Gemma (32 page)

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Authors: Charles Graham

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Gemma
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"What do you think they're going to do with us?" Gemma whispered, her lips hardly moving.


"No idea," Clarissa replied softly, "But you can bet it'll be awful. I don't know why, but they're being really tough on us."


"Yes, I know," Gemma agreed feelingly, "As if it wasn't hard enough already. I wonder what...?" Both girls froze as their Masters came on deck and strode towards them, the three men relaxed and confident as they looked down at their naked captives.


Head down, a shiver of anxious anticipation warmed Gemma's belly as bundles of leather straps and metal buckles were dropped casually in front of her and Clarissa.


"Put them on and make quite sure they are tight. I shall be checking them personally."


The order came from Clarissa's Master, Matthew and both slavegirls knew that he would take pleasure in punishing them if the gags were not uncomfortably tight enough to satisfy him.


Gemma picked up the one of the evilly gleaming gag and opened her mouth wide to encompass the thick cylinder of hard leather, pressing it deep between her jaws to lodge firmly between her back teeth as her fingers threaded the steel buckle behind her neck and pulled the strap as tight as she could. Her cheeks bulged and her nostrils flared as she as she gagged herself with the thick rod, but she dared not disobey and consoled herself with the moist heat building between her thighs as she passed a split strap each side of her nose and over the crown of her head, buckling it equally tightly. A third strap, beneath her chin, forced her to bite down on the leather rod, completing her silencing and she dropped her hands to the small of her naked back to await the next command.


A padlock clamped her wrist cuffs together and she shivered as Master Matthew's fingers tugged at her gag, the dominant male assuring himself that his captives had not attempted to win themselves the smallest laxity in their gag-harnesses.


"Adequate," he said finally, a note of disappointment clear in his tone and Gemma allowed herself to relax fractionally, relieved that he had not been able to find a reason to inflict punishment on his slaves.


"Don't sound so disappointed, Matthew," Master Nicos chuckled softly, "You'll get your chance. We all will, my friend. Just as soon as we get our little pigeons..our very quiet little pigeons..ashore."


His low chuckle and the cruel laughter of his companions sent a tingle of fright racing through the two helpless slavegirls and as he snapped, "Up, slaves," Gemma and Clarissa rose hurriedly to their feet and arched their bodies in the graceful and absolute exposure of the Display position, their wide, anxious eyes filling with alarm as they saw that each of their three Masters carried a riding crop and what appeared to be a long-barrelled air pistol in their hands!


"Oh, don't worry, slavegirls," he grinned at the terrified slaves, "These won't hurt you. You explain, Matthew. Put their minds at rest," and his grin grew wider.


"Pay attention!" the older Master ordered and four frightened eyes stared in growing horror as he explained that the pistols were designed to fire balls of paint, each of a different colour, so that when a target was hit, the shooter could be identified.


Which was all very well, until, to gag stifled groans from Gemma and Clarissa, he went on to explain that they were to be the targets!


His eyes gleamed with a predatory menace as he heard the muffled and futile protests of his captive audience, then added the final twist to the slavegirls' misery.


"Whoever shoots you," he sneered cruelly, "Gets to have you however they want! And in case you think you'll be able to run away or hide," he mocked, "You won't! The paint in these guns contains a derivative of the anaesthetic used for operations in hospitals. It won't knock you out, but it will paralyse your limbs for about twenty minutes! It's quite safe and very, very effective."


Gemma stared wildly at her grinning Master, then at the merciless faces surrounding her and felt her body begin to tremble uncontrollably as she realised the awful fate about to befall her.


Hunted like animals, cornered and shot with the paralysing drug, she and Clarissa would be utterly helpless, their bodies unable to move, unable to escape, unable, even, to put up token resistance against their bonds!


Clarissa squealed into her gag as her love-Master, Matthew, sent his crop hissing across her naked buttocks, then scurried to the side of the yacht and clambered awkwardly down into the inflatable motor boat bobbing alongside, her green eyes wide with pain and the shame of her enforced obedience.


Ordered to follow, Gemma obeyed instantly, hoping to avoid Clarissa's punishment and sank to her knees, head down, as the Masters got into the boat and Master Nicos sent it speeding towards the gleaming white beach.


The island, little more than a low spit of sand a few hundred yards long and less than half that in width, boasted only a small clump of trees in its centre, the rest being covered in short, springy grass and stunted bushes and as she looked at it, Gemma's heart sank. The chances of her hiding from the Masters for more than a very few minutes was out of the question and she swallowed nervously, well aware that she could not hope to evade capture...and what her capture would mean.


"Right, then," Master Nicos' voice was brisk, "You've got five minutes, then we come after you. We're the hunters, you're the game, so make it a good hunt or otherwise we may have to encourage you," and his fingers tapped meaningfully at the crop at his waist.


For a long moment, Gemma snatched a glance at Clarissa and saw her own helpless misery and despair mirrored in the redhead's gagged face...but then a crop cracked against her unsuspecting bottom and Master Steven's voice cautioned, "You're wasting precious time, slavegirl."


With a muffled groan, Gemma broke into a clumsy run, her buttocks smarting and bound wrists bumping behind her as she sought to distance herself from her cruel Masters and their stinging whips. In seconds she reached the clump of trees, but they were far too few to present a hiding place and she hurried on, her eyes seeking desperately for somewhere to conceal herself.


To her left, she heard Clarissa's footfalls and instinctively turned away, guessing that to be found together would get them both punished for not trying hard enough. Clarissa must have had the same thought, for her steps moved away as the redhead looked for her own hiding place.


But there was nowhere and Gemma moaned bitterly as her gaze swept over bare sand and short grass and the few stubby bushes available to her.


A not very distant shout warned her that the Masters were coming and she threw herself down behind the largest bush she could see, wriggling her body into the hot sand and taking advantage of what little cover the straggly plant offered and staring anxiously back through the sparse foliage to where the pursuit would appear.


Two figures appeared almost at once and Gemma shuddered with horror as she recognised Nicos and Steven.


As calm and relaxed as if they were out for a Sunday stroll rather than hunting a naked slavegirl, the two dominants ambled almost directly towards the bush hiding Gemma and the trembling brunette ducked her head swiftly as they appeared to look straight at her.


The sudden movement was her downfall, attracting the attention of Master Steven, who gave a loud whoop of discovery and ran towards her, pointing his gun as he came.


There was nowhere for Gemma to run and with no way to resist, the terrified slavegirl did the only thing she could. With a convulsive heave of her shoulders, she rolled onto her knees, spread her thighs wide and bowed her head low, submitting herself as an absolute slave to the two men who ran up and stood over her!


"Caught you," Steven crowed happily, staring down at the defenceless nude, but Nicos was less happy.


"Too damned easy," the dark haired dominant growled, "I wanted to shoot her down."


"Hmmm, yes, that would have been more fun," Steven agreed, "But...we could always do it anyway...."


Gemma's breath locked in her throat as her Master spoke and a wild tremor shook her kneeling frame as Nicos chuckled evilly.


"Yes, we could, couldn't we. On your feet, slave!"


Gemma rose, her eyes round with fear as she stared from one grinning Master to the other, then she moaned in anguish as Nicos said softly, "Run, slavegirl. Go on, run! Who knows, we might just miss..."


The two paintball guns rose as one and the sight broke Gemma's nerve completely. With a muffled scream of terror, she spun on her heel and raced away, sand spurting from beneath her flying feet and her breath rasping in her throat.


Two low-pitched thuds sounded behind her and at the same instant Gemma felt soft, almost liquid impacts at the small of her back and at her right buttock. She twisted wildly and stared dazedly down at a patch of bright yellow staining her hip!


"Good shot, Steven! Dead centre! Now watch, it won't take more than a few seconds."


Gemma turned to run once more, but a strange lethargy seemed to steal over her, gripping her limbs as if she was trying to run through treacle. She took one pace, and then another, but her legs would not obey the frantic commands of her brain and as she tried to take a third step, her legs crumpled beneath her and she fell in a flurry of sand. Face down, her brain screamed orders to her legs, but, somehow, the desperate messages never got through and her limbs remained immobile, paralysed by the near-instantaneous effects of the anaesthetic in the paint staining her back and hip!


Casually, her Masters strolled over to their victim and rolled her onto her back and Gemma whimpered helplessly as her ankles were spread wide and her knees bent upwards to leave her cruelly exposed and intensely vulnerable. Again and again, she tried madly to force her legs together to hide her shame, but her body simply would not, could not, respond to her wishes and her terror grew as the absolute helplessness of her position was borne in on her.


"An excellent preparation, this," Nicos observed, "It paralyses the muscles, but leaves the nerve-endings in the flesh untouched. She will still feel everything that happens to her, but won't be able to move."


To prove his point, the dark haired Master slid his fingers between Gemma's spread thighs and applied a firm caress to the drawn-back lips of the slavegirl's sex.


Gemma's eyes bulged and a squeal of anguish lost itself in her huge gag, but her body remained perfectly still, clear proof that her paralysis was complete.


Steven smiled wolfishly, "That is quite amazing," he breathed, "May I try?"


"Of course. You shot her, too, so she is yours as much as mine."


The tall Master reached to his waist and drew out his crop, then stared deep into Gemma's horrified eyes as he raised the whippy leather. Still holding Gemma's gaze with his own, he brought the crop down hard on the soft flesh of Gemma's inner thigh.


The stinging impact brought a strangled scream from the slavegirl's throat, but even the pain could not break the paralysis which held her and she was forced to endure the flaring heat without even being able to wriggle to dissipate the anguish.


A second blow, and then a third drew burning red stripes across Gemma's defenceless skin and she screamed despairingly into her gag as the cruel leather punished her and her Masters looked down calmly, savouring the terrible anguish written in her eyes and their knowledge that she was absolutely helpless to prevent them doing with her as they wished.


"I want to have her," Steven grated and Gemma whimpered in shame as, before the cold eyes of Nicos, Steven tore off his trousers and positioned himself between her gaping thighs.


Unable to prevent it, she gasped as he seized her knees and spread her wider still, opening her helplessly to receive him.


With a deep grunt of exertion and pleasure, Steven speared his rigid maleness deep into the soft warmth of her parted sex, plunging irresistibly to the very core of her belly as he took her with the full power and absolute dominance of his Mastery over her.


Even as her eyes filled with the tears of shame and humiliation of her all too public ravishing, Gemma could not but submit to the devastating arousal filling her belly as she was taken like the hot slavegirl her Masters had made her and her sex squeezed and contracted helplessly as her body responded as it had been trained.


A first orgasm swept through her, shaking her belly with boiling waves of love juices and she screamed in delirious ecstasy, her inability to move adding immeasurably to the furious passions raging deep within her as she surrendered to one Master....and the sight of Nicos, her other Master, gazing down at her subjugation and the certainty that he, too, was to have her when he chose, raising her shattering need to an even higher pitch!


Steven's lunges grew still more fierce, his strong hands spreading her thighs until she feared he would split her apart, his maleness growing even more massive as he neared his peak and Gemma shrieked in horror and futile denial as Nicos bent to her breasts and took a golden nipple ring in each of his hands.


Utterly at the mercy of her two Masters, driven beyond the limits of her endurance, Gemma's paralysed body shuddered wildly as jolts of unbearable arousal and flashes of exquisite pain radiated from her throbbing breasts and erect nipples as Nicos used his skilled fingers to add to the frenzied tumult of her abject subjugation and bring her teetering to the brink of a second stupendous orgasm.

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