Gemma (21 page)

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Authors: Charles Graham

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Gemma
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"Now your arms, slave and then we can get better acquainted," Lydia's sarcasm confirmed Gemma's fears. Her Mistresses intended to spreadeagle her and she realised at once that when her wrists were chained to the posts at the top of the bed, the slack in the chains at her ankles would be lost. She would be stretched out flat, like a giant starfish, her body completely open and exposed.


The thought of what was to happen to her and the knowledge that she would be severely punished if she tried to resist, was frighteningly exciting and as she was aided to sit up and her wrist cuffs released, Gemma shivered to every touch of her Mistresses' hands on her bare flesh.


Conditioned to respond exactly as she was, Gemma couldn't control the waves of delicious arousal which washed through her body as Alicia took her left wrist, Lydia her right and pulled her arms up and out towards the top corners of the massive bed until the chains to her ankles drew taut. Arching her neck, she watched in fascination as chains were clipped to her wrist cuffs and then carefully shortened, to hold her limbs fully extended and her body hugely spread.


With her Mistresses looking on, Gemma tested her bondage, satisfying herself and them that she was most securely fixed with no hope of freeing herself, then lay passive, her eyes filled with longing and a humble acceptance of their power over her.


Lydia seated herself on the side of the bed and Gemma's belly flesh fluttered as the woman's strong hand descended on her left hip, "So, slavegirl," she said quietly, "We have you now, don't we?"


Gemma nodded eagerly and her Mistress laughed to see a slave's desire so clearly demonstrated, "Well then, perhaps we should do something about it," and her fingers slid inwards across the hot curve of Gemma's belly to the thick tangle of bushy curls marking the entrance to her sex...and then paused.


Gemma's fingers and toes curled in her frustration and she gave a soft pleading groan, which turned to a gasp as Alicia sat down on the other side of the bed and her hand, fingers outstretched in a fan, dropped lightly onto Gemma's taut right breast.


For long seconds, the two female dominants kept their slave waiting, their hands unmoving and Gemma whimpered in unbearable need as she was forced to learn again that her desires, no matter how strong, were not hers to satisfy!


"Never forget, slave," Alicia whispered, "Who are the Mistresses and who is the slave," and the tips of her slim fingers brushed across Gemma's upthrust and achingly sensitive nipple.


Instantly responsive, Gemma's hopelessly available body juddered massively, her nipple hardening to a quivering peak as blistering arousal surged through her in obedience to the touch of her Mistress.


Alicia chuckled throatily, "Very good, slavegirl," and her chained victim moaned softly, unable to resist or deny the submissive desire kindled in her trembling belly.


A strangled shriek leaked past the thick gag sealing Gemma's jaws as her other Mistress, Lydia, allowed her fingers to toy with the soft, pinkly engorged flesh of Gemma's labia, the exquisitely tender lips of her sex drawn back and held wide open and defenceless by her strict bondage. Gasping with horror and shame and furious need, Gemma struggled to raise her head and stared down past her naked breasts to the wide "V" of her spread thighs and the skilled fingers of the Mistress who controlled and tormented her with such unbearable pleasure.


Lydia's eyes glittered with triumph, her perfect teeth bared in a wide grin and Gemma gulped in delightful fear, knowing that her Mistress relished the power she commanded and that she would not be satisfied until Gemma was forced to surrender unconditionally.


Gemma's head fell back, her brain reeling and, as she did so, her twin Mistresses began their irresistible assault on her helpless nudity.


Alicia's fingers captured her breasts, rolling and squeezing Gemma's nipples, tweaking her nipple rings until the hapless brunette writhed and twisted in her bonds, the combination of sensual pleasure and bitter-sweet pain sending her spinning out of control, while the delicate fingers of Lydia explored and caressed and probed the very core of Gemma's femininity, sliding over and around and into the wet, slick heat of her sex to send overwhelming arousal flooding through her contorting belly.


Gemma could not have resisted for a single moment, even if she had wanted to and her spreadeagled body juddered and bucked madly against her securing chains as she was driven higher and higher in a sexual frenzy she could not control, her body bathed in sweat and her screams and squeals and pleas for mercy unheard and unheeded by Mistresses who were determined upon her absolute and total subjugation and knew exactly how to force it from her!


Gemma climaxed shatteringly, great explosions of love juices crashing into her belly as she came, her muffled wail of surrender punctuated by gasping snorts as she sucked huge gulps of air through her nose, her belly pulsing and kicking to the frightening power of her enforced orgasm as her body gave up its tribute to the erotic skills and dominance of her ruthless Mistresses.


Slumped in her bonds, helpless prey to the fury of the climax raging through her, Gemma wept for shame and joy and despair at the slavegirl she had become, loving and yet horrified by her captivity and the humiliating ecstasy of her inevitable submissions, unable to deny the bursting pleasure of her stupendous orgasms while still deeply ashamed of the responses so easily forced from her trained body....but, all the while realising that she had never, ever, known such passion, such desire, such wonderful, blissful pleasure as she found when bound as the helpless captive of strong, utterly dominant Masters!


Collared and ringed as a slavegirl, she knew she had no choice..and knew, too, that with every passing day, her will to escape and be free once more, grew less and less until she was no longer be sure, even in her own mind, that freedom was what she really wanted....


Putting her doubts to the back of her mind, Gemma relaxed in the hazy after glow of her climax, her belly glowing with warmth and the memory of unutterable pleasure.


The touch of hands on her limbs and the relaxation of her bonds brought her swimming back up from her near doze and as her chains were released, she clambered stiffly to her knees and presented her body as she had been trained, remaining quite still as Lydia padlocked a single, long chain to her right ankle and Alicia unbuckled her gag and pulled it from her mouth.


Casually, as if it were the most normal thing in the world, Gemma's two Mistresses shed their clothes and, naked, joined their naked slave on the huge bed, lying one on each side of her kneeling form.


"Now then, slavegirl," Lydia said briskly, "Your turn to please us."


"Yes," Alicia agreed, "And don't forget, my little toy is still up there if we do not find your performance satisfactory," and she nodded meaningfully at the Devil's Palm hanging from its hook above the bed.


Gemma looked up and swallowed nervously, then looked down at her two Mistresses, calmly waiting for her to please them both.


Alicia to her left, slim and elegant, her fingers intertwined behind her blonde head, blue eyes gleaming with anticipation, and Lydia, shorter, dark haired, more solidly built with larger, heavier breasts, propped up on her right elbow, her face filled with determination.


"Mistresses," Gemma began anxiously, "I..I..don't know I..I've n..never.."


"Be quiet, slavegirl," Lydia snapped waspishly, "We don't need you to speak, do we, eh, Alicia? Just get on with it!"


Alicia nodded cheerfully and Gemma trembled, realising that she had no option but to obey.


Slowly, she reached down and allowed her extended fingers to cup the breasts of her Mistresses, her thumbs pressing and then rolling their nipples just as her own nipples had been played with so many times.


It should have been no surprise to Gemma that the two women reacted to having their nipples caressed in exactly the same way that she always did, with breathy gasps of arousal and wriggles of pleasure as their crinkled buttons began to harden, but, somehow, it did and her own eyes widened with astonishment and delight at her success as her Mistresses responded. Emboldened, she experimented cautiously, using all of her fingers to squeeze and flick and knead their breasts, enjoying the soft squeals and archings of their bodies as her efforts had their effect.


"A little harder, slave."


"Ooh, yes, that's good."


"Now my other breast. Gently, gently!"


"Kiss it, slave. I want to feel your lips," that was Lydia and Gemma flushed but did not dare to disobey. Her lips trapped the brunette's rigid nipple, nibbling gently and Lydia's body vibrated like a dynamo as her hands clamped around Gemma's head, holding the slavegirl's face to her breast.


"Open your mouth!"


Gemma's flush deepened, but it was far too late to pretend modesty and she gave a mental shrug, bowing to the inevitable.


Lydia's erect nipple slipped into her mouth, delightfully hard and warm against her tongue and Gemma, to her surprise and embarrassment, felt a shiver of definite arousal ripple up her spine as she licked and sucked the fleshy button.


With her face pressed to Lydia's ample breast and her right hand busy arousing Lydia's right nipple, Gemma felt her left hand moved the moist warmth of Alicia's sex. The blonde's fingers pressed Gemma's into place and, for the very first time in her life, Gemma felt the velvet softness of another woman's most intimate and tender spot.


"Caress me, slavegirl," Alicia ordered throatily, then as Gemma hesitated, added, "Do it, slave, or I shall use my little toy on your bottom."


There was no doubt Alicia meant what she said and Gemma capitulated at once, well aware that she would be given no second chance. Her slim fingers slid down the moist, fleshy cleft of her Mistress, slowly and clumsily at first, then with growing confidence as the blonde gasped and wriggled to her touch, Alicia's thighs parting to allow Gemma to penetrate between the soft lips of her labia.


"Now me, slavegirl," Lydia demanded, releasing her grip on Gemma's head and the enslaved brunette sat back on her heels, her right hand going to the joint of Lydia's thighs and applying delicate caresses to the sensitive flesh between her second Mistress's muscular legs, even as her fingers continued their work on her first Mistress.


Kneeling between the two dominants, hearing their moans and gasps of pleasure and watching their bodies writhe, Gemma's embarrassment vanished, replaced by a trilling sense of power and control as the two women arched and contorted beneath her hands, responding to the demands of her fingers as if they, not she, were the slaves!


Greatly daring, Gemma took her hands from their bellies and tweaked the nipples so shamelessly displayed by her Mistresses, her lips parting in a broad grin as the women whimpered in unison, then sent her fingers burrowing between their thighs once more to bring groans of unbearable pleasure from their lips.


Enslaved for months, never once permitted to disobey or control her own fate, the sudden, unexpected power was an enormous turn on for Gemma and she felt her own groin grow slick with the juices of her arousal as she tormented her erstwhile Mistresses and savoured their need and the helpless responses her touch forced from them. Again and again she sent her fingers from bellies to breasts and back again, until her Mistresses..her victims..moaned in delicious frustration and their hips thrust up to meet her fingers, offering their bodies to her shamelessly.


Gemma was in Paradise, controlling two dominants with the merest flick of her fingers, no longer the helpless submissive but, temporarily at least, in charge!


She knew it could not last, knew that she would soon be the slave once more, but while it did last, she savoured every moan, every gasp, every wild judder and contortion of her Mistress's bodies, storing up the memories against the inevitable moment when the two women would re-impose their dominance over her.


At last, bathed in sweat, Lydia twisted her body away from Gemma's attentions, seized her wrists and locked her cuffs together behind her back


She gripped Gemma's jaw in her strong fingers and stared deep into her eyes, "Very good, slavegirl. You show more promise than we had imagined. So far, you have been pleasing, but now it is time for you to finish the job and satisfy us both," she paused and chuckled softly, "With your lips!"


Gemma gulped and licked her dry lips, then watched in growing anxiety as her Mistress reached up and took the Devil's Palm from its hook above the bed.


With a cruel grin, Lydia trailed the five leather straps through her fingers, "Well, slave? What are you waiting for? Satisfy your Mistress," and she gestured towards Alicia who lay on the bed, legs spread and a predatory smile on her face.


Gemma knew what she must do...and did it.


Shuffling on her knees, she moved between Alicia's parted thighs and bent forward until her lips nuzzled against the blonde's mass of curly pubic hair. Alicia's hands gripped the back of her head, guiding her and Gemma swallowed hard, flushing redly as the blonde instructed her in the art of female love making. Under orders, she kissed her Mistress's smooth, moist labia, allowed her lips to nibble at the hard, protruding nub of her clitoris, trailed her tongue up and down the full length of her palpitating sex and, finally, sent it spearing into the depths of her belly to trigger an explosive climax as the blonde squealed with devastating pleasure and her sweet, hot, only vaguely salty love juices flooded into her belly and sex and over Gemma's embedded tongue and lips!


Sated, a beatific smile on her face, Alicia pulled Gemma's face from her groin and gave her a long, sensual kiss, her tongue exploring Gemma's mouth and adding to the slavegirl's desire and confusion as she felt her arousal swirl hotter despite her shame at being forced to make love to another woman.


Gemma knew she wasn't a lesbian. She wasn't....was she? She hadn't been...but, then, before her captivity, she hadn't been a slavegirl, either! Whatever the truth was, one fact remained unchanged...while she wore the rings and collar of a slavegirl, she must be whatever her Masters and Mistresses demanded...and she could not deny the flaring heat of arousal which filled her belly!


While Gemma debated, her Mistresses acted, changing places and she forced her mind back to her current situation as Lydia reclined on the bed and smiled cruelly up into her eyes.


"I want pleasure, slave," she hissed, "And you are going to supply it! Please me, slave, or you will suffer!" and her dark eyes glittered with malice.


Gemma shivered and then squealed in pain as the terrible Devil's Palm cracked across her unprotected buttocks and stinging heat erupted across her bottom.


"Yes, Mistress," she yelped, "I will please you, Mistress, truly I will," and she thrust her face down, licking and sucking desperately at the slick, wet core of the brunette's femininity, her only desire, to satisfy her demanding Mistresses and avoid further pain.


No longer was she in control, no longer the powerful tormentor, able to toy with her Mistress's bodies and bring gasps and pleas from them. The tables had turned with a vengeance and Gemma struggled feverishly to be pleasing, as the humble, submissive and helpless slavegirl she again was.


Twice more the stinging lash descended and twice more Gemma screamed as her flinching buttocks were striped with reddened heat, each time her lips and tongue redoubling their efforts to give her Mistress what she demanded, each cruel blow reinforcing her abject submission and increasing the turmoil bubbling in her belly as she surrendered ever more deeply to her subjugation.


Lydia's belly pulsed violently as she reached her climax and Gemma lapped helplessly at the sweetly scented outpourings of her Mistress's body as the brunette's sex throbbed against her lips and she squealed in ecstasy as she came and came.

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