Generational Sins (25 page)

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Authors: Samantha Blair

BOOK: Generational Sins
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I was just closing the latch on the suitcase when I heard a thump and then Kat's blood-curdling scream. My heart stopped. Kat. My sweet Kat. Oh God, how could I have left her alone?

Chapter 34

She was so beautiful. Just the sight of her made it hard to breathe. She had a knee length white sundress on, and someone--Cody’s submissive, most likely—had wound a couple of delicate white orchids into her hair. I could hardly believe that she was walking down the aisle to me.

The air was warm and fragrant. A simple string quartet played softly off to my right. It was perfect. It was everything I could have ever asked for in a wedding. I glanced at the single row of folding chairs that had been placed in the sand in front of the gazebo for our witnesses.

I had only one regret. I wish my mother was here.

When Kat reached me at the top of the gazebo steps, she took my hand and honored me with the most beautiful smile that I had ever seen. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with this woman. She completed me.

The ceremony was simple and heartfelt.

"To love and to cherish," I repeated, "To honor and protect... as long as we both shall live."

The Minster gave me permission to kiss her, and my heart soared. I took her in my arms, cupped the side of her cheek delicately in my palm and pressed my lips to hers. Cody whistled loudly. A single tear ran down my beautiful bride's cheek, and I brushed it away with my thumb.

I never thought that I would find this kind of happiness.

Cody and his submissive took advantage of the open bar that followed in the hotel lounge, but I fully intended to enjoy my bride tonight and getting trashed would not be conducive to the long night I was hoping for.

After a while the girls wanted to go to the pool and I never said no to seeing Kat in a bathing suit. She came back down from the room, having swapped her wedding dress for a black bikini. I'd bought it for her before we left, knowing that her choice would be more conservative than mine. I wanted to be able to ogle her incredible body, and I was certainly getting an eye full now. I couldn't look away for a second.

She ran across the concrete pool deck and flung herself into my arms. She was laughing with her head thrown back, and her long hair fell freely down around her shoulders. I swung her around until I had my arms under her, cradling her like a baby. Before she could react, I walked over to the pool and tossed her ass-first into the deep end. She screamed as soon as she realized what I was doing, but the sound was muffled as she went under. She came up sputtering and looking for revenge.

We chased each other around like children and both wound up soaked. It was the happiest I could ever remember feeling. In those moments I had no obligations, no future fears, no overbearing father. It was just Kat and me, in love, and I wished that it could last forever.

A while later, I decided that I couldn't keep my hands off of her any more, and we retired to our honeymoon suite. The hotel staff had prepared the room with candles and rose petals. It was romantic and sappy, and we loved every minute of it.

We showered together, washing off the pool and gently caressing each other. I couldn't keep my lips away from her. Her mouth was sweet and pliable under my assault. If I lived a million years I would never want to stop kissing her.

When we were clean, we dried each other with fluffy white towels and fell laughing and tickling onto the huge bed.

"I want you so badly, my wife," I sighed against the soft curve of her belly.

"I want you too, my husband," she answered, raking her nails across my scalp. Fuck that felt good.

"Missionary style seems the most appropriate for a blushing bride, don't you think?" I teased.

"Mmmmm, I don't care how you do it. I just want you to be inside of me."

I ran the tips of my fingers over her smooth skin. So beautiful. So incredible. I wanted her more than anything I'd ever wanted. My wife. My beautiful wife.

I kissed her deeply again and shifted her on the bed under me. I looked into her eyes as I parted her wet pussy lips and slid home inside of her. She cried out softly as I rocked into her. I knew I was being too gentle for her liking, but I couldn't bring myself to rush. I wanted this feeling to last forever.

She was hot and wet around me. I put my hands under her head and looked into her eyes as I made love to her. I completely lost control when she began to beg. "Please, harder, David," she whispered against my lips. Her voice was so arousing. I moved more forcefully against my own will. She called me husband. I claimed her as my wife.

I didn't have the strength to refuse her. I gave in to her wishes and fucked her harder. Her legs tightened around me, and I lost myself in the soft warmth of her feminine body.

She fell apart around me, and I watched her orgasm with new eyes. My wife. She came twice more before I allowed myself a release, and when I did, it was the most remarkable emotional experience I'd ever had.

I promised myself that day that I would spend the rest of my life making this woman happy. I meant those vows with everything that I was. I would love her and protect her as long as I had breath in my body.

Chapter 35

I stayed in the car obediently like David had told me to. Now was hardly the time to be disobeying orders, but he was taking so long. I watched as the lights turned on from one window to the next across the house. If no one was home, he would have come back by now. Right?

What had he found? Oh God, what if he was hurt? Maybe he tried to stop Richard, and they got in a fight. I thought if it really came down to it, David could probably take Richard in a physical altercation. They were both around the same height and weight, and they were both in excellent physical shape, but David was thirty years younger. If Richard took him by surprise though... who knew?

I studied the garage door. David had left it open after entering. Should I go in? Maybe if Richard didn't know I was there, I could be of some help to David. Stealth was never my strong suit, but neither was sitting idly by in a car while my husband could be in danger. Fuck it. I have to go.

I closed the car door as quietly as I could and went in through the garage. I slipped off my shoes, which were making a terrible clicking sound on Ellen's beautiful hardwood floors. I hadn't changed after work, and I unfortunately was still in work clothes and heels. A skirt would not have been my first choice for this kind of mission.

I kept my back to the wall as I walked. My police officer dad had taught me some basic self-defense when I was young and while I'd forgotten most of it, I did know that it was better to not be taken by surprise. “Please, Dad,” I prayed silently “if you're up there, help me now.”

The house appeared to be in perfect order. There were no physical signs of a struggle. I crossed through the living room and listened. I thought I heard a faint shuffling in the kitchen. I chanced a quick peek around the corner and saw Ellen sitting in the kitchen alone. She had an ice pack pressed to her cheek, and she was crying softly.

I went to her, and when she saw me she jumped a foot in the air. "I'm so sorry, Ellen. I didn't mean to frighten you. I came to see what was taking so long."

"David is packing my things."

"Oh." I looked at her swollen cheek. "Are you okay?"

"I've had worse," she answered. "I didn't mean to frighten you on the phone. You must have been so worried."

"I was. I thought..." My head snapped back suddenly, and my airway closed. Richard had his left arm around my neck chocking me. I cursed myself for forgetting to watch my back. He came out of nowhere. I couldn't get enough air to scream. I panicked.

He struck Ellen on side of her already swollen face, hard with his right hand, and she slumped forward in her chair, unconscious.

I made an effort to kick him behind me but he threw me into the counter with enough force to knock the wind out of me. I couldn't catch my breath. I slumped uselessly to the floor. My body wouldn't work. My mind was screaming to run, make a noise, anything, but I just couldn't make it happen. My body would not obey me.

He picked me up from the floor by my hair and bent me forward over the counter, pulling my head back sharply. He grabbed a sharp kitchen knife from the rack on the counter and pressed it against my throat.

"Don't make a fucking sound, or I'll slit your fucking throat. I've had enough of your interfering in my son's life. You fucking think he loves you, don't you? You are nothing but a toy to him. He is obedient to me, not you. You're nothing but a little whore. You’re only good as a wet hole for him to fuck."

He pressed my hips into the counter with his legs. I could feel his erection through the thin material of my skirt. Oh God. I tried to breathe. I couldn't think. One hand held the knife at my throat and the other roughly squeezed my breast through my blouse.

"No please," I begged. "Don't."

"I told you to shut the fuck up." He pressed the knife harder to my skin, and I felt a trickle of blood running down my collarbone. Oh God. I was going to die like this.

He pushed my skirt up over my hips and clawed at my panties, ripping them forcefully from my body. I started sobbing, unable to control it.

"My son has been far too easy on you. I won't be as gentle."

"No, no, no," I whispered over and over. I wanted to scream. I needed David, but I was so afraid.

I could hear him unzipping his pants. My neck ached from the terrible angle, and my hips were digging painfully into the counter. Where was David? Oh God.

It came without warning. He thrust up into me with one rough movement, and I could not contain the scream that left my lips. It hurt so bad. I was completely dry and terrified.

"Kat?" David's sweet voice. "Mom?" I heard him on the stairs running towards me. Richard didn't stop. I screamed and screamed as he pulled my hair and raped me over the counter. I knew nothing but pain.

Everything after that happened so fast. There was a splintering of wood, and I was confused as to why Richard had stopped. It took me a moment to realize that David had hit him with a kitchen chair. He fell to the ground, and David hit him again. The wood made a terrible cracking noise as it made contact with his skull.

I was screaming. David was screaming. Richard was making a terrible groaning noise.

"You will never fucking touch her!" David screamed. His eyes were filled with a murderous rage. I slunk to the floor, choking, unable to support my own weight.

David had thrown the chair across the room and was now on top of an unresponsive Richard, repeatedly bashing his head into the tile floor. Oh God, he was going to kill him. Blood was pouring out of his skull at a rapid rate.

"Stop, David." He wasn't listening. We needed an ambulance. "David, stop it," I screamed. "No, you're going to kill him. No."

David's fist made contact with his cheek. His head lolled uselessly on his neck.

I crawled over and hugged David from behind, trying to pull him off. "No, David, no," I sobbed. He did not relent. There was so much blood.

"Red," I whispered gently. "Red, David. Stop."

David turned and looked at me his eyes wide and full of fear. "Oh God, Kat. He, he..."

"Shhhh," I pulled his to my chest, both of us crying. "We need to call an ambulance, David."

David looked at his father, lying limp on the floor. He pressed two fingers to his father's pulse point and paled considerably. "Oh God, I killed him. He's dead, Kat. I had to! He was... he... I couldn't let him..."

"We need to call the police. We'll say it was self-defense. It was self-defense. It'll be okay," I said, not really believing my own words.

"Oh God, I killed him," David whispered. I reached for the kitchen phone.

"No," Ellen's soft voice came from across the kitchen. She was leaning forward in her chair, once again conscious. "Don't call them."

David and I both looked at her blankly. She was the only one not crying. She looked exhausted, but she seemed to have her wits about her.

"My son will not go to jail for the sins of his father. That man was a tyrant, and he deserved this brutal end. We're not calling the police."

Chapter 36

I was shocked. What did Ellen mean? Finally, she realized that what I'd been trying to tell her about David was true, and I was glad about that, but my head was spinning. I couldn't think clearly.

"We have to call the police, Mom," David finally said. "We have to report this."

"No we don't," Ellen said. "We'll make it look like an accident."

"Yeah. He accidentally beat himself to death with a fucking chair. Are you insane?" David was on a razor thin edge, his voice hard and sarcastic. It looked like he would completely snap at any minute.

"A car accident, son. We'll put him in his Mercedes and drive it over a cliff. This could have been caused by a car crash. It's dark and raining outside. Maybe he swerved to miss a deer and ran off the road. Who's to say? He certainly had a habit of driving up the lane fast enough. It should have happened a long time ago."

I looked back and forth between mother and son. They were staring at each other, communicating silently. "How long have you been planning this?" David asked.

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