Grounded for Love: A Reunion Romance Novella (12 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Talley

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Grounded for Love: A Reunion Romance Novella
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“Oh, come on. You do. I’ve known that since I first met you. So why don’t you do something about it?”

“Like what? He has a girlfriend. And there are too many obstacles.” What could Serena do anyway?

“You’re right. Too hard. Better give up instead.” The sarcasm came through loud and clear.

“Amy! I don’t think—”

“You are pretty persistent when it comes to a book you love. Why not about the man you love?”

“Because this is much more complicated.” Amy simply didn’t understand the complexity of the situation.

“Why don’t you tell him how you feel?”

“Oh, I’ll call him up and say, ‘I know I ran off and hid from you, but since seeing you at the airport I really think we should get back together.’ Sounds totally lame.” Thinking about lit Serena’s nerves on fire.

“Or go see him.”

Go see him? Is Amy insane?
“Absolutely not.”


“Because that would be way too humiliating. He already told me he has someone else and I need to respect that.”

“But maybe if he thought there was a chance for the two of you…”

Serena glanced up at the clock on the wall. “Actually, Amy, I need to go. I have a date.”

“A date? With who?”

“An attractive guy I knew in high school.”

“Really?” Amy’s voice was filled with disbelief.

“We’ve been out a few times.”

“I’m in shock.”

“See, I

“I guess. But I still say you should—”

“Amy, I gotta go and get ready. I’ll see you when I get back.”

Serena ended the call. She needed to finish getting ready and she had no desire to talk to Amy anymore. About anything.

Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang. Serena opened the door and invited Colby in. He had on a coat and scarf and wore a knit cap. “You’re bundled up,” she said, pleased she’d guessed they’d be outside.

“Yeah. I thought we could go see the snow sculptures.”

“Oh, is it Snow Festival this weekend?” With everything that happened with her dad she didn’t even think about the annual event.

He nodded.

“I remember going to the parade, the mattress races, and other events back in high school. It was always so much fun. I loved it.”

“We haven’t had a lot of snow the last few years, but this year we do, thanks to a big storm.”

Big storm
. Suddenly, her thoughts shot back in Denver. Back to Graham and the storm that grounded them. Back to regret and…

Serena refused to get sucked into the guilt hole and mourning what might have been. She was in the here and now with Colby. A great guy—fun, attractive, intelligent. A guy she might see again when she was in town. Yeah, that didn’t make much sense. Probably not a future with Colby, but she could enjoy the date at least and focus on him.

They drove over and parked near the Strater Hotel then walked a few blocks to see the snow display. The cold air licked at Serena’s cheeks as they held hands and viewed the various sculptures. Some of them were quite intricate. “I love the juxtaposition of this one,” she said pointing to a detailed sunrise. “Usually people do sculptures of cold, wintery things.”

After they explored all the sculptures, Colby suggested they go to a restaurant on 3rd Avenue. They walked past the familiar bronzed statue of a rearing horse and went inside. A hostess sat them toward the back.

“You probably don’t see much snow in San Francisco.”

“Not much.” She laughed.

“I’d like to visit San Fran. See Fisherman’s Wharf and Alcatraz. Go out on a boat.”

“There are some really cool things to do and see. The Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street with all of its super sharp turns, the Museum of Modern Art, Chinatown, tons of delicious restaurants, the aquarium and rainforest at the California Academy of Sciences, the coast. I love living there.”

“So what if I came out to see you?”

She hadn’t considered he’d want to come visit her. Was this becoming more serious than just a few casual dates? “Sure. I could take you around to all the touristy places.”

“I’d like that.”

Was he serious? Could there be a future with them? This opened up new possibilities. “Let me know when, and I’ll set aside some time to go sightseeing.”

He nodded.

They continued to talk for a while and even ordered a big brownie drizzled with chocolate sauce for dessert.



During the long drive, Graham had second, third, fourth, and fifth thoughts about going to see Serena. Was this the right thing to do? They hadn’t seen each other or talked in so long. Not until Denver. Yet there was still an undeniable connection between them—he felt it and he was pretty sure she felt it too. Maybe they were meant to be together. If not, though, this trip would be a total waste of time and energy, not to mention completely humiliating.
I hope I’m not the world’s biggest idiot.

Graham listened to some music as he drove through Ouray with its majestic mountains and evergreen trees. Snow lined the highway and he was thankful the roads were clear. He thought about what would happen once he got to Durango. What would he say to Serena?

“Hi, I know I told you I had someone, but I still care about you and I think you care about me.” That sounded stupid.

Maybe, “Hey, I was passing through town…” That was

He tossed it over and over again in his mind until he hit Durango city limits. He drove down Main Street, pulled over in a gas station, filled up his tank then found the map on his phone so he could locate his hotel. It was only a few miles away. Of course, he remembered that Durango was so small everything was only a few miles away.

After he checked in his hotel on Camino Del Rio, he asked the older man at the front desk, “Where are some good places to eat?”

“There are a lot of restaurants along Main. I think most of them are pretty good. I like one on 3rd Avenue about five blocks from here. You can park there or you can walk, if you don’t mind.”

“Okay, I’ll try it.”

“Has a horse sculpture in front of it. Can’t miss it.”

Graham decided to walk, hoping to clear his mind and figure out what he’d say to Serena before he went over to her house later. He entered the crowded restaurant.

“Must be a popular place,” he said to himself.



“Wow, I’m full. That brownie was much bigger than I thought,” Serena said, feeling stuffed.

“But it was delicious,” Colby said, putting his napkin on the table.

They stood.

“I need to use the restroom. Can I meet you out in front?” Serena said.

After using the women’s room, Serena squeezed through the mass of people in the restaurant. A group was right in front of her, so she stepped around them then froze in place, unable to move any muscle in her body.
It can’t be. No way. That is not who I think it is.

As soon as his gaze locked on hers, her heart tumbled to her stomach.
It is. What is he doing here?
The blood rushed to her head, making her feel faint. She didn’t know what to do or say

“Serena?” Graham moved closer to her, obviously surprised to see her. “I didn’t expect—”

“Graham?” Her mind tried to process what her eyes were seeing.

“Can we go outside?”

Her feet were cemented in place. Why was Graham in Durango? He was the very last person she ever expected to see again, especially here.

“I need to talk to you,” Graham said.

“Hey, there you are,” Colby said as he stepped around Graham. “I just ran into Juliet Campo and Karen Stein outside. Remember them?”

“Uh, yeah.” Serena tried to make her mouth form more words, but nothing came.

Graham looked between Colby and Serena then stuck his hand out to Colby. “Hi, I’m Graham McAllister.”

“Colby Whigton.”

Colby took Serena by the hand. “We can catch the Winter Follies if we hurry. A couple of my friends are performing in it.”

“Oh.” Serena didn’t know what to do.

“Well, I don’t want to keep you,” Graham said. “I hear this is a great place to eat.”

“One of the best,” Colby said. “Try the Durango Burger.”

“Thanks. You two have fun.” With that, Graham walked away and disappeared into the restaurant.

“Seems like a nice guy.”

Serena nodded, feeling dazed.

When they got outside, Serena said, “I don’t want to be the worst, but could I take a rain check? I think I need to get home and check on my dad.”

“Yeah. Definitely.” Colby tried to mask his disappointment.

They drove back to Serena’s house, all the while her mind spinning in a million directions. What was she supposed to do? She liked Colby and they had fun together, but Graham was in Durango. Did this mean he’d forgiven her? Why else would he be here? How did he know she was at that restaurant?

But maybe it had nothing to do with her, and she was being presumptuous. Maybe he was in Durango for another reason and it was merely a coincidence they were in the same place at the same time. Again.

Colby walked her to the door. Before he could even say anything, she said, “Thanks for taking me to the Snow Festival and for a delicious dinner. It was fun.”

“Can I call you tomorrow?”

Serena smiled, trying to think what to say. Colby was a nice guy, but if she was being completely honest, there was no future for them, especially if Graham was back in the picture. And while that was a giant
, the chance was better now than ever. “You are a great guy.”

Colby stepped back.

“I mean it.” She tried to sound upbeat. “You are a lot of fun. It’s me. I’m…” How could she explain it?

“No, I get it.” He shrugged. “No worries. I had a good time with you. It was great catching up.”

“Thanks.” Colby was making it too easy on her, which made her feel even worse. Why did she keep hurting men that didn’t deserve it? Colby really was a good man. Just not the one for her.

As Colby left, he said over his shoulder, “Go find that guy in the restaurant.”

Serena was stunned. Colby must’ve sensed there was something between her and Graham.

She watched Colby drive away then she began pacing the living room while her heart hammered against her ribs.

What should I do?



Graham sat at the table trying to figure out what he wanted to eat. Noting looked appealing, because the truth was, he’d lost his appetite as soon as he saw Serena with that guy.

I am such a fool. I drove almost four hours to see her and she was with someone else. Obviously, she’s moved on and so should I.

He pulled out his phone and found Dana’s number. He stared at it for a few minutes. He could make it up to Dana, and together they could try again. He set the phone down and stared out the window at nothing in particular.

In his mind, this had gone a lot better with Serena.

“Can I take your order?” a woman with dark eyes and a bright smile asked.

“Any recommendations?”

“The Durango Burger is a favorite. Lots of cheese and onions with two strips of bacon.”

That didn’t sound appealing, especially since Serena’s boyfriend suggested it. “I think I need a few more minutes.”

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