GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras) (22 page)

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Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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Punishments aren’t supposed to be pleasant. You only get punished if you do something wrong.

And she had done something wrong. He hadn’t asked for much. He didn’t expect her to bare her soul. He’d asked for nothing but truth between them.

Finished packing, she returned downstairs and dropped her suitcase by the door. Then she walked up to Dominik and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Pressing her forehead against his back, she whispered. “I’m sorry. I really am interested in the letter, sadly enough. Can you just read it and tell me what it says? Please?”

He turned and kissed the top of her brow. “Sure.” He tipped her face up with a finger and kissed her lips. “And consider your punishment served.”

She stared at him as he went to the sofa and plucked the letter from between the cushions. “That’s it?”

“This time,” he said, tearing the letter open. “You learned your lesson, right?”

She nodded.

“Well, that’s the point of a punishment. But I’m warning you . . .” His expression turned stern. “Next time, I won’t be so lenient.”

“Okay.” She bit her lip and decided there wouldn’t be a next time. She liked it much better when he was happy with her. “So . . . ?”

He unfolded the letter, scanned it, then crumpled it in his fist. “He’s staying with Chantelle. He’s giving you a few days to ‘smarten up,’ then he’ll call you.”

“Really.” She rubbed her eyes with her fingers, feeling the threatening sting of tears. Not again. She would not waste another tear on that pathetic excuse for a man. “Well, I hope he’s in for one hell of a shock.”

She took her phone from where she’d stuffed it in the deep pocket of Tyler’s shorts and dialed the number for the concierge. After instructing him to have someone come and pack up Paul’s things and have them shipped to Chantelle’s, she hung up and gave Dominik a stiff smile.

“Well, that’s done. Now all I have to do is change the locks, and I won’t ever have to deal with Paul again.” She picked up her suitcase and opened the door, wishing she didn’t have to come back here, but accepting the fact that she had nowhere else to go. “Shall we?”

Dominik took the suitcase from her, pausing at her side to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

“For today, I do.” She let out a sigh of relief when he nodded, as though satisfied with her answer. Then she moved past him as he held the door open for her. “I don’t want to think about tomorrow, not yet.”

Tomorrow, she’d have to face her future. Without Paul, which was good.

But her relationship with Max only really needed one other man. She assumed he’d choose Sloan.

Out on the street, steps away from the rental, she stopped Dominik with a hand on his arm.

“When a submissive chooses a Dom, they’ll do anything to please him or her—”

“Essentially. Why do you ask?” Deep creases formed between Dominik’s eyes, and he seemed to be trying to read something in her expression. “Do you think Max will want more than you’re prepared to give?”

“You told me not to lie to you, Dominik.” She dropped her gaze when he scowled. “Please don’t ask me that.”

“Fine.” He drew away from her and went to put her suitcase in the trunk. Then he stopped by the driver’s side door and looked over the car at her. “But you better come to me if his demands become unreasonable.”

She nodded, hoping not making the promise out loud wouldn’t be considered a lie.

Max asking me to commit to one other man wouldn’t be unreasonable.

But the commitment might just be more than she was prepared to give. Her heart felt like it had been split, but not in half. She couldn’t even see how the pieces fit together anymore. But she knew she needed them all to be whole.

Chapter Sixteen

usic erupted from the speakers of the stadium. The crowd rose from their seats for the singing of the national anthems. Sloan held his helmet under his arm and took his place dead center on the blue line. His tongue touched his bottom lip, still slick with Oriana’s peach-flavored lip gloss.
That kiss topped them all.

As usual, there were plenty of empty seats in the forum. Being the owner’s daughter, Oriana claimed a seat right by the rink where the Cobras came on the ice. When Sloan came out, she’d hopped out of her seat and leaned over. He’d climbed up, and the crowd went wild as they kissed. Suddenly, weird sixties-style guitar strumming cut off the AC/DC riff. The Monkees’ “When Love Comes Knockin’

played out, making him feel like a putz. A very lucky putz.

The fans laughed. They cheered. Then the kiss replayed on the scoreboard. Oriana’s cheeks got redder than the maple leaf on the flag, and she hid her face inside her jersey.

Adorably shy, but he had to give the girl one thing, putting herself out there had taken some guts. Maybe her original plan hadn’t gotten Paul to back off, but their public display should do it. He’d look like a fool if he tried staking a claim now. And her father would probably do anything in his power to stop her from showcasing her relationships with him and the other men again. Fine, she hadn’t kissed all the men, but she’d kissed him while wearing Mason’s jersey. That would get people talking.

Our girl’s a winner.
Sloan grinned. He was proud of her. And he was even more determined than ever to make her just as proud of him. Of all of them.

The crowd roared as the teams met at center ice. The ref dropped the puck; Sloan won the face-off. He passed the puck to T.J. who whipped it to Vanek. Vanek evaded a check and streamed to the other end of the rink. Sloan rushed the opponents’ net with Perron. Fanned the puck. Kicked it to the other side of the net. The puck hit a Blue Jacket defenseman, and Mason stopped it with his stick and redirected it to Vanek who tucked it in the net just as the goaltender skidded to block Mason.

Red lights blared, and Sloan crashed into Vanek, hooking his arm around the boy’s neck to congratulate him. Mason, T.J., and Perron slammed into them, whooping like madmen. You’d have thought they’d never scored before.

Play continued. Sloan and his line played more minutes than they ever had before—either Coach Stanton’s idea of revenge, or he’d finally smartened up and decided he wanted to win. In any case, by the end of the game, Sloan had two goals and three assists. They beat the Blue Jackets seven to three. Let Delgado send him down after that. The fans would throw a fit.

But the victory couldn’t compete with the lust that built as he showered, thinking of the woman who would finally be in his arms. Of the body he would possess before the night was over.

Oriana’s love for the game glowed in her eyes as she twirled into the sitting room. She went from one man to the next, hugging them, kissing them, recapping the game with a fervor that made him so hot he was tempted to haul her over his shoulder and carry her to his bedroom. But she made them watch the highlights of the game and fell asleep on the sofa, her head on Max’s lap, her feet on T.J.’s.

All the lust eroding him was replaced by something tender as he watched Max carry her to his room. Dominik bowed out with a tight smile and went to his own room, as did T.J. and Vanek. They were giving him his turn.

He took his place on the bed.

“Don’t wake her up,” Max said as Sloan snuggled up behind Oriana.

“I don’t plan to.” He laid his head on the pillow and smoothed out her hair. “She’s something else.”

Max lay on his back, careful not to move the arm Oriana rested on. “That she is.”

* * * *

A little wiggle and Sloan was instantly awake. His dick stirred and thickened when a hand passed over it. He groaned, then grinned when Oriana giggled. Eager little minx.

Her gaze led his down. Both her hands were on his bare chest.

Sloan sat up and shoved Max’s big hand off his thigh. “What the hell, man!”

Grumbling something incoherent, Max rolled over and resumed snoring.

Oriana laughed. “I didn’t know you two were so close. Maybe I should give you some privacy?”

Sloan chuckled. “Get over here.”

He clamped his hands around the nape of her neck, pulled her up, and brought his lips down hard. Her tongue flicked out, and she gasped when he caught it with his teeth. He gently tugged and sucked until breathy little whimpers filled his mouth with her hot breath.

“I think I need to remind you what team I play for.”

The way she clung to his hair, like she wanted to control how far and fast things would go, made him smile. He twisted out of her grip and pressed a kiss between her breasts.

“If you want me to stop, just say so.” He kissed the underside of one breast, just above where it sat atop her ribs. “Otherwise, hold on to the top of the mattress and don’t move.”

He could feel the pulse thrumming beneath his lips speed up.

“What happens if I move?”

“I’ll assume you don’t want me to take control. So I won’t. And I refuse to take you any other way.” He grazed her other breast with the day-old scruff on his chin. “You didn’t get off last time because you focused on the pleasure of the others and took none for yourself. I don’t play that way, babe.”

Her arms stretched over her head, then slid down to her sides.

One brow raised, he took a push-up position over her, his knees by her hips, and looked pointedly at her hands.

She looked pointedly at his cock. “You want me, Sloan.”

“That I do.” He sat up and put his hands on his thighs. “I want you to come in my mouth, I want you to come while Max and I fill you up—nice and slow—then I want you to come again when we both come deep inside you.”

“That sounds . . .” She shuddered, which was answer enough.

Then Max spoke up. “That sounds perfect.” He braced his elbow on the bed and his head on his hand. Then he patted the top of the mattress. “Come on, sugar. Do what the man says.”

Oriana’s eyes narrowed as she studied Max’s face, like she was looking for a sign of some sort. Waiting for
to take charge.

The heavy-lidded look Max gave her made Sloan laugh. “If you’re waiting for Perron to take the lead, you’ll be waiting all night, sweetheart.”

“Don’t push it, Callahan,” Max said.

“Or what?”

“Or I’ll make you leave.”

A hand smacked over Sloan’s mouth before he could respond. Another covered Max’s. Oriana glared at them. “I’m ready.”

Her hands moved from their mouths and hooked to the top of the mattress. Her knuckles were white. Her whole body quivered like a plucked bowstring beneath him.

Sloan dropped his mouth to one plump breast. He kept his eyes on Max as he used his tongue to roll a hard little nipple against the roof of his mouth.

“Jesus.” Max inhaled and licked his lips. His hand hovered over his crotch, then gripped it as he pretended to adjust himself.

Sucking as much of Oriana’s breast into his mouth as he could, Sloan released it with a plop and circled the extended nipple with his tongue. “Your girlfriend’s tits taste salty from having all the men pressed against her after the game. Kinda nasty and erotic all at once.”

Max’s hand closed over his dick under the cotton of his boxers.

“I wonder how they would taste with cum all over them.” Sloan tilted his head in thought and licked around the jutted nub. “I’ve never tasted another man’s cum, but you have. You kissed her after T.J. came in her mouth.”

With a gruff sound in the back of his throat, Max freed his cock and started stroking it.

Oriana moaned. “Sloan, stop.”

Lifting his head, Sloan arched a brow. “If you’re sure . . .”

“That’s not what I meant.” She glanced at Max, and her cheeks turned a bright pink. “Oh.”

“Yeah.” Sloan slid his hand down her back and took a firm hold of her ass to press her soft belly against his hard dick. “Do you feel that?”

Her stomach muscles jumped. “Yes.”

He moved his hand down her thigh and hooked it under her knee to draw it over his hip. “All yours.”

Another whimper. Her nails scraped the mattress, and he felt her shift. She was going to move. And he’d have to follow through with his threat.

Which really sucked.

Clamping a hand over her wrists, Max fixed that little dilemma. “Don’t. I need to see his mouth on you. He wasn’t kidding when he said he’d stop.”

Oriana hissed through her teeth. “Hold me, Max. Don’t let me go.”

That precious vulnerability again. God, Sloan loved it. He glanced at Max and caught the tenderness he felt reflected in the azure depths of his eyes.

“I’ll hold you, love.” He inclined his head at Sloan. “And I won’t let go unless you ask.”

“I won’t.”

Sloan cupped her breasts in his hands and squeezed as he moved down, grazing her ribs with his teeth, nibbling her side when he found a sensitive spot that made her arch up and gasp. Lower still, he found another spot under the soft slope of her belly. A shudder passed right through her. She was already close.

Time to pull back a little.

“Has Max ever told you about the women we’ve shared?” He positioned himself on his side between her legs. Her thigh muscles tensed against his back, and he knew she didn’t like picturing them with other women. He stroked one hand down her side and pressed it to her belly. “Have you ever heard of DP?”

Her muscles flexed. “No.”

“Double penetration. Some consider it two men in a woman at once, one in her pussy.” He bowed his head so his breath teased her slick flesh. “The other in her ass.” He reached around and slid a finger along the tightened crevice of her butt. “But one woman taught us otherwise.”

“Sloan.” Max sat up but kept a firm hold on Oriana’s wrists. “She doesn’t need to hear this.”

“She might enjoy it. I won’t get graphic.” Sloan smirked at Max’s scowl and zig-zagged his fingers along her hip to the top of her mound. “Let’s just say we both fit snug inside her—” He slicked two fingers over her clit and dipped them into her slit. “Here.”

Oriana twisted her hips and shook her head. “No. I can’t. I couldn’t.”

Sloan dragged his fingers out, then drew a moist finger eight around her clit. “We didn’t enjoy it. Our balls squished together wasn’t as fun as it sounds.”

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