Friend Zoned (Barnett Bulldogs #2) (22 page)

BOOK: Friend Zoned (Barnett Bulldogs #2)
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I mean, this is Sam we’re talking about here.

My best friend.

The one guy I can be completely open and honest with.  He knows me.  He knows the real Violet Winterfield.  He sees what others don’t.  He always has.

“Vi?”  Hearing my nickname roll questioningly off his lips has my eyelids feathering open again.  Teeth sinking into my lower lip, I find that I’m still unable to take that final plunge into honesty.

“What do you want me to say,” I whisper, my voice trembling with nerves.

His lips continue hovering by my ear.  Chills sluice down my spine and a groan nearly falls from my mouth. God, but I’m so turned on right now and he’s doing nothing more than holding me.

“The truth.  I want you to tell me what’s really going on.”

No.  I can’t tell him that.  I just… can’t.  Something indefinable has spiraled out of control between us and I have absolutely no idea how to rein it back in again.

Even though he’s not being rough with me, it still feels as if he’s trying to break me down.  Doing everything he can to get me to admit what I’m really feeling.  If I were smart, I’d step out of his arms. I’d put a little distance between us.  Just enough so that I can breathe without inhaling him.

But I don’t.

“Sam,” I groan as his lips slowly nip my earlobe.

“What?”  Again his breath feathers over my sensitive skin. Tiny little shivers gallop across my flesh.


I can’t think straight with him doing that.  It feels so damn good. 

Slowly his lips meander their way down my neck.  Instead of putting a stop to this madness, I bare my flesh, allowing him even greater access.  My legs feel all wobbly, like Jell-O.  Any moment I’m going to collapse into a gooey pile on the floor.

Then his mouth is back at my ear. 

“You need to understand one thing, Violet.”  He pauses, his warm breath continuing to scramble all of my thoughts.  “If you’re going home with someone tonight, it’s going to be me.”


Chapter Eighteen



I’ve had enough.

Whether Violet realizes it or not, we’re done playing games.

If she thinks for even one damn moment that I’m going to stand by and let her go home with some random dude, she’s out of her fucking mind.

Not going to happen.

Up until Sunday, our relationship had been teetering precariously on the edge of
something more
.  Waking up with my arms wrapped around her, my stiff cock pressed against her decadent little backside, my hand palming the generous curve of her warm breast, forever tipped the scales to the
something more
category and there’s just no turning back from that.  Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to rein it in again.

We are so far past that now, it’s not even funny.

Although my desire for Violet has never been funny.

More like slow exquisite torture.

I owe Mia big time for shooting me a text, clueing me in to what was about to go down.  Even though she never once mentioned what they were doing here, I had my suspicions.  With the last few days ratcheting up the sexual tension between us and her subsequently avoiding me, it was only a matter of time before Violet tried diffusing it.

I should have realized that this is exactly what she would do.

Can you believe it?

She’s actually trying to fuck me out of her system.  I almost laugh.  Hell, if she’d bothered to ask, I would have been more than happy to tell her that it doesn’t work.  Because I’ve tried enough goddamn times to know.

If Violet wants to ride a cock, it’s going to be mine.

That’s just the way it is.

So it’s with deliberate movements that I drag my lips across the soft tantalizing flesh of her neck again.  I don’t think it needs to be stated that I want this girl in the worst possible way.  I always have.  I’ve never wanted anyone the way my body craves Violet.  Needless to say, the last few days have taken their toll on both my self-control as well as my patience.

Right now I’m fresh out of both.

We’re done tiptoeing around what’s happening between us.

“Did you hear me?”

As I growl out the words, her small body trembles in my embrace.  Unable to resist, I tug her even closer until she’s able to feel my hardened length pressing against the soft contours of her belly.

I want her to feel just how much she affects me.

God, but I love her softness.  All those supple curves drive me fucking crazy.  I just want to sink inside her body because I know it will be nothing short of nirvana.  I’ve dreamt about it for years.  Hell, the first time I got hard, the first time I jerked off, was to thoughts of Violet.  Snapshots I had tucked away in the back of my mind.

A tiny little moan escapes from between her parted lips and it sends me careening straight over the edge until I’m desperate with the need to taste her, to touch her, to drive myself inside her.

Even though it feels all but impossible, I keep every single impulse I have to drag her out of here under strict lock and key.  It took a couple of days for me to realize what was going on between us.  That she was fighting it, fighting her changing feelings for me.  She’s afraid to let go.  I need to convince her that this is worth taking a chance on.

Very gently, I kiss the side of her mouth.  “If you want to fuck,” I say in a voice that sounds as if it has been dredged from the bottom of the ocean before pressing another kiss to the other side of her lips, “you’ll fuck me.”

My words have her entire body going lax within the warm circle of my arms.  I can’t tell if she’s going into shock at the wicked way I’m talking to her or if she’s simply turned on by the words pouring out of my mouth.

Or maybe a combination of both.

Stroking my mouth leisurely over hers, she parts her lips in silent invitation.

Okay.  Good.  I’m going with the whole
turned on
theory.  And yeah, maybe a little shocked as well.  But mostly turned on.

I can work with.

“You’re done running,” I tell her.  When she remains utterly silent, I nip at her full bottom lip with my teeth until she gasps out loud.  When I finally release the plump flesh, I notice her eyes are dilated with pleasure and lowered to half-mast.  It’s the sexiest fuck-me look I’ve ever seen and it’s the exact expression I want on her face when I driving my hard cock inside her.

My narrowed eyes never once relinquish hers.  “You’re done avoiding me.”

For years I’ve dreamt about all the ways I want to take her.  Fast fucking that leaves us both breathless.  Slow sensual screwing that has us falling just a little bit more in love with each other. I want her on all fours, legs spread, gorgeous pussy perfectly displayed. I want her sitting astride me, taking my cock deep within her body so I can palm her beautiful breasts while she rides me.  I want to watch her tits bounce with every single upward stroke I take.

Yeah.  I want it all.

I want to have Violet every single possible way there is.

And make no mistake, I
have her.

Even though I know she wants me, I still hear the thin threads of fear weaving their way through her tightly strung words.  “We really shouldn’t...”

It’s like she still doesn’t understand that
is going to happen.  For all intents and purposes, it’s a done deal.  It was never going to end any other way than with her in my bed, in my life, in my heart.

Unable to help myself, I start laughing.  Pained chuckles that are scraped raw with need.  Desire that has been patiently held in check for the last eight years.  Her startled eyes cut to mine.  “Do you have any idea how much I want you?  Or just how long I’ve been waiting for you? 
For this

Silently she shakes her head and I find myself leaning towards her until my forehead can rest gently against hers.  Our gazes stay locked.  As far as I’m concerned, there’s no one else at O’Brien’s tonight.

Just us.

The way it was always meant to be.

“Way too fucking long.  I’m done waiting for you to play catch up.”

“I-” She opens her mouth but I’m much too impatient at the moment and I end up cutting her off before she can get anything out.

“-I know you don’t,” I finish for her.

She moistens her lips and the little movement leaves me groaning as desire spears its way through me.  Clearly trying to wrap her mind around what’s happening between us, she tries once again, “You never said anything.”

“You weren’t ready to hear it.”

It’s as simple as that.

Had I tried starting something with her in high school or two years ago or even six months ago, she would have shut me down.  It would have made everything awkward.  Because I know Violet.  It’s only recently that she’s become aware of me as something more than just a friend.  If she thinks for one damn moment that I’m not going to take advantage of the way she’s feeling, then she’s out of her damn mind.

“What makes you think I’m ready now?”

I put just enough distance between us so that I’m able to meet her eyes.  They’ve cleared of their sexual haze, which is a pity.  Now there’s a slight challenge filling her big brown depths.  I give her a look so rife with heat, I’m surprised it doesn’t singe her alive, before my lips lower to her ear once again.

“Tell me what you were doing locked away in your room Sunday night.”

Again I pull back so that I’m able to watch every single emotion crash across her delicate features.  Violet has the most expressive eyes.  Open and completely unfettered.

With me.

I’ve noticed that as well.

With me, she’s completely unguarded.

Except lately…

Surprise has them flaring wide.  A healthy dose of mortification shines within them as well.


Doesn’t she realize how fucking hot that is?  The idea of her touching herself, getting off, and I’d been a mere eight feet away?

It makes me fucking insane to even think about.

The silent admittance written across her face makes me wish that I’d been a little more persistent when I’d tried getting into her room that night.  My arms tighten around her body before I rumble with all the pent up sexual frustration surging through me, “I could hear the little moans falling from your lips.”  Even thinking about it has my balls drawing up tightly against my body, aching with a fierce need for release.

Gulping, she doesn’t utter a single word.  I’ve completely knocked her off kilter.  And maybe that’s a good thing.  Maybe that’s exactly what needs to happen.  Her mouth tumbles open into a stunned little
of surprise.

Leaning towards her again, I run my nose slowly along the curve of her jaw. “Who were you thinking about when you were touching that sweet little pussy of yours?”

She whimpers just a bit before sinking those sharp little white teeth into her full lower lip.  But still, she stays stubbornly silent.  Doesn’t she realize that I’m just going to continue breaking down all her defenses until she finally admits her feelings to me?

My fingers slowly strum their way up and down her ribcage.  “Hmmm?”


“Yeah, baby?”  I press a gentle kiss against her temple.  “Were you thinking about my hard cock?  Did you imagine what it would feel like to have me stroking you from the inside out?”

When she still doesn’t answer, I place my fingers under her chin, leaning in until my lips are able to hover over hers.  Slowly my tongue darts out to lick at the sugary sweetness of her mouth.

Damn, but I bet she’s sweet all over.

And I plan to find out.

It’s that knowledge which finally settles the restless need rampaging within me.  Otherwise I’d be moments away from dragging her damn ass out the door.

Wanting to take this slow, I allow my tongue to slip inside her softly parted lips until it’s able to mingle with her own.  The little whimper of pleasure she emits only spurs me on but I’m not rushing this. No fucking way. I’ve waited too damn long to rush one single moment of this exquisiteness.

One song ends and another starts up and still our mouths stay fused together.  She’s locked in my embrace and I’m not letting go any time soon.  The soft warm feel of her presses against all my hardness.  Need claws its way through me from deep within but I have to tamp it down, keep it under control.

I’ve waited too damn long to blow it by pushing her too far, too fast.  Sometimes I think I know Violet better than she knows herself.  And what I know is that she needs to be seduced.  Cajoled.  I need to prove once and for all that this isn’t a mistake. 
being together isn’t something she needs to be afraid of.  It feels so goddamn natural for our friendship to deepen, to morph into something more.

I’ve spent my entire life waiting for this moment.

And tonight, the wait is over.


Chapter Nineteen


Sam backs me up against the door to my bedroom as we stand in the common area of my suite.  His big masculine body cages me in as his lips linger dangerously over my mouth.  But he never quite touches me.

More like teases.

Or hovers.

It only makes me want him even more than I already do.  Makes my body pulse and throb as need spirals through me.  God, but I just want to feel the deliciously firm pressure of his warm mouth sliding lazily over mine again.

And the things he was whispering in my ear…

Holy hell.

I thought for sure I was going to burst into flames right on the spot.

So freaking hot.

I mean, why knew?

Who knew Sam could talk so damn dirty or that it would totally turn me on?

Needless to say, my panties are completely drenched.

My clit is throbbing with a life all of its own. 

My hand goes to the collar of his t-shirt before fisting it tightly in my fingers.  I just want to drag him closer until I don’t know where he ends and I begin.  I swear my body feels like a live wire right now.  Pulsating and vibrating with sharp shafts of need.  Need like I’ve never experienced before.

All I want is for him to touch me.

To touch me like I’ve been fantasizing about.

To touch me like I’ve been touching myself all the while imagining that it was him.

“Sam,” I groan as all those thoughts tumble slowly through my head.

His lips slant just a bit to the left before laying a very sweet kiss against the corner of my mouth. “What, baby?  Tell me what you need.  I want to hear you say the words.”

This has me moaning again as desire surges through me, over me like a tidal wave.

“You,” I whisper, “I want you.”

Some distant part of my brain is in complete and utter shock that this is even happening right now.  Like I’m going to jerk awake at any moment and realize that it’s nothing more than a sexy dream.

Are we seriously moments away from crossing the imaginary line that has always held our relationship in check?

Oh who am I kidding?

We crossed that line a few days ago when I woke up all warm and snuggly in his bed with his huge hand sliding over my body and his thick cock pressed against my backside.  Our entire relationship shifted at that point.  I just couldn’t bring myself to admit it.  I couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge that I wanted Sam.  I was afraid of our relationship changing, evolving into something more.

Something new.

Something different.

But I’m done being scared.

I’m done running away from him.

From myself.

It’s slowly that he nibbles his way over the curve of my jaw before trailing leisurely down the column of my neck.  I can’t help the low keening whimper that falls from my softly parted lips.

It’s like he knows exactly how to touch me.  He knows precisely what will send me careening out of control and towards the ever nearing precipice.

With my back pushed up against the door, I scrabble around for the handle before grasping the knob and turning it slowly until the door pops open and we find ourselves tumbling inside the dark room.  Sam wraps his arms around me as we stumble our way towards the twin sized bed pushed up against the far wall.  As we fall onto the mattress, Sam lands on top of me but his weight never crashes into mine.

I can’t help but giggle as he pulls away, staring down at my face.

“You okay?”

“Couldn’t be better.”

And damn if that isn’t the god’s honest truth.

Heat once again flares to life within his deep blue eyes.  Now that he’s stretched out on me, I feel the hardened length of his erection nestled against my core.  Slowly he flexes his hips as his eyes bore into mine.

The breath catches at the back of my throat as his cock slides deliciously along my cleft.  I can’t help but widen my legs, so that I’m able to cradle his girth.  So that I can feel the drag of him as he continues thrusting against me.

“That feel good, baby?”  His voice drops a few octaves.  I can tell that he’s hanging on by a mere thread and I absolutely love it.  Love that I do this to him.

Another low moan of need escapes from between my lips.  What he’s doing feels so damn amazing.  How long has it been since I’ve had sex?  At least a few months.  But this is way more than that.

This isn’t an itch that simply needs scratching.

Because this is Sam.

My best friend since eighth grade.

It’s the same fourteen year old boy who helped pick up the shattered pieces of my heart before putting me carefully back together again.  His friendship made everything so much easier when I was starting out at a new middle school, in a brand new town.  He took care of me, looked out for me, helped me navigate a world filled with teenage pitfalls.

And through it all, I was always his first priority.  Somehow I never understood that before.  All of this is flashing through my head right now.  Tears prick the back of my eyes as I realize just how truly blessed I am to have this man in my life.

“Vi,” he growls.  With calculated deliberateness, his lips ghost softly over mine.  Back and forth, oh-so-slowly until I feel the scream building up within my lungs.  Until everything within me is coiled so tightly that it’s entirely possible I just might self-combust.  When I can’t take another moment of the sweet torture, they finally close over mine, caressing them with gently insistent strokes that are my complete undoing.  Unable to resist, I open, wanting to feel the sweep of his velvety tongue deep inside my mouth.  I think about all those little kisses we’ve shared throughout the years.  It’s like they were all leading up to this cataclysmic explosion.

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