Friends With More Benefits (27 page)

BOOK: Friends With More Benefits
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She smiled. "Believe it."

"I'm never going to stop trying to make you

"That's what I want to hear, but could you
please start right about now?"

He grinned and then placed both hands on the
V-string and slowly pushed it down her legs; as it reached her
ankles, she kicked it off seductively. Jillian placed her hands on
the waistband of his silk boxers, and he kneeled up so she could
push them down. His stiff cock sprang out, and her eyes locked on
his silky smooth shaft and balls. She sighed as she cupped the
twins with one hand then circled his shaft with the other. "I
really love you like this."

He leaned back as she continued to stroke him.
She moved her hand back farther under his balls to his ass, and
then she gently stroked him with her finger.

"Oh, fuck," he moaned.

She climbed off the bed and then guided him to
the position she wanted near the bed’s edge and on his hands and
knees. Jillian kneeled down and studied his parts for a moment
while licking her lips. She thought, Victoria was right this could
be fun. Then she went to it.



More than an hour later Brian was panting as he
collapsed on her, abandoning his attempted third orgasm. He lay on
her for a moment and then slipped off to the side to recover from
their passionate coupling. After a moment, he said with a straight
face, "I heard married sex was supposed to stink, but

They shared a grin, which grew into a chuckle.
He moved his hand to caress her stomach. She glanced down to his
penis, and his eyes followed along. She said, "I really like
everything this way. Do you think you'll keep it?"

"If you had asked me an hour ago, I would have
said there's no way, but now…"

She asked hesitantly, "Was it very painful?"

His eyes widened and he said, "Imagine what it
feels like to have the hair ripped from your balls." They shared a
grimace, and he added, "Maybe they can drug me next time."



In Lisa's room, Victoria walked her through the
emergency clean up. They did what they could with the tools they
had available. Victoria said that she'd snap up Rafael's next two
appointments for the both of them. After they returned to the
bedroom, Lisa studied her new look in the mirror and was delighted.
Victoria sat near the bed and walked her through finding her
G-spot, exploring the wonders of the clitoris, and appreciating her
now smooth and hair-free parts.

As Victoria held the hand mirror, Lisa brought
herself to a mind-blowing climax. When her work was done, Victoria
slipped out of the room and left Lisa panting on the bed and
wishing she'd kept the two dildos and the rest of the items in the
pink and white stripped bachelorette party gift box.


The next day the flight back to St. Maarten
didn't leave until late afternoon so everyone was invited to the
beach at Grand Saline. It was rumored to be one of the five most
beautiful beaches in the world and was the only one in that class
where clothing was optional. Victoria joked that she would only
allow people from their group to go if they agreed to exercise the
option. She managed to convince them all.

As Victoria was heading down the hall with Lisa,
she spotted Jim walking into his room. She called to him, "Come on,
let's go. The bus is waiting."

Jim frowned as he said, "I think I'm going to
stay here."

She looked at him shocked. "What?"

"Yeah, I'm tired and I just—"

"You get your ass down in that driveway right
now. We're about to leave for the most beautiful beach in the
world, and you don't want to go?" He opened his mouth to speak, but
she added, "Jillian will be there, naked, and uh, Jeff's
girlfriend, she's got a nice ass, I think. Well, we will soon find

Jim held back a smile as he shook his head.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Come on! It will be fun. I'll splash cold water
on Brian’s penis, and it'll shrink up like a frightened turtle and
then you can strut around. You know how much he hates that you're
bigger than he is."

Lisa said, "Oh, I can’t wait to see his

Jim made a face as a flashback shot through his
brain. He gave Victoria a curious look. "How drunk was I last

"You were pretty out of it, but we made sure you
got back to your bed safely. We even helped you out of your
clothes." The women shared a knowing giggle as he glanced at them

"Did I do anything stupid?"

Victoria shook her head no. "Are you coming or

"You promise you'll embarrass Brian?"

"I'll figure something out," she assured

Jim chucked. "Okay then."

Victoria glanced at Lisa. "Can we meet you down
at the bus? I'd like a minute." Lisa nodded and then headed down
the stairs. Victoria gave him a serious look as she asked, "We're
good, aren’t we? I mean, he talked and, uh…"

He nodded. "We're good."

"Great. I'd hate for us to be angry with each

"Who could ever be angry with you?"

"You know, you're right about that. I'm just
amazing," she said with a big grin. She put her arm around him.
"Now let's go see some dicks and tits. I’m hoping for more

"I'd prefer tits."



The bus stopped off at the hotel and then picked
up Brian and Jillian and a few other guests. Rob convinced Laura to
go to another beach because he thought it would be just a little
creepy to be naked with his mother and new stepfather.

The bus dropped them off and the group set out
on an exhausting five-minute walk down a tree-lined path. The path
was long and deceptively grueling, especially considering the
incredible beauty that lay at the end of it. Midway through the
walk most of the group wondered why the hell they had agreed to

But when they reached the gap between two dunes
and spotted the crystal clear water and fine white sand, everyone's
eyes widened. As they moved past the dunes to take in the entire
spectacle of the most pristine, untouched, perfect beach in the
world they gasped. Jim looked at Victoria. "Nice." As everyone else
watched, Jim quickly pulled off all his clothes and then ran to the
water and dove in.

Victoria said, "Wow, he's not shy."

Brian, Jillian, and Victoria shared a grin and
then they dropped their stuff in the sand and began pulling off
clothing. Brian was in the water next, closely followed by Jillian.
Then Victoria showed off her new larger breasts as she slowly made
her way to the water. Some others from their group joined them in
the ocean while others stayed on the beach simply watching the nude
frolickers. Lisa hesitantly removed her clothes and then sat on a
towel staring down at her hair free vagina.

An hour later, everyone was thoroughly lathered
with sunscreen and basking in the brilliant sun. Lisa wore
sunglasses and spent most of her time studying male parts. Victoria
was right—she did feel like humping something.

Brian brought his pad and was sketching Victoria
as she posed for him, lying on her side in a sexy pose. Jillian
watched him draw, impressed. When he was done, he showed it to
Victoria. She beamed as she said, "That is amazing. Can I have


Lisa looked at the sketch. "Wow, Brian, you are
really good." Jim glanced at it and thought that he'd really like
to have a copy, but he was sure Caroline would not be on board.

Jillian said, "Bri, you want to go for a

He agreed. Victoria and Jim watched as he got up
and followed her toward the ocean. Halfway there, he stopped and
said something to Jillian. She nodded and then went on without him
as he rushed back to Victoria. Lisa got up and headed for a walk
also, half wanting to show off her new look and half wanting to
checkout a new group of guys who were down near the water.

Brian dropped down to the sand next to Victoria
and then glanced back to be sure Jillian was still by the water.
"Her birthday is coming up…and I want to get her back for, you
know, that trick she played on me at my birthday…I think I have a
plan, but I need your help. Will you help me?"

Jim looked on with a grin, and Victoria's face
brightened into a huge smile as she said, "You know I was hoping
you would get her back. I’d love to help."

Brian gave her a suspicious look. "Wait, how do
I know you aren't messing with me? I mean, you're her best friend,
and you'll probably double-cross me or something."

She glared at him. "I can't believe you would
think that. When she pulled that on you, I…I was shocked. It was
mostly her idea. When she came up with the police women thing, I
thought she was going a little to far."

"She told me the police thing was your

Victoria shook her head. "Look, do you want my
help or not? I think it would really be good, and God knows she
deserves it. How many times did she send you running naked to my

"Uh, three," Brian said while shaking his

"So are we doing this?"

Brian stared into her eyes looking for any hint
that she was screwing with him and couldn't find anything. He
nodded. "Okay. Yeah."

"Great, we'll discuss the details when we get

Brian smiled brightly as he headed off to meet

Jim glanced at the evil look on Victoria's face.
He narrowed his eyes. "What are you up to?"

"The fly just landed in my web."


"I feel so bad. He's such a good guy, but
Jillian and I have been waiting for him to pull this revenge

"What are you going to do?"

"Uh, he's going to end up once again naked in
front of a group of people."

"Yeah so. Who cares? Everyone's already seen him
naked once—some more than once."

Victoria shook her head and smiled. "Not this
way they haven't."

"What the hell do you mean?"

Victoria grinned and then glanced behind her to
find an older couple sitting within listening distance. She
motioned for Jim to come closer and then leaned and whispered in
his ear. After about twenty seconds of explanation littered with
obscene hand gestures, his eyes widened in shock. She grinned
widely and then continued whispering. When she was done, she pulled
away from him and gave him a proud look.

He shook his head. "You guys are bad."

"It's mostly my idea. Jillian's not that

"How do you come up with this stuff?"

She shrugged. "The plan is almost perfect. I
just need to figure out some plausible way to make him think he can
get Jillian naked in my house."

They both mulled this over a moment. Jim smiled.
"Hey, tell him to tell her that they can use the massage room.
She'll need to be naked for that." Victoria smiled as he continued,
"Have him suggest they go outside to your hot tub after the
massage, and then he'll think you'll have everyone waiting out in
the living room."

She looked at him impressed. "You're good."

Victoria glanced down to his penis. "And did you
see how small Brian was when he was over here talking to us about
all this? He must have been really nervous or cold…or both."

"Yeah, I saw that, but I wasn't going to say

They shared a chuckle and then Victoria said,
"Let's get you pumped up a bit, and then we'll walk past them as
they head back. He'll be dying."

Jim nodded. "Awesome. But how are we going to do

"I'll just turn over, and you can look at my
ass. In no time you'll be hanging halfway to your knees."

He nodded. "That'll do it."

Victoria turned onto her side for thirty
seconds, when she glanced back, that had, in fact, done the trick.
She asked, "Ready?"

He nodded, and they headed off toward the water
as Jillian and Brian turned to come back. Victoria glanced down to
his sizeable showing and grinned. "You're a lucky guy."

He nodded then glanced at her shapely ass and
smiled. He thought, since they reached the beach he'd spent about
ninety-five percent of his time staring at Victoria's body, about
four percent glancing at Jillian, and maybe the remaining one
percent checking out the other nude women, many of whom were really
attractive. He wondered what did that mean?

When they were about thirty feet from the
approaching newlyweds, Brian spotted Jim's impressive hanging
appendage first, and his expression morphed into an envious stare.
Jillian was in the middle of telling Brian something when she
noticed it too and immediately lost her train of thought. She just
stared at it opened-mouthed. As they got closer Victoria and Jim
both stared at Brian's groin as he glared back at them. Jillian
didn't take her eyes off of Jim until they were right on top of
each other; Brian sneered as he said, "Show off!"

Victoria replied, "You’re just jealous."

The couples walked past each other and didn’t
look back. Jillian glanced down to Brian's equipment and thought,
He grows just fine. She smiled and as she pictured it in its
fully-grown state, she wondered if they had time to squeeze in a
quickie before the flight.

Brian glanced down to his own penis and thought,
That Jim is a fucking lucky bastard.

Victoria glanced down to Jim's and thought, I'm
really going to miss it…and him.

Jim looked down to himself, and then his eyes
wandered over to Victoria. He looked her over from head to toe and
thought, It doesn't get any better than walking on the most
beautiful beach in the world with a near boner and next to one of
the hottest women on the planet who just happens to be carrying my
baby. He sighed and then looked straight ahead thinking that he
could grab Victoria and tell her he loved her and couldn’t live
without her. Maybe if he begged and pleaded long enough, she'd
agree. He glanced out to the ocean and thought about Caroline, the
incredible sex they had experienced only two nights ago, and the
amazing three months they had spent together. He wondered what she
was doing. He missed her terribly. Maybe Victoria was right and
Caroline was the one.

BOOK: Friends With More Benefits
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