Heart of Money (Alpha Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Thriller) (4 page)

BOOK: Heart of Money (Alpha Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Thriller)
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“You like that, bad boy?” I asked, popping his cock out of my mouth as if it were a lollipop.

“More than… More than you even know, Courtney.”

He plunged his cock back into the depths of my throat and I shuddered and had to steady myself and relax to keep myself from gagging. He was just so incredibly big, long, and hard. The shaft glistened with my saliva as it pummeled my mouth, and after a few moments he pulled out of me and groaned.

“I almost came. Christ, you’ve got a tight little mouth, don’t you?” He mounted me, pushing my legs back behind my head, and pulled on a condom before he slid deep inside of me with one single thrust.

.” I howled and was certain I was going to alert the chef, but I didn’t care.

“Oh, baby, your pussy is so perfect.”

I dripped juices down my thighs and ass cheeks as his thick cock seemed to expand even more and pummel me long and hard. His rock hard abs slammed into my belly as his cock dug further and further into my pussy, his balls smacking against my asshole with each sudden pump. My nails dug into the sand and the tide began to come in closer. I watched it half dazed, half entranced. All I could think about was the incredible sensation floating through my body. The long cock pumping in and out of me, and the got guy who it belonged to.

“Oh yes, oh fuck yes, oh…
.” My body shook, my arms flailed, and my eyes rolled back into their sockets in unison as I thudded my fists against the soft sand when I finally reached an intense and joyful climax.

Brad stopped as he was balls deep inside of me and shuddered softly, then he pulled out and rammed himself back inside of me savagely before opening his mouth and letting out a silent gasp. His large cock throbbed violently within my pussy as he came, and I had a primal and sudden thought, a dirty desire for his unprotected seed.

“Come, baby, come for me.” I caressed his back, his ass, and his toned legs as he rammed himself back into me one last time before shakily pulling out and smiling gently at me.

“How was that?”

“It was beyond words, baby.”


Chapter 6

The next day we woke at dawn and stepped out onto the beach hand in hand. Brad wore nothing but a pair of shorts, and we stepped into the tide and everything was good and beautiful and too good to be true. That had to be coming, right? The simple fact of everything going a little
perfect. That’s when a voice erupted from behind.

“Brad?” A raspy, unidentifiable voice erupted from behind us. Brad turned, cocked his eyebrows, and then grimaced.

“Dan? What are you doing here.”

“Sorry to be on your beach, buddy, I uh… I own the property down the way as you know, and I was just taking a stroll. I didn’t even know you still came out here from California. How’s it been going, bud?” A strong odor of condescension stretched across his tone. He smiled at me nonchalantly and then shifted his icy blue eyes back to Brad. He looked indifferent to the situation, but if there was any emotion whatsoever then it was anger. Who
this man?

“Oh, how rude of me. Daniel, this is my Courtney. Courtney, Daniel. Daniel and I were business partners once upon a time.”

“Yes, we actually formed the business together that Brad got very rich off of.”

“Wrong, Daniel,” Brad bit his lip and his grip tightened on my hand. He was getting pissed, and it showed, “We were partners for a short two year period. From when I was twenty three to twenty five. If I recall correctly – and how the hell could I forget? You stole a boat load of money from me. Sued me, and paid a lawyer god knows how much to convince the judge that you were the sole proprietor of the company. The company that I own now, well… Let’s just say you had
to do with it because you weren’t even around when I formed it.”

Dan shifted slightly on the sand, his sandals digging into the beach at the heel. He smiled angrily, big yellow teeth barred together as his eyes squinted, “I read about you in the papers. You’re a billionaire, huh? And here I am, poor old millionaire. I gave you a lot of ideas, buddy. I’ve got a lot of people who can help me, just like the helped me before. That judge you say I convinced? Who’s to say I couldn’t convince the bitch again?”

“Watch your language around my girl.” Brad barked calmly.

“Or what? Ol’ Brad gonna fight me for the little

What happened next must have been in the span of five or ten seconds. Maybe less, maybe more. It was a daze and it happened
, that’s all I know. Brad and Dan seemed to lunge toward one another at the same time, and Brad cocked Dan clean in the jaw which sent him spiraling downwards. He twisted in mid-air and then plopped right down on his face which dug into the sand. When he came to a few seconds later he shook his head and turned around slightly, his profile covered in dripping blood from his nose. He snarled at Brad and then ran his fingers through his greasy hair.

“You piece of shit. You always thought you were better than me. I’m going to take the company from you. No, I’m going to do something even better, and you won’t be able to prove a damn thing. I’m going to hurt you in a
way, Brad.”

“What are you talking about?” Brad rasped.

“You’ll see, bastard.” Dan pulled himself up out of the muck and tried to wipe the wet sand from his face, failed, and then limped off down the beach.

“Sorry you had to meet him. I actually forgot he brought property down here around the same time as me. It’s been so long since I’ve really come here for a pure vacation. When I come for business I usually stay in Honolulu. That son of a bitch…” His voice shook with rage, but his body remained unusually calm under the significant amount of tension and sudden outburst.

“Are you okay?”

His eyes shifted to me and he smiled, “Me? I think he’s the one that might not be okay. I hooked him pretty good.”

“You’re a tough guy. But I don’t like what he said about taking something from you. The way he said it, the way his face looked. It creeped me out pretty bad, Brad. Has he always been like that, or what?” My voice trailed off and I looked back down the beach toward the direction he’d walked. He was nowhere in sight.

Brad sighed, and looked at me with a heavyhearted expression, “Let’s go inside in a few minutes. I’ll give you a little background on why Dan and I split up as business partners. But  first, let’s do what we came out here to do. Enjoy the morning sunrise.” He spanked my butt and I giggled loudly and ran forward a few steps, and then I spanked his. We wrestled in the tide and laughed and smiled and everything was good again, for a while.

When we got indoors we sat down and each of us had a big glass of water with lemon. Brad sipped his thoughtfully for a few minutes before finally opening his mouth to speak, but the words didn’t come for a few more minutes. He tapped his glass grumpily on the wooden table and shook his head.

“It’s hard to put it in words, I guess. Knowing that you failed at trusting someone, knowing that you fucked up big time as far as finding a business partner goes. I just didn’t know how far down the drain his brain was going.”

“The Daniel guy?”

“Yeah. He went haywire, started doing cocaine and fried his brain. The thing that I feel guilty about, is that I never noticed until he’d gone off the deep end. I didn’t even know he was using drugs and snorting uppers along with the coke.”

“Pills?” I asked.

“All kinds. Created a monster. By the time I realized he was on something he’d already sued me. He tried to take literally everything from me, and succeeded for the most part. But I built myself back up from the ground up and now I’m worth billions rather than a few million. Funny how karma works, if you believe in that sort of thing.”

“I do.”

“Anyway, that’s the story. It’s a pretty short and simple one. He got on drugs, went haywire, and now it appears that if he’s not on drugs then his brain is fried, or maybe he’s simply still on them. He had a glassy eyed look yesterday, to me at least.” He rasped, and took a big drink.

“I thought he looked a little odd.” I added.





The next morning I awoke to a start at the sound of glass crashing down below. I looked to my left and Brad wasn’t there. He wasn’t anywhere in the bedroom. Crawling out of bed, I felt a shiver of terror run up my bare legs.
Oh my God, I’m going to die.

“Damn it.” Brad’s voice bellowed below, and I felt relief wash over me in a tidal wave as I lay back down and sighed. I crawled back out of bed a second later and made my way downstairs, not even wondering much what the glass breaking was – just happy that it wasn’t some psychotic intruder.

“What happened?” I asked.

“These windows were painted shut, I guess. I’ve never really tried to open them.” He laughed and pointed at the shattered kitchen window above the sink. Shards of glass were being swept up by his strong arms as he moved the broom back and forth.

“Let me get that, hon.”

“No, it’s okay sweetie. Luckily I just finished breakfast,” He pointed at the table where a large plate of eggs and bacon awakened me. They smelled delicious, “I was trying to open it and just pushed up too hard. I didn’t know I was
strong. It hit the windowsill and just shattered.”

“That’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”

“You look so sexy when you just get out of bed. I wanna eat you up.” He emptied the glass into the trashcan and strutted towards me, wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants. His tan body looked gorgeous, and when he reached out and touched me I felt a shiver pass through my body. God, he turned me on so much. I craned my neck upwards in an attempt to kiss him, but he chuckled and bent down as his lips met mine.

“This is sweet of you. I’m embarrassed to say I’ve never had a guy make me breakfast before.”

“What kind of pieces of shit were you with before you met me?”

“Hardly any. I guess that’s the answer.”

“Oh well.” He shrugged his shoulders and dug some eggs off the skillet and onto his bowl, then grabbed a few pieces of bacon and popped them all in his mouth. The boy had an appetite; that much was sure.

“All that sex last night must have made you
.” As he sat down I twirled my bare foot around his.

“You know how to work up a man’s appetite, honey.” He rasped, and bit into the last piece of bacon.

“So what’s the plan for today?”

“I figured we’d take my speed boat out. You ever water skied?”

“I’d be horrid.”

“You never know if you don’t try.” He winked, downed his orange juice, and leaned over to kiss me.

I giggled, “Your lips taste sweet.” I slid my tongue into his mouth, the tangy orange sweetness gliding over my taste buds.

“You’re always sweet.”

“That’s a smooth pickup line.”

“I think we’re past that now,” He stood and set his plate in the sink, “I think by now I’ve already snagged you.”

“Don’t get too cocky now.” I giggled, batted my eyelids at him like a school girl.

“Come on gorgeous; get your bathing suit on. We’re going out into the ocean.”



Chapter 7

Water skiing kicked my ass. I managed to get up though, and I was proud of that. Needless to say, the ‘getting up’ lasted for about three seconds before I fell straight on my ass. My ankles were bruised and slightly swollen from the skis smacking into them after each wipe out and we sat with the boat idling in the deep blue sea as Brad came over to me and ran his fingers gently over my sore shins. His eyes looked sad and guilty, and he gulped slightly as he looked me up and down.

“I’m sorry,” He shook his head, “Look what I’ve done to you.”

“Brad, you didn’t do anything, silly.” I laughed and held his head in my hands, and then kissed him. It was magical; every time was like the first time. I wondered if it would ever get old, and I doubted it.

“I feel bad now.” He stood by the steering wheel and hit the gas. We were floating down the beach, waves being kicked up by the engine behind us. Brad looked back at me, still standing, and smiled halfheartedly. There was a boat to the left of us up in the distance, and then suddenly it shifted over and came barreling right towards us directly ahead.

“Brad,” I muttered, “There’s someone flying towards us.”

“I see them, and I know who it is.” His jawline clenched and he pressed the gas even harder.
What was this? A game of chicken?
I knew instantly who the boat belonged to – the Daniel fellow I’d met the night before. Son of a bitch was plowing water right to us, and before Brad swiftly made a sharp right and blew rolling waves up onto my body, I could see the snickering grin on his sweaty plump face.

Brad stopped the boat and the waters settled shakily around us, the current smacking gently against the exterior of the boat. Daniel made a slow U-turn and then pulled up beside us with a hot red enraged face, “You cunt,” His voice bellowed through the roar of the sea, “I’ll get your pretty little girlfriend if you aren’t careful. A man who bows out of an innocent game of chicken, isn’t much of a
at all.”

I looked at Brad to see his face harden even more than it already had when he’d realized the guy was trying to kill us. He spoke deeply and sternly, “You’re lucky I don’t call the cops on you. The only reason I won’t is because there’s not much I can prove. Instead when we get to land I’m going to give you a proper ass kicking. Let’s go.” He hit the gas and we were heading back to shore, Daniel hot on our tail, the short journey back turning into somewhat of a race of its own. For a moment I felt like I was in the middle of a game between two immature rich men, but then I realized that Brad was completely innocent and just trying to solve the ordeal. Daniel was the trouble maker, and he absolutely had to be dealt with.

The boat hit the sand and Brad hopped out, his knuckles barred and held high in the air like an old timey boxer you’d see in a black and white movie. Daniel did the same, but first he anchored his boat calmly and calculatingly, as if none of this was a big deal whatsoever. Then he crawled out onto the sand and raised his fists casually, a sly smirk on his face.

“So this is it then? A fist fight to the death?”

“Stop guys. Brad, don’t do this. He’s insane, don’t mess with him.”

Daniel’s icy gaze quickly lurched onto me, “Excuse me, ma’am, but I don’t think anyone asked for your stupid little opinion. We’re simply two former business partners looking to settle a score. Now sit back down in your comfy little five hundred thousand dollar speedboat seat and
. I’m sure
Brad boy
here will pamper you later with his crisp dollar bills in some way or another. That’s all he knows how to do as far as pleasing a lady goes – showing off his money.” His eyes shifted back to Brad, and the calmness was gone. He looked like a rabid dog that needed to be put down, and Brad walked towards him, fists still raised and fingers clenched together tightly. The look on both of their faces was terrifying; pure rage.

“You throw the first punch, sucker.” Daniel rasped slowly. His voice had a slight southern twinge that came out when he was angry. It sounded like it had been worked on for years in a desperate attempt to mask it and get rid of it.

“This isn’t a rules fight. I’m simply going to whoop the shit out of you.” Brad slipped a left hook and knocked Daniel square in the jaw, sending him flying to the wet sand as he’d done the night before. My eyes lit up and I held tightly onto the edge of the boat as I clenched my teeth together in excitement. I felt guilty for being so turned on by Brad’s tough guy side, and I won’t lie when I say it made me feel a little wet.

“That all you got?” Daniel stood and wiped the blood from his lips, and then attempted to charge Brad in an all-out tackle. Brad spun to the right and Caught Daniel with his muscular arms, and then slung him into the vicious morning tide. He coughed and choked on the water then spit it out as he crawled to his feet shakily. Grasping onto his stomach, he let out a big gasp and then spit some more salt water out, “Fuck this, it’s over. I’m done.”

“You sure?” Brad’s eyes widened.


“Well I’m not.” Brad charged Dan and rammed into him, the both of them toppling into the water like cliff divers. Fists were thrown and knuckles crashed against jawbones. Two minutes later both men stood shakily and walked out of the water.

“It’s not over, Brad my boy. Tell your girl about your dirty business tactics. Tell her the truth, because she deserves to know. Either way, you’re fucked once she actually gets to know you.”

Brad slugged Daniel in the stomach causing him to double over as his face contorted into a sickened grimace of pain. A vein bulged out of his forehead as he lifted his face and stared into my eyes. His mouth opened to speak but was silenced by another blow from Brad in the same spot. Ribs sounded like they were cracking as he dropped to his knees and fell face first into the water. Brad picked him up frantically and dragged him to the shore then dropped him on his back. Daniel groaned and then began to crawl down the beach on all fours before finally managing to stand to his feet and give one last look back toward us.

I stepped off the boat, finally feeling like I wasn’t frozen with shock. As I walked slowly towards Brad I felt almost hesitant, scared. He was breathing heavily with his arms resting on his knees, hunched over and staring in the direction of Daniel, “Are you… Alright?” I asked.

His gaze shifted to me, his eyes blazing and his chest thumping in ravenous breasts. He looked like a wild animal who’d been disturbed by a noise. Then his eyes softened and he forced a smile, “Yeah, sweetie.”

“I think you hurt him pretty bad.”

“I don’t like hurting people, but sometimes it has to be done.”

“Do you think it’s over?”

“He’s psychotic. I doubt it. I’m sorry this happened; I wish we’d gone someplace else. I have homes all over the country.”

I caressed his back gently, “No. I just don’t want you to get hurt or be stressed anymore. Let’s forget about that punk and ignore him if he comes around anymore, okay honey?”

“I hope you don’t think I’m some kind of aggressive dickhead.” His eyes shifted to me, his breathing steadied.

“I don’t.”

“When I’m threatened, I tend to react violently. It’s just instinctively.”

“Can I tell you something about it?”

“Shoot.” He rasped.

“It… Turned me on.” I bit my lip and looked down at my feet bashfully.

“Did it?”

“Yeah. Why don’t you take me back to the bedroom and
pamper me
, as that loser said so eloquently.”

“Ah, that… Yeah, I can do that. How about I call my private chopper and have them fly us twenty feet away to the house?” He joked.

“That’s not necessary. I wasn’t talking about with money. I was talking about with your big cock.”




Two minutes later we were scrambling through the back porch door. Brad’s hands were tearing my clothes off and mine were doing the same to him. I ran my nails softly up and down his chiseled abs and then felt him push me backwards onto the couch. He pulled my jeans off and quickly lunged forward with an open mouth that pressed against my pussy. A long tongue slid out and began to work its way up and down my already dripping wet cunt. Back and forth, left and right, up and down. Oh
he knew how to work that tongue.

“You like that?” His voice rasped.

I could barely keep my eyes open it felt so good. I looked him up and down, his mouth open slightly, his jawline chiseled, and his eyes beating into me with a fiery lustful heat, “Fuck yes. Tongue fuck me, baby.”

And with the end of my words he continued to eat my wet longing pussy, sliding the tip of his tongue up and down my clit and then moving downwards and probing himself into my cavern, his lips wrapped around my pussy lips tightly as his tongue moved in and out with utmost sexual precision.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” He said as he licked his lips. He mounted me firmly; his large cock pressed teasingly against my pussy, and then slid his head up and down. I shuddered in anticipation and just wanted to scream
‘Do it already
’, but he liked teasing me. That cocky smirk was on his face as he stared at me and guided his cock up and down my pussy lips, and then I felt my own eyes finally widen in shock as his large dick rammed balls deep inside of me, crashing into me hard and fast. He felt so big and long, and he began to pound the hell out of me as I slid backwards across the couch.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” I muttered, “Just like
.” I rasped.

“You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you?” His voice shook loudly as he pummeled me with his muscular arms braced onto the back of the couch and the edge of the cushions, “I like when you’re dirty.”

Just as I felt an orgasm approaching, Brad pulled out of me and walked across the room toward a dresser near the fireplace. He stared back at me dominantly and then casually opened the dresser and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. My eyes lit up with excitement as I watched him pull a second object out of the dresser. A ball gag.

Holy shit

He walked towards me confidently as he held both objects in his hands, a curious grin filling his perverted and gorgeous face. Without even saying a word, he flipped me onto my stomach and grabbed both hands, cuffing them tightly as he grunted dominantly.

“Oh baby.” I moaned.

“This turning you on?”

“More than you know.” The cuffs tightened and I let out a little squeal as he jerked my hands straight and then as I turned my head I watched him grab the ball gag from the table and place it into my mouth, tightening the leather strap firmly around the back of my head before fastening it securely and then standing before me to observe how I looked.

“You’re going to be a good fuck, aren’t you?”

I tried to answer, and then found that my voice was completely muffled by the gag. It was impossible. My pussy was so wet that it was literally dripping onto the couch cushions. He stared at me naked, his cock still rock hard and his jawline clenched with a look of concentration. I desperately wanted him back inside of me, but he continued to tease me with anticipation.

Brad flipped me up onto my knees and then his lips tightened around my nipple. I squealed blissfully through the ball gag as my eyes rolled back into my head. His tongue flapped out and began to lick me up and down and in a circular motion around each of my nipples while his hands rubbed and squeezed my breasts firmly. I felt them swell and engorge with the pressure of his sucking and then my body clenched up and tightened.

I was having the most intense orgasm of my life from Brad merely
sucking my breasts

Moments later, I felt my body flop backwards and I let a deep stifled breath out through my nose. Brad was on top of me and his cock was sliding into me, the cuffs digging into my back as his weight rested on me. His rock hard chest pressed against my hardened nipples and I felt my body clenching up again as I began to squirt slightly on him as he pounded me.

“Yeah, baby.” He said, “You’re so sexy.” My body shook intensely as he continued to pound me, and then I felt him swelling up inside of me before he paused and let out a guttural moan of pleasure. He paused again and then thrust himself back inside of me before straightening his perfect before me and throwing his neck back until he faced the ceiling. Eyes closed, mouth gaping open, he let out a pleasured moan, “

And then he came in me.


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