Golden [Bedtime stories 1] (5 page)

BOOK: Golden [Bedtime stories 1]
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“ I know you’re awake, Golden,” Boris said quietly as he pulled back the covers and slid into bed with me. “I heard your breathing pick up.” I didn’t say anything because he didn’t ask a question and I was tired. Secondly, I was learning there’s nothing to say to Boris that didn’t get me in trouble.

I shivered when I felt his hands move down my body and he pulled me close. I might have hated the man but I did like the feeling of him even if he was too rough at times. Then his cock rubbed against my hole and I squirmed in his arms.

“ I built your chicken coop and found straw to lay in it. The chicks are safe and have been fed,” he whispered in my ear. He looked up and saw the oil on the table next to my bed. “Is this what you would like me to use? Is that what’s making you smell so good?”

“ Yes please,” I answered, turning enough so I could see his face as he reached for it. “So I can keep the chicks? Why?”
“Because there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to and I was a monster to have treated you that way.” I didn’t know what to say as he slicked up his cock. Boris set the oil back down on the table and moved his fingers to my hole. Was he actually going to make sure I was prepared this time?
“Thank you,” I whispered, not sure if I meant for letting me keep the chicks and building the coop or that he was being gentle with me.
“The supper you made was amazing, Golden,” he said hesitantly as he pushed two fingers inside of me. When he saw I could take more, he slid in another and sawed them back and forth. “I can’t think the last time I’ve feasted that well.”
“I’m glad you liked it.” Everyone wants to hear they’re a good cook. What I didn’t understand was why he was being so nice to me. I started to roll onto my stomach, knowing that’s how I’d end up.
“I want it like this,” Boris growled as he held me on my side.
“As you wish.” I relaxed into the bed, my head against his chest as I pulled one leg up to give him better room.
“I want you to want it like this as well.” Oh goodie, here came the anger. I braced for it, cursing that he was fingering me when he was pissed. He could do a lot of damage with those hands. Their fingers weren’t claws but they didn’t have human fingernails either. “But it is my fault that you don’t.”
“What?” I asked, not sure of the turn this conversation had taken. Was he admitting he’d been wrong?
“I don’t blame you for not wanting me after how I’ve acted.” He pulled his fingers from my hole and pushed the head of his dick in. I moaned and held on to my knee tightly. “I wouldn’t want to be with someone like me either.”
Still I didn’t reply. What was there to say? Agree he was an ass? That would go over well. Plus, he had been nice to me before when I was leaving for the village and then the next time he was a jerk again. His mood swings were insufferable and I wasn’t going to play into one of the nice ones in hopes that there wouldn’t be another mean one. Because there would be.
Boris moved so he was surrounding me, one knee by my ass and the other between my legs. Then he pushed my leg up even farther, holding it there as his other hand moved along my back.
“I can be better. You just have to give me time.”
“As you wish,” I said again, acknowledging what he was saying. I didn’t believe it for a second though. Either Boone had kicked his ass, he felt bad about accusing me of being a thief, or he simply had a clear moment without any anger.
It wouldn’t last.
“Are you going to say anything else?” he asked, annoyance in his tone as he slowly pushed more of his cock inside of me.
“Thank you for making sure I was stretched and using extra oil.” Yeah, it was lame but it was the best I had right then! Did he want me to lie and tell him I believed him? Then again, I guess he hoped I wouldn’t
to lie.
“Do you just try and upset me?”
I gasped when he slammed the rest of the way into me. I turned my head enough to look at his chest, not able to meet his gaze. “Either deal with my truthful answers or I will start having to lie to you which I don’t want to do. Your choice.” He lifted my chin so I had to look at him. “Believe me, the last thing I want is your anger, okay? I’m doing what you want and being complacent but don’t ask me to just tell you what you want to hear.”
He nodded as he leaned closer to me. My eyes went wide and I started squirming.
“What are you doing?” I asked as I pulled my chin from his hand.
“Kissing you,” he growled.“Boone said I should be nicer, gentle with you and that you like to be kissed.”
“He also asked me.” I wanted to smack myself for blurting that out. It would only set Boris off. So I did the only thing I could think of. I quickly lifted my head and gave him the world’s fastest kiss.
Boris’s eyes filled with heat as he stared at my lips, licking his own. “May I have a proper kiss now?”
“Watch your teeth please.” His upper lip curled up and I sighed. “You like to be vigorous and powerful. It stands to reason that you would kiss like that and I like my tongue where it is. You know I don’t think you hideous or a monster, I get hard when you touch me. I’m just reminding you to be careful if you ever want another kiss.”
“That’s fair and logical,” he conceded with a nod. I wanted to pump my fist in the air at the small victory. Maybe I could have a real conversation with Boris after all. I moaned as he licked my lips, opening for him as he started thrusting.
Hell must have frozen over because he wasn’t pounding into me and I didn’t even slide up the bed. Granted he was still strong and huge so it wasn’t like he was treating me like glass… But he was acting as if I could be hurt and cared that I wasn’t.
“What else do you like?” he asked me and I had to keep from swallowing my tongue to keep the shock at bay.
“Touch me,” I purred as I moved his hand to my cock. He rubbed the heel of his hand against me and the friction was glorious while his soft fur was a maddening contrast I loved. “Boris, oh heavens that’s good, yeah, like that.”
“You are so breathtaking,” he cooed in my ear as he moved his hips faster. “I want more than a slave, Golden, but if the choice is you leaving or keeping you as one I will choose to keep you as a slave.”
And just like that I didn’t want him touching me. I went limp and felt my erection leave as tears filled my eyes. “Get off me.”
“No,” he snarled as he kept stroking me. “This was working. You wanted me, dammit! Get hard again.”
“Just fuck me then and go away,” I cried, covering my face as the tears came back.
“I don’t understand.” He shook me in frustration. “I’m trying here, really trying and still I can’t do anything right by you.” I was officially scared at the way he was flipping out and on instinct I reached up and slapped him across the face.
“You’re scaring me,” I whispered when his eyes filled with rage. It was a stupid move, mostly because it didn’t work. Hell, his head hadn’t even turned from the blow. “Calm down before I start screaming for Boone or Bash because I think you’re going to kill me you’re so pissed off at me.”
Boris’s face instantly deflated. “I would never kill you. You—” “Cost a lot of money. I know,” I grumbled.
“You are special,” he countered as he turned me so I was flat on my back. I gasped as he moved my leg to the other side of his body, his cock sinking deeper into me. “You are special, Golden, and you drive me insane because I can’t say anything right to you and I handle everything wrong. So please, tell me what I did wrong to make you stop enjoying this?”
“You really don’t get it, do you?” I asked, searching his eyes. When all I saw was confusion and frustration shining back at me I sighed. “You’re kissing me, touching me, as you take me and bring up that I’m your possession and your slave. Not exactly intimate-time talk, Boris. And you have thrown that fact in my face at least a dozen times since I’ve arrived. Do you know what that’s like? To know I’m just a piece of ass possession to you?”
“I’m saying I don’t want you to be but I don’t want you to leave either. What was wrong with that?”
“Then just say you like me and like the way I feel,” I suggested. “Using the word
and reminding me I really don’t have a choice in all of this ruins the fun.”
“But I asked you this time,” he reminded me as he leaned over and kissed my neck. “I asked and have been gentle. I’m sorry I don’t do things the right way but you are a person to me.” I nodded but didn’t say anything or get hard and he sighed. “Please tell me how to fix this. I want to take you like two men who want to be together, not just pound into someone who deals with it as being his lot in life.”
“Do you really mean that?” I asked hesitantly. Boris lifted his head and nodded, letting me see the truth in his eyes. “Lift my legs over your hips and rub your hands up my body like I’m the best thing you’ve ever felt below you.”
“You are though,” he mumbled as he did what I asked.
“What do you like about me? What makes me desirable to you?” He wanted to know what to do and how to fix this but he had to work for it too.
“You always smell so good and it’s not the oils or the soap when you wash,” he admitted as he stared at my chest. I thrust my hips up and he got the idea, moving slowly as he touched me. His fingers glided over my ribs as if counting them. “Your skin is soft while your body is still lean enough that I can surround every inch of you.”
“I like that you’re so much bigger than me too,” I whispered as I moved my body in time with his. “And I love how strong you are when you take me now that I know you care that I’m a person and not just a hole to get off with.”
“No, not just a hole no matter how crass I’ve spoken.” He used his tongue against my nipple as his hand moved down to my hard-on. “I was worried you’d think me a monster and hurt me so I tried to put a wall between us. It didn’t work and I ended up hurting—”
“Talk later about serious things,” I warned as he almost did it again. Boris nodded and rubbed my cock. “What else do you like?”
“The way you see life. You thought by buying the chicks that you would save them from being dinner when people eat chickens all the time.” He smiled at me and I couldn’t get over how much more handsome he was when he smiled.
“I like that you don’t just apologize with words but built the chicken coop as well.” I realized now I was so into the moment again that the time for talk was over. “There’s something I’ve always wanted to try.”
“Anything, Golden,” he immediately agreed.
“Lift me onto your lap and thrust up into me as hard as you can,” I begged as I tightened my hole around his cock. He moaned and did it, spreading his legs wider for leverage and going further into me.“Yes! Oh yes, this is what I’ve always wanted. Harder.”
“I knew we could fit,” he grunted as he thrust into me with all his might. Granted he couldn’t do it as hard as normal moving up and with me sitting on him like that but the forceful jabs hit my pleasure gland every time.
“Boris, yes, fuck me,” I screamed as my dick rubbed against his ripped abs and short fur. “Tell me you want only me and not just my ass.”
“I want all of you, Golden. I need you.” I wasn’t sure about that but I didn’t think he was lying either.
“Faster,” I whimpered, just needing a little more to get over the edge. He did and I cried out as I came all over us, harder than I might ever have come before. Boris followed me right over, groaning as his body shook and his cock exploded inside of me.
“Thank you,” he gasped as he peppered my neck and face with kisses. I wasn’t sure what he was thanking me for but I was happy to do that again. Now if we could just keep the peace between us for more than half a day I would maybe hope my life wouldn’t suck forever.

Chapter 6

The next morning I woke up to Boone ’s tongue licking my hole. “Are you still mad at me?”
“No,” I moaned and spread my legs wider. “Was never mad, just depressed and giving up.”
“Don’t give up yet, Golden,” he begged as his oiled fingers teased my hole. “Let me show you how good life can be here. Let me love you.”
“Yes,” I agreed, wanting everything he offered and more. “Make love to me, Boone.”
“With pleasure.” He pushed his fingers inside of me and quickly stretched me out. Then he flipped me over and molded his body to mine while I was on all fours. It was awkward to kiss but we made it work. He took me tenderly, every inch that could possibly touch of our bodies doing so and moving together. “Need more.”
I didn’t understand until he pulled me up onto my knees so the angle was tighter. He wrapped his arm around me as he kissed me and stroked my cock. I reached back and held on to his hips as I pulled myself to meet his thrusts.
“This is what I wanted for us,” Boone whispered in my ear. “To come together like this and to let you see it’s you I want and not just anyone because I was lonely.”
“How can you know you want me so much already?” I asked, confused at his strong feelings already even though I felt the same.
“Because everything about you is perfect to me and I would do anything for you. What can I do to prove it?”
“Just love me, Boone,” I whispered, wanting it more than anything in the world. We weren’t there yet and I didn’t want him to lie. Instead he nodded and kissed me some more. When he started picking up the pace I couldn’t hold it back anymore, coming with a cry of his name moments before he finished inside of me.
After we were spent we fell to the bed in a sweaty heap, wrapped around each other. “That was indescribable, my darling.”
“I feel—” I started to say but the door to my room was opened with such force it banged off the wall.
“How did you remove the curse?” Boris bellowed as he stormed into the room. “Why Bash?”
“What?” I asked in shock, thinking he finally lost it.
“My god,” Boone gasped as he sat up, pulling out of me. I looked at him and followed his gaze. There was a stranger standing there with a smile on his lips so wide I was surprised it didn’t jump off his face.
“Holy shit!” I yelped and scrambled under the covers. “Who is that man?”
“Bash,” Boone and Boris said together. I froze in trying to cover up my indecency and took a better look.
“How?” I whispered as I took in his eyes, seeing the man instead of the cursed hybrid. He was still a big man but no longer over seven feet, closer to six, and any trace of beast gone. “How did this happen?”
“I can’t tell you,” Bash admitted quietly. “When the magic was lifted I tried to tell Boris but it was like there’s a trick to it all and I can’t speak the words.”
“He said
did this,” Boris growled.
“No, I said Golden gave me the key to how to break it,” Bash corrected as he gave me a smile. I stared at him as if he was mad and he got the hint. “The advice you gave me yesterday. I did it and it broke the curse.”
“The advice,” I parroted and then it hit me.“
advice? You saw her?”
“Yes,” he answered with a nod. “She’s agreed to marry me.”
“You’re straight?” Boris and Boone exclaimed. “What girl?
“Okay, all brothers out and downstairs so the youngest can catch you up,” I said with a chuckle and eye roll. It ended up being the wrong thing to say because everyone focused on me then and they weren’t happy like I was.
“How could you tell Bash how to lift the curse and not me?” Boone whispered as he moved away from me. “I thought you cared for me.”
“I do, Boone,” I gasped and waved at Bash. “I didn’t know my advice would lift the curse and if I understand him right, it’s not like a spell you can repeat. It has to be something he feels and admits.”
“I knew you would hurt me,” Boris shouted and punched the wall. In a flash I was off the bed and cowering behind it as he turned his anger on me. “You’re going to the whorehouse tomorrow.”
“No!” the three of us exclaimed together.
“Stop this and come talk to me while Golden gets cleaned up and dressed,” Bash demanded. “This is not his fault. I told you that he couldn’t have known. Telling you what he suggested won’t change anything or lift the curse for you guys. It didn’t work like that.” When they were both still frowning at me he decided to switch tactics. “Don’t you want to meet my bride?”
“Yes, very much so,” Boone admitted as he got to his feet and walked towards the door. He stopped in front of Boris and poked the man in the chest with his finger. “He’s not going to the whorehouse, so stop letting your temper spew shit you regret later. We’ll talk to him and figure out why this happened after we congratulate our brother. Understand?”
“Agreed.” They left my room, leaving me there to sit alone on the floor in shock at what had taken place. Boris went to close the door and held up a key.“But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to lock you in here until you tell us how to break the curse.” He slammed it closed before I could say a word.
I knew it. We couldn’t go half a day before I was back to hating him. And even worse? I couldn’t get cleaned up if I was locked in the room. The bathroom was down the hall.
I stood up, sighing as I then flopped back to the bed. Boris had come to me in the middle of the night and now Boone this morning. That was maybe six hours of good times before drama and anger again. If anyone dared pick on me for being constantly depressed, all over the place, and a tear factory I was going to lock them in a room with Boris for a week and laugh.
Just as copious amounts of cum were drying all over me I remembered that I had a glass of water by the bed. It wasn’t exactly the best bath I’d ever had, but I made it work. I didn’t even bother to get dressed though. What was the point? Boris or Boone would come back eventually, want more sex, and then everything would be my fault again.
If I didn’t get sold to the whorehouse first.
I sat on the bed, not sure what to do or how I was going to explain this one to them without just telling them. And what if I did tell them the truth? Boris would surely think I was lying. Boone would probably believe me and then say he loved me just to break the curse. But when it didn’t work we’d never be able to recover from that.
How could my life have ended up like this? Instead of them being happy I inadvertently helped Bash… I was the bad guy?
I knelt on the floor and opened up one of my bags, pulling out a framed picture of my mother. Staring at it for several moments, I started to get angry. “How could you do this to me? Nothing would have changed if you hadn’t told father I wasn’t his. Or if you had told us both
ago, he could have gotten over it. I could have found my real father even! You should have just drowned me as a baby.”
That’s when I realized the time had come to run. I finally was at the point where possible death and living on the run was better than facing Boris’s wrath again. I quickly dressed and packed as much of my jewelry-lined clothes into a bag, forsaking all my other possessions.
Then I opened the window and checked to make sure no one was around. I heard them at the back of the house and dropped my bag down. Realizing I’d break a limb in the fall, I quickly pulled the sheets off the bed and tied them together. I pushed the bed to the window and used the weight to secure the sheets. Then I climbed down the side of the house, careful of the windows in case someone was looking out of them.
Once I was on the ground safely I picked up my bag and ran. I couldn’t stay there and live like this. Yes, I was falling in love with Boone and had feelings for Boris. But nothing was going to change. I was still their slave and I couldn’t live a life like that, waiting for Boris to blow up at me over something else yet again.
I ran for as long as I could, wishing I had some provisions. I was thirsty and hungry already, not even having a chance to eat breakfast before this all happened. Then I walked for what seemed like hours. I swore I was heading in the same direction Bash had taken me to the village but everything looked the same. I was lost.
Watch, I’d end up walking right back to the house I was running from after all this effort. I collapsed to the ground, long since needing a break. Several minutes later I heard the stomping of horses running and ducked behind a tree.
“This is your fault,” Boone bellowed as they came closer to where I was.
“I know it is. Stop reminding me and keep your eyes open for him,” Boris shouted right back. “His scent went this way and he’s got to be close. Golden!”
Right, because I was going to announce where I was. But they were closing in on me and would find me. I got to my feet and ran, hiding behind trees as I went in the hopes that maybe I would be hidden from them.
“There! Golden, stop!” Boone yelled as I heard his horse head towards my direction. I’d never be able to outrun a horse but I wasn’t ready to give up yet either. I kept running as fast as I could, ignoring the horses and men barreling down on me. My foot got caught in some underbrush and I went down hard and heard a sickening snap of my shoulder.
“Shit,” Boris growled as he jumped down from his horse. I bit my lip to keep in the cry of pain as I tried my best to scurry away from him. Yeah, I knew trying was futile at this point but sometimes instinct just kicked in. He was pissed before and now that I’d run he was going to be livid. “Why did you run from us?”
I just stared at him like he’d grown a second and third head. Was he really that dense?
“Don’t touch me,” I screamed as he crouched down by me. “You said you’d never hurt me! You promised.”
“I did,” he replied with a nod. “Why do you think that has changed?”
“There’s a hole in the wall of my room that shows how little control you have over your anger,” I answered firmly, clutching my limp arm to my body. “And once again you’re saying I’m going to the whorehouse. I thought last night meant something to you.”
“It did,” he sighed and lifted me into his arms, my fighting barely affecting him. “Stop, okay. Just stop. You dislocated your shoulder and you’re only hurting yourself.”
“Where’s my bag?” I whimpered, trying to see the ground where I’d fallen.
“I have it,” Boone said quietly, holding it up for me to see.
“It’s mine.” I held out my good hand for it, praying he’d give it back and not realize the fortune that was inside of it.
“What’s in there that’s so important, Golden?” Boris asked as he turned me in his arms so I was facing him.
“My only possible salvation from you or the whorehouse if you send me there,” I whispered as I closed my eyes. “Can I please just have my bag? It’s the only way I can buy myself back when you sell me and I can be free of all of this.”
“We’re not selling you,” Boris growled as he took off my jacket.
“Why not?” I yelled, having made a quick decision. “At least that way I could pay the madam more than what she paid for me and be free.”
“There’s no gold in this bag besides this,” Boone said curiously, holding up the pouch of coins Mitchell had given me.
“You opened my bag?” I whispered, hurt because I never thought Boone would be the one to betray me. “How could you?”
“How could you run, Golden?” he threw right back.
“Yes, because being locked in a room until I told you something I couldn’t was a much better option,” I answered sarcastically. I think the pain in my shoulder overrode my sense of self-preservation. “Boris was redecorating with his fist and once again he scared the shit out of me. I can’t live constantly worried I’m going to incur his rage. It wasn’t even half a day between outbursts. My emotions are all over the place, I’m constantly crying, haven’t eaten for days because of the stress.”
“You do seem a little thinner,” Boris agreed. I turned to him and narrowed my eyes at him, letting the disgust for him show on my face.
“What do you care? There’s enough of me to still hold on to so you can fuck your slave, right?” He winced at my words, turning his gaze away from mine. “There’s bones to break if you decide to use me as a punching bag. My mouth still works for your pleasure and—”
“Stop,” he whispered, shaking his head. “Please just stop. I’m sorry.”
“I’m done with your apologies. You say you’re sorry, do something nice, but then each time your anger gets worse to the point that I was scared enough of you to run.”
“Holy shit,” Boone exclaimed and I groaned. “He has a fortune in this bag.”
“Great, just fucking great,” I growled as Boris set me on my feet. He knelt down next to Boone and pulled out one of my jackets that William had sewed gems in to make it look as if there was costume jewelry.
“These are real gems?” Boris asked in a whisper as he glanced at me. Suddenly my feet were interesting and I looked at those instead. “Is this all of it?”
“It’s mine,” I whimpered, holding my arm to my chest. “Most of those were gifts or my mother’s. You said I could have my own belongings when I got here. Servants and slaves can have their own possessions. Just because you found them doesn’t make them yours.”
“We don’t want them,” Boone said in disgust as he threw one of my coats on the bag. “We just want to know what’s going on, Golden. How could you not tell us you carried a fortune sewn into your clothes?”
“Right, because I’ve known you long enough to be able to trust you.”
“Don’t you get it?” he shouted as he got to his feet and threw his hands in the air. “I love you, Golden. I want to mate you and make you my partner. I never wanted you to be my slave or—” He stopped and gasped, looking a little green around the gills.“What’s happening to me?”
“What happened to Bash I’m guessing,” I mumbled as I plopped down on the ground. My whole body hurt and this was not how I ever wanted someone to say they loved me. And even worse, if the curse was being lifted… He really meant it.
And I had run from him. This could really be bad.
Boone cried out and sank to his knees as his face reshaped into that of a human instead of partly beast. The fur fell off his body as if he’d had a haircut, and his body shrank slightly. When the transformation was over he was the most breathtaking man I’d ever seen. He moved his hands over his body, laughing in shock and joy as he checked to make sure everything was there.
Yeah, he was in shock.
“That’s why you couldn’t tell us,” Boris whispered as he got up slowly, staring at Boone. “Who knew something as insane as true love could fix a curse?”
“There’s nothing insane about love,” I replied, shaking my head at his attitude. “It’s the strongest emotion there is. But it’s also something I couldn’t tell you to do to reverse the curse. You just have to feel it and admit it aloud.”

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