Friends With More Benefits (19 page)

BOOK: Friends With More Benefits
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"Oh, and if it gets a little loud over here,
don’t be concerned. We're just role paying."

Caroline nodded and then asked hesitantly, "Do
you have more of that pot?"

Laura smiled. "Be right back."



On the beach, Jim and Victoria walked along the
edge of the water.

He said, "I love you both. I'm so confused."

She gave him a tender smile. "Caroline is an
amazing girl."

"Have you ever been in love with two people at
the same time?"

Victoria shook her head. "No, but I think I
understand what you're feeling." She crossed her arms and rubbed
her hands over them as she said, "I'm a little cold. You mind if we
go back?"

Five minutes later, Jim and Victoria were
sitting together on the sofa in Jim's room. He looked into her
eyes. "Did you mean it when you said you loved me?"

She breathed out deeply and then glanced at him.
"I did. I do. It's just, I don't want to stand between you and

"There's obviously nothing to stand

Victoria shook her head. "You don't know

"Don't I?"

"Maybe she's just in love with the both of you

Jim acknowledged that she had a point with a
sigh. Then he looked her body over closely as he asked, "Can I
touch your stomach?" She nodded. "Can you feel it kick?" He touched
her stomach through her shirt. She glanced down to his hand and
felt her pulse quicken as his fingers stroked her.

"Not yet. I read that during your first
pregnancy you usually can't feel it until the twenty-fifth

"How far along are you?"

"About fourteen weeks." She lifted up her shirt
and rubbed her hand gently over her small bump with a smile
bordering on tears. "I never thought I could get pregnant. I didn't
do this on purpose."

"I know."

She smiled brightly. "I thought I'd be
depressed, but I've never been happier."

He looked at her small rounded belly, and he
began to get emotional. "Jesus, I, uh…" Jim squeezed the bridge of
his nose and then shook his head. "Sorry, I'm such a chick."

Victoria stared at him and was also on the verge
of tears as she said, "I've been a bit emotional lately myself.
It's all the hormones."

"At least you have an excuse." They shared a
laugh and then he added, "You look stunning pregnant."

"I feel like a fat cow."

He scoffed. "You can barely tell that you are. I
just think you look sexy."

She grinned and waved him away with her



Laura showered while Caroline picked up two
small bottles of KY from the store. She received an odd look from
the clerk, but she couldn’t have cared less as her high was in full
swing. When she went out on the balcony to toss it over, she
discovered Laura standing in the room with a white robe around her
shoulders glancing into the mirror. She watched as Laura pulled the
robe off her shoulders and looked at her reflection with a slightly
perplexed expression. Caroline studied her nude body breathlessly.
She had never really thought about being with a woman, but Laura
was hot. Maybe it was the pot, but she felt really horny. Laura
spotted her, smiled, and then walked to the door.

"What do you think robe or no robe?"

Laura slipped it back over her shoulders,
paused, then pulled it back off, and waited for a reply. Caroline's
gaze traveled down her breasts to Laura’s perfectly coiffed pubic

"So what do you think off or on?"

Caroline snapped out of her trance. "Uh, I'd
leave it on. Give him something to take off of you."

"Good idea." Laura slipped the robe back over
her shoulders and then moved out to the balcony. Caroline handed
over the lube. There was a knock at the door. Laura smiled.



Back on the sofa in Jim's room, he said, "Can I,
uh, put my ear to your belly? I wonder if you can hear the
heartbeat or movement or something."

"Knock yourself out."

Jim moved to kneel on the floor. He leaned over
and placed his ear carefully on her stomach. He paused listening.
"I can't hear anything."

Victoria moved her hand to his head and gently
ran her fingers through his hair. He gasped as he stared down to
her still taut, perfect legs and that familiar feeling of heat
began bubbling up in his loins. He placed a hand on her knee. Her
body trembled.

Her voice cracked as she said, "I, uh, haven't
been with anyone since we…"

"Really?" he asked as they remained in that
position with him staring at her stomach, and her gently stroking
his hair.

"I haven’t really met anyone plus it just
doesn't feel right with me being pregnant." Jim nodded slightly as
she continued, "It's killing me. The hormones are making me so
horny. My breasts are huge, my pussy is always wet, and I, uh…"

Victoria slid her hand down his back, then
slipped it under his shirt, and touched him tenderly. They both
felt the heat rising up between them. He slid his hand from her
knee up her thigh and placed it right between her legs, as he slid
his other hand under her shirt to her breast.

"Jesus, you weren't kidding about your

Victoria leaned her head back and moaned. He
pushed her shirt higher and lifted his head up from her stomach. He
gazed breathlessly at her bra, which was stretched across her
swollen chest. He sighed and then simply said, "Wow."



Back at the hotel, Caroline turned the lights
off in her room and arranged a chair on her darkened balcony so it
faced directly into Laura's room. She was working through the
second joint as she watched the action unfold next door.

Laura stood wearing the robe just glaring at Rob
and said convincingly, "You bastard. You fucked her didn’t

He looked at her confused, "Didn't we already go
through this?" She gave him a tired look and then he nodded. "Oh,
sorry…" Then he attempted some acting—some bad acting, "Yes, uh… I
did fuck her."

Caroline giggled softly as she stared wide-eyed
into the room, enjoying the show.

Laura glared at him, "You're going to do
everything I say. Got it?"

He nodded breathlessly.

"Don’t you dare ever fuck anyone else

"I won't. I swear."

Laura slipped down to her knees and rubbed her
hand over the lengthening bulge in his shorts as it ran down his
leg. He looked to the ceiling and moaned.

"Did she suck your big cock?"

He looked back to her and said with conviction,
"I forced it down her slutty throat."

"Nice touch," she whispered.

"Thanks," he said humbly.

Caroline chuckled and then slipped her hand
under her skirt.

Laura unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them
down. He wore no underwear, and his nearly hard penis sprang up
close to her face. Caroline's eyes locked on it, and she gasped.
Laura stared at it as she held it with both hands. She licked her
lips, glanced out to the balcony, and spotted the faint glimmer of
Caroline's burning joint. She grinned and turned back to Rob.

Caroline looked away for a moment self
consciously, and when she looked back Laura had slipped her lips
over him. Rob put his hands on Laura's neck and sensually rubbed
her as she sucked him passionately. He pushed the collar of her
robe open, and it slid off her shoulders and down her body,
exposing her luscious curves.

Caroline put the joint out and focused more
closely as Rob reached down and squeezed Laura's nipples firmly.
After a few moments, Laura stood and then moved to the bed. She got
on her hands and knees, and thrust her ass in the air. "Now lick my


"Lick it. Now. If you want to put your cock in
there, you've got to taste it first."

Rob quickly removed the rest of his clothes as
she waved her ass slowly in front of him.

"I'm waiting," she yelled back.

He slipped down to his knees, placed one hand on
each of her cheeks, and spread them apart gently. He moved his
tongue tentatively to her and did as she asked.

"That's it," Laura said as her eyes rolled back
in her head. He kept at it and she groaned. He pulled his head from
her and took a quick look at her beautiful parts as he sighed.

Caroline moved closed to her balcony’s railing
and glanced down study Rob's body. She watched as Rob continued
licking Laura. Caroline slipped her fingers under her panties and
then between her legs. She was completely wet. She rubbed her clit
for a moment, and then slipped her finger down past her pussy and
placed it directly on her tiny pink hole. She traced little circles
around it, as her mouth opened wide, and her eyes were still locked
on the horny couple.

"Now fuck my pussy," Laura commanded.

Rob stood and in one quick motion slipped inside
her. Caroline watched for a moment and then shut her eyes
fantasying that she was under Laura and was licking her as a penis
moved in and out of her. It was Jim's penis and not Rob's that was
sliding into Laura though.

Caroline moved her fingers
back to her own pussy and slipped them inside as she continued
fantasizing with her eyes closed. When she heard Laura say,
Put it in my ass
," Caroline was brought back to reality. She gazed closely as
Rob applied the lube to himself and then moved to Laura. He pushed
forward gently with his eyes locked on the sight. Caroline moved
her finger back to her own puckered seam and pressed it inside just
as Rob pushed into Laura.

Caroline watched the horny couple, mesmerized.
Laura looked back with a wide satisfied smile. Caroline tore her
eyes from them and looked into her darkened room. She wondered what
Jim was doing and missed him terribly. She stood and slipped
quietly inside.


Victoria lay on her back with her hands
clutching Jim's hips as he hovered above her face with her as his
guide. A few minutes earlier they both had climaxed after ten
minutes of intensely passionate missionary position sex. Afterward
she pulled him up and refused to let him go as she continued
pleasing him with her mouth while he struggled just to hold on for
the ride. She knew once he came to his senses she might never have
him like this again.

As he experienced a second thunderous climax,
she pulled him closer and he could no longer take it. He pulled
away quickly and lay next to her with tingles flowing through his

"Oh my God," he said.

Victoria's heart pounded. She stared at him
tenderly while clutching her chest, and replied breathlessly,
"Yeah." They stared into each other's eyes; their noses only an
inch apart with their heads rocking slightly as they struggled to
recover. She added, "Wow."

He nodded, and then his mind immediately went to
Caroline. What had he just done? He loved them both, but what now?
Jim rolled on to his back and stared up to the ceiling. His heart
beat faster and sweat dripped down the side of his face as he began
to panic. He had to get out of there to think. He said, "Uh, I'm
all sweaty. You mind if I take a shower and then we can talk?"

She shook her head no.

Jim headed off toward the bathroom with
conflicting emotions clouding his thinking. He stood in the shower
for five minutes just leaning against the wall and thinking about
Caroline and Victoria and the baby. What the fuck was he going to

Victoria slipped her clothes back on and walked
through the open sliding door out to the balcony. She stared at the
lights of a nearby hotel and struggled to listen to the sounds of
the waves crashing on the shore. She heard a door open behind her
and turned to look into the room. Caroline entered but didn't see
her. Victoria hid behind the blinds and peered back inside. She
watched as Caroline removed all her clothes. Victoria focused in on
her perfect heart-shaped, firm, young ass. "Lucky bitch!" she
whispered to herself.

Caroline slipped into bed and lay staring at the
bathroom door waiting for him to appear. Jim walked out while
working the towel through his hair. He glanced quickly at the nude
woman in his bed and began. "Vi—" but stopped when he saw who it

She glanced at him confused, and he recovered,
"Vir you are. I mean, there you are."

Victoria moved closer to the wide open door to
listen. Jim glanced around the room for a moment and then back to
Caroline. "Uh, you're back."

"I missed you. Come lay next to me." Jim moved
to her hesitantly, taking one last look around the room. She began,
"I didn't have sex with Jeff."

"You didn't?" he asked while attempting to hide
his disappointment.

"We just kissed." That's all. I mean I thought
about it, but we didn’t…I was just mad, and I didn't really think.
I, I, just said it."

Victoria closed her eyes, devastated. What had
they done?

Jim gave her a hopeful look. "You can tell me. I
won’t be upset. Did you give him a blow job or—"


"A hand job?"

"What? No! You’re not one of those guys who
likes to see his girl having sex with someone else are you?" she
asked with a sexy smile.

"No, of course not."


Jim grinned. "Unless we're talking about another
girl. Are we talking about…" She glared at him with mock anger, and
he added, "Just kidding. Look I'm sorry. I…" he looked closely into
her eyes and then continued, "Uh…are you stoned?"

She giggled. "A little."

Victoria chuckled softly and shook her head.

"Where did you get it?"


Jim sighed. "Okay, um, I didn't know that she
was pregnant. I haven't even seen her since we all had dinner
together at school. I—"

"I know. Look I love you. I know you love me,
but you also have this connection with her, and now you two are
having a baby, I…I'm not sure what all this means. Maybe I'm too
high to know what I'm saying, but—"

BOOK: Friends With More Benefits
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