Head Over Heels (38 page)

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Authors: Crystal B. Bright

BOOK: Head Over Heels
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“Uh, yeah. I did. I have one more fight and that’s it. My full concentration has been on the salon and the hair product line I’ve developed.” Gunnar leaned against the bar.

“I haven’t stopped playing football. But I love the store and I’ve already got plans to expand it and build a nursery. I never thought about doing that until I got with Janelle. She makes me better.” Gideon nodded.

“Same with me and Kari. She’s an excellent mother and has been a great woman for me. I love her.” Thane felt more at ease than he’d ever felt.

“If she makes you happy, then I’m happy.” Gunnar slapped Thane on his shoulder. “You old dog.”

Thane laughed. He felt relief to finally get his feelings out. With his brothers back in his life and his woman by his side, nothing could conquer him.

* * * *

Kari couldn’t imagine a more perfect day, unless Michael had been there with her. She sat next to Thane while they watched a fire in a fire pit erupt in a tall flame. Gunnar sat next to Eboni with his arm around her. Gideon sat on the other side of Thane with his arms around Janelle.

“Mom was a smart woman.” Gunnar tapped his temple. “She knew what to do to bring us all together.”

Gideon nodded.

“I miss her.” Thane confessed. “I miss our talks.”

“I miss the way she would give advice at inappropriate times.” Gideon chuckled.

“I miss her teasing.” Gunnar smiled.

“I hate to do this without her, but I have to.” Thane stood up in front of Kari.

She stared at him before glancing at the other four in attendance. “What are you doing?”

Before Kari could figure it out, Thane dropped down to one knee. Eboni and Janelle gasped. Kari couldn’t breathe. She kept her stare on Thane as he smiled at her.

“When I first saw you, I knew you were the woman for me. Strong-willed, smart, sexy. You are everything I want in a woman and more. The fact that you have a child already makes you even more appealing.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. “I already asked the man in your life for permission. Michael approved.”

Kari laughed. She’d wondered why Michael kept texting her and asking her how she was doing. Michael always cared about Kari’s wellbeing, but this level of interest seemed out of place.

“Kari Meyers, will you make me the happiest man in the world by being my wife?” Thane opened up a ring box and showed off a large princess-cut, canary-yellow diamond in a platinum setting.

She couldn’t speak. Nodding seemed to be the only thing she could do. As soon as she did that, he slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her.

“Three weddings,” Janelle said from behind Thane.

“I know. Baby brother, you had better get to work.” Gunnar nudged his foot against Thane’s leg. “You have three wedding dresses to design and make.”

Thane laughed. “I can do that.” He held Kari’s hand. “For my family, I’ll do anything.”

“I love you so much. I’m so glad I dropped my dating rules for you.” She stood. “I need to see this ring in a better light. I think the bedroom has the best lighting.”

Thane draped his arm around her. “I think you’re right.” He leaned down to her ear. “Be gentle.”

Kari laughed. As long as she had her man by her side, she felt loved and invincible.




Seven years later

Thane allowed Kari to grip his hand as hard as she could as he guided her into a Virginia Beach elementary school auditorium. She rested her hand on her protruding belly as she waddled down the aisle.

“People are staring at me.” Kari started to sniff.

Gunnar had warned Thane about the raging hormones. Thane learned how to deal with Kari’s mommy brain and rage by talking calmly and agreeing with everything she said.

“You are the most beautiful woman in here.” Thane took her to the front row of seats where Gideon said they would be. “That’s why they’re staring. You’re too stunning for words.”

“No, I’m not. I’m fat and too old to have a child. That’s what they’re thinking.”

He saw the tears coming. “You’re only thirty-three. You still look like you’re in high school yourself. I’m worried I’ll get arrested for taking liberties with a minor.”

A group of people overhead the last portion of his speech and gasped.

“No, I meant her.” He pointed to his wife. “Never mind.”

Once they got to the front of the auditorium, he noticed right away that Gunnar sat at one end and Gideon sat at the other. Like guarding gargoyles, they refused to let anyone else sit in the row. Not that they had any room. With Gunnar, Eboni, and their two young children, and Gideon, Janelle, and two of their kids seated with them, it only left three seats.

“Where’s Michael?” Gideon asked.

“He’s finishing up his exams.” Kari sat down with help from Thane. “He’ll see us afterward.”

Thane sat next to Kari. He held her hand, happy to be with his family.

“The costumes look great.” Janelle gave Thane a kiss on his cheek.

“Yeah, stellar work.” Gideon gave him a thumbs-up.

The lights in the room dimmed before an older woman in sensible shoes appeared in the middle of a papier-mâché forest, complete with large apple trees, low, fluffy bushes and a log.

“Not a problem.” Now that Thane had a whole team to do his sewing, he could also get them to put together costumes for a kindergarten play.

“Thank you to all the parents, family, and friends who came here to see our kindergarten class’s play about an enchanted forest. Before we begin, we would like to thank Thane Wells for creating the costumes.” The educator pointed Thane out in the audience.

Kari kissed him before she applauded with everyone else.

“We would also like to thank Gideon and Gunnar Wells for their generous donations, which allowed us to have refreshments available after the play.” She pointed to the two men.

Another round of clapping echoed off the walls.

“Without any further delay, let’s now be transported into the enchanted forest.” She made her way off stage just as the curtain opened.

A group of small children walked out and gave a simultaneous speech about love and friendship. The cute scene got Thane to smile, but he wanted to see his niece, the star of the show, according to her doting dad Gideon.

Within seconds, a golden-toned child skipped onto the stage. Thane beamed when he saw her in the pink, glittery dress he’d made for her. Her matching pink wings fluttered behind her. A curly ponytail topped her head to accommodate her tiara. It made Thane wonder if Uncle Gunnar had anything to do with the styling.

“I’m here to make sure all the forest animals are free and happy.” Lizzie, as Thane called her, reached into her pocket.

She threw glitter in the air but stopped when some of it fell back onto her face. She balled her little hands into fists and rubbed her eyes. Like a shot, Thane, Gideon, and Gunnar bolted to their feet.

Lizzie blinked before looking out into the audience. “Hi, Daddy. Hi, Uncle Thane and Uncle Gunnar.” She waved.

Thane and his brothers waved to the girl before they sat back down.

“Smooth.” Kari tapped Thane’s hand.

“I thought she was in trouble.” Thane settled back into his tight, uncomfortable seat.

“You’re going to make a great dad.” His wife patted his leg.

Hearing that sentiment from her made him smile. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he watched a play filled with fairies, squirrels, magical elves, and an evil wizard. In the end, Lizzie cast a spell that made them all friends.

After the play, all the children ran to their families. Lizzie trotted to Gideon. Her curls bounced all over her head like little golden rings.

“Did you see me, Daddy?” She held her hands up to him.

Gideon crouched down and lifted his oldest child. “I saw you. You were magnificent.”

Lizzie giggled before turning to Janelle. “I want to do that again, Mommy.”

Janelle, who held their youngest girl, Ava, in one arm and held the hand of their middle child, Ella, smiled and gazed at Gideon. “She’s going to be an actress. You know that, right?”

“Had a feeling.” He nodded.

“Congrats on the win.” A man nodded to Gideon. “Great game.”

“Thanks.” Gideon smiled, but Thane could tell he did not want to talk about his third Super Bowl win.

“Love your purses and shoes.” A woman held up a burgundy handbag with Thane’s signature
emblem on the side. She kicked up her foot to show off her matching pumps, also from Thane’s line.

“Thank you.” He wrapped his arm around his wife. “I happen to love that Kari line of purses and shoes myself.”

Gunnar and Eboni joined the group, each of them holding a twin.

“Hi, Cameryn,” Thane said to the one Eboni held. “Hi, Jilly Bean,” he said to the little girl Gunnar held.

“I’m Cameryn.” The little girl in Gunnar’s arms pointed to herself.

“I’m Jillian.” Eboni’s bundle of joy raised her hand.

In mock horror, Thane covered his mouth. “How do I keep getting you two mixed up?”

In actuality, he could tell the difference. Jillian, the older twin by two minutes, had a slimmer face. Cameryn, the baby of the duo, had chubby cheeks and a small freckle beside her mouth. Thane liked teasing the three-year-olds just to hear them giggle. He couldn’t wait for his own child to be born.

“We need to get to the house.” Kari held Thane’s hand. “People will be arriving soon.”

“Hopefully, Michael is already heading down there.” Thane kissed Kari’s forehead.

“We have to finish up here.” Gunnar nodded to Gideon. “The perks of being PTA parents. As soon as we’re done, we’ll be right behind you.”

Thane didn’t wait for them. He helped Kari get into the car before leaving Virginia Beach and heading down to the Outer Banks house.

As soon as Thane reached the house, he helped his wife out of the car first. He unlocked the door and disabled the alarm before getting Kari to a nearby couch.

“I don’t know if I can take another month of this.” Kari shook her head. “I don’t remember being this huge with Michael.”

“It’s been seventeen years in between pregnancies.” He rested his hand on her stomach. “You’re doing great.” He kissed her before retrieving the bags from the car.

After dropping them off in the master suite, he came back down and joined Kari on the couch.

“We need to get this place decorated.” She struggled to stand.

“We could. Or, while we’re alone…” He kissed the side of her face and went down to her neck.

“How is it that you find me attractive now?” Kari laughed and tried pushing Thane off her.

“I don’t care what you look like. You will always be sexy to me.” When he kissed her again, he slid his tongue into her mouth.

This time, she did manage to push him away. “Doing that is what got me here.” She pointed to her belly.

“So I can’t do any more damage.” He reached for her again, but this time she managed to make it to her feet.

“You remember when I said you would make a great father? You are also a damn good husband.” She winked as she went to the kitchen and started placing trays of food around the breakfast bar and dining room table.

While she arranged food on the bar, he came up behind her. “Have I told you I love you today?”

Kari nodded. “You did.”

He wrapped his arms around her. “Have I told you how much I love being married?”

“I think you mentioned it once or twice.” She nuzzled her head under his chin.

“The rest of the family has got to be at least thirty minutes behind us. Why don’t we go up to the bedroom and—” As soon as he started to make the suggestion, a set of headlights beamed into the house.

“They’re here.” She rubbed his arm.

“Damn.” He kissed the side of her face. “I’ll answer the door. You make sure everything is out.”


Thane opened the door to Michael, his son. It didn’t matter that Jarrod Townsend had fathered him. For the last seven years, Thane had raised him like his own.

Michael now stood a couple of inches over Thane and carried the same lean frame like his father. “Dad.” He pulled Thane into a hug.

Thane had never stopped Michael from calling him Dad. He’d liked it back then and now. It helped that after Thane and Kari married, he’d legally adopted Michael, and Michael had had his surname changed to Wells.

“I thought I was going to be here alone.” Michael’s smile lit up the room.

“No, your mom and I managed to see Lizzie’s play and get down here in time.” Thane started to close the front door when Michael stopped him.

“Wait. I have someone here with me.” He opened the door and beautiful, young African-American woman followed him inside.

Thane stared at her for a moment. Her big, curly hair framed her face. As soon as she got into the house, she reached for Michael’s hand.

“You look familiar.” Thane didn’t mean to stare, but he couldn’t help it.

“I would hope so, Mr. Wells. You made me my first dress.” She smiled.


“You remember me.” She embraced Thane.

“Of course, dear.” He hugged her back. “Great to see you.”

Kari walked into the room. “Is this Leona from the dance?” She pulled the young woman into her arms. “I haven’t seen you in forever. The last time I saw you, this one was wearing a purple shirt.” She pointed to Michael.

“You had to bring that up again, didn’t you?” Michael kissed his mother’s cheek.

Leona laughed. “I lost all that baby fat, but I still have that dress.”

“Good. Save it for a child of your own someday.” Thane smiled.

“Just not right now,” Kari quickly added.

Soon the house filled with family and friends. The children ran around, chasing after each other and laughing.

It didn’t surprise Thane to see Gideon’s friend, Dennis, coming in with Shay, a stylist in Gunnar’s salon. The two had hit it off at Thane’s barbeque last summer, obvious from the way they wouldn’t leave each other’s side.

Reagan, Michael’s former nanny, had remained a close friend of the family, even after she’d stopped her nanny duties. She arrived with her newest girlfriend, an ice skater Kari represented.

Thane took a breather in the kitchen. He pulled a cake from the refrigerator and placed it on the counter when Gunnar walked in.

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