Read healing-hearts Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

healing-hearts (37 page)

BOOK: healing-hearts
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“That’s what I heard.” Smiling at both of them, Allison stuck her hand out. “Let me be the first to congratulate you.”

When Jason squeezed her hand, too emotional to say anything, Yasmine turned to him with tears in her eyes. “Jason...”

Jason, understanding her overwhelming excitement, pulled Yasmine into his arms and hugged her.

When they parted, they thanked the judge and the lawyer, then signed the paperwork and went out to collect the children.

They had already talked about having a cookout that weekend if the judge granted them custody, and they would tell the children then.


“Cayla and Andrés love their new playmates,” Lisa announced as she came back into the house from the backyard where the celebration party roared with excitement.

The party consisted of Teddy and his girlfriend Crystal, Lisa and her husband Thomas, and Laura, Yasmine’s sister, who had all flown in the previous night. Charmagne and her husband were there and Leigh had yet to arrive.

“I’m glad I could be of service to them.” Jason pulled more marinated meat out of the refrigerator to place on the grill.

“Sure you are. If you were thinking of them you would have started when Andrés was first born five years ago.”

Shaking his head in jest, Jason sighed in exaggeration. “Some people are just never satisfied.”

Chuckling, he and Lisa exited the house and walked over to the grill.

Glancing across the field, Jason commented, “Thomas appears to be having a great time with the kids over there.”

“Yeah, ever since Cayla turned one and started walking he keeps dropping hints about ‘How nice it would be to have another one’.”

“So, are you all trying?” Jason asked, adding the raw meat to the grill with his long barbecuing fork.

His sister laughed. “He is, but I’m not.”

Jason joined his sister in laughter.

“So, have you and Yasmine talked about whether you all were going to have more?”

“Yikes, you just jumped right in there, didn’t you?”

“I figure there was no need to beat around the bush.” Lisa winked at him.

“Well, let’s just put it this way. As it stands now, that may not be an option for us.” Jason responded with all of the earlier lightness gone from his voice.

“So, is it not going well?”

“Unfortunately, it’s going great.” Jason looked across the yard at Yasmine talking to her sister and Crystal.

“Then what’s the problem?

“After yesterday, Yasmine has no further need of my services.”

“But, she’s still planning to uphold her part of the deal, right?” Lisa asked, concernedly.

“I’m sure she is, but that’s the only thing left, then it’s bye-bye to me.”

“I know you too well. Your name’s on those papers giving you custody also and you’d never be able to walk away from that responsibility.”

“Oh, I don’t plan on it.” Jason assured his sister.

“So, what are you going to do about you and Yasmine?”

“There is no me and Yasmine.”

“How do you know?” His sister questioned, picking up a soda out of the nearby cooler.

“Look, Lisa, every time I bring up how I feel, she brushes it off to the kids.” Jason thought back to his and Yasmine’s lunch together at the Chinese restaurant, when he had told her he was there for her and wanted to come by the house more.

“How do you feel?”

“What?” Jason asked, coming out of the fog of his thoughts.

“I asked, how do you feel about Yasmine?”

“I don’t know, except that I care about her a lot.”

“What do you mean you don’t know? If you haven’t figured it out, then how are you expecting her to understand?”

Jason didn’t want to think about that at the moment. He just wanted to enjoy his kids’ celebration party.

“Look, I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

“I’ll respect that, but don’t walk away from the marriage if it’s truly what you want. You have to find a way to make Yasmine realize what you guys have. You could start by telling her you love her.” Lisa walked away to where her husband was playing with the four children.


Crystal had just walked away to talk to Lisa when Yasmine heard, “Hi, Laura. Sorry I’m late, Yassi, I had to pick up a friend.”

Yasmine turned at the sound of her best friend’s voice saying, “That’s okay, we just put the party on hold waiting for you...” Yasmine’s voice faded away as she noticed a broadly smiling Leigh, linked through the arm of a tall, tanned well-built,

Yasmine had never known her friend to date anything other than black guys since she had known her. Not that Yasmine cared as long as Leigh was happy; it was just her friend’s vocal statement about all she liked were

While Yasmine’s voice was taken away from shock, Leigh made the introductions.

“I told you she would be speechless.” Leigh spoke in a stage whisper in the man’s ear. “Yasmine, you never got a chance to meet Mr. Kroll’s grandson, the co-owner of the gymnasium we’ve been working with. This is Lawrence.”

Regaining the use of her faculties, Yasmine said, “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. Your gym is fabulous. Thank you for giving us free membership for six months.”

“I’ve heard so much about you, it’s good to finally put a face with it and the membership was no problem. Call me Larry. No one calls me Lawrence but Leigh. I’d stop her also, but it just sound so sexy coming from her lips.” He glanced down toward Leigh’s mouth as if he would have loved the opportunity to kiss them—then and there.

Yasmine cleared her throat to get his attention. “Okay, Larry it is.” Shaking the man’s hand she followed up with, “Larry, there are plenty of refreshments on the table by the grill, if you would like something.”

“I know the cue that my presence is no longer needed. Luckily, I’m not easily offended,” He landed a quick kiss to Leigh’s lips and walked away from the women.

“Isn’t he just totally yummy, girl? It’s like having my own personal Vin Diesel to

Yasmine watched her friend eye her date as he walked across the backyard.

“He is a cutie pie. So, are you going to tell me the scoopers or are we going to play twenty questions?”

Leigh turned around with a daffy grin on her face. “I’ll give you the low-down, because I’d hate to take time away from the little ones’ day.”

“I’ll leave you two to your conversation.” Laura departed to play with her new niece and nephew.

“Good, spill it,” Yasmine ordered with a smile.

“Well, I had met Lawrence a few times while I was out working with the health bar crew, and he asked me out a few times. I thought he was attractive, but you know how I love chocolate,” Leigh gave her a sly smile.

“So what changed your mind?”

“When I had decided to attend the competition, because I like muscle just as much.” Amazingly, Leigh smile widened. “Well, I’m sitting in the crowd cheering along, when to my surprise out comes Lawrence.” With euphoric recall evident on her face, she fanned herself. “Practically nude, bulging muscles slick with oil and I fell hard with each pose he made. I tell you if he had stayed on that stage any longer, I would have embarrassed myself when I stood up.” Leigh replied, smiling cheekily. “We’ve been seeing each other ever since.”

“I’m really happy for you. Who would have ever thought you’d be converted?”

“To a Jewish bodybuilder, nonetheless.”


“Joshua and Jessica, do you know why everyone is at our house today?” Jason asked the twins.

Everyone was standing around the small picnic table where Yasmine, Jason and the twins were sitting.

“Because they like hotdogs,” Joshua declared.

“No, Joshua.” Jessica corrected him. “They like the tree swing.”

Jason jumped in before a sibling argument was incited.

“Well, I’m sure some of them like hotdogs and the swing, but they’re all here for you two.”

“For us?” Jessica asked.

“But why?” Joshua asked.

“Do you all remember the other day when you got to meet Judge Roth?” Yasmine questioned.

Joshua nodded.

Jessica beamed, a small smile stretching her little mouth. “At courts’ house.”

“Yes, sweetie, at the
” Yasmine answered her, stressing the proper terminology.

“Well, we went there to find out if you two can keep living with us.” Jason informed them.

“Forever?” Joshua asked.

“And ever.” Jason confirmed.

“Can we?” Jessica asked looking from Jason to Yasmine.

“Do you want to?” Yasmine asked.

The group around them had not uttered a word. Everyone was quiet, giving the family their private moment.

The both nodded vigorously.

“Good, because that’s what we want, too.” Yasmine explained to the twins.

“The judge agreed with all of us and told us we can keep you.”

“Both of us?” Jessica questioned, needing the reassurance.

“You betcha!” Jason confirmed excitedly.

“Yippee!” Joshua propelled himself off the table and began jumping up and down.

“Can I call you Mommy and Daddy now?”

“That would make me the happiest Mommy in the world.” Yasmine’s eyes welled up with tears.

Yasmine embraced Jessica as Joshua jumped into Jason’s lap for a hug, while the group surrounding them erupted in cheers.



“You really look beautiful tonight.” Jason watched Yasmine gingerly move down the stairs minutes after he had arrived.

Yasmine was wearing a floor-length, champagne colored, satin strappy evening gown that left her arms, elegant neck and the expansion of her back bare. The dress complimented her complexion perfectly. He admired the straight dark strands that swept over her back. He thought she was beautiful with short or long hair, but he loved the current length most.

They were on their way to his company’s formal dinner party at Maximillian’s on the oceanfront, which was where his boss would announce who the new vice-president would be. All day he felt like a kid in a candy store. He was going into this evening with high expectations. If this night turned out the way he had planned, it would be a night to remember in many ways.

Yasmine glowed at the compliment. “Thank you, so do you.”

Jason was wearing a black Ralph Lauren tuxedo, tailored to fit his body.

“Well, don’t the two of you make a sight to behold?” Leigh came out of the kitchen with a tray of snacks for herself and the children.

“Now if you need us, call. I have my cell phone on vibra—”

“Yassi, out! Go have a wonderful evening with your husband. We’ll be fine.”

“Thanks, Leigh.” Jason laughed at the way she commanded Yasmine, refusing to allow her to worry.

“No problem, Jason. Good luck tonight.” Leigh walked with them to the door.

“While you’re sending out things I could use a prayer or two.” He and Yasmine exited the house.

Waving good-bye to them, Leigh yelled out, “You got it.”


“The food here is excellent.” Yasmine commented to Jason, as she ate the steamed lobster, filled with a crabmeat stuffing. On the side there were baby potatoes in a garlic sauce and mixed vegetables.

“I’ll have to bring you back here again, maybe for our anniversary.” Jason raised his hand and caressed her cheek.

Yasmine didn’t respond verbally, she just smiled at her husband. She had to swallow hard to get the bite down past the lump in her throat. She was sure Jason was just performing for the benefit of his co-workers, but it was still difficult to hear. Since he had picked her up, he had been the doting husband, attending to her every need and administering frequent caresses of affection. It was over after tonight for them, regardless of which way Mr. Coleman’s decision went.

The sound of something hitting glass interrupted Yasmine’s thoughts.

Clink, clink, clink,
was the sound coming from Mr. Coleman as he tapped a knife against the side of his water glass.

“Good evening, all. We are here tonight for a very special reason.” Mr. Coleman paused as he looked around the large room, making eye contact with his employees. “I’m sure you all know by now that David Weary is leaving us.”

There were nods of affirmation around the room, but no one said anything while they waited anxiously for his decision.

“Well, his shoes aren’t going to be easy to fill. He and I started this company together and I thought we’d leave it the same way.” Mr. Coleman looked at the man next to him for a moment.

Yasmine could easily see evidence of the bond of friendship that had grown between them over the years.

Turning back to the room he continued, “Over the last six months he and I have had the opportunity to observe some of our top executives. We purposely took our time in selecting the person who could balance their life, have the focus to complete a task assigned and have the drive to make sure Coleman and Weary stay a step above its competitors.”

BOOK: healing-hearts
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