Head Over Heels (30 page)

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Authors: Crystal B. Bright

BOOK: Head Over Heels
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Michael studied the picture for a moment. “Purple.” He screwed up his lips for a second before he brought his attention back to Kari.

“Yes, the color she liked.” She put her phone back in her purse.

“Why does she need a new dress? It looks too fancy for school.” Michael wrinkled his little nose.

“She’s attending a dance.” Kari paused. “Mr. Wells invited us to go. Does that sound like something you would want to do?”

Michael never went to his school dances. He always had a reason to skip them, like a school project or a paper he had to write. If her son didn’t want to go, she wouldn’t make him. She was conflicted. She did want to spend more time with Thane. He had made her an absolutely gorgeous dress. She also wondered what he would look like in a nice suit.

“As long as I don’t have to dance, I would like to go. But I don’t have anything nice to wear. I brought shorts and my bathing suit. Is that okay for this party?”

Kari exhaled and smiled. Michael did want to go, although she hadn’t thought about what he and Reagan would wear. “Go to bed right now, and we’ll go shopping after breakfast.”

“With Mr. Thane—uh, Wells?”

Kari stood behind Michael and held his shoulders as she led him to the bathroom. “I don’t know what he his plans are for tomorrow other than the dance. We’ll see him at the community center.”

Truth be told, she wanted to see Thane earlier than that. She wanted to keep talking to him, especially since he had shared some incredible news, first about his brothers and then about his baseball career.

As soon as she heard the shower start, and when Reagan dragged herself to bed, Kari sat on the couch in front of the TV. She thought about calling Thane but decided against it. Then her phone vibrated and chirped in her hand. She looked at the screen.

“Thanks for the help & the tease. I like Kari the agent almost as much as I like Kari the woman. Go to bed. T.”

Kari read the message ten times before she decided to respond. She started off typing a long message and then stopped herself.

“Good night, Mr. Wells.”

She stood and headed to her bed when her phone vibrated again.

“I knew you would still be awake.”

She smiled. Every time she thought she could pigeonhole Thane into one category, he surprised her. After tucking her son into bed after his shower, Kari went to sleep with a smile on her face and a heaviness in her heart.

* * * *

No matter how long Thane worked out that day, or what activities he did to occupy his mind, Kari filled and flooded his thoughts. He liked being open with her. Each time he shared some news about himself, he felt lighter. The pains in his stomach started to go away.

Thane stayed away from social media and the Internet that day. It didn’t matter. His teammates and friends kept texting him articles and posts about him throwing a ball to Michael. Thane truly didn’t think what he did would be newsworthy or interesting. The rest of the population didn’t feel that way.

He hoped that Kari hadn’t caught wind of any of this. He remembered how panic stricken she appeared when she found him keeping her son occupied. If she did see all the online attention, he didn’t want it to keep her from attending this dance event. He didn’t want to attend it alone. He needed the support.

Thane finished getting dressed in black slacks, a red button-down shirt, and a matching black jacket that he’d made himself. He glanced at his watch.

“Shit.” Thane hurried out of his hotel room.

He hated being late, especially when he had something important to do. He rushed over to Sharp in time to see Arlene and Leona walking back to Arlene’s car. Thane didn’t bother doing a perfect parking job. He left his car sideways in the lot and hopped out of it.

“Sorry, ladies.” He unlocked the door to the store. “I apologize for getting here late.” He ushered the two inside and locked the door after them.

“We thought maybe you were kidding about the dress yesterday.” Arlene struggled to smile.

“I would never make light of a promise.” Thane crouched in front of Leona. “Are you ready to see your custom-made gown?”

The child shrugged. “I guess.”

Thane could understand her disappointment. He’d almost ruined it for her by being late. He stood and opened the door to the workroom where he’d created the dress. “Tah dah.” He held his hand up to show off the garment on the dress form.

When he didn’t hear anything, Thane looked down at Leona. He found her mouth agape and tears streaming down her cherubic face.

“It’s so pretty.” She moved toward it but stopped before touching it. “I can’t pay you for this.”

“I know, sweetie.” Thane nodded.

“I can return it right after the dance. My mama can clean it.”

Thane crouched down again. “This is yours. From me to you. A one-of-a-kind original. A gift.”

She didn’t say anything when she hugged him. Thane wrapped his arms around her. When he looked up, he noticed Arlene Sortoberg crying. She turned her back on the scene.

Thane released the child. “There are changing rooms out there.” He took the dress off the form. “You can put this on in there.” Then he glanced at his watch. “You don’t have a lot of time. The dance will be starting in an hour.”

“Thank you so much.” She ran out of the room.

Good thing. Thane looked down and noticed a condom package on the floor. Damn. One must have fallen out of Kari’s purse. He casually stepped on it to keep it out of Arlene’s view.

“This was really a wonderful thing you did.” Arlene patted Thane’s arm.

“It was nothing. I hope it fits. If it doesn’t, it’s going to take me a bit to make adjustments.” He shifted, which caused the packaging to crinkle under his foot.

Arlene looked down.

“Ms. Sortoberg, I need help with the zipper,” Leona said from the dressing room.

“Be right there, dear.”

As soon as Arlene walked out of the room, Thane picked up the condom and shoved it in his pocket. A fleeting thought hit him that he might be able to use it that night. He shook his head to push the idea from his mind. Kari would be there with her family…in that dress.


Thane’s cell phone rang in his jacket pocket. He retrieved it, saw Gunnar’s name across the screen, and put the phone back in its place. He didn’t need this night ruined with an argument with his brother.

Thankfully, Leona’s new dress fit her perfectly. He hadn’t lost his touch. With Leona changed into her new dress, he escorted the two out of the store. They followed him to the Oceanfront Community Center.

Due to good manners, and to heighten Leona’s special moment, Thane made sure to open the door for her into the center. He went to the basketball court area, which now had streamers trickling down from the ceiling and walls, balloons, and flashing colored lights.

Children already filled the space. Like typical kids, they screamed and jumped around with their friends. A few of them ran across the room, which put Arlene Sortoberg on high alert. She made the rambunctious children stand in front of her as she spouted the rules for their behavior during the event. He remembered almost verbatim her speech from when she’d given it to him when he’d attended these dances as a child.

Thane’s shoes clicked over the shiny hardwood floor as he crossed the room to Drew, the center manager. As soon as Drew saw Thane, his face lit up.

“Hey.” Drew held out his hand. “Thane Wells. I can’t believe you’re here.”

Thane smiled and his stomach started to tighten.

Easy. Come on. One night. Give me one night.

“How are you doing?” Thane shook the older man’s hand.

“Great now that you’re here.” He put his hands to his hips.

“I’m doing this for my mother. She would have done this if—” Thane stopped, unable and unwilling to say out loud that his mother had passed away.

“I know. She was good people.” Drew nodded. “She raised good boys.” He looked behind Thane and his smile widened.

Thane turned and his heart sank. Gunnar walked across the floor holding Eboni’s hand. As usual, Eboni looked like a regal queen with her short hairdo, impeccable makeup, and a form-fitting black sheath dress. Wearing all black, Gunnar looked like a hit man for the mafia.

“You’re here.” Thane didn’t try hiding his disappointment. He did manage to rest his hand on his stomach without the move looking suspicious.

“I called you to let you know we were coming. As usual, you didn’t answer your phone.” Gunnar glared at Thane.

“Honey.” Eboni tugged on Gunnar’s arm. “You promised to be nice.”

“This is nice. I didn’t call him a spoiled brat.”

“Great.” Thane started to walk by them. He leaned over and gave Eboni a kiss on her cheek. “Great seeing you again.”

“At some point, you’re going to have to talk to me.” Gunnar growled his statement.

“Not tonight.” Thane didn’t need the aggravation. As soon as he thought that, he spotted another couple coming into the party area. “Jesus.”

Gideon walked in without his cane and with Janelle by his side. She had her arm around his waist as they headed toward Thane. Could Thane’s night get any better?

“You’re here.” Thane kissed Janelle on her cheek after addressing his brother.

“Of course. We’re in town. This place and this event were important to Mom. It’s a no-brainer that we would be here.” Gideon tightened his hold on Janelle.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been back here and to this dance.” Janelle shook her head.

“You came here? I don’t remember you.” Thane wracked his brain to recall if he’d ever seen Janelle during any of the events.

“I kept myself hidden back then.” She leaned her head on Gideon’s shoulder. “Someone special found me.”

“Yeah, that reminds me. I’ll have to keep an eye out for the bleacher areas. I’m sure I wasn’t the first one to sneak a kiss back there. I know I won’t be the last one.” Gideon patted Thane on his shoulder as he walked by him to talk to Gunnar.

Music filled the room finally, making the place feel like a party. Thane started to turn back into the place when the world stopped around him. A long, succulent leg caught his attention first before he gazed up and saw the beautiful woman attached to it.

Kari sauntered into the room with Reagan and Michael flanking her sides. She had her hair up in a bun and wore nude, strappy sandals. She looked damn sexy.

“Hi, Mr. Wells.” Michael ran up to Thane.

“Hey, Michael. How was the game?” Thane kept his attention on Michael as he spoke to him. As soon as Kari got into close proximity, he smelled her intoxicating scent.

“It was awesome. I ate everything and the Tides won.” Michael pumped his fist in the air.

“Cool. That’s always good when the home team wins.” Thane glanced up to the two women. He addressed Reagan first. “Thanks for coming.” He kissed her cheek.

“Wow. You are so nice.” She hugged him. “And you really smell good.” She turned to Kari. “Smell him.”

“Get off him, please. He’s not a plant.” Kari talked between her teeth.

“Nope. I’m more like a weed.” He pulled Kari in for a hug. “Thanks for coming.”

He felt her heart pounding through her chest. Every part of him wanted to kiss her. He had a feeling she wouldn’t want that in front of her son.

“I haven’t gone to one of these in years. Michael won’t go to his school dances.” Kari embraced Thane but kept him in hold for a beat longer than expected.

Thane didn’t mind. If he could keep holding her all night, he would. When he pulled back from her, he looked down at Michael. “Why don’t you go to your school dances?”

Michael dropped his gaze to the floor. “You know why,” he mumbled.

“I do?” Thane had to hear this. “Could you remind me?”

Michael scanned the area. Thane looked around the room. When he saw the boys all lined up on one side and the girls grouped on the other side of the room, he understood Michael’s dilemma.

“Ah, the dancing.” Thane nodded. “Is that it?”

“I don’t know how to dance. I don’t want some girl laughing at me.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Especially—” He stopped.

Thane scanned the young man’s outfit. He noticed then that Michael wore a nice pair of black pants and a purple shirt. “Nice shirt.” He crouched down next to Michael. “You would probably look good next to her.” He pointed across the room to Leona.

Michael tried hiding his smile. “I don’t really know her.”

“So you introduce yourself.” He brushed the young man’s shirt. “Compliment her new dress.”

“Because you made it?”

Thane shook his head. “Because she looks cute in it.”

Michael screwed up his lips. “Cute?”

“Fine. Don’t say cute.” He stood. “Get her a cup of punch and introduce yourself.”

The child fidgeted. “Are you sure?”

“Positive.” He pointed to the table. “I’ll watch your back.”

Michael nodded and darted over to the refreshments table.

“So now you’re playing matchmaker?” Kari leaned into Thane.

“Only when it’s obvious that he has a thing for someone.” He looked at her. “Did you pick out that shirt color or did he?”

“He did.” She lowered her voice. “He insisted on it. I thought it was adorable.”

“Oh, don’t tell him that. You’ll take away all of his cred.” He swiped his hand over his neck. “By the way, you look absolutely gorgeous.”

“Are you saying that because you made this dress?” Kari held her arms out and twirled in front of him.

“Of course not.” He slid his arm around her waist. “You look really,
good.” He put his mouth by her ear. “Any chance I can take you out of that dress later on tonight?”

Kari laughed. “We’re here chaperoning a children’s function. You need to behave yourself.”

Too bad Thane didn’t want to be a gentleman. Seeing her made his heart pump hard. Although the pains in his stomach hadn’t subsided, he’d forgotten about them as soon as she arrived.

“By the way, nice shirt. I see you and my son are playing from the same playbook.” She nudged his side with her elbow.

“Does my shirt match your dress? What a coincidence.” Thane put his hand to his chest and feigned surprise.

“Yeah, right. I see your brothers are here.” She smiled harder. “That’s good, right?”

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