Read GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras) Online

Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras) (17 page)

BOOK: GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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T.J. knelt on the bed and curved his hand under her neck to prop her up. The slit of his dick glistened with pre-cum. Oriana flicked her tongue out to taste it. Salty sweetness. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d given a man a blow job. Paul hadn’t liked her doing it. Maybe she wasn’t that good?

“That thought didn’t look pleasant.” Max caught her jaw in his hand and guided her mouth over the head of T.J.’s dick. “If they’re not doing it for you, sweetheart, I can take over.”

Dominik thrust his tongue into her pussy. T.J. pushed deeper into her mouth. She moaned around him as Tyler gently bit her nipple.

No more thinking. Only feeling. The climax caught her unaware, and she rode it out, moving her head up and down, saliva slick on her lips as she gulped around T.J.’s dick, desperate to share some of her pleasure with him. Fingers raked into her hair, gripped tight, helped her move. Lips pressed over the rapid pulse on her neck.

“You won’t be happy until he comes, will you?” Sloan whispered against her throat. “Look at him. He’s close.”

Oriana gazed up at T.J. Every muscle in his body strained against his flesh. Jaw clenched, eyes closed, he grunted and jerked his hips. She swallowed as she took him deep.

The crinkle of a wrapper made her pause. Sloan wouldn’t let her turn her head. Dominik’s mouth left her. Tyler shifted away.

T.J. grunted, and she focused on him. Steady motions. She could feel him swell in her mouth. A little faster.

The mattress shifted. Hands around her waist lifted her, careful not to pull her away from T.J. She grabbed T.J.’s hips as he slid to the edge of her lips. Sucked hard as more hands spread her thighs. Her knees settled on the mattress on either side of someone’s hips, and her legs shook as she straddled the man. A thick, hard cock prodded her slit, stretching her slowly before it filled her.

“Mmm.” She moaned around T.J.’s dick as her core wrapped around the throbbing invasion of someone she couldn’t even see. She tried to rise up when it started to feel like too much. Whoever it was, he was huge. Her body couldn’t take it.

“Shh.” Fingers brushed her cheek. “Relax. Dominik’s a big boy. But you’re so wet, if you don’t tense up, he’ll slip right in.”

It was Max who spoke. His tone was strained, but not like it disturbed him that another man was inside her. He sounded turned on.

“Fuck, she’s tight.” Dominik panted beneath her, and she splayed her hands over the slick, sweat-coated flesh of his massive chest. “Maybe it was a bad idea for me to go first.”

“I’m longer, and both T.J. and Sloan are thicker,” Max said, sounding so matter-of-fact she wanted to hit him. Did they actually measure each other’s dicks?

But T.J. throbbed in her mouth, so close she could taste it. One more hard suck . . .

Dominik thrust up. She cried out, and T.J. came. Cum hit her tongue, her cheek. T.J.’s knees hit the floor with a thump.

She heard another wrapper rip.

“Now, Vanek.” Max cleaned her lips and cheek with a tissue, then kissed her.

A slippery finger pressed against her asshole, circling the puckered rosette before pushing inside. Before she fully adjusted to the slight burning sensation, another finger strained to enter alongside the first. She tensed around Dominik’s dick and sat up.

“I missed these.” Sloan grinned and curved his hands under her breasts, molding them together before closing his lips over her nipples.

Tyler shoved his fingers inside her, drew them out, then shoved them in again even more slicked up. He spread his fingers, and she did her best not to fight him as he stretched her. Her legs quivered, and her thighs tensed against Dominik’s hips as she gulped in air. It only hurt a little, but the sensation of him fingering her there felt so very wrong. Like something she shouldn’t be doing.

“Oriana.” Dominik’s dark eyes locked with hers, and the intensity within them stole her breath. He nudged Sloan aside, then smoothed a hand over her hair, pulling her closer. His lips brushed softly over hers. “You will tell me if it’s too much.”


Tyler’s fingers twisted, and she choked on a sob as a new set of nerves blazed to life inside her. For a moment, agony and rapture were one. Then her body adjusted, and all she felt was pulsing need. She pressed down on Dominik, on Tyler, suddenly desperate to take them in deeper.

Tyler withdrew his fingers, then fit his naked body against her back. The latex covered head of him strained for entrance. “Just breathe in and relax as much as you can.”

The lube eased him past the tight ring of muscle, but then a fiery pain made her whole lower half clench. She hissed in through her teeth, tempted to tell him to stop. This
too much. She couldn’t do this. She was full, so full. How could she possibly take more?

“You’re not breathing, pet.” Dominik circled his hips, and his dick swirled inside her. Her mouth opened wide, and she gasped. He smiled at her. “That’s a little better.”

“I want some of what T.J. got.” Max stood and his lips quirked as she turned her full attention to his hands undoing his belt. He dropped his jeans and his boxers, then bent to take off his socks. “Would you mind?”

“No.” She whimpered at the sting as Vanek took advantage of the distraction and worked in another inch. “Three men at once . . .” She shifted her hips and willed her body to adjust to the two now lodged inside. “How could I refuse?”

Sloan traced a circle around her nipple and kissed it once before glancing down at Dominik and Tyler. Deep lines formed around his pursed lips. “That’s so fucking hot. Big black man, a boy who’s barely legal, a sexy Latino woman taking them both. Get in her mouth, Texan. You’re the perfect cast for an awesome porn.”

Oriana froze. Dominik went still. Vanek cursed.

“You ruin this for her, and I swear to God, Sloan . . .” Max’s dick brushed her lips, but she could tell he didn’t want her to take him in her mouth yet. His rigid posture promised violence.

I won’t let Sloan ruin this.
“He can leave if he’s not enjoying himself.” She kissed the tip of Max’s dick. “But he can’t ruin anything. I want this. I want Dominik and Vanek to fuck my body while you fuck my mouth. If T.J.’s up to it, maybe he can suck my breasts—”

T.J. got up on his knees and leaned over her. “I’m up to it.”

“Good.” She hissed in a breath when his lips closed over the nipple Sloan had abandoned. “Oh, yes. That’s good.”

She arched her neck and swept her tongue up Max’s hard length. Tyler and Dominik took her cue and drove into her, slow at first, then faster as she eased into the motions, meeting each thrust. She could feel Sloan’s eyes on her as she took Max in her mouth and writhed between the men, but she didn’t care. Let him watch. The ecstasy was building into something pure and wild, bringing her up to heights beyond the reaches of the pettiness of jealousy. She was being fucked to enlightenment.

Tyler’s hands on her hips slammed her down onto his cock, onto Dominik’s. Hot and wet, she slid on them, faster and faster. The muscles in her thighs worked as she rode them both. Her head bobbed as she matched each rise and fall with her mouth on Max. T.J. gasped around her nipple as she pressed her breast to his face. Every sensation hit her at once, and she couldn’t go on. Her muscles tensed. She couldn’t move anymore. But she had to . . . she had to . . .

The men took over. Tyler and Dominik found a steady rhythm, one in while the other drew out. Max’s hands on her head kept her still while he thrust into her mouth. T.J.’s arms wrapped around her, his tongue laving each nipple until the oversensitive tips throbbed in time with the beat of her heart.

Hanging on the edge of yet another orgasm, she whimpered when it slipped away again and again. She felt like she was climbing to a peak, but every time she got close, the ground crumbled. The sensations began to overwhelm, the need for satisfaction almost painful.

“Slow down a little, boys.” The mattress creaked as Sloan sat hard. He put his hand on her thigh and massaged the tense muscles. “She’s overstimulated, her nerves will go numb, and she won’t feel anything if you keep it up.”

Dominik immediately changed his pace, rotating his hips beneath her, stirring the heat until her core simmered. T.J. gave Tyler a shot in the arm when he kept pumping into her.

“Slow down.”

“I can’t!” Tyler grunted and slammed in hard. His fingers dug into her hips, and she could feel his hot cum filling his latex sheath. “Sorry, I . . . sorry . . .”

“Shh.” Oriana let Max slip out of her mouth and looked at Tyler over her shoulder as he withdrew. “I’ve already come a few times. It’s only natural that I’d last longer.”

Dominik twisted under her, breathing hard through his teeth. He reached up and touched her cheek. “Just give me a minute and I’ll—”

Oriana gently nudged T.J. away from her breast and bent to kiss Dominik. Teasing his lips with little flicks of her tongue, she dropped her hips, then lifted until she was almost off him. She rode just the tip of him until his back bowed and then ground on to him, undulating her body over his.

“Stop! Fuck!” Dominik wrapped his arms around her. He drove up, and a shudder passed through him as he came. His whole body went slack, and the rapid pulse beating in the thick veins of his dick slowed. He pressed his eyes shut and shook his head. “Jesus! I’m getting too old for this.”

“You’re only a couple of years older than me, you ass.” Max helped Oriana climb off of Dominik. Even without an orgasm, her legs were shaky and weak. And he’d noticed. “Wait until you’re T.J.’s age. Then you can complain. Might have to start using Viagra. Looks like I’m the only one in my prime.”

“That’s not nice.” Oriana clucked her tongue and turned in his lap, closing her hand around his erection. When she squeezed, he jumped. “T.J., Dominik, and Vanek made me feel like
in my prime. Like maybe I’m not so bad at this after all.” She stroked him with a loose fist. “But you lasted so long . . .”

Eyes hooded, Max leaned back against the bed frame. “Self-control, darlin’, it’s nothing against you. Though if it helps, it’s never been tested quite so much.” He ground his teeth and stared up at the ceiling. “But I don’t want to come in your mouth . . .” He caught her wrist when she stroked faster. “Or your hand.”

She rose up on her knees and moved to take him inside her. “Then why don’t we—” An arm barred across her belly, and she scowled at Sloan as he picked her up. “What do you think you’re—?”

“Give your body some time to come down from the edge, Oriana. Me and Max will bring you back up the right way.”

will?” Max draped the sheet over himself and held out his hand for Oriana. “After what you pulled?”

“Momentary insanity. I’m sorry.” Sloan’s brow creased, and he took Oriana’s face in his hands. “Forgive me?”

As if she could resist that “I’ve-been-a-bad-boy” look. After playing with her at the bar, he’d probably expected to feel a little more included, but there was only so much of her to go around. Either way, she liked this vulnerable side of him.

Smiling, she curled herself into his arms. “I forgive you. Tonight is me being greedy. You’re all mine.” His abdominal muscles clenched and released, she smoothed her hand over it. “Even you.”

Chapter Eleven

he soft body in Sloan’s arms grew slack with sleep. His boys had worn his girl out.

No, not
girl. He glanced at Max who’d bumped his arm while stroking Oriana’s hair.

“You’re a lucky man, Perron.” The edge of his lip curved in a tense half-smile. “I’ve never met a woman like her. I mean—we’ve shared before, and it was fun, but this was . . .”

“Intense.” Max nodded slowly and wound a slick, bronze strand around his finger. He let it slip away and sighed. “Oriana gives without restraint. She’s been that way as long as I’ve known her—which is why Paul was no good for her. He never made her feel good about herself. He never loved her.”

Like you do

She felt so right in his arms—he had to put her down. It would be really bad if he started getting all confused about his own feelings just because he liked holding her.
Not mine, not mine, not mine.
The words pounded in his head, echoing the heavy beat of his heart.

He carefully slid Oriana onto the bed and watched Max pull the rumpled blankets up to her chin. He heard the door shut. The others had slipped out.

“I think the men are all half in love with her. I’ve never seen them take such good care of a woman.” Sloan laughed and shook his head. “They were ready to take whatever they could get.”

Max cocked his head. “But not you. You wanted it all. You still do.”

“Tonight, Max. I’ll be happy with tonight.”

He stretched out behind Oriana’s sleeping form, resting his arm just below the one Max wrapped around her waist. A cocoon of warmth enveloped him, filling the humid air with the musky scent of woman, wrapped up with the scent of man, tipped with the fragrance of floral perfume. Lilacs, Sloan thought, nuzzling Oriana’s neck. How fitting that she smelled like the flower that shared the bouquet of its tiny buds more openly than any other. The sharing he could manage. Losing her in the end . . . not so much.

Enough with the sentimental bullshit. Take what you can get, Callahan.

“You don’t have to settle for one night,” Perron said quietly. “You know that, right?”

Yeah, he knew that. But he still didn’t get it. He studied his best friend’s peaceful features, cheek on the same pillow as Oriana’s, cuddled close and perfectly comfortable. Just like a normal couple. With a spare.

I’m no fucking spare.
He let out a gruff sound of frustration. “Aren’t you scared she’ll choose me over you?”

“Why should I be? I’m not forcing her to choose.” Perron’s eyes stayed shut, but creases formed on his forehead. “Will you?”

“No way, man.” Sloan’s pillow billowed as he plunked his head down. Glaring at the ceiling, he forced his tone to sound light. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”

“Don’t that to her, Sloan. Or yourself.” Perron using his first name made him sit up and stare. The last time the man had done that, Sloan had been going into surgery to get his face put back together. Thankfully, he didn’t sound like he was gonna cry this time. “She might be good for you.”

BOOK: GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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