Head Over Heels (35 page)

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Authors: Crystal B. Bright

BOOK: Head Over Heels
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“But he’s not doing that.” Michael sprang from the bed and retrieved his tablet from the desk in his room. “See. He’s been put on the injured list. What’s a bleeding ulcer?”

Probably something the Carolina Wrens didn’t want to hear right now
, Kari wanted to say. She’d avoided looking up stories about Thane to keep from being sucked back into caring again.

“An ulcer is when the acid in your stomach eats the lining in your belly and it makes you sick.” Kari understood Thane’s worry. First his mother, then the issues with his brothers, and now his job. For a young man, he had a lot riding on his shoulders.

“They said he’s spending time in North Carolina.” He turned the tablet around to show her the gossip site where he had found the information.

Kari took the tablet from his hands. “You know I don’t like you going to these sites. They’re not for kids.”

“Sorry.” He hung his head down.

“And Thane—Mr. Wells—has a right to his privacy just like we do. Stop following him online. It’s creepy.”

“But I miss him. You won’t let me go outside to play, and I can’t throw a baseball in the house.” He leaned his head on Kari’s shoulder. “Until he got sick, we had fun in Virginia Beach.” He laughed.

“What’s so funny?” She stroked her hand over his back.

“Before everything happened with Dad, I got Leona’s contact information. I wouldn’t have done that if it hadn’t been for Mr. Wells.”

Kari blinked. She didn’t think she would need to have “the talk” with Michael so soon, although she found it adorable that he liked a girl already.

“I thought you liked him.”

“I do, as a baseball player.” She couldn’t say as a friend. Not anymore.

“Did you two have a fight or something?”

She leaned back to look at her son’s face. He still looked innocent, but the questions he asked made her wonder if he had aged ten more years since leaving the beach. “Why would you ask me that?”

He shrugged. “You seem different now.”

“Different how? I still dress the same. I still eat the same foods. I still love giving you kisses.” To illustrate her final point, she kissed his forehead, complete with the kissing sound she knew drove Michael crazy.

“Mom.” He wiped his forehead.

“See. Still the same Mom.”

“Yeah, but you seemed, I don’t know, happier before.” He patted her leg. “It’s nice to see you smiling again.”

It felt good to show some happiness. “Okay, I’ve kept you from your studies long enough.” She helped Michael to his feet and nudged him toward the office. “Get back to work, mister.”

“Aw, Mom.” He schlepped toward the office.

“I know. Life is so hard for you, isn’t it?”

He nodded.

“I could sing to you if you wanted.” She paired the singing with some dancing.

Michael shook his head and waved his hands in front of her. “No, no. I’m fine.”

Kari held back her laughter. With Michael gone from his room, it gave her the opportunity to scan the pictures on his wall. Thane’s blue eyes drew her in to every shot, that and his incredible ass.

She shook her head. She had to stop. No way would he be pining over her. In her mind, Thane had moved on. In her heart, she hoped he felt the same as she did.

* * * *

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Jermaine asked for the seventh time over the phone.

Thane smiled as he drove down to the Outer Banks vacation house. “I haven’t changed my answer each time you’ve asked me.” He shook his head. “The surgeon has told me to take time off. The team doc won’t clear me right now to even practice, let alone play. My body is telling me I need to take a little break. I’m hoping sixty days will do the trick, but we’ll see.”

“And then you’ll be back?”

Thane heard the anticipation in Jermaine’s voice.

“Yes, then I hope to come back.” His contract covered another year. He owed the Wrens that much.

“Take care of yourself, man. Hopefully, we’ll see you in a couple of months.”

The call ended as soon as Thane’s navigation announced his arrival to his destination.

Jesus, Queen Elizabeth had good taste. He drove up the brick-paved drive to the three-story house that sat on the beach. Thane had imagined owning this type of home when he saw retirement in his horizon.

He stayed in his car in front of the house for several minutes while he compared the address on the paperwork he’d signed at the will reading to where he sat now. Thane surveyed the place. He had arrived before tourist season so he didn’t see any cars.

Before he lugged his suitcase up the stairs to the brown house with white trim, he went up to the door with the key. Even after opening the door, he still couldn’t believe he had come to the right place and that his mother had owned this home without telling any of them.

Thane heard the telltale beeping from the alarm by the door. He entered the code the attorney had given him.

He walked into the living room first. The great open view of the ocean behind the house greeted him as soon as he entered the home. He clearly saw the picturesque beach through the glass wall at the back of the house. No wonder his mother had bought this place.

Thane explored the downstairs area first. He stepped into the kitchen with its all stainless-steel appliances and granite counters and bars. He half expected to find the refrigerator fully stocked. The nearly empty refrigerator only held a box of baking soda and a couple of bottles of champagne. However, in the freezer he found Tupperware containers filled with cookie dough, his mother’s homemade chocolate chip cookie dough.

“Yes.” Thane pumped his fist as he closed the freezer door.

He strolled around the home until he came across a strange-looking door. He opened it and found it went to an elevator. The idea that Queen would outfit her vacation home with an elevator tickled him. Thane laughed as he got inside and went up to the second floor. He would need this when he moved some things into the place.

He rested his hand on his stomach when the doors opened and he felt a slight twinge. The doctors had advised him to get a lot of rest and relaxation. This house would accomplish that goal…but not much of anything else.

As Thane explored each room, he found the furniture to be oversized and comfortable looking. The home reminded him of Elizabeth’s house in Virginia Beach, or rather Gunnar’s house now, except it didn’t have an abundance of doilies.

Thane reached the top floor and walked around the open space with pitched ceilings. In every part of the house, he thought about Kari and how much she would like this place. He’d wanted Kari to be with him the first time he came here. He messed up that relationship. As much as he wanted to blame his misguided conclusion on the drugs, he knew what he had said. He knew what he’d done. To make it all right, he knew what he had to do.

Thane started to leave the house when he noticed an envelope sitting on a coffee table. He picked it up and opened it, thinking that maybe Mr. Ubo had left him other instructions regarding the home. The attorney had been extremely helpful in getting the utilities placed in his name.

He opened the envelope and instead found a handwritten letter from his mother. He recognized her writing. For this, he had to take a seat.

If you all are reading this, it means that I have gone to that great garden in the sky.

Thane smiled at her terminology, but he felt his throat getting scratchy and tightening up the more he read.

I know this home is a surprise. I had to have my secrets. You all shouldn’t. I hope this home brings you all closer together as a family. It’s all I dream of…well, that and grandchildren.

Thane laughed at that line. Queen would have made a wonderful grandmother. She’d always been a great mother to the three of them.

Be good to one another. Love each other. I will always, always love you all. Love, Mom.

He read over the line about being good to one another. Before leaving, he pulled out his phone. As soon as he started to call the first number, he instinctively put his hand to his stomach. Usually, a call to Gunnar twisted his gut. Not this time.

“Yeah,” the gruff man said after only the first ring.

“Hey, Gun. How are you doing?” Thane rested his free hand on his leg as he talked to his brother.

“You mean since you kicked me and Gid out from your hospital room? Great. Just great.” Sarcasm filled his voice.

Thane couldn’t blame him. He had been a rotten brother to both of them.

“What are you doing? I read online that you were released from the hospital. Thanks for telling us.”

Thane could now hear his brother pacing through the phone. “Yep, I got out yesterday. I checked out of my hotel. As long as I remain relaxed and take my meds, I’ll be fine.” He glanced around the space. “So I’m at Mom’s house in the Outer Banks.”

Gunnar chuckled. “You called to gloat? You want to rub it in my face that you’re in a beach house?”

“No. I’m wondering why the hell you and Eboni aren’t here.”

The silence on the other line had Thane wondering if Gunnar had disconnected the call.

“You what?” Gunnar asked.

Thane sat at the edge of the couch. “Why don’t you and your girl come down here? The house is beautiful, man. But it’s too much for me.” He glanced at the letter Queen left. “And Mom would want it that way.” He stopped. “No.
want you here. I want to see you all here.”


“You have something to write with? Let me give you the address.” As soon as Gunnar said he could write, Thane spouted the address and gave some basic directions to get to the house.

“Eb and I have to make sure the salon is okay before we can go.” Excitement filled Gunnar’s voice.

“Good. I was thinking maybe you all can come down this weekend. Maybe stay a week or two or more. Whatever you want.” Thane stood. “I need to get some food and stuff in the house. It’s all furnished at least. I’ll make sure there are enough towels, blankets, sheets, and stuff.”

“Come on. It’s Mom’s house. Of course she would make sure it was stocked with everything we would need.” Gunnar laughed, which prompted Thane to join him.

“Yeah, I suppose.” Thane nodded as he headed to the elevator. “I’m calling Gid now and see if he can make it.”

“Thanks, man. It’ll be good to see everyone again under one roof without it being a funeral.”

“Or a community center dance.”

They laughed together. The elevator dinged and Thane got inside.

“I thought you said you left the hotel. Did I hear an elevator?” Gunnar asked.

“You have
to see this house. It’s incredible.” He reached the bottom floor and made sure to lock all the windows and doors.

“Can’t wait. Love you, Thane.”

Thane stutter stepped to the front door and stopped in place. “Love you.” He did. Despite his pent-up anger and resentment, he did love Gunnar and Gideon.

Too bad it took losing their mother, having a surgery, and missing out on the best woman he’d ever been with in his life for him to realize the importance of family.

He turned on the house alarm and locked the door behind himself. As soon as he got into his car, he called Gideon.

“Hey, Thane. Are you back in the hotel? You know you can stay with me and Janelle while you recover.” Gideon barely took a breath as he spoke.

“You are always opening your home to me and the family.” Thane ran his hand over his head.

“Of course. That’s what family does.” He grunted like he’d stood from a sitting position.

“You’re right. So how about you and Janelle come down to the Outer Banks this weekend and stay with me at Mom’s house?” Thane looked up at the house through his car window. “I’m here right now. It’s incredible. And I’ve already called Gunnar.”

“You did?”

Thane nodded like his brother could see him. “He said he’s coming down with Eboni after he makes sure the salon is all straight. What about you? Can you take some time from the flower shop to hang out? I need to do some things first and get some food in here. All that was left was a frozen container of Mom’s chocolate chip cookie dough.”

“No way.” Gideon laughed. “I’ll come down there now just for that.”

Thane gave his brother the address of the house.

“I’ll get up with Gunnar so that we can come down together. Thanks, Thane. This’ll be good for all of us.”

Thane thought so too. “See you all in a few days.” He had to make a special trip first.

What he needed to do couldn’t be done with a call. He glanced at the clock on his phone. By the time he got to where he needed to go, it would be eight or nine at night. He didn’t care.

Thane made sure to gas up his ride before hitting the road to go north. He kept a laser focus the entire drive. Until he drove to the place where Kari worked, he didn’t remember listening to the radio or hearing anything else. His mind stayed on Kari.

He started to head up to the building when a blonde strolled out. As soon as she saw him, she dropped the coffee she held and cursed.

“Are you okay?” Thane struggled to bend over to pick up her cup.

“Um, yeah. You would think after working here for so long that I would get used to seeing good-looking athletes.” She put her hand to her head. “I’m so glad I agreed to work late tonight. Sorry. My name is Chelsi.”

Thane accepted her hand and shook it. “Thane Wells. I’m here to see Kari Meyers. I’m hoping she’s as dedicated as you. Can you tell me where her office is?”

Chelsi looked like she wanted to say something, then she stopped herself and reached into her saddlebag purse. “I’ll do you one better.” She scribbled something down and handed it to him. “You can find her there.”

He glanced at the address. “Thanks.” He headed back to his vehicle.

“Oh, no. Thank you.”

Thane looked behind him and caught Chelsi taking a picture of him. She had her camera aimed down at his ass. He had to shake his head.

It took him no time to get to the other address. It surprised him to discover that Chelsi had given him Kari’s home address. He hoped she didn’t do that with every client looking for Kari.

A few vans lined the street in front of her townhouse. Thane pulled into her driveway and got out, which incited a feeding frenzy. The few remaining photographers jumped out of their vehicles and started snapping away.

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