GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras) (36 page)

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Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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“You’ve got to play along for this to work, love. Talk to me. The way you’re breathing, short and fast, makes me think you’ve been blindfolded—and perhaps bound as well?”

Max’s casual question pulled her away from panic mode. His voice might not give her the carnal thrill Dominik’s did, but it still affected her. Listening to him made her feel cozy, like shedding confining layers after a hard day, then curling up on the sofa with a favorite blanket and a mug of cocoa. Everything about Max made her feel like she was finally home.

“Did Sloan tie you up, babe? I asked him because he’s got skill, and rope work relaxes him.” Max paused. “He’s admitted that tying a sub up is almost as erotic as the first slice of a whip on her flesh. The heightened anxiety as she forces herself not to struggle, the fear of what’s to come . . . I’m not a sadist, but even I find that hot. Tell me, Oriana. Are you a little afraid?”

Her palms dampened. She hadn’t been. He’d taken her fear.

Then handed it right back.

Answer. Max is waiting
. “Yes. A little.”

Max’s voice soothed her. “Your safe word is Flora. You know the statue of the goddess near the bandstands I pointed out—she reminds me of you. Sensual. Beautiful. Can you remember that, precious?”

Her shirt was pulled off, left to hang over her bound wrists. She’d gotten somewhat used to being naked around these men, but not seeing where they were, not knowing what they’d do, made her feel much more exposed. She hunched over in an effort to hide her breasts. The pillow still in her lap covered her a little.

Until someone took it away.

“No hiding. Not today,” Dominik said from right in front of her. “Sit up straight and put your feet flat on the floor.”

She moved to obey.

“Wait,” Max said in her ear. She froze. “Tell him your safe word.”

She nodded, then tipped her head up. “Max wants me to tell you my safe word is Flora.”

“Good. Use it whenever you need to, but I’ll be paying very close attention to you, so I’ll probably notice any discomfort before you even think to say the word.” Dominik’s fingers traced her lips. “You’ll be including Max by giving him details. Otherwise, I’d want you silent. Since you have the advantage of speech, don’t hesitate to let me know if you’re overwhelmed. We can slow down, discuss any issues, and decide together whether or not to go on. Understand?”

She gave him a quick nod.

“If you’re allowed to talk, ‘Yes, Master Mason’ might be a good idea right now,” Max said. “You want to stay on his good side.”

Max’s warning kicked her anxiety up another notch.
Ugh, if you were here, I’d smack you.
“I understand,

“Excellent, pet.” Dominik’s baritone deepened with disapproval. “Perron told us he wanted you to start using the title of Master during play. Did he fail to mention it?”

Should I lie?
To Dominik? Not a good idea. “His exact words were, ‘It might be a good idea.’”

“I see.” Dominik didn’t sound impressed with her honesty. “So you’ve no desire to please him. Or to truly submit.”

“No! I do want to please him, I just . . .”
Just what? He’s right. You ignored him ‘cause you were annoyed.
But she did want to please Max. Very confusing. “I guess I took it more as a suggestion than an order.”

Dominik’s hand caught her chin firmly. “Yes, well, I suggest you stop using Max being nice as an excuse to deny yourself the experience of true submission. He’s still learning, so you mistakenly believe you’ve got room to wiggle out of obedience. Sloan and I are here to rid you of that illusion.”

Scarier and scarier. But this time, she let the fear trickle through her and stopped fighting how much it turned her on. Her pussy moistened, her nipples hardened. She was ready to do anything they asked.

Starting with doing as she’d been told. She placed her feet on the floor and said quietly. “I’m sorry, Master Mason. I’ll be good.”

Sloan roared out a laugh behind her. “This I’ve gotta see.”

His disbelief made her even more determined. She remained perfectly still as something clunked on the floor near her feet. A ripping sound had her tensing up, but she didn’t move when something flat and sticky was wrapped around one ankle. Then the other. Curious, she shifted her legs. They were restrained far apart.

“You’ve got some scissors for the rope I presume?” Dominik asked.

“Yeah.” Sloan replied.

“Good. Cut her tights and panties off.” Before she had a chance to react to Dominik’s alarming instructions, he continued. “Max must be feeling left out, pet. Tell him what we’re doing.”

She wet her lips and nodded. “I can’t see what they’ve used, but my legs are being held apart.”

“Dominik used duct tape and a hockey stick,” Sloan said. “Pretty creative.”

Her eyes widened under the blindfold.
A hockey stick?
She relayed the information to Max.

He chuckled. “What a fucking visual. I’m gonna be thinking of this next time I get on the ice, darlin’. Your beautiful thighs open wide, restrained on my stick. Who needs a spreader bar?”

Obviously, anything Dominik “needed” he could improvise from whatever was handy. She hoped he wouldn’t decide she needed some kind of gag. She’d rather not have a hockey puck jammed between her teeth.

That image made her giggle. Cold metal touched her hip, and she jumped.

“What’s happening?” Max asked.

Snip, snip, snip.
She felt her tights stretch away from where Sloan had cut.

She scrunched up her nose. “Sloan’s hacking up my clothes. I don’t know why they didn’t take everything off before tying me up. Seems kinda stupid to me.”

Max groaned. “Oh, Oriana.”

“Tilt her back, Sloan.” Dominik’s tone had changed. He didn’t sound annoyed or disappointed. Definitely not mad. The tone was more like . . . steel-edged control.

A firm grip on her shoulder tipped her until she was balancing on the roundest part of her butt. Her nerves buzzed as though every last one was on high alert. All her senses focused on Dominik.

The fresh, slightly musky scent of the shampoo he’d used the night before filled the air as it had when she’d slept in his arms.
She smiled a little at the memory. The rough calluses on his palms slid up her calves, causing the muscles in her legs to jerk. He lifted her legs up high, then lowered them slowly. The scruff on his cheeks brushed her inner thighs. Little shivers of arousal traveled over her, and her toes curled. His shoulders forced her thighs open even more, causing her pussy lips to part. His breath teased her very wet folds.

Sloan let out a low laugh as he nuzzled her cheek. “Time to pay for being so naughty, bunny.”

Pay? Oh!
Dominik’s tongue thrust right into her, pressing past the inner muscles that immediately clenched. The abrupt penetration drove heat up and up, until she felt like her climax was a spring, already coiled deep, ready to be released. She panted, amazed that he’d gotten the reaction so fast.

“Oriana?” Max prompted gently.

She shimmied her hips as the tip of Dominik’s tongue wiggled. The bruises on her butt gave a throb of protest, but the pain merged with pleasure, heightening her awareness of everything he was doing to her. A little bit more . . .
Don’t forget, Max.
She gasped and blurted out. “Dominik’s got his tongue inside me. Oh! Mmm—Max, it’s nice. So
nice . . .”

Dominik’s wicked tongue eased in and out, torturously slow. He withdrew, swirled his tongue around her clit, then thrust. Withdrew, swirled, thrust. The rhythm brought her right to the precipice of what she knew would be one of the most intense orgasms she’d ever had. Her body shook. Her back bowed. Her eyes rolled back in her head.

And he stopped.

Every exquisite sensation abruptly died, leaving only the agonizing need for release. She clenched her fists and shook her head. “No! Dominik—Master—Please don’t stop!”

“I already have, pet.” Dominik lifted her legs up and off him. She saw his shadowy form through the blindfold, moving toward the window. “If you’re very sorry and very good, I may eventually let you come. I haven’t decided yet.”

“Damn you, I’m sorry!”

“I’d try a different approach if I was you, darlin’,” Max said with a hint of laughter in his tone. “Subs beg; they don’t make demands.”

then groaned as her core throbbed miserably. “Please, Master Mason, I’m sorry, honestly.”

“I don’t believe you,” Dominik said. “Do you, Sloan?”

“Nope.” Sloan gave her a light kiss on the cheek, then slid away from her. “She’s desperate. Not sorry.”

Dominik returned and knelt in front of her. Without a word, he slid a finger into her pussy and stirred it around until she squirmed, then pulled it out. “Not quite desperate yet, either. But very hot. Maybe we should find a way to cool her down a bit so we can start over.”

She whined, pitifully. Shamelessly. She didn’t want to cool down. Or start over. “Master—”

“Shh.” Dominik pressed his wet finger over her lips. “Give Max something to dream about tonight. Tell him what you want.”

“Yes, in detail,” Max said, his tone husky and strained. “The guard just told me my time’s up. I asked him for one more minute, so make it count.”

Her head felt all light and airy, like her skull was stuffed full of big, fluffy cotton balls. But at Max’s last words, the throbbing down below moved up to her chest. She tried not to think of him, locked up and out of reach. She pictured him there, in the room, watching Sloan and Dominik toy with her.

And did her best to make him feel like he was. “My pussy’s so wet, Max, from being so aroused, from Dominik’s tongue plunging deep inside me. The room smells like sex already and I can taste myself . . . Dominik slicked my lips with my own juices. I want him to fill me up with his big, hard cock and f-fuck me.” Her throat tightened, making it difficult to speak. Talking dirty didn’t feel natural. Missing Max made it worse. But she pressed on. “Then I want Sloan to fuck me. I want to come, then come again and again, picturing you with me.” Her breath hitched and she sobbed. “I want to be used, and I want to forget that you’re not here and that I don’t know when I’ll see you again.”

“You listen to me.” Max’s gentle but firm command leveled her out, bringing her back from the brink of completely falling apart. He made it so she could breathe again. “Dominik is capable of taking you to a place where nothing but pleasure can touch you. Let him help you forget everything but what you’re feeling. You’ll be punished, then you’ll be rewarded for taking your punishment like a good little sub. That’s what you want, right?”

“Yes.” At that moment, even punishment sounded like a good distraction. “Yes, Sir.”

“That’s my girl.” His tenderness spread like the lovely burn of a strong shot of spirits. She heard his smile and forced her own even though he couldn’t see. “Make me proud, love.”

“I will.” Silence. “Max?” The dial tone pierced her skull like a sharp spike of sound. All bound up, she couldn’t get rid of it herself. But she tried anyway. She rubbed her shoulder against her ear to knock the Bluetooth loose. “He’s gone. Take it out!”

Dominik unhooked the Bluetooth and stroked her cheek. “Hey. Relax. Give me a minute and I’ll untie you. I don’t think we should—”

No! We can’t stop! I promised!
She shook her head and latched on to the only way she could think of to force Dominik to keep going. “My
Master gave me an order I plan to obey. If you can’t follow through with your part, Sloan will. Go away.”

A chilling laugh from Dominik made goose bumps rise on her flesh. He kissed her lips, a firm, possessive kiss that told her he wasn’t going anywhere. “You’re sorely in need of discipline, my sweet. Unless you use your safe word, I shall be giving you exactly that.”

Arousal spilled over sadness, coating it like sweet syrup. Not enough to drown the pain, but enough to distance her a little. She sucked her teeth. “I won’t use my safe word,

“Good. I was hoping you’d say that.” He paused. “Do you have the ice, Sloan?”

“Yeah,” Sloan said, his voice rough. “She okay?”

Whoa, wait a second! Ice?
Her lips moved, but her tongue refused to work.

“She’ll be fine.” A watery, sucking sound followed Dominik’s words. He spoke like he had something in his mouth. “Hold her open for me.”

Fingers settled on her pussy, parting her inner and outer labia. Lips covered her, then something cold was pushed inside her. Her muscles rippled, trying to push it out. “Ah! Cold!”

“Ice is, bunny.” Dominik licked her clit, then chuckled. “My, my, you are hot. This one’s almost melted already. I think you need more.”

Another ice cube slipped in, followed by another, and another. Dominik sucked on her clit, and her entire body felt like it would melt right along with the ice. Then she heard a click and caught the scent of wax burning. Flames lapped over her belly and she screamed.

* * * *

Sloan poured a thin line of black wax across Oriana’s stomach, smiling as she bucked against Mason’s mouth, screaming. Mason brought her to the precipice of another climax, then stopped and gestured for more wax.

Another line, this time across her thigh. Her hips rose up as far as they could go, then dropped. Her thighs shook in little spasms. He let little drops fall between her breasts, and her nipples seemed to jut out, begging for their share.

He tipped the black candle, and wax spilled down the curve of one breast. Her breasts jiggled as she dropped her head back and stuck out her chest. More wax, on the other breast this time, long lines overlapping until he reached the pale pinkish-brown edge of one areola. Her whole body writhed—her concept of pain had morphed into intense pleasure. He loved how quickly she did that, looked forward to pushing her limits, making her balance the line between rapture and agony a little longer, just to see how high her pain threshold actually was. There were so many things he wanted to do to her . . .

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