Heart Lies & Alibis (8 page)

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Authors: Pepper Chase

BOOK: Heart Lies & Alibis
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The never married Astrid approved of my financial fore planning. "Good girl. I always advise clients that love can be fleeting but a solid portfolio will be there for you no matter what. So I will work on that paperwork as well, make sure everything is safe and separated for good. Do you know who is representing the douche bag?"

I shrugged. "I'm sure he will keep it in house, likely use one of the other partners in the firm to represent him. You remember our partners, Harrison and Gage?" Gage was on wife number two while Harrison had just divorced wife number three in the past year making each well versed in divorce proceedings.

Their names brought another wicked smile to her face. "Very nice. Yes, I have dealt with both and they will be very easy to handle. Okay, I guess that about sums it up for now. We'll get this started and I will be in contact about the next steps. And Reagan I am sorry. This is a crap situation so if you need to go out and get shit faced some night, give me a call. I'd be happy to help." She smiled for the first time in our meeting.

"Thanks Astrid, I just may do that." I stood to leave but stopped when she spoke again.

"One more thing. Is there a new guy for you as well? I ask because I need to know all your dirt to do my job right."

My cheeks turned a bit red as I tried to think of a tactful way to answer the question.

Astrid didn't give me the chance. "I'll take that look on your face as a yes. Did it start before Mr. Viagra found his new lay or after?"

I shook my head. "No. We met on Saturday. After I caught Thad and Amberly on Friday night."

Her eyes narrowed as she thought about the answer. "Okay. He was your revenge fuck. Justified. Understood. Anything else?"

My cheeks flushed a deeper red. Though necessary, the questions felt so personal. "We are sorta dating now." Admitting my situation out loud made my actions sound more reckless than they felt.

She raised an eyebrow, her mouth pursed slightly in surprise. I had shocked the unflappable Astrid for a moment. "Alright. Well, you do move quick, don't you Reagan? And let's be clear here, by dating you mean sleeping together?"

Three times so far, thanks for asking. "Yes and all the other regular dating events too. There is one more thing I should tell you I think."

"He's married too?" She looked a bit annoyed when she asked.

I shook my head. "Oh lord no. But he is a few years younger than me and he works at a bar."

She rolled her eyes at me. It sounded so clichéd I realized when I actually said it out loud. "Really? Interesting. How many years younger are we talking here?"

I grimaced a bit as I answered. "A dozen."

Astrid burst out laughing. The sound so foreign from her it made me jump a bit in my chair. "Well, well. I always knew there was a freaky rebel hiding under those pearls. I like your style Reagan. I hear a young lover is exactly what a woman over forty needs when she's been screwed over by her husband. Help keep you young. Bravo." She gave me a thumbs up before her smile faded and she looked sternly at me across the desk. "All joking aside though, this could be something of concern when we get further into this divorce thing. Luckily for us, Thad strayed first but the speed at which you found a new bed partner may raise some questions for you. Because you don't want spousal support or anything from him, we will just have to wait and see how it plays out. Ass-hat's lawyers could still use it against you or at the very least make sure everyone knows about it as a way to tarnish your reputation. Are you prepared for that?"

How could I know if I was prepared for all the complications that arose by dating a man who was barely out of diapers when I graduated high school? What I did know was I liked the way Declan made me feel both in and out of bed. I shrugged my shoulders, my hands raised in an 'I don't know what the hell I'm doing but I can't stop it either' type of gesture. I grinned at her. To hell with it. What was going to happen was going to happen no matter who I had in my bed. I was just going to try and enjoy the ride.

She nodded, a smile breaking through her stone face one last time. "Go on and get out of here. By the smile on your face, I can only guess you are headed to meet the young stud. I'll be in touch soon."

"Thanks for everything, Astrid."

She winked and sat down again and I knew I was in good hands whatever happened.


Chapter 6


The small cafe where I was meeting Declan for lunch had a beautiful patio. I arrived early so I chose a table in the corner and was enjoying the warm fall weather while I waited. When I saw Declan pull up on his motorcycle my heart did a little dance. Oh my god, I realized with a start, I had fully returned to my wild youth when a man with a nice ass, fast bike, and some well-placed tattoos could get me to drop my panties with just a smile. Declan had all three and definitely had no problem making my panties disappear. I watched mesmerized as he flipped his leg off the bike and stood up. He pulled his helmet off and ran his hand through his thick, dark hair. His body looked delicious in low slung fitted dark jeans and a black leather jacket. I nearly had to fan myself.

I noticed I wasn't the only one enjoying the show. Two twenty-something young ladies at a nearby table looked ready to devour him for lunch as they leaned together giggling and watching him cross the restaurant. They were exactly who I expected him to be with – petite, blonde, shapely. The ugly head of doubt reared its head again. What the hell was I doing with this hot young guy? Or better yet, what was he doing with me?

My self-deprecating internal tirade was only interrupted by Declan's arrival at the table but I was unprepared for him leaning over and planting a full, "I want you right here" kiss on my lips. I finally pulled away breathless, more than a bit turned on and slightly embarrassed. Thad was never a fan of overly physical public displays of affection so this was something new for me.

"Hello beautiful. I missed you." Declan said sitting down. Just having him near me again had my heart beating faster.

"Hi yourself. I missed you too. Wow. Is that how all greetings from you will be?"

He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. His eyes burned with a desire I had never seen in Thad's. "In public, yeah. In private you can expect a whole lot more." I liked the sound of that.

Declan took my hand and walked me to my car after we finished with lunch. I needed to get home to do some work for the firm and Declan had a shift at Sullivan's he needed to get ready for. As we reached the MINI he asked me if I would come in to the bar while he was working.

"You know nothing brings in the tips like a girlfriend lurking at the end of the b-," and I stopped with my mouth wide open. I had just promoted myself to girlfriend status without a thought as to how Declan would respond. Could I still be called girlfriend at my age? Shit. Thirty other things to say were fighting to get out of my mouth so I could distract Declan from what I just said. I was so lost in my freak out I didn't notice his smoldering smile as he approached me.  

He backed me against the car until we were pressed together. I was really thankful to be parked on a quiet side street now. Placing both hands on either side of me, he leaned in with his eyes boring into mine. "Girlfriend is the right word. I think lover works too." Bringing his mouth close to my ear, my breasts pressed against the hard lines of his broad chest, he said in a husky voice "Fuck buddy seems a little too crude but I like the image it creates." His lips brushed my ear before he gently nipped it.

I moaned softly at the touch and felt an instant reaction from him at the sound. This man could get me from zero to out of my mind horny in a split second. He pressed his leg more urgently between mine, his rock hard shaft laying heavy between us, and causing all kinds of R-rated images to flood my mind. He brought his hands down to my hips as his lips found the sensitive spot where my neck and shoulder connected. His lips nuzzled and kissed me while his hands held me hard against him. The small rocking of his hips caused me to nearly forget we were in a public place making out like teenagers until a car drove by finally pulling me back to the present moment.

Gently pushing Declan back, I tried to gather my thoughts and the ability to form coherent words. "We better slow this down a bit. I'm not sure getting arrested for having sex in public will look good for my divorce."

Declan was still out of sorts from the kiss, his eyes dark with passion. "Are you sure about that? I'd be willing to take the risk." He moved in for another kiss but I turned my head away.

"I bet you would Cowboy, but let's try to keep some form of decorum in our lives. At least for a little while." I laughed.

He stepped back and attempted to adjust his suddenly overly tight jeans with a grimace. "You know, riding a motorcycle like this is not that fun."

I giggled and gave him my most innocent smile. "I'm sorry. I would help you with your problem but I need to get home and do some actual work today if I hope to keep my clients."

He squinted his eyes, a grin on the edge of his mouth, "I just bet you're sorry, Devil Woman. Just like I bet you're sorry for wearing an outfit today that practically begs to be peeled off your sexy body so I can give you some mind blowing sex."

I felt my body shudder with excitement and I knew what I wanted at that moment and it sure as hell wasn't to go home and do any work. This boy was going to be a bad influence on me, I knew that for sure and damn if I didn't care.

"Okay lover boy. You win. I'll meet you at your house in ten minutes and we'll see exactly what kind of mind blowing sex you can provide." I got in my car before he could respond. I winked at him as I started the car and pulled away from the curb. He stood for only another moment before he sprinted around the corner to his parked bike.

I pulled into the driveway of Declan's bungalow and turned off my car. I sat for a moment thinking about how much my life had changed since meeting Declan and it made me smile. It was becoming clearer how unhappy my life had been for the past few years with Thad, in spite of my best efforts to deny the signs and try to fix things. I didn't want to be that Reagan anymore. I could worry about the future tomorrow, today I was going to let myself be free and remember what it felt like to be happy.

I stepped out of the car and leaned against the side of my car, my feet casually crossed at the ankle. I could hear the Ducati approach from down the street and chewed my lip in anticipation as he pulled into the drive and parked next to the small garage. Damn he looked good on that bike wearing a leather jacket that gave him just the right amount of bad boy sexiness. I liked knowing exactly what he looked like under that gear too.

Declan jumped off the bike and strode back toward me while removing his helmet. He looked like a man on a mission. He smiled when he reached me and took my hand turning back towards the house without a word. He was sexy when he was taking control.

He unlocked the front door and opened it before quickly pulling me inside. As soon as the door closed behind me, he dropped his helmet on the couch and turned, pressing me against the door. His hands ran the length of my upper body as his lips attacked me with a hunger I easily matched. I pushed his leather jacket off, letting it crash to the floor, while running my hands over his chest, arms and back. He felt so good beneath my fingers and it seemed we couldn't touch each other fast enough.

My hands were soon reaching up under his t-shirt, loving the feel of the smoothness of his skin. His hands released my blouse buttons, pushing it off my shoulders while his lips dusted my shoulders with kisses. And then his hands found the clasp and zipper for my skirt, releasing them until my skirt slid down and pooled at my feet. I kicked it to the side.

I soon stood before him in my sheer bra, thong, and heels as I leaned against his front door. I had never felt sexier than in that moment.

Declan stepped back a bit, taking in all of what I had to offer with his eyes. He seemed to appreciate the sight a great deal. "Damn, Reagan, you are one incredibly sexy woman. I don't think I could ever get tired of looking at you. Especially like this."

"Enough talk." I said my voice husky with lust. "I need you inside me now before I explode." I reached for his belt, fumbling in my haste to get it open and then reaching to release the button fly of his jeans. Declan groaned as my hands brushed his pulsing cock through the cotton of his boxers. As my hands dipped further into his jeans, he gripped the sides of my barely there panties, ripping them apart with ease. I squeaked with surprise at the boldness of the action and watched as he tossed the scrap of material to the side.

I pushed my hands deeper into his jeans, pushing them and his boxer briefs off his ass and allowing his cock to bob freely against my stomach. His hands cupped my breasts before he pushed the material of my bra aside, allowing him full access to my taut nipples. Rolling them first between his fingers before bringing his lips down and sucking them to full attention. I arched against the door, small moans escaping from deep in my throat while my eyes rolled back in delicious abandon.

I heard him dig in his pants pocket, removing a package that crinkled in his hand. Still rolling my nipple enticingly between his thumb and forefinger he used his mouth to rip open the condom. He released my nipple and pulled back slightly from me so he could use both hands to roll it over his gleaming shaft. Then, reaching down, he lifted my left leg up bracing it with his arm and opening my entrance for him. The movement left me unsteady as I tried to balance on one heel. To keep from falling, I lifted my hands to grip his muscled shoulders.

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