Game On (Entwined Hearts) (11 page)

Read Game On (Entwined Hearts) Online

Authors: Sheryl Nantus

BOOK: Game On (Entwined Hearts)
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Jake’s low laugh came from her right as she felt the robe moved away from around her feet. “You’re damned sexy. But you knew that.”

She felt him move behind her, his body heat sending goose bumps over her exposed skin.

“What do you want?” The heated breath tickled her ear.

“Everything,” she whispered. “I want you both to do everything to me. What you’ve wanted, what you’ve wished, what you needed.”

Hunter sucked in his breath through clenched teeth as Jake whispered his response.

“We will. Keep your eyes closed.” He drew his fingers up the back of her legs, skipping over the lace. His hands went to her hips, around to her breasts. He squeezed them lightly as his mouth landed on her left shoulder, atop the fading mark he’d left there not so long ago. His teeth scraped against her skin, the soft kiss intensifying with each second.

She let out a noise but didn’t try to stop him.

Jake pulled free. “Something to remind you of tonight every time you look in the mirror.” The slow rumble echoed through her body, setting her nerves ablaze.

Angela let out a soft cry as he resumed his task.

“And while he’s busy,” Hunter’s gentle laugh reached her ears, “let me start worshipping you. Like I said I wanted to do, back in my office.”

The kiss was hard and crushing, his hot hands clutching at her ass as he came up against her. His knee nudged her legs apart even as Jake increased the pressure on her breasts, sandwiching her between him and Hunter.

Angela couldn’t hold back a whimper, her senses overloading between the two approaches.

She was coming apart already.

Jake lifted his mouth and chuckled. “Now you’ve got a nice pair.” He squeezed her breasts again and ran his thumbs over her erect nipples. “These, too.”

Hunter pulled free and groaned. “How long did it take for you to think that one up?”

“Everyone’s a critic.” Jake nuzzled the side of her neck as his hands moved to fumble with the corset fastenings. His teeth nipped at her earlobe. “So glad you dressed up for us.”

“True,” Hunter agreed as he kissed the base of her neck. “It’s like Christmas. Especially unwrapping the gifts.”

His kisses headed south, following Jake’s fingers, his hands still firmly on her ass.

Angela gasped, dangerously close to losing her balance.

“Don’t worry,” Jake said in her ear. “We’ll catch you. Let yourself go.”

A wet kiss on her thigh told her where Hunter was.

Kneeling in front of her.

A blazing surge of heat spiraled out from her core as she imagined how she must look. Caught between two men, half-undressed with one propping her up from behind and the other literally at her feet.

She wasn’t sure how it was going to get better.

Hunter hummed a jaunty tune as he tugged at the black thong with his teeth. His fingers curled up against her skin as he drew it down from behind.


“Lean back against me,” Jake whispered. “We’re going to sit.” His bare legs pressed against hers as he lowered her into his lap, his erection pulsing against the small of her back, hard and demanding. “Give my man here easier access.” His feet curled around hers and tugged her legs apart, spreading her wide.

“How considerate of you,” Hunter murmured into her thigh as he stripped the flimsy piece of fabric away.

She kept her eyes closed, dizzy with anticipation and desire.

The corset popped open with a burst of cool air rushing in over her heated skin. Jake pulled it apart before placing his hands on her exposed breasts.

“Much better. Don’t get me wrong, I love lace. But I love these better.” His thumb and forefinger latched on to one nipple, giving it a sharp pinch.

Angela jerked back with a yelp.

“So perfect. So delicate.” Now he held both nipples between his fingers, rolling the delicate skin slowly. “So easy to make you come.”

She whimpered, racing toward the peak with record speed.

“Good thing I know you’ve got more than one in you,” Jake said. “Did you know that, Coach?”

“Yes. Yes, I did,” Hunter growled, “because I was the first one to find out.”

Angela opened her mouth to say something but was silenced by Hunter’s hot wet tongue sliding up her inner folds.

Oh. God.

She thrashed back against Jake, digging her nails into his bare legs in an effort to keep some semblance of balance. He let out a hiss but didn’t buck her off.

“Ah.” Hunter’s muffled words reached her ears. “I’ve missed this.” Another long heated swipe of his tongue, and she was shifting uncontrollably against Jake, lifting and lowering her hips as Hunter continued his “worship.”

“Let’s see if we can take the edge off,” Jake whispered. “We’ve got all night, and I don’t plan to get a lot of sleep.” He increased the pressure on her nipples. “I’ve almost got her here, Hunter. Can you catch up?”

She wanted to say something, anything, but Hunter’s tongue flicked over her tiny bud, once—twice—

Jake pinched both her nipples as Hunter sucked hard, drawing her into his mouth one last time.

Game over.

Angela let out a series of loud, long screams, jerking uncontrollably. Her eyes shot open, but she couldn’t see anything, her pleasure overriding all other senses.

Soft hands stroked her, caressed her sensitive skin, held her tight, and soothed her shattered senses with gentle kisses.

She came back to find herself sprawled on the bed, stripped of the lingerie and between the two men.

“I see you’re still a screamer,” Hunter whispered into her ear. He spooned her from behind, hands on her hips. “Some things never change.”

Jake gave her a sweet, delicate kiss. “Damn. I almost came right there.” His erection nudged her right leg. “But we’ll get to that soon enough.”

“That was—” Angela drew a breath, her throat aching. She shook her head, bereft of words.

“Good.” Hunter chuckled. “I’d be upset if it were anything less. And the night’s still young.” He drew a finger along her side, setting off small tremors through her skin. “But you need a short rest. Let me get you some water.”

Before she could speak, he moved off the bed, leaving her with Jake.

He went to the mini-fridge and opened it. “I don’t even want to think about what they’re charging for this.” He pulled out one bottle of water and returned to the bed. “Here.” Hunter snapped the top off and offered it to her lips.

She drank thirstily, her sore throat grateful for the coolness.

Hunter took a swig before passing it to Jake, who finished off the bottle and tossed it on the floor.

“Hey. No littering,” Hunter said.

Jake chuckled and nibbled on Angela’s earlobe. “How are you doing?”

“Great,” she whispered.

“Hope we’re ready for round two.” Jake stroked her side, his fingers trailing along her hipbones. “Because I don’t know if I can wait much longer.”

“No patience?” Hunter grinned.

“Not tonight,” Jake said, a note of a growl in his voice.

Now it was his turn to climb off the bed.

Angela stretched out, the lethargy in her bones easily chased away by the sight of Jake Weatherly strolling naked across the room. She hadn’t seen this much of him since their encounter in the locker room, and while she liked what she’d seen there, this was a much, much better exhibit.

His finely toned abs glistened with sweat as he unzipped his bag and reached inside. She had an excellent view of his ass, tight and dying to be touched, caressed. Squeezed.

“Now, as I recall”—he caught her eye and winked—“you said something about the cuffs.”

Angela caught her breath at the shiny metal handcuffs in his hands.

“You did learn some new tricks at university,” Hunter murmured as Jake held them up high. “One of the benefits of higher education.”

She laughed, feeling giddy. “Never stop pushing your limits.”

“Exactly.” Jake walked back to the bed. He looked behind her at the headboard and smiled. “Good. Was hoping we could make this happen.”

She shivered. The bed was made of wrought iron, from the bedposts to the elaborate metalwork behind her head. She hadn’t chosen the decor but, in retrospect, it was perfect.

Jake reached up behind her and she heard metal on metal. He raised an eyebrow and nodded to Hunter. “If you don’t mind.”

Hunter slid off the bed and took each of her hands, raising them up over her head. The familiar cold sensation around her wrists sent a frisson of desire singing through her body, the tension already building up in anticipation of what was to come.

His cock bobbed dangerously close to her mouth and she licked her lips, entranced by the thick musky smell that was Hunter’s and Hunter’s alone. A small bead of moisture hung from the tip, signaling his enthusiasm.

“Would you like some of this?” He gave the cuffs one last yank to make sure she was secured and reached down to stroke himself. “Angie?”

“Yes.” She turned her head to the side and smiled. “Bet I can make you scream this time.”

Hunter laughed and leaned in, one hand gripping the railing over her head as he maneuvered his cock to her mouth. “Watch out, Jake—she’s getting feisty again.”

“We’ll see.” He moved back to the bag and pulled out a long stream of condoms. “I came prepared for a long, long night. And morning as well.”

Angela watched Jake rip open a packet and roll the condom slowly, carefully over his length and climb on the bed, straddling her. He licked his finger and drew it between her breasts, leaving a wet trail down over her belly.

She shifted her hips, urging him on.

Jake let out a moan as he slid against her, nudging her legs apart. He pressed his lips to her navel before moving upward, following the trail with soft, gentle kisses.

“Come on now, Chief.” Hunter chuckled. “We’re waiting for you.” He stroked himself again, his hips pushing forward. “Patience is not my strong suit.”

Angela wetted her lips, urging him on.

The cock slipped into her mouth, and Hunter let out a loud drawn-out moan as she pulled it in as deep as she could, drawing it to the back of her throat.

Jake entered her at a slow, lazy pace, stealing her attention as she adjusted to fit him. Waves of pleasure shot out to each nerve in her body at the careful, methodical possession.

There was no escape here. She was cuffed to the headboard, totally at their mercy and under their control.

And yet Angela knew,
she knew
they were under hers.

Hunter placed his hand on her head—not so much to control her but to guide her as he leisurely pumped in and out of her mouth, the gasps and grunts rising and falling as she increased her pressure on his cock, pulling it as deep as she could again.

“Fuck.” Hunter ground the word out between clenched teeth. “I don’t know how much longer I can hang on here.”

Jake hovered over her, his arms keeping him from crushing Angela or interfering with her activity with Hunter. “Let’s see if I can slow her down.” He gave a sharp laugh as he rolled his hips, now deep inside her. His breath came in short pants as he varied his strokes, surprising her with every thrust.

Angela would have cried out if she could have, the tingling flowing through her body and spiraling outward as she approached another overload. She flicked her tongue over the tip of Hunter’s cock before latching onto it with her lips one last time and pulling him in as far as she could once more, sucking hard.

“Yes.” Hunter let out a sigh as he emptied himself into her, eyes closed tight as his hips thrust forward in one last burst of energy. “Oh God. Yes.” He pulled away with a pained grunt and dropped off the bed to kneel, his forehead pressed to the cool white sheets.

She swallowed hard, tasting the salty essence, the taste of her first love.

Angela turned to face Jake.

Now it was only the two of them.

Jake’s strokes increased as he moved up the bed to kiss her neck and bury his face in her loose hair. “All mine.” Jake groaned into her ear. “Come for me again, Angie. I know you’ve got it in you.”

Angela tugged on the handcuffs, but they weren’t giving way. All she could do was wrap her legs around Jake’s waist as he moved faster and faster, his hands sliding under her to lift her hips against him and let him go deeper, deeper—


There was no holding back the scream erupting from her throat as her legs locked around him one last time, squeezing as tight as she could.

Jake emptied himself into her with quick, disjointed thrusts, all hope of rhythm lost. He threw his head back and let out a long moan before slumping, lips pressed against her neck. He drew short, shuddering breaths as he tried hard not to put his full weight on her.

“I got this.” Hunter rose on unsteady legs and reached up behind her.

Angela felt the pressure on her arms ease as Hunter undid the handcuffs and released her hands. He didn’t let them fall free but lowered them by her sides after pressing his lips to the inside of each wrist.

Jake moved off her with a grunt, turning away to dispose of the condom.

Hunter stretched out alongside Angela, his eyes half-closed. He pulled her into his arms before kissing her deeply, brushing his hand through her hair. “God, I’ve missed you.”

Jake reached over and massaged her left wrist, frowning as he studied the thin red line left by the metal cuffs. “You okay?” He pressed his lips to the pulse point on her hand. “Got to be careful with the thrashing. Maybe I’ll get some of those furry ones for next time.” His mouth turned up into a smirk. “Don’t want to start any rumors.”

“Too late.” Angela shifted between the two men, her cooling skin seeking their warmth as they pressed against her.

Hunter dropped kisses along her jawline before pressing his head between her breasts, his arms tight around her waist.

“I’m good.” She let out a tired giggle with the last of her strength. “I’m great.”

A wave of exhaustion swept over her, drawing her into a soft dark tunnel. She gave in to the need for sleep, her senses overwhelmed.

It was morning when Angela snapped awake. She looked up at the ceiling as it came into focus, momentarily confused as to where she was.

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