Gramercy Nights (The Argo Press Trilogy Book 1) (35 page)

BOOK: Gramercy Nights (The Argo Press Trilogy Book 1)
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“Of course.” The waiter disappears silently.

“Are you trying to kill me?” I hiss.

“Just think of how you’ll feel after six courses.”

“Six courses?” I squeak. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding.” There’s no way I’ll make it through six courses.

“I thought you’d like a nice, leisurely dinner before we go out.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“You love it.” And he’s right. I do. I fucking love it.

Dinner is a blur. After Sebastian feeds me the oysters, there is a crayfish in cream sauce, a piece of Chilean sea bass with a spring pea puree, duck breast with a forest berry wine sauce, lollypop lamb chops with a nut herb crust, followed by a chocolate hazelnut torte with ice cream.

When I least expect it, Sebastian turns on the vibrator, keeping me hovering on the edge, so close to my tipping point.

By the time the waiter brings us the check, I’m glancing impatiently at the door. Sebastian slaps down his Black Card. His lips are pressed together in agitation. He holds my hand with one hand while he signs the check with the other. And then he’s out of his seat, pulling me from mine, his hand trailing across the nape of my neck, making my toes curl in the patent leather pumps I’m wearing.

Breathlessly, we weave through the crowded restaurant, Sebastian’s fingers intertwined with mine, the only thing holding me together. Outside, I turn on him and pull him down into a kiss, pressing my lips hard against him. He wraps his hand in my hair, tugging it gently as he takes my mouth, kissing me deeply, and I’m thankful he keeps his hand on my low back because I’m afraid I’d topple over otherwise.

“Did you enjoy dinner?” he asks playfully.

“Unforgettable,” I mutter, making Sebastian laugh loudly.

“Are you ready?”

“I’ve been ready all night.”

He runs a hand through his thick, dark hair, shaking his head. “You’re something else. When I first saw you, I had no idea…”

The moment I’ve settled into the back seat of the car, the toy inside me comes to life, buzzing softly. Sebastian runs his fingers across my thigh, and I spread my legs without a thought. I want him to touch me, to release me, but he doesn’t. Instead, he increases the setting on the vibrator, his hand resting on my inner thigh and I squeeze my eyes closed, rocking slightly.

When the car finally pulls up outside the Grand, I’m covered in a thin sheen of perspiration. The buzzing abruptly ceases, but I can still feel the tingles spreading through my body. I suck in a shallow breath and blink several times, disoriented.

“Baby?” I shutter at the sound of Sebastian’s voice.

“I just need a minute.”

“Of course.” Sebastian’s tongue flits across my neck, lapping at my salty skin. “Whatever you need,” he mumbles, kissing his way from my neck to my collarbone.

When the shaking finally subsides and I think I can probably make it out of the car without falling flat on my face, I take a deep breath and nod. “Let’s go.”

The bouncer holds the door open for us and we step inside, the loud dance music filling my ears. All the women turn to look at us, their eyes carefully assessing the perfect man by my side. Sebastian pauses to brush the hair from my face, ignoring them all.

“If you want to leave at any point, all you have to do is tell me and we’ll go.”

When I nod, Sebastian takes my hand and leads me inside. “Why would I want to leave?” I ask in a daze. I feel drugged, sluggish, and undeniably alive.

“You’re allowed to change your mind.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” I mumble impatiently. Sebastian stares at me for a moment like he’s having trouble believing that I’m real.

“Sit down. I’ll arrange everything.”

I float to a small round table as Sebastian makes his way to the bar like he belongs here. He leans against the bar, talking to the bartender, who glances over at me several times. I fidget in my seat, knowing exactly what Sebastian is telling him. But the man merely nods his head and Sebastian reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet, counting bills with his long, elegant fingers.

I close my eyes. This is happening.

Before I have a chance to think, Sebastian is next to me, his hand brushing the silky fabric along my side in a way that makes it impossible to forget that he’s all male, magnificent and powerful and mine.

“Baby, what are you thinking?” He peers at me through his thick lashes, concern clouding his eyes.

I shake my head. “Being with you is so surreal. It’s like a dream except I can’t seem to wake up.”

“Do you want to?” he asks wearily.

“No.” I sigh. “I just know I’ll have to eventually.”

He cups my chin in his warm hand, making me look deep into his eyes. “Don’t think about that.”

I nod. I don’t want to think about it. But how can I just ignore the future? Three months. That’s what we agreed on. That’s what I signed up for. At the time, I didn’t think we’d last a week, but now, three months seems impossibly short.

“Room 221,” the waiter says, placing a key on the table but Sebastian doesn’t so much as look at him, he’s too busy searching my eyes for something. The waiter retreats and Sebastian’s hand finally falls, releasing me. I don’t know what brought on the sudden swell of emotion, but I’m so on edge, everything feels raw, exposed. I really don’t want to think about the future. Not now. We can think about the future when we’re back in New York. For now, I only want this. Sebastian. One wild night before the clock strikes midnight and I have to return to my real life.

“Let’s have a drink before going upstairs.” He expertly fills our glasses, his eyes burning into me and I can’t help but wonder what he sees when he looks at me like that.

Around us, women move with ease and grace. Some are with clients, but most are just waiting, killing time while provocatively posed, and their bored expressions coupled with their provocative stances have their own unique allure. Sebastian continues to stroke my thigh, but thankfully he doesn’t touch the remote in his breast pocket.

“Come on,” he tugs me to my feet and I follow him to an elevator.

“You’ve been here before.” I don’t know why it’s only now occurring to me, but of course he’s been here before. Why else would he have stormed in the other night? He knew exactly where Malcolm had brought me. Hell, hadn’t Malcolm said something about him coming here all the time?

“Does that upset you?”

I follow him into the elevator, carefully considering my answer as the doors slide noiselessly shut behind us. “No, not really.”

“It’s okay if it does.”

I look up, trying desperately to decode his expression. “Should it?”

He leans his forehead against mine, sighing. “I don’t know anything anymore.”

With a ring, the doors open and Sebastian takes my hand, leading me down the hallway to room 221 and all that waits beyond.

Chapter Thirty-Five


Before me, two beautiful women lounge on a king-sized bed, their perfectly formed limbs heavy and provocative. The bed is lit from above, but the rest of the room is bathed in shadows and I blink several times, letting my eyes gradually adjust to the low light. A love seat faces the bed and that’s where Sebastian leads me, his hand never letting go of mine. Everything is quiet, still, and I wonder if I’m the only one who can hear the racing of my heart.

Wordlessly, the woman with red hair that cascades down her porcelain skin in luxurious waves approaches us, taking the wine bottle from Sebastian’s hand and filling our glasses. She reminds me of a dancer as she moves gracefully around the room wearing nothing but a pair of black lacy briefs. The dark material contrasts perfectly with her pale, freckled skin. She sets the bottle down and for a moment, just stands in front of us before saying something in German.

Sebastian shakes his head. “English, please.”

“Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Go to the bed.” She sets the bottle down wordlessly and does as he says, reaching a manicured hand out to languidly stroke the brunette’s breast until her nipples come to hard points. The women complement each other perfectly, one dark and tanned, the other pale and ethereal, both beautiful in their own right, but it’s the redhead who grabs my attention. Her lips encircle one hard nipple, making the other woman moan.

I turn, curious to see Sebastian’s reaction, but he isn’t watching the women on the bed. He’s watching me.

I shiver. “You aren’t watching them,” I say breathlessly.

“Why would I watch them when I could be watching you instead?” he asks solemnly.

“Why are you doing this?”

“If you had any idea what I see when I look at you, you’d never have to ask.”

“What do you see?” I ask nervously.

Sebastian gives me a faint smile. “The most beautiful woman on earth,” he whispers. “A woman who constantly surprises me. I’ve seen everything, Danielle, and yet you, you manage to surprise me every time.” He shakes his head, laughing at himself. “Seeing how turned on this makes you, that’s all I need. That’s all I want.”

Music plays softly in the background, enveloping us and I turn back to the women in front of us, unable to maintain Sebastian’s penetrating gaze. When he looks at me like that, I start to get funny ideas in my head, ideas it’s better not to have.

The women ignore us, their attention focused solely on each other, their movements languid, heavy, unrushed, hands skimming skin, exploring. The redhead sucks a nipple into her mouth. It’s beautiful. They are beautiful. I watch in rapt attention, feeling my heart flutter inside my chest. It’s nothing like watching porn. Their actions too intimate, too caring, like they’ve allowed us into their bedroom and this show isn’t for us. The illusion makes it more tantalizing.

Panties peeled down and now it’s naked skin and soft moans, red painted mouths sucking and probing, a tongue darting from lips to taste skin, a finger slicking back wet folds. The music picks up and so do their movements and I gasp in surprise as I feel the vibrator inside me come to life. The unexpected sensation paired with the scene unfolding before me is enough to make me whimper.

The brunette leans back, spreading her legs and the redhead sinks between her thighs. The brunette grips the bedspread in frustrated need and I can hear her soft moans mingling with the sound of the redhead’s tongue tasting her, making my whole body ache but I can’t take my eyes off them.

Sebastian’s hand snakes down the open neck of my dress, finding my heavy breasts under their thin covering of lace, toying with my already hard nipples until they’re painfully engorged, begging for his mouth. Sebastian seems content with these listless caresses while my body yearns for more. The buzzing between my thighs is inescapable, making it impossible to ignore my growing need and I rock my hips, hoping to quiet the need burning through me. Abruptly, the vibrator stops and I let out a ragged breath, lips parted in silent invitation as I try desperately to regain control of my senses.

The redhead stands, showing off her sensual hourglass figure, and rounds the bed to a dresser while the brunette, supine, legs spread exposing her glistening sex, pants, trying to catch her breath for what’s to come. When the woman returns, she is wearing nothing but a strap-on, the large ersatz member standing proudly against her trim belly as she descends on the brunette.

“Tell me, would you like to fuck a woman like that? Would you like all the control?” Sebastian’s voice sends a shiver down my spine.

“No.” It takes all my strength to get that single word out. “Too much work.” Sebastian chuckles, obviously entertained by my response.

“Would you like to be fucked by a woman like that?”

This time, I nod and when I feel Sebastian work his hand up my thigh and under my skirt, I’m too turned on to stop him.

“Spread your legs,” he says so low only I can hear him. My legs fall open, granting him full access and his fingers brush softly over the delicate lace that’s all that separates him from my aching clit. “God, you’re so wet.” He tugs on the string attached to the vibrator, just enough to make my hips buck, my moan eclipsed by the moaning coming from the bed. I let my legs fall open wider.

Sebastian has complete, unfettered access to my body and I’m suddenly thankful for the dim light that leaves us in shadows. I feel the vibrator slid easily from my dripping pussy, Sebastian’s fingers taking its place, filling me with slow strokes as the redhead plunges into the brunette, her back arched, her red hair cascading over her shoulders and it’s all too much, the feel of Sebastian’s fingers, the two women fucking wildly in front of us, that all it takes is Sebastian’s rough thumb brushing my clit, once, twice, again and I bite my lip, stifling my moans as I come around his hand, my whole body shaking and spasming as the delicious sensations spread through me.

When I finally open my eyes, the brunette has the strap-on in her mouth, hungrily sucking her juices from the perpetual erection, readying it as the redhead kneels over her, the look in her eyes fierce and feral. Next to me, Sebastian’s erection presses painfully against the taut fabric of his pants, dying to be released. I place a hand over him, cupping him, rubbing him through the material and he lets out a strangled groan before grabbing my wrist. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to come in my pants.” I swallow, licking my lips. I can see the control radiating off him, the way he’s trying desperately to hold back. I stare into his eyes, unable to look away, feeling his fingers dig painfully into my wrist.

BOOK: Gramercy Nights (The Argo Press Trilogy Book 1)
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