Read Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan,Shannon Brandee Eversoll,Andrea Michelle

Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series (16 page)

BOOK: Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series
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Jobe slapped him on the back as he moved out, following Lily. BJ walked by next, laughing. “I know, man. When you fall, you fall hard.” BJ had found the love of his life and they were expecting twins.

Vinny walked over to his brother and stood directly in front of him, placing his hand on Gabe’s shoulder. “She’s a real beauty and a helluva person to boot. I’m glad for you, man.”

Gabe grinned, glad for his brother’s support.

“Can I ask about her brother? You ready to take him on as well?” Vinny asked, true concern on his face.

Nodding, Gabe replied, “He’s a great kid. There’s something about him that just pulls at me. You know, when a kid looks up at you as though you’re supposed to have all the answers.”

“Gabe,” Vinny growled softly. “You’re not—”

“No,” he bit out. “It’s got nothing to do with what happened over there.” Rubbing his hand over his face, he startled when the twins realized that Tony was standing in the doorway.

Tony walked over, “Sorry to listen in. Gabe, you’d be a fool to not face the fact that part of you wants to save her brother just like you couldn’t save those kids in Afghanistan. That doesn’t make it wrong. You love the sister and you love her brother, then it’s all good.”

Nodding, Gabe and Vinny followed him out of the break room and into the conference room. Walking in they were surprised to see their detective friends, Shane Douglas and Matt Dixon, sitting at the table. Greetings abounded all around before Tony took charge of the meeting.

“Matt and Shane have something that they’re looking into and wanted our input.”

Matt spoke first, saying, “Vice is looking into rumors of possible extortion. So far, we’ve got nothing but hints of gambling and money laundering. We’re sure there’s an organization behind extortion, but can’t prove anything. Seems like someone’s into buying some real estate cheap and selling big.”

Gabe looked up at that. “That’s not a crime, is it?”

“Not if you do it legitimately and not use extortion and threats to get people to sell.”

“What my partner hates to say is that there’s the fuckin’ possibility that whoever is behind this has got their hand in the pocket of some of the police. So the chief asked if we could contract Lily and BJ again to take a look and see what they can find out.”

Tony looked over at Lily, giving her a slight nod. “You available?”

Smiling, she looked at her husband Matt, and joked, “I’ve always got time to help the police.” Looking back to Tony, she said, “And that’s the truth. It doesn’t take me too long to do some computer digging.”

Finishing up the last of the assignments while Shane and Matt went back to the station-house, Tony reminded them that they had a company picnic coming in another two weeks. “The weather’s supposed to be nice and we want to make sure all of you can come.”

They finished the meeting and as they dispersed to their various assignments, Tony asked Gabe to stay. Vinny looked over at them and Tony nodded to him as well, indicating that he could also stay.

“Gonna get to the point. Gotta letter from Alicia Morgenstern’s attorney. We are contracted for one more security detail for the film company when they are back in town in a couple of months for the opening of the movie they made. Seems like Ms. Morgenstern is requesting that Gabe escort her to the event. I have already replied that he will be engaged elsewhere but that we will, of course, provide our normal security for the event.”

Gabe hung his head for a moment. He had not thought of her in weeks…not since meeting Jennifer. Looking up at his boss, he said, “I appreciate it, Tony.”

“What a fuckin’ bitch,” Vinny bit out, protective of his brother.

“Yeah, she’s a piece of work but this is our last dealings with her or the movie company.” He looked at Gabe for a moment. A private man, he respected the privacy of the men under him but wanted to keep a pulse on them as well. “I understand you may be bringing someone special to the picnic?”

Gabe’s smile told Tony all he needed to know. It was obvious, the big man had fallen and by the look on his face…fallen hard.

“Yes, sir. She’s a social worker for the city and runs an elder residence for those who might find themselves homeless. She’s also the guardian of her eight-year-old brother. Will it be all right for him to come too?”

“Hell, you don’t have to ask. I want to meet the woman who brought one of the big twins down,” he laughed.

“You will, sir. You will.”


“How did you
get so big? Do you eat a lot? Jenny says you eat a lot, but then she’s just a girl and she’s kind of small, so she thinks everyone eats a lot.”

Gabe laughed at Ross’ endless questions. In the past week, he’d visited almost every day, getting to know her brother and finding that he was a really smart child…and genuinely caring.

He stood just a few feet from him; after showing him how to hold a football they began to toss it to each other. Ross was a quick learner and although he was young, Gabe patiently worked with him.

“My brother and I were always big, I guess, and if you can believe my mother, we did eat all the time. She says she almost went broke trying to feed us.”

Ross stopped and looked up at his friend. “Do you got any sisters?”

Gabe shook his head, “Nope, just my twin brother.”

Ross wrinkled his nose for a moment as he thought. “I used to think that I’d like to have a brother, but I’ve just got a sister instead. She’s nice though…even if she can’t throw a football. She works real hard. Gabe?” Ross asked. “Do you think she works extra hard just because of me?”

Gabe squatted next to Ross, putting his large hand on the boy’s shoulders. “Your sister is nice. And she works hard, too. But buddy, don’t ever think that she doesn’t want to do anything and everything that she can do for you. She wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“You like her don’t you?” Ross asked.

“Yes, I do like her. Is that okay with you, bud?”

“Sure! If you marry her, do I get you for a brother?”

Gabe wondered about how to answer.
Hell, I’d love to tell him I’d marry her tomorrow if she’d have me, but I can’t say anything to him before Jennifer.
“Well, buddy, it’s a little too early to talk about marriage. But I do plan on staying with your sister and you definitely come with the whole package.”

That seemed to satisfy the curious child and they resumed their tossing.

“Hey guys,” came the sweet voice of Jennifer from nearby. Both turned to see her jogging over to them. She ran to Ross first, bending over to kiss the top of his head before turning to throw her arms around Gabe. Leaning her head back, she raised up on her toes to meet his lips halfway. He bent to give her his lips but kept it chaste with Ross present.

“You all having fun?” she asked.

“Gabe’s teaching me how to throw a football. I told him that you’re good at a lot of stuff, but you’re not so good at football.”

“Humph,” she groused, pretending to pout.

Gabe laughed and threw his arm around her, leaning in to whisper, “But you’re so good at other things.” Blushing, she slapped at his arm playfully. He loved seeing the blush on her face, imagining it starting at her breasts.
Damn, shouldn’t have let my mind go that way.
He discreetly adjusted himself while Jennifer picked up Ross’ jacket.

They walked back to Gabe’s Jeep and Jennifer buckled Ross in the back before Gabe assisted her up. As soon as they made it to their building, he escorted them in.

“Can you stay for dinner?” she asked hopefully, as Ross ran to his room.

Wrapping his strong arms around her, he pulled her in closely. Breathing her in, he leaned down for a kiss. With a glance toward the small hall, he heard Ross playing in his room. Taking the kiss deeper, he slid his tongue into her mouth. Tasting sweet nectar, he wanted more. Pulling back, he chuckled at the little sound of disappointment that escaped her perfect mouth.

“I wish I could, baby, but I’ve got some surveillance tonight.”

Her eyes grew wide as she realized that there was so much about his job she did not know. “Is that dangerous?” she asked.

“Nah. I’ll be with Jobe. BJ was scheduled, but his wife is being threatened with bed rest because of the twins so we are covering his night shifts. What about you?”

“I’m helping fix some sandwiches tonight for the residents to have for lunch tomorrow. Other than that, just hanging out here with Ross.”

“Okay, babe. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

With a kiss goodbye, she watched him head down the stairs.


Gabe and Jobe
sat in the car, watching the night security cameras that they were checking on. It was almost midnight and they were ready to head home. Gabe’s phone vibrated and he looked down hoping it would be Jennifer with a good night for him. Instead, he saw a number he did not recognize.

“Yeah?” he answered brusquely.

“Mr. Malloy?” a woman’s voice asked.

“Yes. Who is this?” he asked softer.

“This is Cora. I’m sorry to bother you so late, but Miss Jennifer needs your help.”

His blood ran cold. “What’s wrong?”

Jobe looked over in question.

“She got a call and went after that old drunk, Mr. Courtland. She always takes Henry, but he’s ailin’ tonight and took cold medicine that has him out like a light.”

He looked over at Jobe, who was on the phone talking to someone. Jobe looked over, mouthing, “Where are we going?”

“Ms. Cora, can you tell me where she is?”

“I assume it’s the same bar he always goes to. I just felt horrible for her to go out alone.”

“I’m heading there now. Don’t worry, I’ll bring them home.” Hanging up, he told Jobe which bar they were going to and heard Jobe relay it on the phone.

Looking over, Jobe just said, “Called Vinny.”

Nodding, Gabe knew that his brother would want to know. They drove quickly, arriving at the bar about the same time that Vinny did. Gabe was out of the vehicle before Jobe brought it to a stop beside Jennifer’s old truck. Vinny grabbed his shoulders just before he went inside.

Rounding on his brother he barked, “What?”

“Be cool. Take a deep breath and go in there cool. Just like any mission. You’re thinking with your dick…oh hell, you’re thinking with your heart and not your mind. Got it?”

A quick breath later Gabe nodded as Jobe joined them. Walking inside the dimly lit bar, the calm flew out of his head. Jennifer was leaning over Mr. Courtland attempting to get him to stand. The bartender that always called her was standing nearby but was outnumbered if things got ugly. And from the looks of the punks in the back, standing to the side, leers on their faces…it would have gotten ugly.

Gabe’s vision was filled with red as he made a move toward the back. Vinny and Jobe grabbed him, pulling him over to the side where she was.

“Help. Her,” Vinny barked, turning back to the group of younger men, now not so cocky with a wall of muscle bound testosterone standing in front of them.

“Boys, don’t you think it’s ’bout time y’all called it a night?” Vinny drawled. The now nervous looks passing between them had them edging toward the door. “And boys, this little lady is protected by
You get what that means?”

Their heads began to bobble and each took several steps back. Vinny turned back toward Gabe to help, now knowing he needed to calm his brother. Jennifer was still on one side of Mr. Courtland and Vinny overheard Gabe say, “Girl, get over here and let us carry him or swear to God, I’ll—”

“You’ll what, Gabe? Turn me over your knee? Isn’t that what the big, bad alphas say? Well, news flash, Mr. Giant. That may work in my romance novels but here in real life, you don’t scare me. I’ve got to get him home, in bed and call one of my social worker friends tomorrow to see if we can get him in a detox program. Then I’ll have to clean out his apartment and get it ready for another person to move in because our waiting list is a mile long. I don’t want to have to do it, but I’ve got no choice…” she choked out a sob and angrily turned away, wiping her tears.

Now that the threat was gone, the fight fled out of Gabe as he pulled her over to his massive chest, wishing that he could take away her responsibilities and pain. Vinny and Jobe approached, silently moving past the couple standing next to the booth. Each man easily lifted Mr. Courtland between them and carried him outside.

BOOK: Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series
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