Garrett's Choice (22 page)

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Authors: A.J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Garrett's Choice
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“Oh my god.” Garrett’s arm tightened around Lachlan’s shoulders. “The pain he must be going through. I couldn’t imagine living without you. Mate or not, it still has to be difficult.” Garrett’s warm lips kissed Lachlan on top of his head. “How did you know this?”

“I caught him sneaking into Victor’s room.” A small chuckle passed his lips at the memory of an uncertain Josh trying to work up the nerve to go in Victor’s room. “It was sweet. He was so worried about what to do.”

Lachlan didn’t think he had any more tears left to spare, but they started to fall like rain. His face was chapped from the salty liquid he’d shed so much of already, and it stung with each tear. “Now it’s gone. All they could have enjoyed together was taken away. I should have been able to save him.”


Garrett’s Choice


Garrett sat up and pulled Lachlan up as well. He knew this was going to happen. Lachlan blamed himself for something no one could have predicted.

“No you couldn’t have. She fooled us all. She was a witch who had powers you couldn’t fight against. We’re lucky you survived at all.”

“But still,” Lachlan sobbed. “I spent a lot of time with her these past few weeks. I should have seen something.”

“How?” Garrett asked as he ducked his head down to meet Lachlan’s gaze. “She was a superb actress. I’d known her for years, and I never suspected a thing. She was able to trick an alpha, how did you expect to see something?”

“I know this. I can see the logistics of it, but it doesn’t help alleviate my guilt.” Lachlan swiped a hand under his eyes. “I stood there helpless while she drank down Victor’s blood then ripped his head from his body. I’ve seen some pretty messed-up shit in my day but nothing, and I mean nothing, had ever affected me like what I saw tonight.”

Garrett rubbed on Lachlan’s back in a soothing manner. He was certain Lachlan had seen some terrible things in his life, and most of the time Lachlan or the other warriors didn’t actually know the people they were protecting, but Lachlan knew Victor and Josh. They weren’t the best of friends, but Garrett could see the friendship building between the young men and his mate.

“Baby, I can’t make you unsee or forget what happened tonight, but you need to move past it.” Garrett placed a finger over Lachlan’s lips when he started to speak. “I’m not saying it will be easy, but if you let it consume you, they win. I need you, your brother needs you, the pack and the warriors, we all need you. Please, my love, don’t let this tear you apart because it will if you let it.”



AJ Jarrett

“I know, and I’m trying.” Lachlan wrapped his arms around Garrett’s neck and rested his head on Garrett’s chest.

“In time it’ll get easier. I don’t expect you to bounce back tomorrow or the day after, but you have to keep moving forward. One step in front of the other because Josh will need you.” Victims of violent acts tended to bond over the shared experience, and if that were true, it’d be Lachlan who would bring Josh back from that dark place he was held prisoner. The place where his lover had been murdered and Josh felt lost and alone. Lachlan could help the young man find his way again.

“You don’t think he’ll blame me for what happened, do you?”

Lachlan asked.

Garrett didn’t know how Josh was going to react come the light of day, but some part of him, deep down, didn’t think Josh would blame Lachlan. If anything Josh would be too busy blaming himself.

“No, I don’t think he will. My guess is he’ll blame himself along with everyone else for a while. He’s grieving, and that’s only natural.

But in the end I think he’ll need us more than he realizes. We’re a family, and we take care of each other.”

Lachlan stared up at him with longing in his eyes. “Thank you for saying that and being honest with me.” Lachlan blew out a breath.

“Who would have thought a few weeks ago that I’d actually care what Josh thought of me but now”—Lachlan’s lips pressed into a hard line—“Now I can’t stand the thought of him ever hating me. I see a lot of myself in him.”

“Like with all things, Lachlan, give it time. We’ll get through this.” Garrett leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to Lachlan’s.

He swallowed down his mate’s sigh and traced his tongue along the plump flesh. Garrett pushed forward, forcing Lachlan to lie back on the bed. He pulled back when Lachlan gasped in pain.

“Are you okay?” Garrett ran his hands down his mate’s body as if he could locate the sore spots.

“Fine, just a little tender still.” Lachlan reached for Garrett.


Garrett’s Choice


Garrett hovered over Lachlan, bracing his weight on his elbows as he gazed into his lover’s golden eyes. “I love you so much, Lachlan.

When I couldn’t find you, I thought I’d die right there on the spot.”

He kissed Lachlan on the forehead, his nose, and then each cheek.

“You’re my heart and soul. I can’t live without you.”

“Oh, Garrett.” Lachlan reached up to peck a soft kiss on Garrett’s mouth. “I feel the same way. You were my only thought as Clara held that knife over my head. I lay there praying for just one more chance to tell you I love you.”

“Well, it looks like your prayers were answered. As were mine.”

Garrett kissed Lachlan on the lips, then moved down to his jaw. He nibbled and caressed with his hands every inch of his mate’s chest.

Garrett worked his way down Lachlan’s body, placing light kisses here and there. Lachlan’s body trembled, and Garrett watched for signs that his mate was in pain. Not seeing any, Garrett worked his way lower.

Shoving the sheet away, Garrett feasted his eyes on Lachlan’s magnificent cock. It lay hard and thick against his hip. The tip leaked tiny drops, and Garrett lapped it up as he went by. Garrett settled himself between Lachlan’s thighs. He didn’t want to hurt or cause any discomfort to his mate, but he had to taste him. Garrett needed more confirmation that Lachlan was okay.

Garrett bent over Lachlan’s body and licked from base to tip, tracing the heavy veins that ran along his length. Lachlan moaned and rested a hand on Garrett’s head, but didn’t push him down to the engorged shaft begging for relief. He flattened his tongue and circled it around the tip. The hot, smooth skin caused sparks to jolt straight to Garrett’s toes. He’d never tire of his mate’s body.

“Garrett, please,” Lachlan begged. “Help me forget.”

That was all his mate had to say. Garrett dipped his head down and swallowed Lachlan down to the root. He rubbed his nose against the short thatch of hair surrounding the base. Garrett hummed as he worked his throat up and down Lachlan’s length.



AJ Jarrett

Lachlan jerked and twitched from his sensual onslaught. Garrett used every trick he learned over the years to make this the best blow job Lachlan had ever had. He pulled back to tease the little slit on the tip. He used one hand to lightly massage the furred balls hanging loosely between his mate’s thighs. Garrett fondled the firm little orbs for a little longer then stroked his hand downward past Lachlan’s balls. He caressed the skin all the way back until he could rub his thumb over Lachlan’s entrance.

Garrett groaned when he felt the tight muscle flutter under his touch. His dick had hardened to unbelievable proportions, but he tamped down his own need. Lachlan needed him and he couldn’t take Lachlan in his condition. So the next best thing was to suck his mate until he forgot his name.

“Yes, finger me. I need it,” Lachlan cried out.

Bringing the finger to his mouth he used his spit to slick the single digit. He pressed lightly against the rippled skin, and the muscle gave way. Lachlan’s body sucked the finger inside and clenched tight.

“God you’re so beautiful,” Garrett said as he watched his finger fuck Lachlan’s hole. “I’ll never tire of seeing this sight.”

Garrett used his free hand to hold Lachlan’s shaft upward, and he took the length back into his mouth. He hollowed out his cheeks and sucked as hard as he could, all the while still fingering Lachlan’s ass.

He curled his finger forward and rubbed against the bundle of nerves that lay nestled in his mate’s body. Lachlan squirmed and panted as Garrett kept rubbing his sweet spot.

Pulling off Lachlan’s dick with a pop, Garrett stared up at his mate. “Come for me, Lachlan. I need to taste you. I need you to fill me up with your love.”

Lachlan’s mouth fell open, and his head hit the pillow. His hips shot upward, causing his plum-colored cock to bump Garrett chin.

Garrett smiled and kissed the tip then began to deep throat the hard shaft once again.


Garrett’s Choice


The muscle clenching against his finger began to throb, and Lachlan arched upward. Garrett used his free hand to help jack his mate’s length as he sucked. Lachlan’s breath hitched and the hard cock in Garrett’s mouth swelled then shot down his throat.

“Oh god, Garrett,” Lachlan cried as he body emptied down Garrett’s throat.

Garrett swallowed as fast as he could, but a little dripped out the side. Licking Lachlan’s dick clean, Garrett sat up. He smiled down at his exhausted mate. God how he loved this man.

His cock still reached forward, aching for relief, but Garrett ignored it. Yes he wanted to get off, but it could wait. He’d given his mate what he needed and that’s all that mattered at the moment. It was enough for Garrett just to see his mate sated and relaxed lying next to him.

“I love you and don’t you ever forget that.” Garrett shifted to lie at Lachlan’s side.

“Right back at you, mate.” A goofy smile lit up Lachlan’s face.

After all that had happened he was excited to see that smile.

Lachlan would be okay. It would just take some time. With them being immortal, time was something they had plenty of.



AJ Jarrett

Chapter Nineteen

The next morning Garrett left his mate to sleep and headed down to his office. He needed to set about reaching Victor’s family and making burial arrangements as well.

Garrett entered his office and walked around his desk and sat down. He powered up his computer, and while he waited a folded piece of paper with his name on it caught his eye. Looking around the room as if to see who might have left, Garrett opened the letter.

Dear Garrett,

Thank you for freeing me from my mother. I deeply regret not
coming to you sooner. But what’s done is done. I will forever live with
that guilt, but I promise to make it right.

Please tell Toby I’m sorry. I will come back one day. I’m just not
sure when. I need to discover who I am without the influence of my
mother surrounding me. Until I know who I am, I’m no good to Toby.

I don’t expect him to wait for me, but this is something I need to do.

Tell Lachlan thank you for being my friend and believing in me.

He’s a good person. And you are, too, Garrett. You saved me from my
mother, and I will always be in your debt.

With all my heart,


Garrett stared down at the letter. He was at a loss on how to respond. The reasons Damon counted for leaving were understandable, but his absence would still cause a lot of pain, especially for Toby.



Garrett’s Choice


“Is this a bad time?” Ben asked as he entered Garrett’s office. His eyes dropped to the paper held in Garrett’s hand. “I see you found his letter.”

“Yeah.” Garrett tossed it aside. “You knew he was leaving?”

“I saw him sneak out this morning. I caught up to him outside, but it was no use. He’d already made up his mind and I can’t say I blame him.” Ben ran a hand down his face. “His mother really pulled a number on him. This might sound like total bullshit, but Damon needs to find himself. Discover who he is without his mother’s influence hanging over his head. He’s no good to anyone until he does.”

Garrett ran his finger over the note where he tossed it aside. “I can understand that, but I’m not sure Toby will.”

“I agree with that, but I think Toby still needs time to heal as well.

Hopefully Damon won’t be gone too long.”

“Hopefully.” Garrett met Ben’s stare. “Not that I’m not happy to see you, but why the hell are you here so early?” It was only seven in the morning. He couldn’t imagine what Ben wanted to discuss so early.

“I never left,” Ben answered. “Miles and I stayed the night. I wanted to be here in case you or Lachlan needed me.”

“Not that I’m not grateful, but why?” Garrett’s brow furrowed.

“After you and Lachlan turned in, I stayed up and spoke with Damon a little more. I pieced together his ramblings and came up with a theory.”

“Really? And what’s that?” Garrett relaxed back in his chair.

“He kept saying his mother said you were destined to be a great warrior. That’s a pretty exact claim from where we come from. The term
is sacred among our kind. It takes a special person to be a Warrior of the Light. If what this witch Clara said was true, you are meant to be with us, not the alpha of the Carrington Pack.”

Garrett’s eyes widened, and his mouth fell open. What Ben said was crazy talk. He was born and raised to be an alpha. It wasn’t his choice, but it’s what he’d been groomed since birth to do.



AJ Jarrett

“I’m not saying you have to, but think about it. We were one hell of a team last night. I’d be honored to have you fighting beside me in a battle any day of the week. You’re a good man, Garrett, but I’m starting to think you were destined for something other than just living here as alpha.” Ben stood up and walked toward the door. He opened it, but before stepping into the hallway he glanced back over his shoulder. “Just give it some thought. You’d make an excellent warrior.”

“Thanks.” Garrett nodded his appreciation as Ben walked out the door.

Garrett turned his chair to stare out the window. The sky was cloudy, and the trees were barren of their leaves. Winter would be upon them soon, and then blankets of fluffy snow would cover every surface.

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