Blackhearted Betrayal

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Authors: Kasey Mackenzie

BOOK: Blackhearted Betrayal
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“Engrossing …Mackenzie’s writing is clean and clever, the plot is twisty and intriguing, and Riss’s charm and sass elevate her above many other fantasy heroines.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)


“Complex and intriguing …[a] wonderful mystery, and enough intrigue to keep me on my toes wondering exactly who done it.”

Fresh Fiction


“Love this series, and Riss! She is such a kick-ass heroine that you can’t help but root for her. She has spunk and an attitude and knows how to use it, which is why I like her so much. It’s just great writing and keeps the reader interested. I cannot wait to see what happens next!”

Night Owl Reviews


“No one knows how to write a fantasy, mystery, and suspense quite like Kasey Mackenzie.
Green-Eyed Envy
is action-packed with new twists around every corner. Readers will …be left guessing until the very end. Ms. Mackenzie truly knows how to keep fans on their toes! The story is engaging, fast-paced, and loads of fun.”

Romance Reviews Today


“Mackenzie proves that her thrilling debut was just the start of great things to come …a nonstop ride packed with mystery, betrayal, and murder …well worth reading.”

RT Book Reviews


“Superb …This is a great tour of Boston’s paranormal underground.”

Alternative Worlds



“Urban fantasy readers looking for something new will thrill to this exhilarating debut, populated with creatures from Greek myth …Riss is the perfect urban fantasy heroine—fresh, sassy, smart, and determined—and a cavalcade of fully developed side characters keep this twisty tale moving quickly.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)


“I loved it. Kasey Mackenzie is a brilliant new talent, and
Red Hot Fury
is fun, inventive, and has an awesome heroine. Easily the best book I’ve read this year.”

—Karen Chance,
New York Times
bestselling author of the Cassie Palmer series


“Pulls you in from page one, and the action doesn’t stop there. Marissa is a Fury with sass, skills, and leather …not to mention a sexy Irish Warhound by her side. If you’re ready for a unique spin on all things paranormal—and you’re ready to stay up a little too late reading—grab
Red Hot Fury
and prepare to dive in. Kasey Mackenzie’s first Shades of Fury novel sets a new standard for urban fantasy.”

—Chloe Neill, author of the Chicagoland Vampires series


“Warning to readers: You may become hooked and gain little sleep while reading
Red Hot Fury
. Fans of Laurell K. Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, and Karen Chance will keep on the lookout for Ms. Mackenzie and the Shades of Fury novels!”

Romance Reviews Today


“A superfast-paced story. The plot just swoons by, and it was incredibly fun to read …
Red Hot Fury
is fabulous! There [are] plenty of kick-ass action scenes, the world-building is really interesting, and I’m definitely looking forward to the next book in this new urban fantasy series.”

Night Owl Reviews


Ace Books by Kasey Mackenzie










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Ace mass-market edition / July 2012

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Dedicated to the memory of my mother, Debbie. You left us way too soon, but I know you’re finally at peace, and
know I’ll help our family carry on through the grief. We’ll love and miss you always.


Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.




This section is going to be long again because this book has been, without a doubt, the absolutely hardest to write of my life. Many personal challenges kicked me around this year, culminating with the heartbreaking death of my mother, Debbie, on Thanksgiving night. I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who, in whatever way, helped my family deal with this tragedy, from those who gave their support and love to those who made sure my baby boy had a wonderful Christmas. Both old and new friends helped ease my heart during the toughest crisis of my life. Sorry there’s not room to list you all by name, but just know that you are all appreciated so much more than I can express. Thank you!

Thanks again to my ever-patient editor, Jessica Wade, and everyone at Ace who was so understanding as I dealt with all the trauma this year; to my awesome rock star of an agent, Ginger Clark, who never doubted I could get this book done; to my amazing cover artist, Judy York, and Ace’s fantastic art department, who all amaze me more with each book; and to the enthusiastic readers, librarians,
and booksellers who have connected with this series and make what I do possible.


Last but not least, thanks to my beloved family: my loving husband, Shawn, who has more faith in me than I could ever have in myself; my adorable son, Zack, who is the sweetest and best baby boy a mother could ever have; my stepfather, Larry, who loved my mother so much and whom we love for that and many other reasons; my baby sister, Kelsey, who has become such an amazing mother and dealt with so much the past few months with grace and love; my brothers, Dustin and Chris, whom I may not always see eye to eye with but love tremendously; my future brother-in-law, Scott, who is an amazing man; my new nephews and niece, who gave us all reasons to smile even in the darkest of days; my grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and in-laws, who pulled together to help us deal with Mom’s passing; and my best friend, Julie, who is just as much of a sister to me as my biological sister. Much thanks and love also to my fabulous friends in the writing community, including (but not limited to) Jill Myles, Gretchen McNeil, Cindy Pon, Chris Marie Green, Wen Spencer, Jackie Kessler, Heather Brewer, Cole Gibsen, Shawntelle Madison, Chloe Neill, Team Purgatory at Absolute Write, my chat buddies at Forward Motion for Writers, and the St. Louis Writers Guild.


Remember to hold your loved ones tight and tell them how you feel about them: You never know when it will be for the last time.

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen


waiting all night to jump your lover’s bones only to have a Harpy bust into your home while you’re getting frisky on the sofa. Even worse, a
Harpy, whose enormous belly, swollen ankles, and raging mood swings served as a walking billboard for conscientious birth-control use. I let out a choked scream and covered my nakedness with an afghan when the Harpy Queen waltzed through my front door
too early in the morning. Scott Murphy, the love of my life, became alert—er, the
kind of alert—and lunged to his feet, fortunately still wearing his tuxedo pants.

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