Heart Lies & Alibis

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Authors: Pepper Chase

BOOK: Heart Lies & Alibis
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Title Page


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22


Heart Lies & Alibis



Pepper Chase



Heart Lies & Alibis


© 2015 by Pepper Chase


All rights reserved.







Permission by the author must be granted before any part of this book can be used for advertising purposes. This includes the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons - living or dead - is coincidental.




To C/a/c - You are my heart, my soul, and my happily-ever-after.

Thank you for being with me every step of the crazy journey

as I brought this book from my mind to the page.

There is no remedy for love but to love more

~ Henry David Thoreau


Once upon a time I turned forty and my life fell apart. It was the best thing that could have happened to me. Let me explain.


Chapter 1


My husband and I started a law firm almost a decade ago and had built it up to a thriving success but it had taken a toll on our marriage along the way. As was common on most days, I was still at work long after everyone in the office had gone home. I had a hard time letting the job go and that had always been part of our many problems. When the words of the document I was reading began to swarm on the screen of my laptop, I knew it was finally time to call it a night. I hit save on the document I was working on and closed the lid on the computer.

I leaned back in my chair for a moment, closing my eyes in the hopes of getting enough energy to walk out to my car and drive home. It had been a hell of a week at the firm and I was drained. The feeling was nothing new but tonight I felt even more wiped out.

Perhaps some of my exhaustion also stemmed from the fact I would be turning forty the next day. Where the hell had the time gone? One last sigh and I pushed to my feet, gathered my things and headed to the door. I stopped once I was outside and locked it before pulling on my coat and heading to the front of the office. I glanced towards my husband's door across the expansive suite and was surprised to see his light was still on. He had told me he was headed home a few hours ago but he must have changed his mind, so I altered my path and headed towards his office instead.

Things had been so strained between us the past year and I wasn't sure where our marriage was headed. Between the stress and demands of the firm and growing pains in our marriage, I was worried. I knew I still loved Thad and wasn't ready to give up on us yet so maybe there was still a chance. I thought we could grab some dinner before we headed home, like we used to back when we first started the firm, in the days where we still sought out the others company.

I smiled at the memories and felt a bit less exhausted. I liked the idea of spending some quality time with my husband. We were set to go away for the weekend to celebrate my birthday anyway, to maybe rekindle some of the spark in our marriage, so what harm would there be in getting the celebration started tonight?


I set my briefcase and coat on his assistant's chair, shook my hair free from the up-twist I usually wore and undid the top button on my blouse as a naughty idea crossed my mind. Maybe it was time to break his new leather couch in properly. We hadn't fooled around at the office in years. I smiled in anticipation of where the evening could go.

As I reached the closed door of my husband's office, I thought I could hear some muffled moans coming from inside. I paused before knocking, listening for a moment longer as the cold realization of what I was hearing washed over me. My body moved forward, acting on its own accord, and I opened the door with slightly shaking hands. I stopped in the doorway, staring without saying a word while my brain attempted to process what was happening in the room.

The couple inside the room was faced away from me with the silver haired man doing his best to pleasure the nubile blonde beneath him. I recognized my husband's ass, immediately, as he pumped rhythmically into the young woman who lay on the leather sofa. Ten years of marriage and another three years as lovers before that made his derriere hard to forget. His young partner was partially blocked from me, and it was only after I cleared my throat to alert them to my presence, did her face come into view.

"Hello Thad, Amberly. I see you're working late tonight. Please don't stop on my account. I can wait until you're finished. I know from experience, it won't take long." I crossed my arms to keep myself from shaking with rage. I was impressed I was able to keep my voice so calm.

"Son of a bitch", my husband mumbled as he fumbled to disengage himself from his partner, flopping beside her on the sofa and reaching for a pillow to cover himself. Always the consummate gentleman, he handed one to Amberly as well. "Reagan, oh my god. Let me explain." His face looked ashen and I knew he was scrambling for words he would never find.

I almost smiled at the irony of the statement. How many men caught in this position had uttered those same words? "Please. I would love to hear you explain this, Councilor." But what could he possibly say to make the situation better?

His face paled and his gaze dropped from looking to the ground. At least he had the decency to be embarrassed, which was unusual for Thad and his enormous ego. "Well, Umm, this isn't what it looks like. I mean. It is what it looks like but.... Well. Ah hell." He was at a loss for words for the first time since we met.

I pounced, my voice becoming terser with each interaction. "Really? It isn't what it looks like? So I didn't just catch you fucking your legal assistant on the eve of my 40
birthday?" I flung my hand out in exasperation.


Thad's eyes flared and he set his mouth in annoyance. "I'd appreciate if you weren't so crass Reagan. We can discuss this situation like adults." I could not believe he still had the balls to chastise me at a moment like this. Thad believed women should avoid cursing at all costs. Thad believed many things about women I had failed to live up to over the years until it became a running joke between us. But I wasn't laughing tonight.

"I'm so sorry." I mocked sarcastically. "You're right dear husband. How uncouth of me to use such language at a time like this. I do apologize. Please, continue with your explanation of this situation and I will avoid engaging in any more crass behavior."

He glared at me and I glared back. I wanted to laugh out loud as I looked at the two of them as they sat on the edge of the sofa. Caught like horny teenagers making out on lover's lane, their embarrassment and guilt filled their faces. I felt tears threaten the back of my eyes but I quickly willed them away. I was hurt, humiliated, and truth be told, heartbroken by what had transpired in the past few minutes but damned if I would ever give these two the satisfaction of seeing me break in front of them. I still had some pride and I made it a rule, never to cry.

Our marriage had been on the rocks for many months and I had often wondered about Thad's fidelity but having his betrayal presented to me in full color like this burned me deep inside. He would pay for this indiscretion in as many ways as I could devise but damn if I wouldn't make sure to keep my dignity in collecting the fee.

"So tell me Thad because I must know. What were your exact plans for this weekend? Have a quick fuck at the office with your juvenile jezebel before coming home to your wife to leave for a romantic weekend away? I didn't think you had it in you do be such a Lothario you could satisfy two women in one weekend." I stopped, a wicked mean smirk on my face. "Wait, are you popping some of those little blue pills again?"

His eyes flashed with anger and I knew I had hit a sore spot. Thad was fourteen years my senior, which made him nearly thirty years older than Amberly by my calculations. I knew he would probably have needed more than a few Viagra to make it through the weekend he appeared to have had planned.

He started to speak again but he took one look at my face and stopped. At least he had the dignity to drop his head in shame. Amberly, on the other hand, looked like a deer caught in my headlights. Her eyes darted nervously from me to Thad and back again, clearly unsure of what the hell she should do. She clutched the pillow Thad had given her but it did little to hide her 34DD chest. She bit her lip and looked like a child sitting there and the sight made me more sad than angry.

I looked at my husband again. All I could do was shake my head slowly in disgust. "Really Thad? Did you have to turn our life into a sad cliché? She's young enough to be your daughter for Christ's sake. You couldn't cheat on me with one of our friends like a respectable husband would do?"

He sighed loudly, his face a shade redder than before, but he remained silent. He knew I was right in calling him out on his choice of lovers as we had often joked about the ridiculousness of successful men bedding younger women simply to satisfy a mid-life crisis. So he had become the butt of his own lame joke of a life and I was making sure he knew it.

His voice was tired when he finally spoke and for a moment I felt some sympathy for him. "I'm sorry Reagan. I never meant to hurt you. Things haven't been good between us for a long time and I needed someone to make things better. I know I screwed up and I wish I had done things differently. I don't know what else to say except I'm sorry for the ...umm... bad timing of you finding out like this with your birthday tomorrow and our plans for the weekend." He shrugged slightly. His attitude was as blasé as if he had forgotten to bring home dinner or take out the trash not destroyed our marriage. I was raging now.

I threw my hands in the air, my eyes wide with anger as I spit out the words. "Are you serious right now? The end of our marriage on the eve of my 40th birthday is 'bad timing' in your opinion? Fuck you Thad. What kind of bastard thinks that way?" His eyes grew large as I stormed on. "Make other sleeping arrangements for tonight because I don't want to see your lying, cheating, worthless ass anywhere near our home."

I glanced again at Amberly and snorted. "But I'm sure finding an open bed to sleep in will be the least of your problems. You'll be hearing from my attorney." To hell with him and everything else, I thought as I turned and stomped out, slamming the door hard enough to shake the walls.


My drive home passed in a blur and in spite of my best efforts was accompanied by free falling tears. I hated to cry because tears had always made me feel so vulnerable but I couldn't stop them tonight. I threw the car into park when I reached our driveway, knowing I couldn't chance trying to park in the garage in my current state. I walked in the house slamming the door behind me. I headed straight for the bar in the corner of the living room barely pausing as I grabbed the bottle and splashed two fingers of whiskey into a glass. I had the first drink downed without a moment's hesitation. The amber liquid burned all the way down to my stomach and I appreciated the pain.

I poured another two fingers in the glass and turned to survey my home. Everywhere I looked I saw reminders of my life with Thad – as would happen after nearly fifteen years together – photos, mementos from trips, books we had shared, even places we had made love. It made me sick to think I had spent so many years building a life with him only to have it shattered in one evening. I slammed another shot. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions and I felt overwhelmed.

It wasn't that I thought Thad was perfect – no husband is – but we were good together once upon a time. We had been friends as well as lovers and spouses but things had slowly started to change over time. We didn't see eye to eye on many things and had started to want different things out of life in the last few years. I sighed again. When had things fallen apart so badly he had turned to another woman?

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