Games We Play (2 page)

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Authors: Isabelle Arocho

BOOK: Games We Play
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Pete nodded with a small jerk of his head. “It’s getting later by the second. We can talk again in the morning.”

Sasha tried to suppress a frown. “Eight AM?”

“I was thinking seven.” Pete teased, waving his hand before she could protest. “Head home and get some rest. I won’t expect you before eleven.”

“Thank you, sir.” She pushed back in her office chair and stood up. She had forgotten Nicholas was there until he joined her stride out of the room. It was weird to have his around this long and they weren’t arguing. It was nice but very out of character in terms of their work relationship. “Is there something you want to say?” there was a thoughtful look lacing his blue orbs.

A grin tugged the left side of his lips. “If we didn’t need someone small to fit in that shaft, I would’ve nailed Kellermen myself.”

Sasha laughed as they reached the open floor plan where their desks were located. “I was waiting for you to say something like that. This is my win Nick and there’s nothing you can say to change that so eat it and don’t choke on it.”

His grin turned into a full blown smile revealing his white teeth. “Have a goodnight, Madden.” He grabbed his briefcase off the desk and walked away.

Sasha stood there and watched his retreating form. It was strange how some quick office banter lifted some of the weight from her shoulders. Maybe she’d get some sleep tonight after all.



That following morning came with bursts of bright light shining past the curtains and blinds. Sasha groaned and buried her head deeper into the pillows. Pete gave her most of the morning off and she refused to get up a minute earlier than required to get dressed. All the planning in the world wasn’t working, the sunlight was still there bearing down the bare walls of her bedroom. Angry she bolted up right in bed and glared at the single window. “I hate you.” If she had it her way there wouldn’t even be a window in the bedroom. She wasn’t one of those people that enjoyed natural light or liked to keep her windows open for fresh air. Central AC was just fine thank you. She was the person who knew the evils that lurked out there and how many perverts out there liked to peak through windows. If anyone tried to see through her window they were going to be greeted with a white shade and blue drapes.

With a groan she stood from bed and reached for a large beach towel, using the same rod the drapes hung from she added the towel
as another form of protection; f
rom the sunlight and the rest of the world.

She was snuggled back in bed ready to fall back into a blissful rest when her cellphone rang. “You have got to be kidding me.” No matter how hard she stared down the little device it wouldn’t burst into pieces and shut up. Grabbing it off the nightstand she saw it was someone from the office calling her. The number was programmed under
.  With a sigh she answered. “Madden.”

“I hope I didn’t wake you.”

“Pete gave me until eleven.” Sasha not so gently reminded her coworker.

“That case he mentioned last night finally fell into our laps. We need you here now.” Nicholas explained, his earlier teasing tone was replaced by the harden officer that made him good at what he did.

“Three hours of sleep I’m missing. Three hours.”

“I’ll see you in fifteen.” The line clicked off.

Sasha tossed the phone down on top the bed and got up to get
. When the job called she had to be there. There were no set hours, there’d be times she’d arrive at eight AM and wouldn’t leave until some time later the following day. In her closet hung various different pant suits, she wouldn’t be caught dead at the office in a skirt where she worked generally with men. After grabbing the charcoal grey one she picked a light purple button down blouse to go along with the jacket. It didn’t take her long to get dressed and tie back her dark hair. The most important aspect of her outfit always came last; her gun holster. She pulled the straps over each shoulder and checked her revolver, making sure the clip was full, before securing the gun back in place. In the living room on the long couch that made up the furniture lay her briefcase. It was leather with enough compartments to stash her whole apartment if she tried.


The office was much livelier than how she left it last night. Everywhere phones could be heard ringing and every computer was lit up. After going through security and swiping her badge it wasn’t long to reach her department. As unit chief Pete was the only agent with an office, the rest of them had a desk in the maze of the open space dedicated to their team. She waved to the few agents at their desk before rushing up the three stairs to Pete’s office. “I should get some compensation for my lost three hours.” It was a joke for the most part.

Pete waved her into the office and to one of the chairs littered around his desk. He didn’t have the standard two across from his desk because there were times his guests were double that number. “I will discuss it with human resources first thing this afternoon.” He too joked about the lack of sleep like it was some new occurrence they didn’t all deal with daily. “If it was up to be you would still be at home cursing the sun for coming up too early.” It wasn’t rumor, he did truly know all of his agents like the back of his hand. Mostly in part because he didn’t treat them like employees, instead he treated them like children he had personally nursed to adulthood, a certain adulthood that came with the grizzly things they were forced to accept as agents of the law. “The Marshals have asked for our assistance.” 

Sasha nodded and waited for him to continue. She was always nervous when she was given a new case, unsure if it was the fact she was still considered a newbie or the fact nine times out of ten the case would involved voiceless victims and new ones being threatened. Pete’s team dealt in all kinds of work but the one area that always needed extra hands because they could never get ahead of it all was the murders. There was so much evil, so many twisted people that needed to hurt others. She didn’t give a shit about the
she wasn’t a profiler and had no interest of the inner workings of true evil. She cared about stopping them and nothing more.

“It’s an undercover assignment.” Pete explained, stopping for her to absorb the first bits of information. It would be her first time going undercover. “You won’t be alone though. The Marshals caught wind of Kellermen’s take down yesterday and decided to personally request your assistance. You have the choice to decline their invitation.”

didn’t need time to think. “No. I’ve never run from a case before and I won’t start now.” It was a fierce promise and one she was going to be tempted to break as Pete went on to explain the rest of the assignment.




Chapter 2




After Sasha agreed to take on the case Pete reached for his phone. “I need you in my office.” With the phone back in its cradle Pete turned his pale grey eyes onto her face. “Nicholas is going to partner you for this assignment.”

Her first instinct was to protest and ask why one of the other available agents couldn’t assist her but she stopped short of forming the words. Pete always had a reason for what he did and nothing or no one could change it. A pointless argument was the last thing she didn’t to engage in with only four hours of sleep.

Nick stepped into the office and sat in one of the many empty chairs. He knew about their new partnership for the latest case and Pete went on to explain, “The Marshals are in the conference room waiting to brief the both of you. I know the case involves a twenty year old cold case for an unsub responsible for the death of forty three victims. He works in cycles, killing seven people in every town he hits. In Maple Oaks, Texas, the first body has been found.”

Sasha felt every part of her body still right down to each blood cell. She knew of the small town her boss mentioned, she knew it all too well. “Is this a coincidence, sir?” 

“That I don not know but I suspect they hand selected you for this case because of your ties to Maple Oaks.”

If Pete said it then she believed it. Maple Oaks was home until she turned eighteen and left for school. The word home wasn’t quite right to describe the small sleepy town.
was a better descriptive. Here in Washington with her small studio apartment
, working with her team and making
a difference, that was home.

Nick looked at Pete then Sasha for answers. He had no clue what the hell they were talking about. “What am I missing?”

Pete was giving her time to accept again the trials that would come with this assignment and allowing her to tell Nick whatever she was comfortable with.
Glancing at her teammate she
didn’t see a reason to lie. “I grew up in Maple Oaks with my sister.” She turned back to Pete, “You’re
knowledge of the area is probably why they asked for me.” Right now there wasn’t another reason that made any lick of sense. She did good work but not to be hand selected for something like this.

Pete stood from his large chair. “Let’s go find out the first piece of this puzzle.” He led the way out of the office and over to the conference room where a man and woman were waiting for them.

The woman stood first and introduced herself as Marla Gregory, her partner was Tim Gregory. At Sasha’s wide eyed expression the woman grinned. “We’ve been married for the better part of eight years. It gets tough but I haven’t actually shot him in the ass yet.” Everyone took a seat around the table. “Let’s get down to business. The man we’re tracking was labeled 7Xs (times) by the press, out of his forty three victims one survived and she’s been in witsec with a foster family since. She just turned twenty nine and married. We think it’d be a perfect time for her to come out of hiding and return home.”

Sasha followed Marla’s train of thought. “You want me to assume her identity and force the unsub out of hiding?” it was a smart idea, one reeking of desperation, yet smart nonetheless.

“Yes, SSA McBain would be there as backup and in the role of your husband to any curious onlookers. Maggie Walker’s story of triumph was big in the papers and there is no doubt he still remembers the one that got away. We suspect it’s the reason he’s decided to hit Maple Oaks for a second time.”

Sasha nodded as she remembered the story. “I went to fourth grade with Maggie. You know all of these things don’t you? It’s not some big miracle I actually know Maple Oaks like Maggie would.”

“It’s not.” Marla agreed softly, nearly apologetic.

Nicholas spoke up. “If Sasha goes in pretending to be Maggie wouldn’t someone know better?”

“No.” it was Sasha who answered, a light bitter tone lacing her words she chose to ignore. “Maggie and I have similar features and I wouldn’t be someone the town remembered. I kept to myself most of the time and it’s been eleven years since I last stepped foot home.”  The weight of the situation ran quickly through her mind as she finger
the case file in front of her. “I can do this.” It was a cold realization brought on by the unpleasant memories of her childhood. She could go to Maple Oaks as Maggie Walker because no one would remember Sasha Madden. She looked up from the file to see Nick watching her. “You don’t have to take the case on.”

His eyes darkened farther at the challenge she was handing him, again their work becoming personal as they tried to prove something to each other. “I’m in. I don’t have an active caseload and Pete doesn’t want you going in blind.”

Marla clasped her hands together. “Then that’s settled. Inside those files is everything we know about our guy and what we can give out on Maggie for you to study. We’ll be covering all your expenses, plane tickets, new ID, and keys to your temporary home will be delivered this afternoon. Any questions?”

Nick raised his hand.  “The object is to tempt him with the one that got away and feed into his MO. It’s a pretty big risk for Sasha to take and if he does come after her, then what?”

Marla’s husband Tim joined in the conversation. “We of course would like him brought in alive but by no means at the expense of either of you suffering for it.”

Pete nodded with satisfaction of that answer.  “Marla and Tim, it’s been a pleasure.” He always preferred to call everyone by their first name in a field where last names were most likely tossed around. He enjoyed conversation on a more personal level. “Let me show you out and if my agents have anymore questions they have your number.” Nearly out the room he turned and faced his said agents. “Try not to kill each other before I return.”

As they sat alone Nick smirked with all the mischievousness in the world behind it. “We’re not that bad. So…married. You do know that means we’ll have to play the part, right?”

Caught up in the gruesome details of the murders and memories of home she had forgotten that lovely bit of detail Nick chose to bring up. She frowned and remembered there was no backing out even if she had to play nice with Nick. “So?”

they kiss and touched each other. You’re gonna have to fall in love with me Sasha Madden.” His eyes were intense with a dark sensual undertone Sasha refused to give into. She wasn’t entirely sure what kind of game he was playing now to get under her skin but sadly it was working. The heat of his eyes reached down to her toes and everywhere in between.

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