Grounded for Love: A Reunion Romance Novella (11 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Talley

Tags: #romance

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Serena stepped over to her mom and embraced her. It felt good to be comforting her mom since it was usually the other way around.

They ate some sandwiches then went to visit her dad. Serena left her mom there, so she could come back to the house and work on the manuscript, because she still wanted to go out with Colby.

After a couple of hours, she picked her mom up at the hospital and brought her back.

“Are you going to be okay if I go out with Colby?” Serena asked.

“I’ll be fine. I think I’ll take a nice long bath and turn in early so I’ll be ready for your dad to come home in the morning.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Did you get enough work done?”

“It’s coming along. I’ll make the deadline with time to spare.” Serena wasn’t so sure, but she didn’t want to stress her mom out. She should probably forego the date with Colby so she could work, but decided a few hours of fun wouldn’t hurt.

The doorbell rang. Serena opened the door to Colby dressed in a light blue shirt and dark, straight jeans with a black leather jacket. His curly brown hair was combed to the side and his blue eyes shone.
Yep, he is definitely attractive

They went to dinner at a sushi place on College Drive and chatted about life. The conversation was relaxed and she enjoyed learning more about him.

“Someday, I’d like to have a medical practice and spend the summer helping kids in countries that need surgeries for things like a cleft palate or taking out tonsils and adenoids. Things like that.”

“Sounds very selfless.”

Colby smiled. “You know, we take a lot of medical services for granted here. In other countries, these kids have to suffer with what we could fix in the U.S. with a simple procedure.”

She watched him while he spoke. He’d seemed like a typical snowboarder jock in high school, but he was actually very intelligent and compassionate. The more time she spent with him the more she liked him, although she didn’t know where that would leave her, since she’d be returning to San Francisco soon.

“Let’s walk down to the theater.” Colby reached his hand out for hers and she took it, noticing how nice it felt.
That’s a good word, right?
Holding hands with Colby is nice.
Without warning, the memory of the first time she held Graham’s hand popped into her mind. Serena shook her head, trying to dislodge Graham’s image.
Do not think about him. Focus on Colby.

In the theater, she took advantage of the scary movie and snuggled close to Colby, breathing in the spicy scent he wore and refusing to let any thoughts of Graham seep in.

After the movie was over, they walked back to his silver Subaru. “Do you ever think about coming back here?” he asked as he leaned against his car.

“Not really. I mean, I love it here, but I really love my job. And the big city is starting to grow on me.”

He didn’t say anything, but he almost seemed disappointed.

They drove back to her house listening to the local country station. “I hadn’t pegged you for a country music lover,” Serena said.

“Let’s keep it our secret,” he said with a laugh.

One of her favorite Tim McGraw songs came on, so she turned up the volume. “I love this song.”

After that song ended, Lady Antebellum started singing, and Serena was instantly transported back to her apartment parking lot three years ago. She and Graham had been on their third date and were talking in the car when this song came on about kissing. He was out of the car and opening her door before she even knew what happened. He’d tugged her out and started dancing with her right there, under a canopy of shimmering stars. When the song ended, he gently pressed his warm lips to hers.
Our first kiss
. Thinking about it made her pulse quicken—and her heart hurt.
Graham. Why did I have to ruin everything?

“Can we go out tomorrow?” Colby said, jolting her back from the emotional memory.

“Uh, yeah. That’d be great.” And it would. She needed to keep her past where it belonged and focus on her present. She needed to forgive herself and get over it.

“In the late afternoon?”


Colby walked her to the door and she wondered if he’d kiss her. If he did, would she like it? Could it make her forget? Under the yellow glow of the porch light they stood silently. Finally, Colby said, “Thanks. I had a lot of fun with you.”

“Me too.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled then walked back to his car.

Serena went inside and fell onto the couch trying to figure out how she felt about the
not kiss
. She wasn’t sure that she even wanted Colby to kiss her, but the fact that he didn’t made her wonder. Was there something wrong with her and that’s why he didn’t kiss her? He seemed to like her, but then he didn’t kiss her. Maybe he wasn’t attracted to her. But then why would he ask her out again?

She yanked a pillow from the couch and covered her face with it. Why did dating have to be so stupid and difficult?



Serena awoke and took her mom over to the hospital. Her dad was more than ready to come home. The nurse gave them instructions for the medication and gave her mom a follow-up appointment with a doctor.

“It’ll be nice to get home into my own bed,” her dad said. “These hospital ones are like sleeping on a sidewalk.”

“But the food is delicious, right?” Serena said with a smile.

He rolled his eyes. “Let’s hurry and break out of this place before they change their minds.”

“Don’t overexert yourself,” Serena’s mom said.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to never come back here.”

A tall, thin nurse with blond hair helped him into a wheelchair. “You can pull your car up to the curb outside the entrance,” she said.

Once they got her dad inside, they drove back to the house. He slung his arm around Serena’s shoulders and they made their way into the living room. Serena helped her dad to his brown recliner, noticing how much better the house felt now.

“I made some chicken noodle soup,” her mom said. “And rolls.”

“My mouth is watering just thinking about it. I missed your cooking.” He reached his hand out for her. “But most of all, I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” Her mom bent down and kissed him.

Serena watched the exchange, hoping one day she’d have that kind of loving, lasting relationship.

“Can you get your dad his heating blanket? It’s in the linen closet.” her mom said, breaking into Serena’s thoughts.

Serena found the navy blue blanket and brought it back to her dad. It made her heart happy to see him in his chair. “I’m so glad you’re okay. Don’t you ever do this to me again, you hear?” She kissed him on the forehead.

“I’ll try not to.”

“I wish I could stay longer, but I’ll need to go back to work in a few days.”

“I don’t expect you to give up your life for me. I sure appreciate you coming to see me. I’m sorry—“

“Nope. Don’t say that. Don’t be sorry. I love you, Daddy.”



Graham paced in his room. He’d tossed through the night, sleep eluding him for most of it. He couldn’t just drive to Durango. Could he? What if Serena didn’t want to see him? What if she wasn’t there anymore?

He ran his hand through his hair and his mind shot back to the day in Denver. She looked so beautiful in the sunshine, with snowflakes in her hair. He’d wanted to kiss her, and he was pretty sure she wanted to kiss him, but, at the time, he was still with Dana—that wasn’t an obstacle anymore. But Serena hadn’t trusted him. She’d run out on him. Could he get over that?

He sat on the bed. He needed to return to Phoenix and get back to work on a big project he had to complete by the end of the month. He didn’t have time to waste in Durango. Besides, there were plenty of women in Arizona, and he’d meet someone else. Someone who’d make him forget about Serena once and for all. Someone who would trust him.

He stood and walked over to the window. Of course, if he’d seen Serena in someone else’s arms he might have reacted the same way she did—even if there was an innocent explanation. He knew now that he’d been too passive about the whole situation and let himself be a victim of circumstance.

Should he go see her?

It would be crazy to drive there.

Wouldn’t it?

Before he could answer, someone knocked at the door. Annie peeked her head in. “We’re going shopping then out to lunch…” She stared at him.


“I was going to ask if you wanted to come, but I think you need to go somewhere else.”


“Go, Graham. Don’t analyze it. Drive down there and see her.”

“But what if—”

“Go! You’ll never know unless you see her again. Like mom says, you need to do this face-to-face. See where it leads.”

“You’re right. I’ve wondered for three years. I think it’s time to stop being a victim and take things into my own hands. I need to find out for sure.”

Annie nodded. “You go, Graham.”

Within the hour, he was on the road. It was probably insane, but he needed to know. After seeing her, he couldn’t get her out of his head. He had to admit it. He still loved her, and he needed to know if she loved him back.



After getting her dad settled in his bedroom so he could rest and insisting her mom also take a nap, Serena tidied up the kitchen then prepared for her date with Colby. She found her favorite jeans and a bright yellow sweater she’d brought. Since Colby loved the outdoors, she figured they might be out in the cold and snow, and she wanted to be ready for it.

Her phone rang. It was Amy.

“Hi, Amy.”

“Are you mad?”

“About Elise giving you Steve’s book?”

“Yeah.” She could hear the apprehension in Amy’s voice.

“I already put so much work into that book and—”

“I know. I told Elise that. I tried to tell her that you needed to keep it, but you know how she is.”

“Yes, I do. At least she let me keep
A Moment in Paris

“Well, I’ve been afraid to call you.”

“I’m not mad at you. You’re a great editor. It’s Elise who makes me crazy.”

“Same here. So you’re okay with it?”

Serena wasn’t at all happy that Elise had taken that book from her, but it wasn’t Amy’s fault. Amy was sweet and a good friend. “It’s fine, Amy. There will be other books.”

“Good.” Amy let out a sigh. “How are things with your dad?”

“He’s doing pretty well. He came home today.”

“That’s awesome news.”

“Yeah. I wish I could stay longer.”

“Better not or—”

“I know.” Elise would have her head if she didn’t rush back by her Tuesday meeting.

“So whatever happened with Graham?”

Serena sucked in a breath then told Amy about staying in the same hotel. “And when we were outside, I thought he was going to kiss me.”

“For real? Did he?”


“But you wanted him to?”

Serena hesitated then said, “Yeah.”

“Do you want to get back with him?”

“I don’t know. There’s so much history. And I was such an idiot. I don’t know that we could make it work again.” She chewed on her thumbnail.

“You still love him?”

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