Read Gabrielle Demonico Online

Authors: Shifters Unleashed (Five Volume Box Set) (Retail)

Gabrielle Demonico (23 page)

BOOK: Gabrielle Demonico
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Jessi sighed and said, “
I know, I just never seem to be able to find the time.”

Her mom shook her head and smiled.

Jessi stood and said, “Okay, well, I am going to run home.”

Both brothers immediately got up at the same time

I’ll take you if you like Jessi.” Daryn volunteered.

No, I’m fine, I’ll be back in a little while. Stay and relax.” She said.

Theo placed his right hand on his brother
’s shoulder for a moment and then sat back down.

I don’t mind. Are you sure?” He asked.

he shrugged and said, “Actually, okay… it would be great to have a little company.”

He walked towards her and as she turned to leave she said, “
Back in a bit!” The pair began to walk back to her car amidst echoes of
see you later


The duo pulled away from her parents’ home and headed back towards Jessi’s apartment. For the first few minutes they drove along in silence until Jessi’s inner dialogue got the better of her.

Daryn…” she said with a leading tone.


She turned her upp
er body to face him and asked, “Why did you tell Theo about our kiss?”

He nodded, smiled and said, “
Why wouldn’t I? He’s my brother and pack mate after all… I am assuming he mentioned that to you before you two kissed?”

What?! I can’t believe he told you that!” she fumed.

He winked and said, “
He didn’t. I was just guessing, Jessi.”

Jerk!” she replied as she slapped his upper arm.

He laughed out loud and said, “
Wait, wait… So let me get this straight… You are mad at
because after
brother he told you I said you were a good kisser?”

Yes! I mean, well… No. I mean… I don’t know. This is all so confusing. And, for the record, he said it before we kissed - not after…”

Daryn laughed at her awkward confession. Defeated, she crossed her arms and fe
igned indignation at his amusement. A few minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building and Daryn switched off the ignition.

As they headed inside, he turned to Jessi and said, “
I’m excited to meet Bella. We had four dogs back home. It sucked to leave them behind.”

I’m sure. What kind were they?” she asked.

Ohh, they’re just mutts really… strays and the like. But they’re all great dogs.”

She smiled and said, “
Well, I’m sure Bella will be excited to meet another dog person.”

ents later, they entered her apartment and were quickly greeted by Jessi’s four legged welcoming committee. Bella had a particular knack for jumping up on Jessi when she came in the door but for some reason, she didn’t this time. Instead, she walked towards them with her head held low.

Huh…” Jessi said as she bent down to pet Bella.

What?” Daryn asked.

I dunno… Her behavior is strange. She’s normally jumping all over me. I wonder if she’s getting sick?”

No. It’s just my wolf. She’s not a dominant female so she lowers her head towards me.” he said.

Wow. I’ve never seen anything like that from her.”

He knelt down and continued, “
Actually. It’s quite calming for her. Here watch…” He held out his hand and as if magnetized Bella hurried over towards him and sat down between his legs.

Amazing…” said Jessi.

He smiled, stroked Bella
’s head and said to the dog, “Now Bella, if only we could get a
to recognize dominance. That would be something wouldn’t it Bella?”

Jessi raised her eyebrows and said. “
Excuse me?”

He chuckled, patted Bella on the head and stood up. He walked over towards Jessi and said, “
I think you heard me.” His tone was firm - almost as if she should have known better than to question it. He moved closer towards her until her back pressed against a wall in the living room.

Am I being dominated now?” she asked coyly.

Not just yet. You will know when that time has come.” He replied.

I will?”

He nodded and pressed his index finger against her lips.
In a flurry he swept her up and moved with purpose towards her bedroom. Moments later, he hovered over her and moved down to claim that which they both knew was his.

Wait…” Jessi said as uncertainty laced her tone.

He leaned his upper torso away from her
and asked, “What’s wrong? Don’t you want this?”

Her facial features softened a bit and she replied, “
Yes, very much but I’m confused.”

About what?”

Well, I don’t really know exactly how to say it.” She said.

A small smile came to his face and he replied
, “Jessi, whatever it is. It’s fine. You can tell me.”

She looked into his eyes for a moment. She took a few more seconds to search for just the right words but couldn
’t come up with them. Eventually she just blurted out her response and said, “I think I am falling for both of you.”

He smiled and chuckled. “
Hah, is that all?” he said.

What? Why is that funny?” she asked.

He leaned back over her and with his right hand began to gently stroke her hair. “
Because it just tells me that we have been right about you all along.”

Confused, she asked, “
What do you mean?”

Jessi… I won’t mince words. We have both fallen for you as well.”

Her eyes widened and she replied, “
I don’t understand. I thought you said that you were only passing through in search of your truemate.”

He nodded and said, “
Yes, we

What do you mean…
?” she questioned.

are our truemate. Both Theo and I know this to be fact.”

Both of you?”

Yes.” He said.

She looked at him in silence. To call this unfamiliar territory for her
would be the understatement of a lifetime.

It was clear to Daryn that his confession had caught her off guard. In an effort to erase any ambiguity from her mind he quickly said, “
Jessi, right now there is nothing in this life that I desire more than you. But I cannot take you unless you consent to Theo as well. Therefore, if you are unsure, please tell me… before it is too late. Once we have bonded, what is forged between us cannot be undone. Your consent to me is your consent to him -
to us

Her gaze was still locked on to his deep aqua pools. Hypnotized by the moment she said, “
But… this is not the way of my kind. Never have I heard of such a thing among my people. I’m just… confused.”

Jessi, inside we are
of the same kind. The only thing that separates us are varying degrees of teeth and fur and chance of birth. Love has no species or arbitrary customs. It is the only pure thing that we all share.”

Love?” she whispered.

He leaned in over her lips which had parted slightly in unconscious
expectancy of what might happen next.

He paused and then softly said, “
Yes, Jessi… We are both in love with you and that is a secret we can no longer keep. Now is the time to seal that between us, forever. Just say the word and it will be made real…”

softness with which he spoke relaxed her. It was an immense moment and she clung to any bit of reassurance that she could. It had such an effect that her lips began to part on their own thereby creating an open invitation for him to proceed.

And proceed he
did, albeit gently at first. He began with exploratory nibbles which bordered on outright teasing. Initially it caught her off guard but as the sensual wandering continued, she started to enjoy it more and more. Rather than try to hurry it along, she decided to fully savor it - however long it may last. Because somewhere deep inside her bear knew that his wolf was capable of the changing the game in a split second.

He leaned his body against hers and
reached brazenly between her thighs. His touch to the region nearly crippled her on the spot. So much had been building and aiming towards this moment that she’d begun to wonder if it would ever happen for her.

But now it seemed as if there were no more ob
stacles. No parents, no pets, nothing standing between them except some flimsy fabric. With his right hand, he cupped her pussy and swallowed it whole within his palm. She groaned and reached up tenderly towards him, hoping that this time he would be able to finish what he’d begun.

With his left he grabbed her plump curves, massaged and caressed them. As he traversed between her unexplored erogenous areas, she instinctively bit her lower lip. She chewed on it mightily and stared up at him with lustful gaze.
Her brain had begun to switch off as her mating instinct beckoned him to act.

The subtle communication worked.

Suddenly, he began to strip away her garments. She offered nothing but assistance to him and contorted her body in whatever best served his purpose. Within moments, she was all but naked before him. He climbed off the bed and looked down upon her Venus like figure and smiled at his handiwork.

What a beauty you are Jessi.” He praised as he began to peel his clothing off.

Jessi smiled at his compl
iment of her and watched as his spectacular torso emerged. His shirt fell to the floor and as it did her eyes traced their way downward from his bare chest to the slight traces of hair that emerged upward at his V-shaped waist.

In the next moment, his thic
k fingers grasped at the buttons on his jeans. Her eyes trailed down to the full bulge between his thighs. As she watched him unfasten them her head began to nod slowly, almost imperceptibly, in unconscious encouragement.

Seconds later he peeled away his c
lothing to reveal a spectacular gift. She moved forward slightly on her elbows to get a better look and she was glad that she had. It was a stunning thing and certainly the largest she’d ever seen. Below her awareness, her tongue traced her lips hungrily as he moved back towards her.

She leaned back on the mattress, inviting him in her direction. At some level, she imagined his wolf pouncing upon her, spreading her legs, having his way and being done with her. After all, that
’s the way it had always been. In her young life, she’d had her fair share of awkward encounters. Sexual selfishness hadn’t discriminated. Both men and bears alike had received their full measure of satisfaction but left her with little more than a casual thrill.

But as she lay there tee
tering on the edge of self pity, he was suddenly upon her. His face was close. Hot breath steamed against her flesh. However, rather than kiss her, he lingered while his hands moved down and grabbed hers.

Firmly, he guided them towards his torso and placed
them there. With his hands at her wrists, he began to direct her downwards. Jessi was happy to oblige as she moved her fingers along the length of his chiseled crevices. As she moved, she hummed in admiration of the things that nature could conjure.

ly, she reached his waist and was hit with a hard gulp of saliva. She swallowed as discreetly as she could but her awkwardness was apparent.  Determined, she refocused and decided that she would not let this opportunity pass her by. Fate had drawn her to this place but that was all it could do for her. From now on, it was up to her.

He smiled slightly, leaned over and with one swift motion swallowed her mouth in his. His tongue had nearly reached the point of being irresistible to her. She yearned to devour
it completely, to possess him within her and never release. As they kissed, she could feel her curves sink into the mattress beneath.

Just then, he broke free and began to pepper her abdomen with one delicate kiss after another. Simultaneously, he reache
d down between her thick thighs and spread them apart. She was powerless to stop his advance and so rather than try, she thrust her hands into his hair and squeezed. Seconds later, she could feel the warm threat of his mouth above her mound.

BOOK: Gabrielle Demonico
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