Read Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan,Shannon Brandee Eversoll,Andrea Michelle

Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series (19 page)

BOOK: Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series
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“Sure,” Cora agreed. “I’ll be right across the hall.”


Pulling her old
truck into the alley, she parked near the kitchen door. Hopping out she tried to open the door to let Carlos know she was there. The door was locked, so she tried knocking. No answer.
Damn, I’ll have to walk around to the front and go in that way.
Looking down at her clothes, she regretted the sloppy sweatpants and zip-up hoodie that she was wearing.
Oh, what does it matter who sees me and what they think

Turning to get back into her truck, she gasped as two men loomed toward her, one grabbing her arms and pinning them easily behind her back with one hand while the other clasped a hand over her mouth tightly.

“Shut up and just listen,” the other one said.

Instinct took over and she reared back kicking her legs out, hitting the one in front of her. Trying to squirm, she bit down on the hand at her mouth.

“Goddammit,” he cried out, jerking her arm harder while the one in front backhanded her across the face.

Unable to move, she took the full force of the hit. Pain sliced across her face and she squeezed her eyes shut as tears sprung out. She felt something run from her nose, over her lips and drip off her chin. The pull on her shoulder had her certain that it was broken.
Oh Ross, I’m sorry. They’re going to kill me.
The initial rush of adrenalin was draining out, leaving her quaking in pain and fear.

“You weren’t supposed to hurt her,” growled the man holding her arms.

“The stupid bitch nearly kicked my balls,” the other one groused, as he was catching his breath. Standing up straight his eyes bored holes into hers, as the dark face loomed in her view grabbing her throat.

“You need to—”

Just then, the kitchen door flung open and Carlos ambled out for his smoke break. The light from the door illuminated the scene in front of him. “What the fuck? Jim!” he yelled as he bolted from the kitchen.

The two men ran off before Jim was able to catch them while Carlos knelt by Jennifer. Seeing her bloodied face, he quickly called 911 before grabbing her phone and calling Gabe.


Gabe and Vinny
bolted into the ER, not surprised to see Matt and Shane already there. Vinny had the presence of mind to call them as soon as Gabe called him. Pulling them to the side, Gabe asked, “Where is she? What happened?”

“Right now she’s getting x-rays, but it doesn’t look like anything is broken. Just…” Matt began.

“What?” Gabe growled.

“She looks bad, but her nose isn’t broken,” Shane said. “At least that was the last thing the doctor said.”

Gabe’s legs felt weak, a feeling he’d never known before. Not with all the military missions. Not with all the training. But the idea of someone hurting Jennifer had him both scared and livid at the same time.

“What the fuck happened?” Vinny asked.

Matt and Shane shared a glance. Taking a deep breath, Matt answered, “She’s not saying a lot.”

Gabe’s eyes shot toward his friend. “She’s not saying?” he bit out.
Oh Jesus, was she sexually assaulted?

Knowing where his thoughts had gone, Shane quickly spoke up. “She was fully dressed and there’s no evidence of any sexual assault.”

“So why isn’t she talking? Did she see who did this?” he prodded.

“We haven’t gotten that far, man. We know she told Cora that the restaurant called to say they had food for her to pick up. According to the kitchen manager, Carlos, the restaurant never made the call. He just happened to go outside to take a smoke when he saw two men attacking her. Then the docs took her for x-rays just before you got here, so we haven’t gotten any further.”

Hearing a noise behind them, Gabe knew instinctively that Tony and Jobe had arrived. Glancing at his brother, he knew Vinny had made the call.

Vinny turned to fill them in when a doctor came out to speak to the detectives. “I’m her fiancé,” Gabe spoke quickly. “When can I see her?”

The doctor turned to him saying, “She has no broken bones but several contusions. She’ll be released within the hour and you can take her home.” With that, he turned and headed back into the ER bay area.

Gabe followed him, with the others close behind. He stopped just outside the room. Heart pounding, he felt fear. He hadn’t felt fear since…
shit don’t go there.
He closed his eyes tightly for a second to clear out the memory of the fright in the child’s eyes just before—

“You okay, bro?” Vinny asked, his hand on Gabe’s shoulder.

Sucking in a huge breath, Gabe nodded and walked into Jennifer’s room. She was sitting up in the bed, a gauze bandage across her nose, staring at him through two black eyes. Her cheek was swollen and turning purple. His eyes slid to her neck. Her tiny neck. The fingerprint bruises on her throat stood out against her pale skin.

He stopped in his tracks, unsure if his legs would hold him erect. Vinny quietly slid to one side and Tony the other, offering support as they walked him over to the bed. Gabe sat down on the edge of the bed with her, taking her small hand in his much larger one.

Her eyes were looking down and he saw a single tear slide from the corner, making a track down the swollen check.

“Baby?” he asked softly.

She kept her eyes down, unwilling to look into his face.
Stay strong. Stay strong,
she chanted to herself. With her chin quivering, she finally lifted her eyes seeing his haunted face in front of hers.

Her eyes looked around the room, filled with his friends. Her friends now too. And the look of concern on their faces only made it worse. Her nose was so swollen that she couldn’t breathe through it and with her bottom lip split, it hurt to talk. Swallowing deeply, she managed to croak out a “Hi”, as though she were greeting them at the picnic.

“Babe, what happened?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered.

Matt spoke, “Jennifer, we know that the restaurant didn’t call. Can you describe the voice on the phone?”

Swallowing painfully again, she shook her head. “Man’s voice,” she whispered.

“Can you describe the men who attacked? Carlos told us that there were two. We need to know anything you can remember,” Matt prodded. “Tall, short, heavy, skinny, black, white, eye color, clothes.”

“I…um…don’t really…um…” she mumbled, the pain medicine already making it hard for her to concentrate.

The men in the room shared a glance but before they could continue a noise at the door startled them.

A child’s scream pierced the room as Ross barreled into the room, Cora following closely. Ross launched himself toward the bed but was caught in mid-air by Gabe. Jennifer reached out and pulled the crying child from him, holding him close to her heart. With her arms around him, she began to shake as tears streamed from her eyes.

“Shhh, I’ve got you. I’m here,” she whispered in his ear.

The men in the room looked at her and then each other, before several of them moved to a corner.

“She’ll be able to tell us more tomorrow,” Matt said.

“She’s scared and drugged right now. We’ve gotten all we can tonight,” added Shane.

Tony quietly spoke, “We’ll get on it. Meeting at my place tomorrow at eight a.m.” Looking over at Jobe, he ordered, “Make sure to tell BJ.” Glancing at Matt, he just lifted an eyebrow.

“Yeah, man. I’ll tell Lily. She’ll be upset, but she’ll be there.”

With a backward look at the tearful pair on the bed and a visibly upset Cora standing next to the bed, they nodded at Gabe before walking out.

Vinny walked back over to the bed, hearing Cora exclaim, “Oh lordy, child. I’m so sorry. I’dve a never brought Ross if I thought it was this bad.”

Ross turned his tear-stained face up to his sister’s, taking in her injuries. Lifting his hand to her throat, he asked, “Does it hurt bad?”

“No baby. Not too bad. The nice doctors have given me some medicine that makes me feel better. I’m sure it looks worse than it feels,” she lied.

“Who did this?” he asked. “Was it some bad men?”

Her eyes found Gabe’s and silently implored him to assist with the explanation.

“She’s going to be fine, buddy,” Gabe promised. “Just had a problem with someone who wasn’t nice, but we’re going to take care of her, aren’t we?”

Ross’ tow head nodded enthusiastically. “When can we go home?”

The doctor entered the room just then, overhearing Ross’ question. “She’s ready to be discharged. We just need her to sign some forms. Will someone be caring for her for the next several days? She’s not to drive or lift anything heavy. I’d advise her to sleep inclined upwards for a few nights to assist in the swelling in her face.”

Cora stepped forward, but Gabe put his hand on her gently. “She’ll be coming home with me.”

Jennifer looked up sharply. “I can’t leave Ross,” she croaked.

“Of course not,” Gabe replied. “He’ll be coming with us.”

She looked conflicted and searched Cora’s face for her advice. Cora leaned over, saying, “Darling girl. I don’t know what happened, but right now I think you should spend a few days with Gabe. We would easily take care of you, but I think that young man needs to be with you to see for himself how you’re doing.”

Jennifer nodded, knowing that it was for the best. Moving stiffly to the edge of the bed, she gasped as Gabe lifted her easily and gently to the floor. Turning to Cora, he said, “Why don’t you take Ross back to the waiting room. We’ll be out in just a minute.”

Cora nodded and took Ross’ hand as they walked out. Jennifer could hear Cora comforting her brother as they walked down the hall.

Looking back at Gabe, she blushed, although with the bruising it was hard to tell. “You could have taken Ross and let Cora help me dress.”

Grinning, he kissed the top of her head. “Yeah babe, but then I’d miss your beautiful body.”

An unladylike snort followed this statement and she just shook her head, wincing in the process.

Immediately contrite, Gabe turned to pull her clothes out of the plastic bag provided by the hospital. She discovered that leaning over caused her head to pound, so he leaned her back against the bed so that he could slide her pants up her legs. He knelt to pull her socks and shoes on as well. He pulled out her sweatshirt and eyed the narrow opening at the top.
Jesus, how can she pull this over her swollen face without it hurting like hell?
Tossing it to the side, he pulled out her worn, zip-up hoodie.
With her blood on the front. Fuck, that won’t work either.

The last item was her bra, which he assisted her in, sliding her arms through and fastening in the front. Jerking off his own jacket, he pulled it on and buttoned the front.

Standing, she glanced down at the jacket that hung to her knees. “At least I’m covered,” she said ruefully.

He pulled her in gently to his chest and held her tight.
She fits. Right here, next to my heart.
He tried to still his racing mind, but the anger at what happened took over.
Someone’s gonna fuckin’ pay.

Vinny met them outside, already making arrangements. Cora turned to her and asked, “Honey, why don’t you let Ross come back to the center and stay with me and Henry until you feel a little better?”

Vinny and Gabe were about to agree, but Jennifer shouted, “No!” Her eyes were filled with fear as she muttered, “He stays with me.”

A look passed between the two men as Gabe assisted her into the SUV. Cora hugged her tight and promised to see her the next day. Vinny buckled Ross into the front while Gabe settled in the back with Jennifer.

Little was said on the drive to his apartment and Vinny helped Ross get settled for the night in Gabe’s second bedroom. Gabe walked in to make sure he was all right, when Ross asked, “Where’s sis going to sleep? Is she sleeping with me?”

Vinny’s eyes opened wide as he stepped back for his brother to answer. Gabe easily said, “No, buddy. She’s got to be propped up and we want her to get plenty of rest. I’ve got her in my bed right now, with a bunch of pillows.”

“So where are you going to sleep?” Ross asked.

“I’m going to be with her, making sure she rests and that way I’ll know if she needs anything during the night.”

BOOK: Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series
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