Friend Zoned (Barnett Bulldogs #2) (23 page)

BOOK: Friend Zoned (Barnett Bulldogs #2)
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And I never even saw it coming.

I must have been blind.

Or maybe, like he said, I just wasn’t ready to accept it.

I think back to the way Sam’s eyes would patiently follow me.  Always watching.  Or the way he would constantly cock block me.  I thought he was just looking out for me, but now I realize that it was so much more than that.

I have no idea just how long his mouth continues to lazily stroke over mine.  All I know is that I want him so badly that it actually feels physically painful.  My body literally aches for him.

Pulling back, he whispers against my mouth, “Tell me what you were doing in your room Sunday night.”

I can’t think when he’s sprawled out on top of me like this.  The way his thick erection continues to stroke my core.  Whipping me up into a frenzy of emotions that ricochet dangerously within me.  His lips continue teasing mine, making me want so much more.  My mind feels fuzzy, slow on the uptake.  My nerve endings are much too over-sensitized by the way he continues rubbing my body.

What did he ask me again?


His voice becomes rougher, more demanding.  “I want you to tell me what you were doing.”

Oh… Christ.  He needs to move on from that.  I mean, how freaking embarrassed could I possibly be?  Obviously he knows that I was masturbating while he was standing right outside my door.

I… I really don’t want to talk about that right now.

Or like ever.

When I refuse to say a word, his lips feather gently across mine.  Over and over and over again until I’m nearly mindless with the taste of him.

“Tell me.”

Slowly the haze clears from my eyes.  His deep blue gaze burns into mine.

Trying to escape, I squeeze my eyes tightly shut.

“Vi,” he whispers, “don’t shut me out.  Look at me, baby.”

Because it’s Sam, the guy I trust more than anyone else on earth, I do as he asks.  If it were anyone else, I don’t think I could.  Hesitantly I open my eyes only to find Sam’s face mere inches from my own.  The heat and desire blazing from within his deep blue depths almost takes my breath away.

His words are low and husky, filled with yearning. “Tell me what you were thinking about.”

Unsure what to do, I hesitate.

Do I keep denying that it happened even though he knows the truth?

Or do I lay myself completely bare?

Give him exactly what he’s asking for?

As surprising as it is, I find that I want to give him everything.

“You.”  Gathering more strength, I admit quietly, “I was thinking about that morning, about being in bed with you.  About the way you were holding me.  Your hand cupping my breast.  The feel of your thick cock nestled against me.  The way you were stroking me.  And how turned on I felt.”

He groans before rolling his hips, flexing them against me.  A little shockwave of pleasure arrows through me at the movement.  “Do you have any idea just how fucking sexy that is?  I could hear the breathy little moans you were making. I wanted to break down the damn door.  I wanted to climb between your thighs and fuck you until you were screaming my name.”

Those wicked words leave my clit aching as I squirm beneath him trying to relieve just a fraction of the pulsing pressure.

The floodgates open and suddenly I want him to know everything.

“It made me so wet when I thought about you running your hands over me… and so damn horny.  Even though I knew you were right outside the door, I couldn’t stop touching myself.  When you said my name, I came so hard.  It felt so unbelievably good to just let go.”  Better than anything else ever has.

That’s the moment I realized I was screwed.

Well… figuratively.

Not literally.

He rolls his hips against me again as I teeter on the brink.  Even though we’re both fully clothed, I’m so ridiculously close to splintering apart.

“Show me.”

His words are low.

Unbelievably gruff.

Almost as if they’ve been scraped raw.

Which is, yeah, so damn sexy.

They shoot clean through me, straight down to my-

?”  My eyes flare wide.  I’m hoping that maybe I’ve misunderstood.

Because he can’t possibly want me to… um… you know…

“Show me exactly how you were touching yourself, Vi.”

God, I’m so completely turned on right now. It’s doubtful that I’ve ever felt this excited in my life.  There’s no way it would take more than a few quick flicks of my fingers to have my body falling apart before his very eyes.

But… I’ve never done that before.

As stupid as it sounds, touching yourself feels…

You know… something you do behind closed doors.

When you’re alone.

By yourself.

See the trend here?

I’ve never really thought of masturbation as a spectator sport.

As if silently trying to convince me, he flexes his hips rather deliciously against mine.  The hard length of his rigid cock slowly slides home, making lovely little shards of pleasure ricochet through me. I can’t stop the long groan that falls from my lips.

“Please, baby?  I stood outside your door that night imagining just how beautiful you would look with your legs spread wide, stroking yourself as you thought about me pleasuring you.”  He thrusts against me.  “I want to watch you touch yourself.”

How can I possibly say no when he makes it sound so damn…


That thought alone has my clit pulsing a steady staccato beat between my legs.

Taking my silence for acquiescence, Sam rolls to the side.  For just a moment I lay there, gathering my courage.  Touching myself in front of him feels wildly intimate.  But, I realize, even though I’m nervous, a little shy, I still want to do this.

I want to please him.

And so I sit up, my fingers fumbling just a bit as I slowly strip off my top.  Sucking in a deep breath, I then start working on my jeans.  It takes more than one attempt for me to flick the button as my fingers continue trembling.  When I’m down to nothing more than my bra and panties, I finally chance a quick glance in his direction.  It’s slowly that his eyes scorch their way over my exposed flesh, singeing every single part of me.

The look on his face…

It’s completely reverent.

It has the breath catching at the back of my throat.

How did I miss seeing that for so many years?

“You’re so damn beautiful, Vi.”

makes me feel beautiful.

The way his eyes burn brightly over me.

The low grating of his voice as if it’s a battle to keep himself held in check.

His big strong body coiled so tightly, poised to devour me in one lusty bite.

The way his eyes stay fastened, patiently waiting for me to remove the rest, gives me the confidence I need to unsnap my bra.  As I do, it slides slowly down my upper arms before resting at my elbows.  The cups nearly fall off my breasts, but not quite.  I watch his face as I pull the soft material away from my body before tossing it onto the floor.

Because the room has been plunged into complete silence, I hear his swift intake of breath.  I see the way he clenches his fingers so as not to reach out and touch me.

As my heart continues pounding harshly against my chest, I slowly unfold my body, lowering myself against the pillows.  There’s just a tiny scrap of fabric covering me now.  I watch his eyes slide from my naked breasts, slowly down my rib cage, before travelling over the soft curve of my belly, to the panties still covering the part of me that throbs for him and him alone.

My breath hitches at the look of need blazing from within his ocean blue eyes.  I’ve never seen Sam look so heated before.  So completely turned on.  So full of longing.  It’s a heady sensation to know that I’m the one who put it there.

Sucking in another ragged breath, I hook my fingers into the delicate fabric at my waist before shimmying it slowly down my hips.  The entire time I do, my eyes are fastened on his.  I want to see every single expression as it crosses his face.

The way his heated gaze licks over my mound sends hot spurts of desire careening through my system.  Wanting him to look his fill, I simply lie there, hardly daring to move. Barely breathing.  My heart pounds rapidly in my chest.  My hands clench and unclench at my sides.

Slowly he leans towards me, pressing a gentle kiss against my lips before pulling away.  I thought maybe he would want to touch me, stroke his hands over me, but he doesn’t.  Instead, he silently settles onto his side, his body turned towards me.  Head propped by a hand as his eyes continue raking over the length of me.

I have to admit, usually when I’m naked with a guy, he’s naked as well.  We’re, you know,
naked together
.  I’ve never stripped until I was completely bare while someone lay fully clothed next to me, down to the tan timberlands still laced on his size twelve feet.

And yet… it’s unexpectedly sexy.

I like the worshipful way his eyes slowly slide over me, lingering on my rosy tipped breasts and the little patch of curls between my thighs.  Silently watching every little move I make.  Every softly inhaled rise and exhaled fall of my chest.  It leaves me feeling oddly powerful.  Like I could bring this two hundred and twenty pound guy to his knees just by spreading mine.

Neither of us utter a word.  There’s just the sound of our heartbeats and the harsh breaths that fall from our lips as the moment between us continues to stretch and lengthen.

Inhaling a shaky breath, I slowly allow my legs to fall open as one hand trails from the middle of my ribcage down the curve of my belly to the top of my public bone where my fingers hesitate for just a moment.  As much as it turns me on to watch him, I feather my eyelids closed.

To do this, to
do it, I need to forget that Sam is practically eating me up with his eyes. Watching me as I touch my own body.  Knowing the entire time that every caress is driven by thoughts of him.  Even with my eyes shut, I still hear the harsh sawing of his breath as it picks up in rhythm.

Even at this point, feeling just a bit self-conscious, I know it won’t take much.  All I have to do is think about the way his cock was sliding so deliciously against me only moments ago.  Or remember the way he looked standing in the bathroom, moisture clinging to his ripped body when he was drying his hair after stepping out of the shower.  The crinkly dark blond hair on those thick muscular thighs of his.  The sexy cut of his abdominals and the way his cock thickened and elongated, stretching to its full length as we stood silently staring at one another.

A little groan falls from my lips as I continue thinking about his hard straining erection.  And the heat that flared to life within me as my eyes slowly slid down the length of him.  I hadn’t wanted to leave.  I’d been held spellbound by the sight of him.

What I had really wanted to do was close the distance separating us before stroking my hands over all those rigidly held muscles.  I had wanted to sink to my knees and hold his stiff length in my trembling hands as I licked the velvety tip with my tongue before sucking him deep into my mouth.

The ache between my thighs intensifies, pulsating before my fingers are ever able to glide their way south.  The anticipation of it is almost my undoing.  So badly do I want to slide them over my throbbing clit.

But I don’t.

Not just yet.

I hold off until the pulsating is almost unbearable before finally allowing my fingers to slowly slide their way through the thin patch of curls sitting above my now spread lips.  Sam’s breath catches as I gently run my fingers through the creamy wetness that has gathered around the plump swollen flesh.  A little moan of pleasure falls from my mouth as I do.  Unable to resist any longer, I graze my fingers over that tiny little bundle of aching nerves.  Unconsciously I widen my legs as I stroke the length of my slit.

No longer am I aware of Sam lying beside me, taking up most of the room on the bed.  All I can think about is the tantalizing build of intensity coiling deep within my heated body.  Climax is only a few strokes away and I want it so very badly.  I’m greedy for the pleasure that is cresting and spiraling within me.

With even more purpose, my fingers skate over my soaked flesh.  Circling around the lushness of my lower lips a few agonizing times before dipping inside.  Pleasure spikes within me.  And so I continue dragging my fingers carefully over my sensitive clit.  Once, twice, three times.  The low moan that falls from my mouth is really nothing more than a soft keening wail.  I can’t help but think about what it would feel like to have Sam’s lips there, his tongue lapping greedily at me.  Spearing and driving within me.  Sucking me into the warm haven of his mouth.

My back is arched, my body strung tight, legs spread as wide as they can possibly get.  As the orgasm streaks through me, I cry out Sam’s name right before his lips crash down upon mine in a kiss so possessive that it steals my very breath away.  His long thick fingers suddenly join mine, touching and stroking as I continue shaking and gasping out my pleasure.

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