Game On (Entwined Hearts) (16 page)

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Authors: Sheryl Nantus

BOOK: Game On (Entwined Hearts)
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He disappeared before Angela could say anything.

She lay back in the steaming water, sighing as the aches burned out of her muscles.

Jake appeared in the doorway, grinning. “Need someone to wash your back?” He wore a white dress shirt and jeans, the black tie loose around his neck and she remembered he’d likely showered and changed at the station.

Angela sat up, sloshing the water almost over the lip of the tub. “You’re here.” She couldn’t help grinning. “I thought you’d come over later.”

“Hightailed it out as soon as my relief showed up. And I might have gone through a few red lights to get here.” He reached for the folded washcloth sitting on the far edge of the tub. “Now, about your back.”

Angela shifted her hips. “Yes, please.”

He hesitated before picking up the washcloth. “Wait a minute. Don’t want to get my shirt all wet.” Jake unbuttoned his shirt slowly, keeping his eyes on her.

Angela smiled. “My own private striptease. How kind of you.”

“Not much of one. And no music.” He undid the buttons on his shirt at a slow, leisurely pace. “But you can fill in the blanks.”

She laughed and clapped as he pulled the shirt off his shoulders and hung it on the hook next to her red robe. The tie followed, carefully hung up as well.

The breath caught in Angela’s throat as she studied his bare back. The strong, defined shoulder muscles were those of a warrior, a man used to fighting for what he wanted. She knew the feel of those muscles, how they flexed under her fingers, how they tensed up and got even harder, though that would seem impossible.

She knew how to freeze them in place, snapped taut, straining for release.

He turned with a sly look on his face, catching her ogling his physique.

Without a word, Jake faced her, hands on his hips, and stood still, letting her drag her eyes over him without comment.

She urged him closer with a crook of her finger.

He came to the edge of the tub, just out of reach.

She gestured at his pants.

Jake reached out and tapped her fingers away. “Not yet.”

Angela pouted as he picked up the washcloth.

Jake dipped it in the steaming water. He wrung it out and reached for the bar of soap. “Can I assume you’re feeling relaxed?”

“In some parts of my body.” She leaned forward to give him access to her back. “In others, I’m feeling quite tense.”

“Well, then. Let’s see what I can do about that.” The damp cloth slid over her shoulders, the hot water soothing her skin. Angela closed her eyes and let out a grateful sigh as he continued to run it along her bare back, dunking the cloth in the bathwater every few seconds.

His hand slipped around to dab at her face.

She arched her head up, giving him further access.

The warm cloth touched the base of her throat before running under her chin and between her breasts.

His voice was hot in her ear, holding her in place. “Pace yourself,” he warned. “We’ve got all night.” He ran the cloth under her breasts, the gentle swipes raising and lowering each breast in turn. “Cleanliness
next to godliness.”

Angela’s eyes flew open, and she let out a squeak as he brushed over each nipple, teasing her with the rough fabric. She shifted her hips, the simple contact sending tremors over her skin.

“Where’s Hunter?”

“Downstairs, doing the dishes,” Jake said. He slid the washcloth lower, locking eyes with her. “Wanted to give us a little private time. I think he wants to balance the scales.”

Her breath caught in her throat again when she remembered what Hunter had done to earn Jake this bonus round.

Jake leaned in and captured her lips with his own, the kiss as hot as the water in the tub. His hand dipped between her legs and brushed the fabric against her thighs, running up to her knee before going back along the other leg.

Jake pulled away as she kept her eyes closed, reveling in the intimate care.

Angela pressed her hand to his chest, tangling in and tugging on the sparse chest hair as he continued to stroke back and forth, moving from leg to leg. Each time, he sank deeper between her legs and drew the washcloth up between her folds.

Then . . . nothing.

She opened her eyes to see Jake holding the washcloth in front of her, lips twisted up into a mischievous grin.

“There. All cleaned up.” He dropped the cloth in the now cooling water and kissed her. “See you downstairs.”

Angela scowled as he snagged his shirt and tie from the peg and exited the bathroom, leaving her aroused and frustrated.

Chapter Nine

Angela rose from the tub and reached for the fluffy white towel. Her bath time had made for a lovely interlude, but now the water was cold and she was running hot, thanks to Jake’s visit. After she dried herself off, she replaced the towel on the rack and turned to her present.

The red silk robe reached almost to her knees and covered her like a second skin. She ran her fingers along her arms, wallowing in the feel of the thin fabric.

The day’s events blurred in her mind and then disappeared, the stress going down the drain with the rest of the bathwater.

She pulled the scrunchie from her blond hair and let it fall over her shoulders to brush over bare skin and silk alike. A fast look in the mirror showed an Angela she’d rarely seen when she was dating Eric.

A woman who knew what she liked, what she wanted.

Who wasn’t afraid to ask for it.

And was appreciative when she did get it.

She blew the mirror image a kiss and headed for the stairs.

It seemed like years since Jake had settled himself on the couch, tapping his foot and trying not to look at the clock. His visit upstairs had sent his pulse racing, his desire grinding hard against his need to be with her.

A noise brought him to his feet and turned him toward the stairs.

Time stopped altogether as he saw the barefoot woman standing on the steps. She paused upon spotting the two men.

“Jake,” she murmured. “Hunter.” Angela resumed her slow drift down the stairs, wearing a red robe with the belt tied in a loose knot barely doing its job. Her long hair, still damp, tempted him to reach out and take hold.

Take her.

Jake growled, surprising himself with raw emotion.

“Hey, Jake. Want a drink?” Hunter called out from the kitchen.

Jake shook his head without turning around, watching Angela glide to the couch and sit in the center. The robe rose up her naked legs, skimming over her knees.

“No, thank you.” Jake sat beside her. He took her hand and pressed his lips to it, reveling in the soft, silky skin. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you,” she answered, a light blush coloring her cheeks.

“Too bad no one’s hungry,” Hunter said as he came into view. He waved three chocolate bars in the air. “Had these chilling in the fridge for an evening snack. I’ll keep the whipped cream and strawberries for later.” He winked at Angela. “Maybe with some waffles for breakfast?”

Angela’s blue eyes went wide. “Ooh! Sounds good. And I’ve always got room for a snack.” She reached for the chocolate bar, but Hunter held it out of her grasp.

Jake’s heart skipped a beat when Angela’s robe gaped open, giving him an excellent view of a bare breast. Somehow the sight was sexier now than it’d been ten minutes ago, when he’d seen her naked in the bathtub. He rubbed his hands along his jeans in an effort to keep from reaching out and pulling her into his lap.

Patience might be a virtue, but desire had no time limits.

She pouted, her lower lip jutting out. “Tease.”

Hunter gave her a wide grin. “Only when you want it. But I know what you like.” He nodded to Jake. “We know what you like.”

He passed Jake one of the cool bars, making sure to keep it away from Angela en route.

Jake held it out of reach, laughing, while Hunter slipped the third chocolate bar into his shirt pocket.

“But”—Angela frowned—“that’s my chocolate bar.”

“You’re not going to get it so easily.” Hunter smirked as he unwrapped his own bar. “Going to have to earn it.”

Angela crossed her arms and intensified her pout. “Fine. Jake will give me some of his.” She turned and focused on him. “Won’t you?” Her tongue flicked out to wet her lips. “Please?”

Jake laughed. “Maybe.” He pulled the wrapper off the milk chocolate slowly, noting how her eyes never left the candy bar.

He snapped off a piece and held it out. “What would you do for this?”

Angela stood and moved in front of him. She brought his legs together before straddling them. She lowered herself onto his lap before reaching out and stroking his loose tie.

Jake kept the chocolate in his hand, inches from his mouth as she slowly slid his tie from around his neck, stretching it between her hands with a long, throaty sigh. A second later, she dropped it to the floor.

Jake swallowed hard.

She leaned forward and drew the piece into her mouth, sucking it in between her lips with a loud slurp.

“Fuck,” he said, unable to think.

Angela gave him a naughty wink. “Eventually. But right now, I’m loving this chocolate.” She stood up and swung her leg over him, giving him a brief peek of what lay underneath the red silk.

Jake gulped, forcing himself to stay still.

Angela eyed Hunter. “Your turn.”

“My turn,” he echoed as he broke a corner off his own bar. “Open up.”

She went to stand in front of him, tugging at the belt of her robe. It fell away to land on the floor. The robe gaped open, and Jake cursed, seeing only her covered back.

“Oops,” Angela said with no remorse in her voice.

Hunter drew in a sharp breath, still holding the piece of chocolate out.

She leaned in and ran her tongue over his fingers one by one, finally pulling the melting chocolate into her mouth.

Angela pulled back and chuckled, the sound shooting straight to Jake’s cock. He shifted on the couch, tugging at his jeans in hope of relief.

“Killing me here.” Jake let out a rough laugh, unable and unwilling to move.

“Tell me about it,” Hunter answered, his eyes narrowing as he watched her.

Angela laughed as she sat herself beside Jake and unbuttoned his shirt, smacking her lips.

That earned her a larger piece of chocolate, which she took from Jake’s fingers with long, leisurely strokes of her tongue as she lapped up the melted bits. She slid the shirt off his shoulder and tossed it over the couch.

Hunter took his place on her other side, sandwiching her between him and Jake.

She turned and undid his shirt, the same as she’d done with Jake. She took another sliver of chocolate between her lips, sliding it in and out before pulling it all the way into her mouth.

Hunter let out a strangled cough and tossed his shirt on the floor.

“I’m still hungry.” She sat back and looked at the two men. Her robe was now fully open, revealing herself to them without reservation. “More, please.”

“At your command,” Jake rasped.

The two men began feeding Angela bits of chocolate, one after the other, patiently waiting for her to finish each piece. Jake didn’t have to look at Hunter to know she was having the same effect on him—primed and ready to blow.

She’d kept all her teasing and touching above the waist, drawing her fingers along their lips and faces. Her robe had stayed on somehow, open to reveal the milky-white skin he ached to touch, to nibble on.

To bite.

His mark still rode high on her shoulder, as did Hunter’s.

Jake grinned as Hunter extracted Angela’s bar from his discarded shirt and handed it to her.

She stripped the wrapper and slowly ate all of it herself, letting out sensual gasps and groans as she devoured the entire bar.

Jake thought he was about to burst out of his jeans. He glanced at Hunter and saw the raw desire on his face as well, the need in his eyes as he watched her lick her fingers clean.

Angela was—

The most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

Her face was flushed, her eyes wide and unfocused. Her lips were smeared with chocolate; traces edged her mouth where they’d both been sloppy while feeding her. The robe hung loose on her shoulders, almost matching her flushed skin.


Jake pulled her close and kissed her.

Her arms went around him, and she let out a mumbled sigh filled with contentment and pleasure.

Hunter moved in from behind and placed his hands on her waist.

And so it begins.

Jake continued to kiss her, hard and deep, his arms tangling in her loose blond hair. He caught Hunter’s eye and glanced down.

Hunter picked up on the hint.

He tugged on the silk robe and pulled it free, adding it to the pile of clothing on the floor. His hands returned to reach around to cup her breasts. As he brushed his thumbs over her nipples, Angela shivered in Jake’s arms and broke away to let out a deep gasp.

“I want—” She drew a staggered breath. “I—”

Hunter pulled his hands free to rest them on her shoulders. “What do you want?”

Angela twisted around and hooked her hand behind Hunter’s neck. She pulled him in for a deep, long kiss.

Jake took advantage of the situation to slide a hand along her torso, finding her thighs already wet and slick with her arousal.

Angela let out a strangled cry and pulled away from Hunter. “I want you both to take me upstairs. Now.” She turned to look at Jake and licked her lips, pulling in the last traces of the chocolate.

“As you wish.” Jake laughed and scooped her up in his arms as Hunter scrambled out of the way.

Angela tasted milk chocolate and her two men, the combination sending her mind skittering down the road less taken. She shivered as Jake headed for the stairs, Hunter close behind. The bare-chested men were grinning like fools.

My fools.

She let her head fall back as Jake maneuvered them upstairs to where the bedrooms were. It was a short walk past the bathroom, the scent of the bubble bath still filling the air.

“And here we are.” Jake laid her on a mattress and stepped back.

Angela blinked, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Her previous visit had been to Hunter’s bedroom, one she knew all too well.

This was uncharted territory.

The rich oak headboard had four bedposts, each finished off with an elegant swirled globe. Above her, the ceiling fan slowly spun, the leisurely pace in direct contrast to the hammering of her heart.

“Put that in today,” Hunter bragged as he moved around the room. “This is all new, so you know.”

“I guessed.” Angela propped herself up on her elbows. “All of it?” She looked around at the tall dresser, the side tables with simple but beautiful lamps, their light blue swirled glass adding a soft touch to the décor.

She reached out and ran her hand along the polished wood, struck silent for the moment.

“All of it. For you.” Hunter tilted his head to one side and smiled. “You deserve nothing but the best.”

“Which would be me.” Jake said as he took his pants off, then folded the underwear and placed it on a nearby chair. “You’re falling behind, Coach.”

Hunter let out a low laugh and busied himself with taking off his own jeans.

Angela lay on the bed and watched the two men.

It was hard not to compare the two when they were standing side by side. Hunter’s chest was lightly furred but not so well defined as Jake’s, the sculpted front a result of daily workouts. Jake’s abs were tight and visible while Hunter’s were a bit gentler. He still had an athlete’s body, toned and muscular.

It was impossible not to also compare them below the waist. Even though she knew them both intimately, it was startling to see how much they were alike—and different.

Jake’s cock was the longer of the two, but Hunter’s was thicker. The breath caught in her throat as she flashed back to the hotel and the night they’d shared previously.

Now. Together. Again.

Jake went to the edge of the mattress and got on his knees, tugging her toward him. Hunter slid onto the bed beside her, stretching himself out the length of the oversize mattress.

“This is nice,” Hunter said as he leaned over her. He slid his right hand onto her left breast and caressed her nipple. “No watching the clock. No worries about when we’ll have to check out.” He lowered his lips to her other breast and dragged his teeth over her sensitive skin. “And no one will hear anything. Like, say, screams of ecstasy.”

“Which is good,” Jake whispered before pushing her legs up to frame his head. “Because you’re going to be doing quite a bit of that before the night’s over.”

Angela tried to say something, form a snappy comeback, but was shocked into silence by the double set of sensations flashing through her.

Hunter sucked on her right nipple, drawing it into his mouth as he flicked his thumb over the left one, sending nervous sparks skittering through her mind.

At the same time, Jake scraped his beard stubble on her thigh, a prelude she knew all too well. She gasped as his tongue caressed the inside of her thigh, close to his final goal.

Hunter lifted her head and kissed her hard, swallowing her cries as he tightened his grasp on her breast and gave her nipple a slow pinch. At the same time, Jake dived in with unerring aim, drawing his tongue along her folds while a single finger slipped inside her, curving upward with remembered precision.

The orgasm hit her hard and fast, a scream ripping free from her throat as wave upon wave of ecstasy crashed over her.

Hunter’s kisses muffled some of her cries but not all of them, the shrieks echoing off the walls as she shuddered and bucked, her hands tearing at the sheets.

Oh God—

Angela returned to herself slowly, aware of being held and cuddled by the two men she loved most.

Jake rested his head on her stomach, a naughty grin on his face as he licked his lips. Hunter’s steady breathing in her ear in combination with his hands gently cupping her breasts finished the scene.

She forced herself to catch her breath, her heart pounding like a runaway train.

“A nice start to the evening’s entertainment,” Hunter murmured. “But we can do better.” He looked past her. “Your thoughts?”

“I’ll take that as a challenge.” Jake’s soft whisper sent aftershocks over her sensitized skin. He came into sight. “Damned sexy. The way you came—” he said, his voice low and hoarse.

“More.” It was the only word she could find. “More.”

She let out a deep sigh as Hunter dug in the drawer and pulled out a condom.

Angela reached out and snagged it from him, her hands still shaking and unsteady. “Let me.”

She managed to rip the packet open and roll it along his length, his cock bobbing with each touch of her finger. Her hands brushed his thighs and her eyes met his, wide and longing. She cupped his balls and gently rolled them around in her hand, giving out a mischievous chuckle.

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