Garrett's Choice (15 page)

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Authors: A.J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Garrett's Choice
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“I don’t think Damon’s who we should be worried about.”

Lachlan shot a glance at his mate before looking back to Ben.

“Why’s that? He’s the one that sent that Rhett asshole after Logan and nearly got Finn killed.” Ben held Lachlan’s stare, not wavering for one second.


Garrett’s Choice


“Because”—Lachlan couldn’t help but look at Garrett as he answered—“Damon came to me this morning and was trying to warn me.”

“What!” Garrett shouted as he sat forward in his chair and turned to look head-on at Lachlan.

“Huh?” was all Ben could manage to say.

Lachlan could feel everyone’s eyes on him, and he didn’t like being put center stage. Lachlan kept all his focus on his very upset-looking mate. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you first thing, but what I have to say is going to sound crazy, and you all are going to think I’ve lost my marbles for even considering it being real.” Lachlan could see the deep creases lining his mate’s mouth that usually held a happy smile.

Garrett was disappointed in him, and he had every right to be.

“No we won’t,” Ben offered. “But regardless of what we might think, you need to tell us.”

He dragged his attention away from Garrett and looked at Ben and Miles, where he sat perched on Ben’s lap. “This morning when I woke up, Garrett had already left the room, but I could feel a distinct presence in there with me. I caught sight of a young, sickly looking man crouched in the corner.”

“Well what happened then?” Ben asked when Lachlan took a long moment to breathe, replaying everything in his head so that he didn’t leave out one single detail.

“That’s where it gets weird. I tackled him to the floor, and then he started to change.”

“Change?” Miles asked, scooting forward to lean across the desk.

He was totally engrossed in what Lachlan had to say.

“Into a wolf.” Lachlan turned his attention to Garrett, but the man’s face was like an iron mask. Lachlan couldn’t tell what his mate was thinking.

“How’s that possible?” Miles splayed his hands out on the desk.

“Damon’s a witch.”

“Maybe he lied,” Aaron spoke up.



AJ Jarrett

“No.” Lachlan shook his head. “He’s part witch and part wolf.”

“How can you be so certain? Did you ask him?” Ben asked.

“I did, but he never answered.” Lachlan held up his hand to silence any more questions. “But I know what I saw, and Damon has to be a half-breed. When I was holding him down, his body tried to shift into a wolf, but it only took half effect. His claws and teeth only lengthened a little bit, and his face never grew any fur. It was like he was caught between his shift from man to wolf.”

“That’s impossible.” Ben looked dazed as he listened to what Lachlan said.

“I thought the same thing, but I witnessed it with my own two eyes. And the one thing that had me believing him even without Damon confessing to me that he was in fact a witch was that he never denied it and he vanished right in front of my eyes. I blinked, and he was gone. That had to be from some sort of magic only gifted upon a witch.”

“Shit,” Ben whispered as he flexed his hands open and closed.

“What did he tell you?”

Lachlan told them how gaunt and malnourished the witch appeared and how he was frightened of someone finding out that he came to visit Lachlan. He told them how Damon said that a plan had been set in motion but didn’t know any specific details. He also said how Damon referred to Garrett as a warrior, not an alpha and that the dark warriors involved needed to kill Garrett in order to stop the prophecy from becoming fulfilled.

Chancing a glance at Garrett, Lachlan still couldn’t read his expression. The man looked thoughtful as if he were trying to solve a puzzle.

The room remained silent for several long minutes while everyone processed the information. Lachlan welcomed the reprieve from having to talk. His skin itched, and he could feel sweat collecting in his hairline. He’d hoped that Garrett could forgive him, and that made saying his next statement so hard.


Garrett’s Choice


“He also said not to trust anyone.”

The hard edge to Garrett’s thick jaw eased, and his lips softened.

“Babe, it’s okay. I mean yeah I’m pissed you didn’t come get me so I could talk with this guy, but I’m not upset.” Garrett frowned then put up his thumb and forefinger and held them about an inch apart. “Well maybe just a little, but I know it wasn’t me you didn’t trust but what you had learned. I probably would have done the same had he come to me.”

The breath Lachlan had been holding back seeped out his mouth and nose in one long sigh of relief. Lachlan stood up and walked over and sat in his mate’s lap. He didn’t care how stupid it looked for a man his size to be sitting in his lover’s lap because Lachlan needed this closeness at the moment. He had been so scared Garrett would be upset with him that he couldn’t hold back his affection any longer. He placed his hands on Garrett’s cheeks and pulled him forward. When their lips connected, Lachlan could have sworn he heard fireworks going off in the distance. Garrett’s skillful tongue demanded entrance, and Lachlan submitted obediently. He loved Garrett and trusted the man with his life. He hoped that this one kiss could convey that.

“Okay, gentlemen.” Ben cleared his throat, and Miles slapped his open palm down on the desk, trying to get his and Garrett’s attention.

A loud whistle had them jerking apart. Lachlan looked to Wes, who stood with his fingers to his mouth getting ready to whistle again.

When he saw Lachlan and now Garrett staring at him, he dropped his hand. “Sorry.”

When Lachlan tried to move, Garrett wrapped his arms tight around his waist.

“Lachlan, did Damon say anything more?” Ben asked.

“No. He might have told me more, but he got spooked and went poof.” Lachlan snapped his fingers to clarify his point.

“That’s some freaky shit,” Wes said absently as he stared down at Lachlan.

“It is actually,” Ben agreed.



AJ Jarrett

“What do you think he meant by me being a great warrior and this prophecy business?” Garrett’s warm hand rubbed up and down Lachlan’s back as he asked his question.

“I’m not sure, but he looked so serious. I couldn’t help but believe every word he said,” Lachlan answered.

“I guess we need to call my father back and inform him of this.”

Ben looked past Lachlan to Garrett. “Maybe one of the witches on the council will have an idea about this prophecy. I wouldn’t count on it though, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask.”

Lachlan nodded his agreement and sat and listened as Ben called his father. Time was of the essence. None of them knew when the attack would take place, and there wasn’t any way to get ahold of Damon to ask him more questions.

As Lachlan sat there with his mate’s arms around his chest, he prayed that any answers or revelations would come to light. He didn’t like thinking his mate’s life was in danger.

Garrett sat quietly trying to take in all the new information. He was still a little pissed Lachlan hadn’t trusted him to tell him right away about Damon, but he could understand his mate’s hesitance.

The things Damon had told Lachlan seemed outrageous. The reference Damon made about Garrett being a warrior didn’t make any sense whatsoever. Yes, at times he hated being the alpha of the Carrington Pack, but never once did he consider relinquishing his standing as alpha to become a warrior.

As he sat there with his arms wrapped around Lachlan, he tried to let everything sink into his racing mind. The warmth and weight of his mate was real, something Garrett could hold onto, keep him anchored. If he didn’t have Lachlan he would be out of his mind on what to do. Witches wreaked havoc on society in general, but never had any personally attacked the Carrington Pack, and that made
Garrett’s Choice


Garrett the most worrisome. Trouble was in their sights, but no one knew where it would be coming from or when.

Garrett nuzzled his nose against Lachlan’s neck and kissed the vulnerable flesh and prayed with his entire being that he would be able to keep his mate safe. If he died in the process, so be it, but he had to keep Lachlan safe.



AJ Jarrett

Chapter Thirteen

A few hours later, Ben suggested taking a lunch break. Lachlan and Garrett had decided to stay until more news came back from council headquarters. Garrett sent Wes and Aaron back to the house to keep an eye on things just in case the mysterious Damon showed up again. Lachlan didn’t think the man would, but stranger things had happened.

After they ate, Ben and Miles left the kitchen, stating they had to take care of something real quick. By the heated glances the two had been sharing during lunch, Lachlan knew exactly what kind of business they were referring to. After coming clean with Garrett on the Damon situation, he, too, wanted to have some alone time with his mate.

“You want a tour of the house?”

“Sure.” Garrett wiped his napkin across his mouth, tossed it on his discarded plate, and stood up.

Lachlan showed him around the first floor. The indoor and outdoor pools, the theater room, the den, and the library. Then he led Garrett up the stairs, swaying his hips suggestively as Garrett followed close behind. He heard a low growl come from his mate, and his cheeks ached from grinning so much.

“And this way leads to my room, just follow me.” Lachlan looked over his shoulder, but Garrett’s eyes were on Lachlan’s ass. The obvious bulge in his mate’s pants was a silent invitation for Lachlan to hurry the fuck up and get somewhere they could be alone.

“I’d follow you anywhere,” Garrett said as Lachlan turned back around and quickened his pace.


Garrett’s Choice


Lachlan reached his door, and as the door swung open, Garrett was on him. Garrett wrapped his thick, muscled arms around Lachlan’s chest, pulling him close. Garrett kicked the door shut then walked Lachlan toward the large bed in the center of the room.

Garrett nibbled along Lachlan’s shoulder as they stumbled forward, tripping over their entwined legs. When they finally reached the bed, Garrett released Lachlan to push him forcibly to the bed.

All the air left Lachlan’s lungs as he landed on the soft surface.

His skin burned with desire, knowing what was about to happen. His alpha wanted to exert his power over his mate, and Lachlan welcomed the coupling.

The bed dipped where Garrett knelt on either side of Lachlan’s hips. He jerked at Lachlan’s hips until Lachlan raised up far enough Garrett could unfasten his pants. With that done, Garrett yanked the material down Lachlan’s legs. The cool air in the room chilled the exposed skin of Lachlan’s ass, and chills ran throughout his body.

“I’m going to fuck you raw,” Garrett said against Lachlan’s skin as he buried his face between Lachlan’s ass cheeks.

“Oh, god, yes please,” Lachlan mumbled as his body shook when Garrett’s eager tongue found his opening, lapping at the tiny star.

Lachlan yelped when the palm of Garrett’s hand smacked down on his ass. He sucked in another mouthful of breath when Garrett landed another on the other side. Lachlan could feel his lion just beneath the surface wanting to roar out its pleasure.

“I’m not angry with you, my mate, but your actions do have consequences.” Garrett shoved two fingers into Lachlan’s ass without warning. Lachlan tensed and clenched the bedding under him in his fist. “I want you to always tell me what’s on your mind, crazy or not, I want to know.” Garrett curled his fingers, pegging Lachlan’s sweet spot.

“Fuck,” Lachlan cried out as he pushed his ass back toward the invading fingers working over his hole. “I promise. Anything, just don’t stop.”



AJ Jarrett

“Never,” Garrett growled. He pulled his fingers out then went back in, adding another to the two.

Lachlan panted hard as his body started to unravel. He loved his mate and everything the man did to him. How did he ever live without Garrett?

Garrett climbed off the bed, and Lachlan moaned at the loss of contact from his mate. He turned his head to the side and watched Garrett pull Lachlan’s shoes off then yanked his pants the rest of the way down his legs. Garrett then went for the button on his jeans and pulled the material down his hips. He pulled his shirt up over his head but didn’t remove it. He let it lie wrapped around his shoulders, leaving his hairy chest and hard abs exposed for Lachlan’s viewing pleasure.

At the first glimpse of his mate’s heavy cock falling forward, weighed down by the massive girth, Lachlan felt his own dick start to leak. Lachlan was on the edge of coming just from their foreplay and seeing his gloriously naked mate.

Garrett fisted his veiny shaft and gave a quick up-and-down tug.

Lachlan released a whimper as he watched, mesmerized. A smile tugged at Garrett’s upper lip. It wasn’t a happy smile. No, it was a deviant, dominating, evil grin.

“You want this, Lachlan?” Garrett waved the angry red cock in his hand in a circle.

Lachlan nodded his head then rested his cheek against the bed, unable to speak. He jumped when a hard hand came down fast on his already-reddened ass.

“Answer me? I want to hear you say it.” Garrett smacked Lachlan again and again.

“I want it, I want it.” Lachlan’s voice was barely audible as he ground his hips into the bed. He needed relief and soon or his dick would explode.

Garrett nudged Lachlan’s legs farther apart then pushed on the backs of his thighs until Lachlan crawled up on to his knees. His legs
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shook, but with Garrett’s tight grip, he was able to stay balanced.

Garrett got up on the bed and settled between Lachlan’s spread legs.

Lachlan trembled when he heard then felt Garrett spit on his pulsing hole. Garrett was really going to take him raw, no lube at all. Lachlan knew he should be worried and a little frightened at the pain that might cause. But Lachlan was a paranormal after all. Any pain Garrett caused him would fade after only a few hours or when he shifted, which he could do right after if need be.

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