Game On (Entwined Hearts) (24 page)

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Authors: Sheryl Nantus

BOOK: Game On (Entwined Hearts)
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A second later Julien gave a nod, conceding the silent battle.

Cole smiled and stayed silent.

Kat opened her briefcase and withdrew a stack of file folders as well as her laptop, forcing her attention away from the mental joust. “How many of the staff have given their notice? I’m assuming Max wasn’t the only one running for cover when the place changed hands.”

Julien crossed his legs and leaned back in the chair. “Not many. Most of them have been here for years. A change in ownership means little to them. A different name at the top of the check doesn’t matter as long as it doesn’t bounce.”

She studied his face, enjoying the way one edge of his mouth twisted upward in a never-ending smile. “How many of them shouldn’t be here?”

“A few. But you know that already.” He lifted a hand and waved at the stack on her desk.

“I do. And I’ll be letting some people go immediately.” She opened a folder. “I’m assuming you’re willing to move up and take the job as manager.”

“Of course.” He grinned. “Until you find someone better.”

Kat stared at him. “I might.” She scanned the page. “Why do you think the Majestic is having a hard time turning a profit?”

“Because no one respects her history.” Julien swept a hand at the walls. “This is not just an old property with a hotel and a riverboat sitting here. They have their own personalities, their—” His eyes narrowed. “Their ghosts.”

“The place is haunted? Do tell.” Kat propped up her chin in one hand, smiling. “Please elaborate on these wraiths and lost souls running rampant through the hallways. Maybe we can add them to the publicity brochures.” Her attention went to Cole. “Or maybe we can hire them for additional security. Be useful to have a ghost in every room.”

“I know it sounds strange to you, an outsider.” Julien cast a glance over his shoulder at Cole. “And definitely to you. But here in New Orleans ghosts and spirits are very real, and to be respected.” His eyes returned to lock with hers, dark and soft. “And loved.”

She held back a shiver, the verbal caress sending a tingling over her skin.

Unaware or unable to see the effect his words had on her, Julien continued speaking. “The Majestic was once a grand hotel, catering to those who traveled on the river. They came and they drank and they lived and they died. The rich and the poor alike, because one could become rich overnight and lose it all in the morning dawn.” Julien spoke in a low, gentle voice, the hypnotizing words holding her attention. “They fell in love here and they enjoyed life, the ups and the downs. But the world changed, the wheel turned, and an era vanished. It all went away and no one remembered the past and paid their respects to it.” He gestured at the wall behind her. “The previous owners, they wanted nothing more than to make money. They threw up the lights and the bright signs, tossed in the machines and the poker tables, and played the tourists for all they were worth. But that’s not what the Majestic can offer you.”

Julien got to his feet.

Out of the corner of her eye Kat saw Cole stiffen as Julien approached her, his hands in the air as he gestured at the walls. He moved around the desk to stand over her as he continued his speech.

“Your grandfather has the right idea with the renovations he’s ordered, but you need to take it further. Let the workmen not only clean off the outside, but also the inside. Restore the old lady to what she was and see her show her true self to the tourists, to the people who don’t want a gaudy prostitute offering her wares. Show them the grand old dame and let them relax in her presence, play their games, and know they’re in the presence of royalty. Let them feel the history, feel the heritage of those who have come before, and offer them a chance to become part of the story, the never-ending story of the Majestic.” He spoke the last word with a French accent, rolling it off his tongue and turning it into a romantic ballad.

Silence fell over the office.

Kat swallowed, unwilling and unable to move. Julien’s words had frozen her in place, the smooth phrasing moving her more than any other pitch she’d heard in and out of the boardroom.

Or bedroom.

Her attention went to his hands as he held them in the air, long, slender fingers weaving invisible lines.

She couldn’t take her eyes off of him, her imagination kicking in to wonder what he’d be like in another time and place. A troubadour, a bard spinning tales and wooing women with his powerful tongue.

Cole coughed into his hand.

Julien looked at him and laughed, breaking the spell. He took a step back from Kat and returned to his chair. He grinned as he sat, watching her intently.

“You must forgive me. I’m a bit of a romantic.”

Kat felt as if she’d woken from a dream. She blinked to push away the final clouds in her mind before clearing her throat. “Okay. Let’s start with this. I want a full report from you tomorrow on what you recommend as far as changes go. Give me everything you’ve got, all your dreams on what would bring this hotel and casino back into the black.” She held up a hand, seeing the exuberance in his eyes. “I can’t promise I’ll do everything you suggest, but we’ve got to do something to bring this place back. I’m willing to look your plans over and see what we can manage.”

“Thank you.” Julien stood and gave a short bow. “Until tomorrow.” He went to the door and paused. “Your suite is room 1013. I’ve had housekeeping clean it thoroughly, and it’s ready for you whenever you need it. Your bags are already there and your security team has access.” He dug in his pocket and handed two card keys to Cole. “Your room is attached, as requested. Sleep well.”

Cole said nothing.

Bon nuit
.” Julien nodded and walked out of the room.

Kat slumped in her chair, feeling like she’d run a marathon.

Her stomach growled and she remembered she hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

Cole arched an eyebrow. “You need to eat.”

She paused, weighing the situation. “Good time to check out the room service.” She picked up the phone and looked at him. “I assume you also like to eat.”

“I do.” The low rumble startled her. “Order double of whatever you’re getting and we’ll go back to your room.”

Kat felt the heat on her cheeks rising at his wording.

She ducked and made the call, berating herself for being so open to emotional tweaks and twists.

Ghosts. Lovers.



I’d like to thank my fabulous agents, Rachel Brooks and Louise Fury, for having faith in me and always pushing me to be a better writer. Also, my lovely editor, Eileen Rothschild, who made a good story so much better by knowing just where to poke and prod it.

About the Author

Sheryl Nantus was born in Montreal, Canada, and grew up in Toronto, Canada. A rabid reader almost from birth, she attended Sheridan College in Oakville, graduating in 1984 with a diploma in media arts writing. She met Martin Nantus through the online fanfiction community in 1993 and moved to the United States in 2000 in order to marry.

She loves to play board games and write haiku, although not usually at the same time.

A firm believer in the healing properties of peppermint tea and chai, she continues to search for the perfect cuppa.

She has published multiple books with Samhain Publishing. In 2011 she won two second-place Prism Awards from the Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal chapter of RWA for her steampunk romance,
Wild Cards and Iron Horses,
Blaze of Glory,
the first volume of her superhero romance trilogy.

For more about Sheryl Nantus you can visit her Web page at
, see her on Facebook at
, or follow her ramblings on Twitter: @SherylNantus. She also blogs at when the mood takes her.

She loves to get email at
[email protected]

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Copyright Page

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

Copyright © 2016 by Sheryl Nantus. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

Cover art © Shutterstock


First Edition: September 2016

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