Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series (6 page)

Read Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan,Shannon Brandee Eversoll,Andrea Michelle

BOOK: Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series
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Nodding to Carlos, she started taking the food bags from his hands and turned to walk back to her truck. And slammed straight into a brick wall. Or rather a human wall. Of muscle. Named Gabe.
Jesus, he’s big. Probably big everywhere.
Feeling the blush creep up her face again, she chastised herself.
Get over it girl. That hunk isn’t for you and you certainly aren’t for him.

Seeing her stumble again, Gabe reached out his arms and deftly steadied her by the shoulders. “Seems like you keep wanting to land on your ass, when I’m around,” he joked, as he noticed the flash of interest in her eyes.

She peered up at his face, noting the dark shadow of his beard stubble on his jaw. His eyes were an unusual shade of green with flecks of gold that caught the lights coming from the open kitchen door. “You never did answer my questions,” she said, trying to get her thoughts back on track.

“It’s simple. I looked up your truck registration from the tags because I wanted to meet you.”

She stared numbly as she turned and looked at his face, her mind trying to process both pieces of information. “You…you looked up…my…” Her confused look turned angry as she placed the bags in the back of the truck and then stalked over to poke her finger in his chest. “You looked up my tags? Is that even legal?” her voice rising with each word.

He threw his head back in laughter feeling her tiny finger poking him. “Yes,” he replied looking back down at her angelic face. “It’s public record. Anyone can look it up,” he explained gently as though speaking to a child. He saw her eyes narrow with concentration, then fly open wide as she processed the rest of what he had said.

“What do you mean you came here to meet me?” she asked incredulously.
This man hangs out with movie stars. Or women in bars that look like they could be in movies. Well, playing the trashy slut in a movie. What the hell does he want with me?

Gabe, mesmerized by her blue eyes, could see the questions flying through her mind. He slowly reached out his hand and cupped her face, feeling her cold cheek pressing against his hand. “I wanted to meet you.” Seeing her about to retort, he continued, “I work for a security company and was on duty providing security services for the event. And yes, that included making sure that Ms. Morgenstern was safe. I was on my much-needed break when I saw you out here.”

Jennifer felt his callous thumb rub over her frozen cheek and couldn’t help but slightly move her head toward the warmth. For an instant, she allowed herself to forget that she was there to pick up food for the center, or that she was only a city social worker not a socialite, or that Ross wasn’t home waiting…
Ross! Shit!
Jerking back suddenly, she turned and tossed a few more bags into the back of the truck shouting her goodbyes to Carlos as he went back inside.

“Wait,” Gabe moved forward stealthily, taking her arm and gently turning her back around to him. “What’s the hurry? I’d like to help.”

“Help?” she asked, confusion marring her perfect face.

Nodding toward her truck, he said, “Yeah. With the food. With whatever you’re doing.” Seeing the doubt in her eyes, he hurried to keep talking.
As long as she’s not walking away from me, I’ve got a chance.
“Look, I know we didn’t meet under the best circumstances. In fact, it was pretty fucked up,” he admitted shaking his head at how the scene must have looked to her. And then he thought of the scene outside of the bar and he visibly cringed.

Taking a deep breath, he rose to his full height and moved back a step, putting his hand out toward her. “Good evening, Miss. I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Gabriel Malloy. I work for Alvarez Security Agency and I would very much like to make your acquaintance.”

A giggle erupted from her perfect lips and she could not help but take his huge hand in her much smaller one, noticing how he held it delicately as though he did not want to crush her. She knew she was blushing again, but somehow the look of uncertainty on his face was endearing. “It’s nice to meet you Gabriel. I’m Jennifer Lambert.” Trying to pull her hand back, her face shadowed with doubt as she accused, “But you knew that, didn’t you?”

He held fast to her hand saying, “Yes, that’s true. But I promise I’m no random stalker. I just…” Finding himself uncharacteristically not in charge, he floundered.
How can I tell her that after years of meaningless sex that I want something more? And when I saw her, I felt something. Something deep inside. And since then, I haven’t been able to get her off of my mind?

Focusing back on her face, he saw the doubt moving back in and noticed her taking a step backward toward the truck.

“I’m not a stalker but I wanted to meet you. And the two times we met have been completely fucked up. I’m not like what you saw. At least not anymore. At least not now.”

“Gabriel, look I have no idea what you are trying to say to me or why you wanted to meet me so much. I don’t know what you think I am, but—”

“What do you mean, what you are?” he asked sharply.

“Look, if you’re looking for a little woman to save, I’m fine. I get the food for people who need it and work hard to make sure the arrangement works. But if you are looking for some kind of rescue, I assure you that in spite of what some think, I’m not alley trash!” she exclaimed, throwing Alicia’s words back in his face.

Growling, he moved into her space slowly pressing her back up against the door of her pickup truck. “Those were not my words.” Tipping her chin up with his fingers, he leaned down until his lips were a breath away from hers, noting that she did not move away. Instead, her eyes widened as her pink tongue flicked across her lips, making him impossibly hard. With no resistance in her eyes, he moved closer capturing her mouth in a kiss. Initially, he just wanted a taste. Just one taste. But as soon as she opened her mouth in a groan, he lost all semblance of control. His muscular arms wrapped around, lifting her off the ground and he growled his approval as he felt her legs wrap around his waist allowing his cock to nestle deeply between her legs. Taking the kiss deeper, he plunged his tongue into her mouth, savoring the taste and feel of her.

Jennifer lost all control as the gorgeous man holding her tightly pressed his massive chest against her and she could feel her nipples pebble into hardened points. One of his hands held her ass and the other was wrapped around the back of her head as though cradling her. Kissing him back as though her breath depended on it, she tangled her tongue with his, loving the rumble she felt deep in his chest. She began rubbing her jean clad pussy against his huge erection, wishing that the material between them was not in the way.

“Ah-hmm,” came the interruption from the kitchen door.

Jennifer jerked her head back, instantly missing the heat of Gabe’s kiss and mortified at having been caught making out with a complete stranger in an alley.
Carlos! Oh my God. I can’t believe he saw me do that. I never do that!
Squirming to get down, she was grateful when Gabe complied, although he growled again; only this time it did not sound like he was happy.

“Sorry guys. I just have this one last bag, Jennifer. It’s got some roast and ham I thought would be good. And a couple of goodies I thought your Ross would like.”

Rushing over to take the bag out of his hands, she rose on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Thank you so much, Carlos. He’ll love them, I’m sure.” Turning she rushed past Gabe, who was still trying to get his dick under control, and placed the last bags in the truck. Moving quickly around him, she opened the door, wincing at the screech. As she was closing the door, it did not move and she saw that Gabe had his hand on it.

“Jennifer, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for…”

“No, it’s okay. That shouldn’t have happened. I’m not that…I don’t…this isn’t something that I do. That’s just not me. I’m sorry.” Pulling the door closed she began to start the truck, hearing it sputter.
Please start, please start.
Oh, thank God,
she breathed a sigh of relief as the truck finally turned over and began to run. Pulling away from the alley, she spared a glance in the rear-view mirror seeing the handsome giant standing there, staring back.

She felt tears stinging the back her eyes, blinking hard to keep them at bay.
He’s not for me. He’s so out of my league. Even if my life allowed for the distraction of someone like him.
Lifting her fingers to her lips, she could still feel the tingle and taste.
God, he can kiss!
And as she drove through the night, she realized that if that kiss was all she could ever have with him, he might have ruined her for any other man.


Gabe sat with
Carlos at one of the tables in the kitchen area of the hotel. Expensive brandy sat in glasses between them. So did the silence.

Finally, Gabe said, “So you gonna tell me anything about her?”

Carlos stared deeply at the man in front of him, measuring him. “Why are you so interested? A man like you…got fuckin’ movie stars wantin’ your dick.”

“Not a fan of having my motives questioned, but since you don’t know me well, I’ll give you that,” Gabe growled. He sat in silence for another moment, gathering his thoughts. “What can I say, man? I’m tired of the meaningless non-relationships that I’ve been in for years. Time to settle down. Time to find something real.” He rubbed his large hand over his face before leaning back in his chair and taking another swig of brandy. He looked up into Carlos’ face, making direct eye contact as he admitted, “Don’t know how to explain it. I saw her and felt a goddamn punch to the gut. I went from thinking I’d found a street urchin, to realizing it was a gorgeous woman, to wanting to kiss the hell out of that pixie, to wanting to paddle her ass for being out in the cold, dead of night in alleys.”

Carlos barked out a laugh, earning a glare from Gabe, which he ignored. “Right there, you just earned my trust,” Carlos said as his laughter stilled. “Any man who feels all that is a good man in my book.” Sighing, the older man said, “Although I can’t give you a lot of info. She’s some kind of charity worker. I just know that she has permission to come get the bread and some of the food items that were not served and would be thrown out. She always drives that god-awful pickup truck and takes whatever she can.”

Gabe continued to stare, willing the man to give him more.

Carlos took a swig and smiled. “I remember the first time I saw her here about a year ago. I thought I was going to have to deal with some snooty society bitch and here came this…what’d you call her?” he asked looking up at Gabe. “A pixie? Yeah, that’s just what she looked like. A good-lookin’ woman with a heart of gold. Her old truck’s crapped out on her a couple of times and I sent Big Jim after her to watch over her.”

Carlos caught Gabe’s incredulous look and chuckled. “He may be scary lookin’, but I trust him to see her home safe.”

Gabe stood and reached over to shake the older man’s hand. “Thank you, man. I appreciate it.”

Carlos took his hand and then pushed up from his chair as well. “There’s one thing though that I’ll let you know. I’m pretty sure she lives with a man named Ross. She’s mentioned him liking some of the pastries from here, but she’s got no wedding ring. Now she doesn’t seem like the type who’d be living with some man and then kissin’ you like she was. But, hey – what do I know?”

At this information, Gabe growled once again.
The way she kissed me tells me this Ross either isn’t kissing her the way she needs to be kissed or her heart isn’t into that relationship.
One way or the other, he was more determined than ever to find her. And if he had his way, making her his was top of his priority list.


That night after
Jennifer had delivered the food to Henry, given Ross his treat from Carlos and then re-tucked him into bed, completed some work on her laptop, and took a long bath she finally settled into bed. For the past two hours, she had managed to push the thoughts of Gabe out of her mind. Or at least to the back of her mind. But now in the quiet of the dark bedroom, she lay there and images of him came to the forefront. Closing her eyes, she could see his huge, body-building physique standing there staring at her. Square jaw, corded neck, thick chest that tapered down to his…
don’t go there!
Thighs as large as her waist. With his brown eyes and the smile that drew her in, she wanted to taste more of him.
Taste him? Oh my God, I kissed him. Up against my truck. Jesus, what a floosie…I never do that!
But as much as she wanted to chastise herself and was mortified that they’d been caught by Carlos, she could not get her giant out of her mind.

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