Golden [Bedtime stories 1] (3 page)

BOOK: Golden [Bedtime stories 1]
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Chapter 3

“ Scream your pleasure,” Boris demanded the next day as he pounded into my ass. I was lying on the table, legs in the air as he stood and took me. Boone and Bash were getting a morning show it seemed. The moment Boris had seen me as I walked into the kitchen for coffee and something to eat, having slept through dinner, he jumped me.

At least he hadn ’t ruined any more of my clothes since I had been in nothing but my drawers for the night before. But if he kept yanking them off me as he had there wasn’t going to be much of the ties left.

“ Yes, yes,
!” he shouted as he fucked me so hard the table lifted with us and slammed back down. I sighed in relief as he came, rutting against me until I was filled with his cum. It wasn’t bad sex. Yeah, it was rougher than I liked, but still he didn’t take it too far. No, that wasn’t why I didn’t peak and wanted it to be over. I could have been anyone to him and he didn’t see me as a real person to care about.

That ’s
why I didn’t get into it.
His chest heaved as he lowered my legs down and he stared at my groin. “You didn’t finish.” Boris’s eyes got dark as he met mine. “You’re not even hard? What is wrong with you? Are you defective?”
“Boris,” Boone growled as he stood and pushed his brother away from me. I gasped as his dick was yanked out of me, adding to the tenderness of my hole.“He’s not defective. You need to treat him better and maybe he’ll enjoy it. You just yanked down his drawers and fucked him. What did you expect to happen?”
“For him to enjoy a vigorous fucking from a well-endowed man,” Boris shot back, stuffing himself back into his pants. “He should be grateful we bought him instead of his father selling him to a whorehouse. They are allowed to do things there that we would never want to even do to him.”
“Whorehouse?” I whispered, moving off the table gingerly.“He was going to sell me to a whorehouse?”
“Yes, that’s how we learned of you. Bash made a few friends from the village when they got lost in the woods years ago. They get our supplies and when we asked them to help us with our companionship problem, he asked the local madam. She said she was just offered a man who was into men and would contact the buyer that we wanted you instead if she was given a finder’s fee. We agreed to her terms and that’s how we got you.”
“Oh.” I waddled over to the sink, grabbing a towel, wetting it before I reached behind me and tried to clean up. Even a cool cloth on my ass hurt and I winced.
“That reminds me,” Boris said casually as if he hadn’t just dropped a huge bomb on me. “We need supplies from town. Bash can lead you to the edge of the woods and point you in the right direction. You can go for us now since you are not cursed.”
“Sure, I’ll ride a horse after you’ve ridden me four times in half a day,” I replied bitterly.
“Then you can walk!” He slammed his mug on the table and stormed over to me.“Be of use to us or we can sell you ourselves.” Without waiting for my reply he left the house, slamming the back door as he left. Boone and Bash were quiet as I cleaned up and pulled back up my drawers.
“I’ll get the horses ready and an extra blanket for you to ride on,” Bash said gently, giving me a sympathetic smile before heading to the stable. Well, at least the man had finally looked at me.
“You won’t come back, will you?” Boone asked me as he followed me up to my room. “You’ll leave to go to town and run after the way he’s treated you.”
“The thought had crossed my mind,” I snapped as I carefully pulled on riding pants. This was going to hurt like a bitch. “Better than being sold to the whorehouse because Boris thinks I’m not enough of use.”
“I will speak with him,” Boone pleaded as he reached for me. I pretended like I didn’t see and bent down to find my shoes. “Please, Golden? Let me apply some slave and beat some sense into my brother while you are gone. Promise me you won’t run.”
“Fine,” I sighed, too scared to run. What if I was found and then sold to the whorehouse? I shivered at the idea. They weren’t abusing me. No one had hit me or anything. Boris was just a jerk and fucked too hard. I could live with that if they left me alone the rest of the time to do what I wanted. “Am I allowed to pick up some things of my own?”
“I will see what money we can spare—” he hedged, desperately trying to appease me but I interrupted him.
“I have my own means,” I said quietly. “I came from wealth and my father did not strip me of what I had when I left. It’s simply all I have.”
“Thank you, sweet little Golden,” he whispered as he pulled me into his arms. We shared a gentle kiss before he left my room to get the salve. I quickly pulled out a few gems from hiding and stuffed them into my pocket.
Boone applied the salve and I felt much better. I finished dressing and he walked me outside. I was shocked to see a horse tied up to a cart filled with leather goods. Boris walked up to me, clearly having calmed down.
“I wrote down instructions,” he explained as he handed over a piece of paper. “Go to the village and see the shopkeeper, his name is Mitchell. He will unload everything and then load our goods as I have listed here. Then he will pay you the remainder of what is owed us. I realize this might be your first trip to the village alone and while that is unfortunate and may be confusing for you, it has to be done.”
“I have a little money of my own,” I said quietly, not meeting his gaze. “I’d like to pick up a few other things if that’s alright? I didn’t want you to think I did it with the money you should receive for your wares.”
“What items do you need?” he asked curiously and I could feel him staring at me.
“My sketching pencils were ruined in the journey here and I would like to buy some more and maybe another sketch pad.”
“That is acceptable. I also ask that you glance through the new books he might have gotten in his shop and pick out a few that are interesting. We get so few to the village and we’ve read all of what we have several times.” He was trying so I decided to give him something in return.
“I will do my best and when I return I will bring out the books I brought with me. Maybe there will be some in my collection you might find interesting as well.”
“That would be greatly appreciated,” he said slowly. I nodded and stepped towards the horse. He surprised me by lifting me up onto it instead of letting me climb up on my own. I stared down at him in shock at the kind gesture. Boris didn’t meet my eyes, instead, glancing over my body as he ran his hand up my thigh. “I anger easily and I regret my words hurt your feelings. Your father was not worthy to have you as a son.”
He turned and briskly walked away before I could even think of what to say back. Boone was smiling widely and I gave him a quick wave. Bash mounted his horse and led the way.
I thought a lot about the past few days, wondering if maybe there was more to Boris than his crass, rude, and angry façade. I knew I hadn’t been exactly what he wanted, mostly because he hadn’t given me the chance to even speak with him or get to know him as Boone had. But if this was going to work, I had to try.
It was a few hours later when we reached the edge of the woods and Bash stopped his horse next to mine.
“Take this road about ten miles and you will reach the village,” he explained as he pointed in the direction. “If you can, talk to no one but Mitchell. There are some who live there that are not friends to us. They do not like cursed men in their woods and blame us for just about everything they can. Be careful and don’t dawdle or Boris will get angry because he will be worried.”
“Yeah, he paid good money for me,” I said sarcastically before I could stop myself.
“He’s not as bad as he seems,” Bash replied with a sigh. “It’s complicated but mostly it’s guilt because he blames himself for the curse. It was his idea to make a home in the woods. He didn’t know that they were controlled by a witch who cursed us for coming onto what she considered her land.”
“That’s terrible!” I couldn’t even imagine how that kind of guilt could eat at a man. No one deserved that and it did explain a lot. “I will make haste.”
“Thank you for doing this, Golden.” He gave me a shy wave and I nodded as I clicked my tongue and the horse went on his way.
True to his word, it didn’t take long to get to the village. It looked like most other villages so it was easy to find the store Boris had been talking about. The fact that it had a sign saying
General Store
might have been a hint too.
“Hello, I’m looking for Mitchell,” I said to the man behind the counter. “I have wares from Boris.”
“You are their slave?” he asked me, his eyebrows shooting up to his forehead. “You’re too little to be of use in their trade.”
“My duties will be more in the house and running to town,” I mumbled as I hung my head in shame. It shouldn’t have hurt that a random stranger referred to me as a slave. But it did. “I have a cart full from them. Are you Mitchell?”
“I am and what is your name?” He stepped around the counter, keeping a wary eye on me.
“Golden,” I answered as I handed him the list. He looked at it as if it was going to bite him.
“I know what type of slave you are, Golden,” he hissed at me.
“Be that as it may, my money is as good as everyone else’s,” I said, proud my voice barely cracked. “You have a standing arrangement with Boris and this is the list of items he needs.”
I set the paper down on the counter, realizing that it wasn’t the list that offended him but the possibility of having to touch my hand when I tried to give it to him. Then I pulled out one of the gems I had brought with me.
“And this is what I plan to use to buy some goods for myself. Is that a problem?” He met my gaze then as I set it on top of the list on the counter.
“You could buy half my store with a ruby of that size,” he whispered, eyeing me over. “How did you get it? Are you a thief?”
“No,” I gasped, tears forming in my eyes. “Not that it’s
of your business but it seems you lost your manners and won’t find them again until we settle this. I am from a wealthy family, but when my mother died a few months ago, she admitted I was not my father’s son. He took out his anger on me since I was the only one left, sold me, and let me take my belongings with me, including my mother’s jewelry.
“I am just trying to make the best of this and put the pieces back together of my life. So don’t you dare judge me or accuse me of crimes I did not commit.” I angrily wiped away tears, upset with myself for letting him get to me. It seemed the past few days had taken more of a toll on me than I would have liked to admit. “I just want to pick up new sketch pencils, pad, and maybe a few items from the apothecary. Is that really too much to ask?”
“No,” he said gently, patting my shoulder. “I will handle this list and pay out the difference. Would you like me to do the same for your gem?”
“Yes please.”
“Then go pick out what you would like and take a few moments to yourself without the pressures you have outside of this store,” Mitchell suggested with a smile. “We have a nice selection of artist materials in the back.”
“Okay, thank you.” I nodded and walked in that direction, letting him handle the list and the gem. I might not have gotten the best price for such a stone in a small village, but I had a feeling Mitchell was an honest man. But then again my judgment was for crap nowadays.
I roamed the shelf, picking out a gorgeous set of pencils, a few sketch pads in different sizes, and even decided to buy a paint set and brushes. My father had hated that I liked to draw so I had always kept things simple that could easily be hidden. I didn’t have to worry about him anymore and decided to try and further my art.
Then I realized I might need to buy more items or set up an account because if Mitchell had said the gem could buy half his store then I seriously doubted he had much gold on him to break down the price of it. I set my items on the counter as he kept working and thought of what else I might want. That’s when I saw it. There was a sign stating they had baby livestock out back.
I followed the arrow to the back door and gasped. There were goats, chicks, calves, piglets, and puppies. I’d always wanted a pet! If I got some chicks then maybe Boris would let me keep them because they’d give us eggs. I wanted a piglet but had a sneaking feeling if I bought one it would be the same as signing its death sentence because he’d be dinner one day.
I raced back up to Mitchell and asked if he could add to my tab half a dozen chicks, a cage for them, food, and whatever I would need to build a chicken coop. He gave me a funny look, but nodded.
“That’s still not even a fraction of what the gem’s cost is,” Mitchell hedged. “The apothecary owes me along with the butcher and the baker. Would you like to see their wares to settle the payment?”
“We could do that,” I answered as I started to blush. I hadn’t meant to cause issue but I also couldn’t have left my father’s house with sacks of gold pieces. “The rest we could leave as credit for when I come next time?”
“I would appreciate that, Golden.” He gave me a genuine smile and led me to the butcher as his son took over handling Boris’s items. I picked out several items, knowing how to make a few lamb dishes that would hopefully make the brothers happy. Then I went to the bakery and bought way more than we would be able to eat before it started to go bad. But all the purchases were in line, nothing lavish, just maybe not what they normally bought.
I couldn’t say the same about my time at the apothecary. There I might have gone a little overboard. I bought some scented oils, hoping a little romantic effort might calm Boris a bit. Then there was the salve that Boone had used on me. That I bought a large jar of because I had the feeling I would need more of it. And I bought several different types of tea, also in the hopes that they might help Boris’s temper.
When I was done I’d been in the village almost two hours. Bash was going to throw a fit and then probably Boris too. I started to get nervous when Mitchell was settling accounts with each shop owner and deducting it from the price of the gem. I hadn’t meant to take this long. Would they think I had run and search my belongings? Boris would have no compunction about ripping my room to shreds if he was angry.
“You are all set, Golden,” Mitchell informed me with a smile when we were back at his shop. He handed me a bag of gold pieces, informing me that was for Boris. Then he handed me another one, a larger one, saying that was what was left from the gem and I didn’t need to have credit for next time.
I thanked him and tucked them into my jacket on opposite sides of my body so there was no confusion. Part of me wanted to laugh when I saw how all my additional purchases were taking up almost half the cart. It was either find humor in it or worry Boris was going to beat me.
I went with option one.
The horse had had a good rest and was ready to head home so we made good time back to the woods. Bash had been pacing a line in the ground, his repeated footprints having mashed the grass down.
“Why were you so long? Were you hurt? Did they do anything to you?” he asked in a panicked voice as he eyed me over.“You look fine.”
“Everything took a bit longer than expected because what I used to pay for what I wanted wasn’t exactly a few small gold coins,” I answered as my cheeks heated up. “I ended up getting much more than planned so I didn’t make things uncomfortable with Mitchell and having him owe me.”
He glanced at the cart with wide eyes. “This is going to be interesting,” he grumbled and then mounted his horse. I didn’t want to ask what that meant because I had a sinking suspicion I knew… And wouldn’t like it.

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