Heart of Money (Alpha Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Thriller) (3 page)

BOOK: Heart of Money (Alpha Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Thriller)
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Back to the city. Back to reality. I shrugged my shoulders, took a deep breath, and looked out the window at the rolling tide.


Chapter 5

There was plenty to watch on television, but not a damn thing to keep me interested. As I lay on the couch and shifted my gaze from my phone which I thumbed through and the TV screen, I couldn’t think of anything but Brad, and how much had happened between us since I met him the night before. I had to walk to the bathroom a couple times and pinch myself in the mirror to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Judging by the jolt of pain that went through my body and my shocked expression, I certainly was wide awake. I sat back down on the couch and called Jenny.

“Girl, what happened to you last night? I was so drunk I went home with this sailor guy, but then I remembered this morning that you rode with me.” She sounded bored and hungover.

“You at work? I’m home now.”

“Yeah, unfortunately. Chugging Gatorade every minute.”

“Get those electrolytes back up, girl,” I laughed, “Anyway, you remember the guy who was talking to me?”

“The hot one who was well dressed? Yeah. You thought he was looking at me, and I told you he was most definitely looking at

“Right,” I paused, smiled, “Anyway… I went home with him to his house.”

“Holy shit. Was it good?”

“Jen, oh my God… I have so much tell you.”

“So that means he was good?”

“Not that… But yeah, he was amazing in bed. But he’s rich as can be and not that that matters to me, but I mean I’ve literally never met anyone with this amount of money. The guy flew me to Big Sur this morning just so we could have a picnic on the beach. He’s got his own private helicopter and pilot even.” My voice trailed off, rambling and hyper frenetic.

“Wait… This dude’s one of those high rollers? Girl, you may have just hit the jackpot.”

“It wouldn’t mean shit if he wasn’t a good guy, and he is, Jen… So,
good, from what I can tell. But then again I only met him last night, so watch him turn out to be a psycho or some weirdo.”

“Any weird vibes yet?”

“Nothing. He’s really cool, I like him a lot, but I’m worried it was a one night stand.”

“The guy took time to fly you to Big Sur. If it was a one night stand, I’d say he’d have been done with you by the moment you two dirty devils woke up this morning.”

I paused, smiled to myself and felt myself blushing. Maybe she was right. In fact, I was pretty certain of it. “I think you’re right… Anyway, I’ll tell you more later. What time do you get off?” I asked.

“Six. Ugh. Fuck my life.” She groaned. The hoarseness in her voice echoed from her throat. Christ, she must’ve drunk a lot more than she already had after I left.

“Well, don’t work too hard. I’ll see you tonight, unless the billionaire somehow sweeps me off my feet again.”

“Lucky bitch.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Bye now, girlie.” She hung up.

Before I could even set my phone down next to me on the couch, as if on cue it rang. Loudly. Startled, and without even looking at the screen to see who was calling, I answered it, “Hello?”

“Hello beautiful. I just wanted to call, and let you know I’ll be busy for the rest of today, but I’ve got a surprise for you tonight if you’ve got time. I know tomorrow’s a work day, but I think it might be a good idea for you to call out sick the rest of the week. Or be honest, and tell them you’re going to be taking a vacation.”

“A vacation?” I stammered anxiously, my heart thudding
putt putt putt thump thump thump
in my chest. What was he talking about?

“I own some property on the beach in Hawaii. Have you ever been?”

“No, that’s far.”

“It’s not too bad, really. Just a one stop flight in my own
.” He sounded cocky. He had every reason to.

“Seriously? Like… What if you don’t like me after getting to know me after a couple days?” I asked.

“Then I’ll ship you back to California.” He laughed.

“And what if I don’t like you?” I bit my lip half teasingly.

“Then I’ll ship myself back and let you stay by your lonesome for a week of free vacation to yourself.”

He sounded serious - unbelievably serious. I knew he was being one hundred percent honest with me, and it made me want to break out into laughter. Chances are I’d still be smitten with him, and if not? A week of vacation to myself in Hawaii. It was a total win-win situation, and I was all in for it.

“Well, that sounds fair to me,” Butterflies hovered in my stomach, “What time should I expect you?”

“Oh, I was going to have my driver pick you up and bring you soon, but I figured you’ll need time to pack. After a couple of Webcam conference calls which should only last a couple of hours, I’ll be over. So, say around five?”

“Five works for me.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. Excitement swelled up in my throat and I had to work on my breathing to prevent myself from passing out right then and there.
Was I seriously about to take a vacation to Hawaii


Turns out, yes, yes I was. By four fifty five I’d packed each and every position I thought I might need for the trip in a single suitcase, and my doorbell rang. I lived in a modest two bedroom apartment on the second floor in the San Fernando Valley, Studio City to be exact – and it was half a block north of Ventura Boulevard below the Hollywood Hills. I wasn’t exactly embarrassed of my location when comparing it to Brad’s Malibu abode, but I wasn’t that proud either, and my roommate wasn’t good for anything when it came to cleaning and keeping picked up.

I opened the door and there stood Brad, still handsome as ever and dressed down in a pair of cargo pants, expensive looking boots, and a flannel shirt tucked into his belt and rolled up at the sleeves. His big muscular forearms bulged out and I looked up at his half exposed chest and felt my mouth watering in lust before my eyes made their way up to his face. Handsome, square jawed, and with a bit of stubble coming through the skin. His big blue eyes looked me up and down and then he grinned ear to ear before taking a step into the apartment and kissing me.

“Good to see you.” I said.

“Same.” He pulled back and placed his finger back on my lip like he’d done earlier, and I had to try and stop myself from giggling, but it didn’t work out too good. I smiled, rubbed his arm and then muscular shoulder, and mentally reminded myself that it was time to get on the road.

“Okay, let’s go before I get too turned on. You’re so unbelievably sexy, ugh.”

“After you, my dear.” He rasped.

The limousine sat double parked in front of the building, its emergency lights flashing against the setting sun. I stepped into the door which the driver opened for me and then Brad crawled in next to me. He told me we were heading for an air strip a little ways up the coast, and would be there shortly.

When we got to the air strip we boarded a small but luxurious private jet decked out in caramel leather interior and with plenty of booze on the racks to our sides. The stewardess poured us each a glass of champagne and within minutes of boarding we were alerted by the pilot that we were about to take flight.

The plane careened down the runway, Brad’s hand placed overtop of mine, and as I sipped my champagne I had to steady it with both hands as the wheels left the pavement and before I knew it we were high in the sky, heading over the gorgeous mountains of Ventura County and then the bright blue pacific ocean. It looked so vast from high above, and I could see people looking like ants on the beaches of Malibu. As I looked out the window it almost seemed that we were going to head right into the blinding sun, but after a few minutes the skies began to slightly darken as we flew through the clouds at thirty thousand feet.

“Have you ever been on a jet such as this?” He asked proudly, and sipped his drink.

“No, and it’s quite the experience,” I looked at him and nudged him playfully on the shoulder, feeling giddy as could be, “Do you take it often?”

“Everywhere I go, generally, unless it’s just a short flight up the coast. In that case I take my helicopter.” He smiled.

“It really is lovely. I never thought I’d see the day that I was riding on a private jet. It’s just…

By then I could do nothing to stop the laughter. It came in joyous heaps, erupting from my throat as my eyes watered with happiness. Brad shared the moment with me; the dazed and jaded billionaire he’d become seeming to experience it through my eyes for the first time again. He smiled, nodded his head, and chuckled amusedly.

“I don’t see what the big fuss is about,” He said heartily, “But I guess I’m kind of experiencing it through you. Feels good.”

The rest of the flight took about five hours, and it was filled with laughs, drinks, hugs, and most of all
. We stepped off the plane and had our luggage handed to us by the attendant who bid us farewell, and then we were whisked away by another limousine that was sitting waiting for us.

“Good to see you Franklin.” Brad said as he sat down into the plush leather backseat next to me.

“Yes sir. Visiting on vacation or business, sir?” The man had a raspy New York accent. He was old and no doubt retired to Hawaii. I wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that he was solely employed by Brad himself on a full time basis, despite the fact that Brad might not even visit Hawaii that often.

“Vacation, mostly.”

“Mostly?” I asked.

“I’ll definitely have to take a call or two, but other than that it’s all gravy pleasure.”

“Cool.” I looked up at the driver who nodded his head at me as he pumped the gas pedal and drove forward.

Brad’s house wasn’t far away, down the coast and right on the beach. Or should I say, his property wasn’t far away. He owned a hundred acres which includes a few guest houses and a large beach style cottage that sat right on the sand. It was beautiful, rustic, and old looking. I stepped out onto the back porch which faced the tide after we unloaded our luggage, and Brad joined me.

“My chef’s working on dinner. I hope you’re hungry, because he’s making fresh caught lobster and crab legs soaked in the most delightful butter.” He stepped toward me, grinned, and then took my chin in his hands before looking me right in the eyes, “I’m glad you wanted to come. This is going to be nice.”

“Nice? More like the best second date… Um,
.” I kissed him.

“You’re so fucking hot.” He rasped.

My hand worked its way down to his crotch, and gripped onto the bulge that pressed against his cargo pants. He moaned softly and then pushed me up against the blue painted railing.

“Oh, fuck.” I muttered. His hand dipped into my panties and his fingers dug firmly against my clit, then moved further down and slid into my pussy. I gulped and muttered, “Won’t the chef see?”

Brad paused hesitantly and then smiled before looking back into the well-lit house, “Let’s take it to the sand.” Gripping my hand, he took me aggressively down the four steps and onto the warm beach. I kicked my flip flops off and then he tore my shirt over my head and slung it onto the beach. He stared dominantly at me with a fiery intensity in his eyes and then shoved me gently onto the sand before crawling over top of me and holding my arms down with his hands; his muscular deltoids popped out of his shoulders and his jawline clenched like the total alpha male he was.

“You’re so sexy.” I muttered.

“Are you ready for me… Courtney?” He whispered.

I paused, nervously spoke, “Yes.”

I heard his pants unzip, and then felt his big cock pressing against my crotch. He pulled my skirt up and fondled my wet pussy which at that point was already dripping in anticipation. His tongue slithered sneakily out of his mouth and pressed against my lips, and then entered my mouth. I swirled my own tongue around his and ran my fingers up and down his muscular, ripped back. Fuck, he turned me on like no other.

“I love your body, I’m going to worship it.” His tongue left my mouth and travelled down my cheek and neck, gently and teasingly. Then he stopped at my breasts and he shoved is face between them before moving his tongue to my nipples and tightening his soft lips over them. The tongue swirled around as I yelped slightly, and then it moved down to my stomach, my crotch, and stopped right on my clit.

Teasing me with the most intense level of anticipation, he merely stared at me before giving me a long, soft lick. All the way up and down. He stopped at my clit and wrapped his lips around it, and then stuck his tongue into my wet pussy and lapped at me hungrily.

“I want to taste you now,” I said raspingly, out of breath and feeling more than just horny, “I want your cock.”

He crawled upwards, kissing my curves on his way up, and then made his way past my face and I watched as his massive throbbing cock flopped wildly above my mouth which watered for its taste and hardness. As I opened wide I gripped onto the base of his twitching shaft and took him half way into my mouth, stroking the lower half as I sucked the top. His body shuddered and began to convulse as he writhed with pleasure, hands digging into the sand as his mouth opened agape.

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