Garrett's Choice (23 page)

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Authors: A.J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

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The seasons changed, without doubt, from fall to winter, winter to spring, then spring to summer and over and over again. It was predictable, kind of like the way Garrett had been living his life.

From since the time he was a small child, it had been drilled into his head that he would take over when his father tired of being the Carrington Pack alpha. Garrett was never asked if this was what he wanted. It was assumed.

Not that Garrett had any ill will against his folks, but he would have liked to have had the option to say no, he didn’t want to be in charge. Being the alpha was a great honor but one he never asked for or craved to have.

Garrett liked helping others but hated making the hard decisions.

He wanted to be free to worry about himself for once without thinking about the consequences to the pack. He wasn’t a bad alpha. In fact he was great at the job, but he never had the chance to decide for himself that this was his path in life to take.

Garrett started to think maybe, like Damon, he needed time for himself. To discover who he was. Who he would be without being the alpha of the Carrington Pack.


Garrett’s Choice


Watching the wind blow the brown leaves across the lawn, Garrett came to a decision. One he made all on his own, not to benefit the pack, but what would benefit him and what would make him happy.

Garrett turned his chair around and punched in Wes’s number and held his breath while he waited for his friend to answer.

Lachlan had just gotten out of the shower when Garrett entered their room. After a good night’s rest Lachlan’s body had healed completely. He moved with ease without the pain he felt the previous night. The dreadful memories still plagued him, but that was to be expected. He didn’t think he’d be able to put that behind him for some time.

“Hey,” Lachlan said as he toweled off his hair. When Garrett didn’t answer, he looked up and noticed that Garrett sat stiffly in the chair by the bed. Panic immediately took over. “What’s wrong?”

It took a moment for Garrett to answer. Lachlan watched as Garrett shook his head then met his stare. “Nothing.” A smile started to spread across his face. “Actually everything is great.”

Lachlan rushed to his side and knelt down in front of his mate.

“What do you mean?” Garrett smoothed his knuckles down the side of Lachlan’s face and he leaned into the touch.

“For the first time in my entire life I made my own decision, for me and no one else.”

Lachlan studied his mate’s strange behavior. Garrett wasn’t the depressed sort, but Lachlan had never seen him this ecstatic. “And what is this big decision?”

“I’m resigning as alpha.” Garrett said it like it was nothing.

“You did what!” Lachlan shouted.

“I’ve decided to give up my role as alpha. I’m stepping down.”

Garrett blew out a heavy breath. “God it feels freeing to say that.” He let out a hoot of joy.



AJ Jarrett

Lachlan shook his head, and his eyebrows shot to his hairline.

None of what his mate said made sense. “Babe, I’m not following here.”

“Lachlan, my whole life being the alpha was expected of me. No one ever asked me if this was what I wanted. I finally realized after talking to Ben that there are other things I might be destined for. That maybe this isn’t the path for me.”

“Then what’s your path?” Lachlan started to sweat. What if whatever decision Garrett made didn’t include him?

“I’ve decided to join the Warriors of the Light.” Garrett wrapped his warm, strong fingers around Lachlan’s. “I think my future lies with them and you. Plus I know you wouldn’t be happy here. Being co-alpha of the pack would bore you in time, and you would want something more from your life.”

“No I wouldn’t,” Lachlan said with vigor. He’d never blame Garrett for their life together with the pack. Everyone made sacrifices, but what Garrett wanted to do was major. “I belong wherever you are.

Be it here or Timbuktu. You are my heart, Garrett. Where you go I follow.”

“I know, baby, that’s why I love you.” Garrett leaned forward to brush his lips across Lachlan’s then pulled away. “This is what I want. I want to help people. I want to help stop whatever this coming is that is barking at our heels. The dark warriors are growing in strength and in numbers. We need to help protect our world.”

Lachlan grabbed Garrett’s hand and kissed his palm. “You don’t have to do this. I don’t want you to wake up one and day and regret your choice.”

“My only regret would be not doing this. I want to be a Warrior of the Light and be with you wherever the hell that may be.”

Lachlan’s heart felt like it was going to expand out of his chest with happiness. He loved being a warrior, but he loved his mate more.

With Garrett’s decision he didn’t have to give up anything. His mate was ultimately giving him the world.


Garrett’s Choice


Garrett dropped to his knees and pushed Lachlan backward. He covered Lachlan’s body with his and took his lips in a passionate kiss.

Garrett flicked his tongue and teased and demanded entrance, and Lachlan opened for him. Lachlan sucked and stroked Garrett’s smooth, warm tongue, breathing in the scent of Garrett’s desire mingled with his own. His cock pressed hard into Garrett thigh, and he felt the telltale sign that Garrett was right there with him. Garrett shifted and ground his stiff length into Lachlan’s. Lachlan moaned, and his hands scrabbled for purchase on his mate’s shoulders.

Thump, thump, thump.

“Fuck me.” Lachlan groaned. Things were just getting hot and heavy and someone had to come and knock on their door.

Just great.

“I have every intention to.” Garrett chuckled. “But we have a pack meeting to attend to.” Garrett dropped a quick kiss to Lachlan’s pouted lips. “If you’re a good boy maybe later I’ll let you have a go at me.” Garrett flashed him a wink.

“If I’m good?” Lachlan barked out a laugh. “If I remember correctly, you like having my dick up your tight ass, pun intended.”

He smacked Garrett hard on the ass and then squeezed the tight muscle.

“Whatever.” Garrett rolled his eyes then stood up. He held a hand out to Lachlan and helped him to his feet. “Get some clothes on. I don’t like others seeing my sexy mate naked. All this is for my eyes only.”

“Oh you flatter me.” They both laughed, and Lachlan sobered abruptly. “I love you, you know that right? No matter what, you’ll never lose me.”

“I know.” Garrett kissed him again then headed for the door.

“Now get dressed.”



AJ Jarrett

Garrett stood outside his bedroom door and waited for Lachlan.

Nervous energy had him pacing the floor in earnest. Before he came up to break the news to Lachlan, he spoke with Wes. He offered the position as alpha to him. Wes had been his friend since they were small boys, and Garrett knew he’d make for the perfect alpha. But Wes declined. Said where Garrett went he followed. Garrett wasn’t surprised. Wes was a loyal friend and undoubtedly would be until his dying day.

He made one more call, and that was to Barney and Grace. Barney had been a friend to his family for centuries. Garrett’s father always said if something ever happened to the Carrington family line, Barney would be his pick for alpha. He was a good and honest man who would work hard to do what he could for the pack. Garrett knew when Wes declined Barney would be his next choice.

When the bedroom door opened, Garrett turned to greet his mate.


“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Lachlan reached for his hand. “You sure about this?”

“You bet your sweet ass I am.”

Garrett led his mate down the stairs and out the back door. Wes had gathered as many pack members as he could in such a short amount of time. By the looks of it, they all made it. His lawn was flooded with people. Most stood talking quietly in small groups, uncertainty and worry in their every movement.

When Garrett stepped outside, everyone stopped talking to stare up at him. He never shied away from public speaking, but now, now he felt like he might throw up from the fluttering butterflies wreaking havoc in his stomach. Lachlan gave a quick squeeze to his hand, and that was all the encouragement Garrett needed.

“Good morning. I’m very appreciative to everyone getting here so quickly. I have an important announcement to make.”

“Is it about what happened last night?” someone called out from the crowd.


Garrett’s Choice


“Did you catch the dark warriors responsible?” another shouted.

“No we haven’t. But we’re working on it.” Garrett motioned to Barney and Grace to come stand next to him. “This is in regards to another matter.” He cleared his throat. “I’ve had the honor of being the alpha for many years, and it’s been a privilege. But due to reasons I’ve made for myself, I’m stepping down.”

A collective gasp echoed throughout the crowd.

“I know this might come as a shock to many of you, and it was a big surprise to my father. But this is my life, and I’ve chosen to take a new path. One suited just for me.” He wrapped his arm around Lachlan’s shoulders and pulled him close. “And my mate.”

“Then who will lead us?”

“I’ve chosen the best wolf for the job, Barney Clawson. He and his wife, Grace, have been a part of the Carrington Pack for as long as I can remember, and even before that. Barney’s an honorable man who will make an excellent alpha.”

Garrett scanned the crowd. An alpha could appoint another alpha but a member of the pack could oppose and challenge the chosen alpha to a fight of dominance. The winner would be the new alpha.

But like he expected, no one opposed Barney being their new leader.

Barney was the loyal sort and would always put the pack ahead of his own needs.

“If no one challenges my decision, then let’s howl to your new alpha.” As was their tradition, all the wolves tilted their heads back and howled toward the sky, a song of acceptance for their new leader.

After the announcement Garrett hung around and spoke with several of the wolves. Most wanted to say good-bye and give him farewell hugs. It was sad, but Garrett thought of it as where one chapter ended another began and every time he looked into Lachlan’s eyes, he knew he’d made the right choice.

As the crowd started to thin out, Garrett excused himself to return to his office. He was giving the house to Barney and Grace to live in, and he wanted to collect his things from his office. Not one ounce of

AJ Jarrett

regret filled him as he cleaned out the drawers and packed up his laptop.

“Hey, there you are.” Lachlan came into his office. “I didn’t see you sneak away. Having second thoughts?”

“Fuck no.” Garrett wound his arms around Lachlan’s waist and brought his closer. “Just ready to head to the warriors’ compound. I think Ben will shit golden bricks that I actually took his advice.”

Lachlan rested his hands on Garrett’s chest. “He might. You always like to stand toe to toe with him. This ought to be fun to watch you two working together like this.”

Garrett growled at his mate then dipped down to bite at his neck.

Lachlan squirmed in his hold, but Garrett held on tight, not letting him escape. The playfulness turned into heavy petting and Garrett shoving his tongue down Lachlan’s throat. What would it hurt to fuck his mate one more time in his office before they left?

There was a knock on the door followed by Wes poking his head in. “Sorry, guys, but there were some people wanting to see you.”

“Sure, come on in.” Lachlan stepped out of Garrett’s embrace and sat on the edge of the desk. “I swear it’s like they have radar or some shit. Major cock blockers.”

Garrett wanted to respond to his whining mate, but Aaron walked in behind Wes with Toby on his heels. “Everything okay?”

“Sorry to interrupt.” Aaron nodded at them. “But I wanted to talk to you both.”

“Sure.” Garrett motioned to the couch for Aaron and Toby to have a seat. “I actually wanted to talk to you two as well.” Garrett sat in the chair across from the brothers.

“Have you seen Damon?” Toby whispered.

Garrett looked up to Lachlan then back to Toby. “That’s kind of what I needed to talk to you about.”

Garrett hadn’t told Lachlan about Damon leaving because he knew how upset Lachlan would be. But more than dreading telling his mate, he feared having to break Toby’s heart with the announcement.


Garrett’s Choice


Chapter Twenty

“Is Damon okay?” Lachlan moved to sit on the armrest of Garrett’s chair. He hadn’t seen the witch this morning, but he just figured he was still resting. No one would have blamed the poor guy for sleeping for a month solid.

“He’s fine.” Garrett’s eyes dropped to stare at the floor.

Lachlan could tell by his mate’s posture something wasn’t right.

“Garrett?” Lachlan asked. He rubbed his fingers along the back of Garrett’s neck, trying to coax whatever news he had to tell out of him.

“Toby, Damon left sometime early this morning.”

“What?” Toby’s voice broke on that one word. Tears pooled in the corners of his eyes and ran down his cheeks.

“Did he say why?” Aaron asked as he slid closer to his brother and pulled him close.

“Here.” Garrett handed a folded piece of paper over to Toby.

When he didn’t accept it, Aaron took it from Garrett. “It’s all in there.

He didn’t leave to be malicious or to hurt you, but he knew he had to overcome the pain from his past before he could be of any use to helping you with yours. He needed space to work through his issues and he couldn’t do that if he was surrounded by us.”

“Can I see that?” Lachlan held his hand out to Aaron, and Aaron gave him the letter. Lachlan read through the letter with mixed emotions. He didn’t want Damon to be on his own, but the witch needed time. The abuse he lived through hadn’t broken Damon but it left him scarred. It took a real man to admit his flaws and step back and try to fix them. When he finished reading it for a third time, he handed it back to Aaron.

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