii. I know what he’s like. And…” He paused to flip on the television. Sure enough it was on the news at that very moment, a large headline reading
Still have not captured attacker
. Brad continued, “I’m going to make him wish he never came within a thousand feet of you.”

“Me? This isn’t about
. You were the one he almost killed.”

“But he endangered you. And until he’s either behind bars or captured by my own pissed off set of hands, I’m not going to rest easy at night knowing he’s out there. As far as I know, he’ll try it again. The guy’s off his rocker, Court… And I’m going to kill him.”

.” I gasped.

“I’m serious, Courtney,” He pointed to the television, “The cops responded within five minutes, proceeded to immediately scout the surrounding areas and nada. They even set up checkpoints and checked each and every driver. No leads. It’s as if ol’ Dan vanished into thin fucking air.” His voice shook with fury, but he wasn’t done, “So it looks like it’s up to me to find him, if they haven’t already got him by the time the doctor gives the okay to release me later today. Inability to use my left arm or not, I’m going to find him.”

“What’ll I do?” I rasped breathlessly. I didn’t know whether to be turned on by him or to be terrified. I just wanted my Brad back, I wanted to get back to California and work on the beginning of our relationship there, where everything seemed peachy and fine.

“You’ll be fine, because I want you to come with me.”

A pause. “Won’t that put me in danger?”

“No. I’m convinced you’ll be in more danger sitting alone at the beach house.”

“But the doctor – um, Johnson, whatever his name was – he said he was certain that there would be twenty four hour patrol to protect us.”

Brad let out a deep, throaty laugh, then clutched his left shoulder as he winced in pain. His face hardened and he opened his mouth to speak slowly, “They might have a squad car sitting out front. And he might be a damn good guy too, real nice, real friendly, real upbeat. But who’s to say he won’t be a lousy cop? Who’s to say he won’t fall asleep or look down at his phone as he sits there hours on end without seeing anything. He’ll get bored, and trust me, when he gets bored, he’s going to lose focus.
Trust me
on that, Court. I’m not a violent man, but when I’m threatened, I’ll get real violent.

“You’re scaring me, but… You’re also turning me on.” I glanced back at the door and pulled down the bed sheets, then proceeded to lift up his hospital gown. His abdomen clenched hard as I pulled the outfit up to his chiseled chest, and his breathing picked up heavily. He gazed at me with stern eyes and smiled slightly.

“Let’s fuck,” He rasped, “Right here, one last time before I go on the manhunt to catch the son of a bitch that put us in here.”

“If you’re so convinced that it’s what you have to do,” I whispered and crawled up onto the bed, straddled his legs and kissed him softly as I wrapped my hands gently around his head, “Then I’ll follow you every step of the way, sweetie.”

He held his head back for a moment and then looked searchingly into my eyes, “You mean that?”

“Yeah. Now be quiet, and stick that long cock in me. My pussy’s aching for it.” I reached behind my body and groped for his long cock. As my fingers met it and tightened around the shaft I could feel that it was already rock hard, and when I glanced back as I crawled backwards to straddle it, I saw that it was as beautiful and mouthwatering as ever. Hesitantly, I glanced to my right to make sure no one was at the door. I felt like a bad girl doing a naughty, naughty thing, but that turned me on even more. My pussy grew wet as I crawled down and met his cock at face level, and then opened wide to let him glide past my tongue.

My lips tightened on the throbbing dick and my tongue slid out and swirled around his balls as I deep throated him. Up and down, up and down, all the while his massive cock seemed to throb at an even faster rate as he swayed his hips dominantly and pumped himself into me.

“I just can’t believe how freaking
you are.”

“Suck it better,” He rasped, a twinkle forming in his eye, “C’mon. I know you can do better than that.”

I puckered my lips and smiled at him, then opened wide and clomped down on his huge cock. My tongue swirled around it as I went deeper and deeper until my nose was pressed firmly against his musky crotch. He smelled so masculine and it made me so unbelievably wet that I couldn’t stand it much longer. Ignoring his request to continue sucking him, I quickly straddled the throbbing dick and grasped onto it with my left hand as I guided it inside of me.

Oh God
, how I’d longed for that sensation overnight. Behind all the terror, worry, and heartache, I’d dreamed about his big perfect dick, and wondered whether or not I’d ever be able to feel it inside of me again. I peered down at him as his only good arm wrapped around my backside and gave me a good spanking, and knelt down to press my lips firmly against his. His tongue came before mine, swirling hungrily around my mouth as I bounced myself up and down on his gorgeous body; the long shaft of his twitching happily inside of my wet cunt as it slid in and out, stretching my walls wide apart and giving me the best satisfaction and sensation of immense pleasure I’d ever felt in my life.

Occasionally I’d glance to the door, but it was still fairly early and no one seemed to be passing through the halls of this section of the hospital. Brad groaned below me with pleasure and pulled me back down towards him, pushing his lips into mine as I squeezed his chiseled back. His tan body began to glisten with a thin layer of sweat and the sight of him below me made me climax intensely.

.” I muttered breathlessly, and the momentum slowed to a near stop until I finally crawled off of him and kissed him before letting out a satisfied giggle. My eyes widened as I realized how risky and
our sex had just been, and my mind returned to the dark matter at hand.

“Did you come, baby?” He smiled from the bed, his good arm reaching out to touch my fingertips. I touched them and smiled.


“If I don’t hear from the doctor within the hour I’m about to just check myself out,” He laughed, and then began to continue, but was interrupted by a swift knock at the door.

The first thing I thought was
perfect timing
, considering we’d just finished a big fuck fest. The second thing I thought was
what are the cops doing here?
A short robust man in full uniform walked in carrying a clipboard. Behind him was a man who was dressed in plain clothes and had fairly short hair, but not as short as you usually see on a cop. I didn’t have to think very long or hard to realize he was a detective.

“Mr. Stone? Ma’am.” He nodded.

“Yes? I was wondering how long it would take for you guys to show up.” Brad grinned goofily.

The man in plainclothes was tall and lanky. He had on a dark brown speckled wool blazer and dark brown slacks. He wore scuffed up leather boots that looked like they’d served him well for ten or so years. His hair was salt and pepper gray but
gray, and it was slicked back off of his forehead. He smiled, “Wanted to let you get the surgery over with and maybe a good night’s sleep too.” The detective pulled up a stool and sat on it with his legs stretched wide apart. He yawned into a balled up fist and then motioned toward the officer behind him, “Get me a cup of coffee.” Then he turned his focus onto Brad. “I’m Detective Richards. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I’ve heard a lot about you on the news and tabloids,” He laughed, “So, Mr. Stone. This Daniel fella. Still haven’t caught him. Hundreds of witnesses of course, so the story checks out. Not that I’d have any doubts about that anyway.” He gave Brad a smartass grin.

“Yes… I’d hope not.” Brad returned a smartass grin of his own.

“Anyways, we wanted to come here to let you know we’ll be doing everything in our power to locate this man, and also to warn you. Don’t get involved in this, Mr. Stone. I know you’ve had a reputation in the past for being an ‘
, and a bit of a
, as well. I’m here to warn you son,” He pulled the stool closer to the bed and it screeched across the floor, “Don’t get involved. Last thing this town needs is a billionaire playboy out for revenge.”

I winced at the word
. I hated imagining Brad with other women, but knew I didn’t have to worry. At least, I was pretty sure of it. But I thought it was rude that the detective referred to him as a playboy in my presence, he might as well have just called me a whore right then and there; one of Brad’s good ol’ playthings he happened to be out with the night before. My blood boiled softly as I stared at him with a newfound hatred.

“Oh, detective. Don’t be silly. I don’t have any plans as of yet to get involved in the hunt.”

“As of yet.”

“Maybe you’ll like this better. Detective Richards, I have no plans to go after the man who shot me in the shoulder and could’ve killed my girl. None at all. Zilch. Nada.” Brad’s face remained unusually still. His skin didn’t redden in embarrassment. His jawline didn’t clench in anger. He didn’t even give the detective a smartass
fuck you
kind of grin. He just lay there, expressionless, and mouthed the words as if he were a zombie.

“Good,” Richards stood to his feet and turned before pausing and turning his head back to Brad, “Then we’re done here, Mr. Stone. I wish you a speedy recovery, and a safe trip back to California.”

As he left the room, Brad said softly, “I’m not going back to California yet,
.” An expression finally appeared on his handsome face, and it was one of utter disgust.


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