Games We Play (20 page)

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Authors: Isabelle Arocho

BOOK: Games We Play
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Dr. Levy explained the cause of death and trauma to Carolyn’s body with a soft whisper and falling tears. She wasn’t just another body across the table, she wasn’t someone who died of natural or easy causes. She was a young woman who just turned forty with a full life ahead of her and it was all ripped away violently.

Sasha stared at her sister’s face as the doctor spoke and hoped she was at peace. Her body suffered a lot of trauma but her face was left alone and made it appear she was only asleep like any second she was going to jump from the table and explain this was all just some joke that got out of hand. Sasha didn’t know how she was supposed to accept the last living family member she had was gone now to join their parents. There were no cousins, nieces and nephews, nothing to carry their family name.

“Thank you, Dr. Levy and Nick. Can I have a moment alone with her now?” Both men hesitated. “I’ll be fine.” Nick hadn’t left her side for more than a few minutes over the last week but this was her choice to make and while he didn’t like it he followed the doctor out of the room.

Sasha pushed the sheet aside enough to reveal Caro’s bruised hand to hold.  A deep shuddering breath left her mouth as her eyes stayed focused on the bruises. “After mom and dad I didn’t think I was going to have to do this for a long time to come. Actually I never really thought of you dying. You’ve always been the healthy one and the strong one. I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do here. When mom and dad died you handled everything and wouldn’t let me see them…I hated you for so long for that.” She ran her free hand down her wet face and scoffed. “That doesn’t matter now, does it? Nothing matters because we were both too stubborn to use the last twenty years and be real family. I thought after the case was closed we’d finally sit down and make a better effort.” She lowered her head down to their joined hands and cried with no more fight to hold back the stream of tears. “I love you, I’ve always loved you.”




Chapter 26




Nicholas didn’t know what it was like to suffer death personally. His grandparents were still living, his parents and siblings were all happy and healthy with wonderful lives. Nick did know going back to the office and driving herself to the ground wasn’t what Sasha should be doing. He drove from the hospital and continued past the sheriff’s department plaza.

Sasha was staring mindlessly out the window and hadn’t said a word since her goodbyes to her sister. Nick’s heart broke into many of pieces at the sight of her face when she stepped out of that cold room and it was the same moment he realized he had fallen madly in love with her. He wished there was a way he could take all her pain away and suffer through it for her, if that wasn’t love then he had no idea what was.

Sasha snapped out of her zombie like state as he pulled into the hotel parking lot. “What are we doing here?”

“You need a break. I can’t force you to get some rest but you can at least take a moment to wash off your face and breathe a little without the whole police department watching your every move.” Nick touched his knuckles to the warm skin of her cheek. Her eyes were blood shot red and her nose looked like she was getting rea
dy to audition for Rudolph the R
eindeer, yet she was still managing to make his heart race with a look of those green eyes and dandelions she handed him with every glance.

Sasha didn’t have the energy to argue with him and nodded at his suggestion.

On the fifth floor of the hotel they stopped outside her room door. It took a moment for her to realize they were there and to dig inside her pocket for the key. She was wearing a pair of jeans and an over sized shirt borrowed from Nick. She hadn’t thought to pack much of her own things for the trip and the girly clothes of Maggie’s persona didn’t fit in with her horrible mood.

Inside the room Nick asked, “What can I get you?” he neared the kitchenette area.

“I don’t think coffee is going to cut it.” Sasha dropped her bag to the floor and sank onto the bed. “There’s a bottle of scotch in that cabinet.”

Nick reached for the cabinet she pointed to and found a pretty
big bottle that was in no way
part of the mini bar. Looking at the half empty bottle he realized it had been a mistake to leave her alone at night and believe her when she said she was ok. He poured a glass. “Is this wise?”

“Probably not but I think I can have a pass today. You want to know something funny? I don’t even like scotch.” Sasha smiled lamely at the glass before tossing half of it back. She stood and walked off the burning sensation in her gut by pacing the front of the bed. “We should get back and find out the rest of what Wes knew. Oh, that’s a tongue twister; what Wes knew. Say that five times and your head will be spinning.”

Nick gripped her arms before she stumbled past him. “Is your head spinning?” it wasn’t the drink that got her off balance, not even close.  There was but so many kicks to the teeth a person could handle before cracking at the seams and it was Sasha’s turn to crumble.

Sucking in a tight breath she shook her head no, her long hair curtaining her face as she looked down at the pale tan carpet. “I’m fine.”

“I wouldn’t believe that even if I didn’t know you. Who are you trying to fool?”

“Myself? I don’t know what I’m supposed to do anymore Nick.” Sasha leaned in and rested her head on his chest. “I ran out of time and I couldn’t save her.” Her voice grew thick with unshed tears. “I don’t want to feel this anymore.”

Nick’s heart raced a dangerously high speed as her hands moved up his chest and her eyes met his again. Her green orbs were pained yet dark with something he could only describe as erotically female. Oh hell, he thought, this would be a pretty big mistake on both their parts. Huge. Yet his hands moved up her shoulders and cupped her face and he lowered his mouth to hers.

She was grieving her sister and not in the right state of mind. He should pull back and definitely make that cup of coffee but…damn it. The taste and heat of her mouth left him dizzy and for that split second
when he gat
hered enough strength to pull away she widened her mouth and took him deeper, he was a goner.

Her body pressed closer, molding to all the right spots perfectly.

He felt the drops of her tears on his fingers and stepped back before the situation got too hazy to escape a second time.

Sasha looked at him with a pleading look, her chest rising and falling rapidly from the rush of emotions and desire making this moment near impossible to live through. “Nick…”

Besides feeling like a selfish jerk for wanting her he wanted to make her feel better and that’s what she was asking for in his name. He wanted to let her forget about her insufferable grief and remind her there was still good in the world, good between them, and he wasn’t going anyw

She was on the brink of insanity and he if denied her right now—he wasn’t sure if that was for the better. This certainly wasn’t what either of them dreamt of for their first time together but who’s to say it was the wrong time?

Nick reached for her again and kissed her deep across the mouth. He reached for the buttons on her shirt and sealed their fate, crossing that line they’d never be able to turn back from—not that he wanted to. He wanted her; he wanted to be that man that eased her grief and showed her just how sex was supposed to feel.

With the last of the buttons undone he slid the shirt down her arms and to the floor. With soft touches of his finger tips he moved his hands down the curves of her waist and over to the button of her jeans. She tensed but rather then trying to shy away she deepened their kiss with long wet strokes of her tongue in his mouth.

Holy mother of god, she was going to do him in much ahead of time if she kept that up.

The jeans weren’t tight and one tug had them falling to her ankles. Nick didn’t want her to feel like the only one exposed and reached for the tie first and then the buttons of his own shirt.

Sasha finished pulling his shirt free from his wrists and wasted no time moving her warm fingers over his chest. Her touches were soft and slow.

Nick lifted one leg and pulled the jeans off and then the next one. She was wearing her zebra print panties again and that drove him absolutely wild. Her bra was pink and almost dainty with lace detail over the tops of the cups and a little flower nestled between her breasts.

“Nick?” damn it, here it came, she was going to realize it was true she was the smarter one between the two of them and this was a horrible idea.

He stopped breathing. “Yeah?”

“I’m not worried.” She nestled her mouth just below his ear. “I trust you.”

Nick sucked in a big breath of air and smiled. “You have no idea what that means to me.” He carried her over to the center of the bed and moved to lie on top of her. He whispered across her mouth as he moved her hands over her head, “Are you sure?”

She nodded eagerly as he moved his mouth over the exposed swell of her right breast and up the silky column of her throat to lastly her mouth again. He purposefully teased her with his kiss, slowly exploring her mouth and sucking on her tongue as his hands made quicker time unhooking her bra and pushing it out of the way.

Her hands pulled at his hair, clawed at his back, and he never wanted her to stop.



Sasha woke sometime later with her head rested on Nick’s arm and her back flat against his chest. She managed a small smile before she remembered the events to transpire that morning. Carolyn was dead.

She snuggled closer to Nick and took comfort in the strength of his body and the warmth of his touch.

He woke and laid a kiss over her shoulder. “It’s ok.”

“Not until he’s locked away for life.” She turned and gave him a quick kiss before getting out of bed. “We really need to get back.” This time Nick agreed and started to dress along with her. She’d much rather stay in bed with him and recreate all the lovely things he made her feel but their time would come, she had no more doubts about that.

At the police station they went start to the office and found a surprise along with their team mates; Pete Truman. Sasha walked into his waiting arms. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to personally extend my condolences and put an end to this long search.” Pete was one of the only people who knew detailed accounts of her history in Maple Oaks and her struggling relationship with Carolyn. It felt damn good to have him there and she was reminded she did still have family after all.

Sasha hugged him so tight she might’ve been worried for his bones had she not known he was made of steel. “Thank you.” She stepped back and took in Gage, Wayne, and Noah’s faces. “All of you.”

Wayne said, “We’re here for you kid, no matter what. We have some news to share if you’re up for it.”

Sasha nodded and inhaled a deep breath; it was time to jump back into the grisly pool. “Yes.”

Noah took the helm of breaking down the information. “Wes’ cousin; Jeffery Spears has served in the military but we’re not sure on his status. Pete called in a favor and we’re waiting for Jeffery’s records. Wes told us about how strict his father was with Jeff to the point of abuse and when Wes left back to live with his mother it got worse for Jeff.  To cut a long story short there really isn’t any doubt he’s our guy.” He wanted Sasha to take peace in the fact they were closer than ever, not only did the facts line up so did the DNA.

Gage nodded and took over. “Jeffery’s mother suffered traumas to the same seven spots the victims are stabbed. Jeff was twenty seven at the time of the first cycle here in Maple Oaks and until his mother died and his uncle started dragging him all around the country this is where he called home.”

Sasha sat as she absorbed what they were telling her. It burned that they were too late to save her sister but her death wouldn’t be in vain. This bastard was going to be caught and rot in jail before he could hurt another person. “What exactly are we waiting for?”

Pete answered, “Transcripts of his active duty to see if they line up with the kill cycles and a better idea of where we can find him here in town.”

Noah finished. “Like Wes said he has no contact with his cousin and there are no records of him having a residence anywhere in Texas or even a bank statement. He’s been lying low off the radar since his uncle died.”

“Could his uncle’s death be a stressor of some sort to give him the idea to bring it back around to Maple Oaks?” Sasha asked, looking at Pete and Nicholas for the answer as the question lay in their expertise.

Pete sat in the empty chair next to her and answered, “I think his uncle’s death has given him a sense of freedom. His actions have been much bolder for this cycle. He doesn’t seem to care to show his face and use his home as his kill grounds.”

Hope was a tricky thing, she had given up on it so many times but now the more she learned and accepted they were on the right track, hope was all Sasha had. “Do we have a picture of this guy? I was here when he was killing the first time and I’ve been paying good attention to everyone I’ve encountered during this trip. Maybe I know him.”

Wayne shifted through all the files on the desk he sat behind and pulled on
free laying next to Gage’s laptop. “Here we go, this was printed from Jeffery’s driver’s license issued in 1988 and he hasn’t renewed it since.”

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