Gemma (24 page)

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Authors: Charles Graham

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Gemma
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Held by strong hands, neither slavegirl wasted energy by trying to resist as a rope was thrown over the cross piece of a solid metal trellis above their heads and looped through between their bound wrists. Pushed together, back to back, Gemma found to her surprise that her immense heels made her nearly as tall as Clarissa and as the tightening rope stretched each of them upwards, she found the sensation of warm, resilient flesh against her spine and buttocks undeniably erotic.


"Spread your legs, slaves," the order came from Lydia and both captives obeyed, recognising the futility of attempting to refuse.


Rope encircled their ankles to hold them spreadeagled and as straps tightened at their knees and waists and below their breasts, Gemma felt Clarissa's shivers of excitement match her own as their bodies were firmly clamped together.


"Mmm, yes, very nice," Lydia and Alicia chuckled as they walked slowly, arm in arm around the two naked slavegirls, feasting their eyes on taut breasts and spread thighs, "So, gentlemen, who's going to be first to test out this arrangement? We call it double dating, for obvious reasons."


Gemma's eyes opened wide and she heard Clarissa's muffled gasp as they learned the reason for their back to back bondage. Sandwiched as they would be between two of their Masters, they wouldn't even be able to move as they were taken and Gemma felt renewed dampness moisten her groin as she imagined it.


"A delightful idea, ladies, but if I might make one small suggestion...?" Matthew was behind Gemma, so she was unable to see what he was doing, but she felt Clarissa stiffen as her adored Master spoke, "I have always found that Clarissa's responses intensify when she cannot be sure who it is that arouses or takes her and I just happen to have brought these with me. If you would care to use them, we can see whether Gemma is affected in the same way?"


"What an excellent idea, Matthew. Thank you. Yes, let's try them, by all means."


Gemma was plunged into stygian darkness as a leather bag descended and she whimpered as she was deprived of sight, a draw cord at her neck closing the bag and eliminating every chink of light!


Instantly, as predicted by Matthew, her arousal zoomed higher and her nostrils filled with the pungent, exciting smell of leather as she was hooded.


Unable to anticipate the Masters' next move, Gemma shivered wildly, the bells at her nipples jingling and betraying the thrilling surge of submissive heat raging through her belly. When she was taken, there would be no way for her to tell who was enjoying her body!


Clarissa's explosive gasp and the convulsive jerk of her body against Gemma's gave the brunette a couple of seconds' advance warning that the next stage of her ordeal was about to begin, but was nowhere near long enough to enable her to prepare herself for the gentle lips and long, wet tongue that nuzzled her clitoris and invaded the delicate cleft of her sex!


Gemma's squeal of ecstasy lost itself in her hood as she juddered wildly to the unbearable arousal, neither knowing nor caring whether her lover was male or female, able only to respond more and more desperately to the exquisite pleasuring of her quaking belly.


Driven into a frenzy by the mouth between her thighs, Gemma greeted its removal and immediate replacement by a thick, rigid erection which drove irresistibly into the churning cauldron of her belly, with a shrill, wailing scream of ultimate surrender as she hurtled into a stupendous orgasm. Pulsing and shuddering in great racking spasms, her body writhing against the ropes which held her, scalding love juices deluging into her belly, Gemma screamed her submission to slavery over and over into her massive gag as her Master exercised his full, awesome power, pounding into her receptive heat until he reached his peak and his seed flooded into her contorting belly to trigger a second mighty climax of devastating proportions.


To her horror, even as she writhed in her release, the mouth returned to her sex, lapping at her engorged labia, drinking deep of her juices and beginning the cycle of wild arousal for a second time!


Clarissa, too, was in no better situation, to judge by her breathy squeals and the rhythmic jolting of her buttocks against Gemma's, but there was nothing either slavegirl could do to help the other and Gemma arched helplessly as a second Master buried his maleness to the hilt in her roiling belly and cruel fingers seized her nipples and nipple rings, caressing her flesh and tweaking the steel circlets randomly to send furious arousal and flashes of delicious pain spearing through her throbbing breasts.


The combination was far, far too much for Gemma and her belly convulsed in climax after climax, one blending into the next as she was forced way beyond her limits, into a limbo of sheer physical passion where nothing existed for her but the spinning vortex of her lust and the sexual demands imposed on her by her merciless Masters!


Her second Master locked rigid, his seed jetting into her belly and Gemma exploded into another pulverising climax as he pulsed deep within her, her brain numbed into submission by the incredible power and number of her orgasms.


Dangling from her bound wrists, shaken by continuing spasms and gasping for breath, Gemma whimpered piteously as he withdrew from her belly, horrified that the lips and tongue would return to foretell yet another devastating assault.


It did not happen and as Clarissa screamed in climax and her naked body juddered violently against her spine, Gemma dared to hope that the ordeal was over. Soft whispers and the shuffling of feet told her that her Masters had not left, but as seconds lengthened to minutes, the two trembling, sweat and sex stained slavegirls began to recover and relax.


Without warning and with only split seconds between them, Devil's Palms impacted with stinging force on the stretched flesh of each slave's upper thighs, the cruel slap of leather followed instantly by an anguished screech of shock and pain from each girl.


Fingers clawing vainly, each writhed and twisted in hopeless efforts to avoid the strokes, but the leather sought them out with unerring accuracy, although with far less force than the first blow.


Terrified, Gemma and Clarissa pleaded for mercy, but received none and their screams slowly changed to grunts of helpless anguish as the leather thongs flicked across their outthrust breasts and nipples and slapped gently between their thighs, bringing unwanted but unavoidable arousal as the whips rekindled the fires smouldering in their bellies.


Then, as each slavegirl surrendered to the cruel torment, unknown Masters took them ruthlessly, penetrating to the heated core of their femininity and teaching them their slavery with hard, fast lunges as the slavegirls whimpered and begged in their helpless need, defenceless against the men's strength and power as they demonstrated their absolute Mastery by forcing the slavegirls to submit unconditionally to their dominance.


Subjugated to the ultimate degree, Gemma and Clarissa climaxed within seconds of each other, their bodies writhing madly against each other as love juices crashed into their bellies and they came and came in obedience to the demands of their Masters.


It was a horrifying, but hugely erotic experience and as Gemma spasmed to the explosive power of her orgasm, she knew, beyond doubt, that she would never, never forget the thrill of it! Her whole body burned with a vibrant excitement she had never known before and she understood then, as she stood bound and climaxing for her Masters, the attraction of bondage from the slave's point of view!


She couldn't believe the depths of ecstasy she had plumbed and the sheer, pagan intoxication of complete submission and she gulped with nervous anxiety as a worrying doubt crept into her brain.


If she was forced to endure such incredible sensations for a whole year, would she ever be able to go back to the humdrum routine of normal life?


It was a shocking thought and as her hood was removed and her bonds untied by Masters who kissed her and congratulated her on her performance and fortitude, before taking her back to her room and locking her in, her brain went round in circles as the question refused to be ignored.


Always, she came back to the same central fact.


While she remained enslaved and in bondage, she had no choice.



But what of when her contract ended.....?






Several weeks after the party at Alicia's where Gemma and her sister in bondage Clarissa had been made to show the full extent of their submission to their Masters, the brunette found herself at the home of the dominant Steven.


Delivered inside the specially modified transport crate, her body strapped immovably into position and her lips sealed behind a tight leather gag, she had had no inkling of where she was being taken or whose eyes would drink in her helplessly bound nudity as the crate was opened.


The sight of Master Steven's familiar face relieved one of her understandable fears...that of finding herself at the mercy of a complete stranger...but his first words to her as he gazed down at her embarrassed face, ushered in a whole new set of worries.


"Ah, so there you are at last, slavegirl. I expected you yesterday. That's damned annoying. Not a very auspicious start, but now you have only three days to make up for it before we have to be away on our travels. Now, let's get you out of there."


As he leaned over her, his fingers working at the straps and buckles securing her, Gemma mulled over his words anxiously. It wasn't her fault that she was later than expected, she hadn't even known that she was expected. Surely, he couldn't really blame her for that? And what did he mean about them being away on their travels? What travels? Where was he going to take her? And why?


Stepping from the crate and going immediately to her knees on the grass as a sign of her submission to him, she wished that he had removed her gag as well as her bonds. With it still firmly in place, she couldn't ask any of the questions that buzzed around in her head.


He moved behind her and Gemma arched her spine as he clipped her wrist cuffs to her ankles, presenting her in a graceful bow and opening her to his eyes.


He squatted on his heels before her and Gemma coloured, feeling the first stirrings of arousal as he subjected her to a humiliatingly detailed inspection.


"As lovely as I remembered," he said softly, "Bondage and slavery obviously suit you."


Gemma gulped and squirmed with embarrassment, only too aware that it was true, but wishing that he hadn't recognised it.


"Keep still," he ordered casually and Gemma froze, the arousal in her belly intensifying as she obeyed.


"I'm sure I don't have to remind you what will happen if you disobey," his smile did nothing to soften the threat and Gemma bit down hard on the gag between her teeth, steeling herself as best she could as his hands reached for her.


His fingers danced lightly over her proffered breasts, stroking here, giving a gentle squeeze there and her head went back, exposing the taut curve of her throat as his delicate caresses built her arousal inexorably higher, her breasts swelling and nipples growing hard as she responded involuntarily.


Gemma tried to obey, she really did, but all of her slave training had been designed specifically to eliminate her ability to control her responses, and as her Master's right hand slid between her spread thighs and found the engorged lips of her sex, she could hold back no longer.


With a muffled shriek of unbearable passion, she broke her position, bending forward from the waist as far as she could, her breasts and shoulders shaking uncontrollably and her thighs snapping shut to trap his hand at her belly.


"I shall crop you for that, slavegirl," he said coldly, but his fingers continued to arouse her nipples and sex and Gemma moaned despairingly, nodding her head, knowing that she would be punished but willing to pay the price if only he would give her the climax his hands had brought so near.


"Randy little slave," he laughed, but his voice was not unkind and Gemma shuddered in blazing need as his extended fingers drove deep into her pulsating sex and his thumb rubbed firmly at the hard, protruding nub of her clitoris.


"You will pay for this climax, slave, so you had best make the most of it," and Gemma's belly convulsed wildly as his left hand released her breasts and landed with a stinging crack on her tight stretched right buttock. The instant flaring heat and her instinctive lunge forward drove her even more firmly onto his penetrating fingers and she gave a wild scream of surrender as the added stimulation pushed her over the edge and into her longed for orgasm.


On her knees, bowed forward over her Master's trapped hand, Gemma came like the hot, submissive slavegirl she was, her belly pounding hugely as heated love juices sprayed into her sex and over his embedded fingers, the jingling bells at her quivering breasts marking her surrender and her brown eyes wide with the pleasure of her coming.


As her thighs relaxed their vice like grip, her Master pulled his hand from her belly and Gemma dropped her eyes in shame as he held his fingers up and she saw the slick wetness of her submission glisten in the sunlight.


"Randy little slave," he said again, laughing and Gemma felt herself redden. It wasn't fair, it wasn't her fault she responded so helplessly. It was what she had been trained to do. Trained by Masters just like him!


She felt his hand stroke her hair, but she wouldn't look up. Damn him! Damn them all for making her a slavegirl! Her eyes filled with hot tears. She couldn't help what she had become and it wasn't fair of him to tease her.

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