Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty (15 page)

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Chapter 28 - Signs of Disaster


the colossal station in the Kailion system the High Council convened in the
Great Hall. After the delegates from all the worlds gathered there was a noted absence
in the Ick-Tckt section. Lord Kris of the Mylor delegation led the proceedings.
He banged the gavel to call for order.

all of you know, a number of pieces of evidence recovered in recent battles
have shown beyond doubt the nobility of the Ick-Tckt illegally carried out
attacks against the organization known as Heaven’s Light,” the Mylor said.
“Even more unacceptable were the civilian casualties as a result of these
attacks. We’ve provided each of your worlds with the evidence. But before
calling for a vote, the Ick-Tckt delegation has decided to not participate as a
way to protest our actions. Before moving on I will call for a vote on this
matter. This will decide whether or not we put sanctions upon the Ick-Tckt

each race discussed the matter for a while the votes were in. The only races
voting against sanctions were the Ick-Tckt by default and their closest allies,
the Xaua and the Boran. Lord Kris showed the votes to everyone.

that this has been decided, a further action may be required,” the Mylor said.
“Our intelligence reports show the nobles and the queen of the Ick-Tckt are in
the middle of a dispute. Given the history of their race the threat of civil
war is imminent. To prevent the spread of such a conflict I move for a military
blockade of their territory. This measure was not deemed necessary for the now
concluded war within the Viken territory, but the scale of military power must
be taken into account. Now up for our vote is whether we take this next step or

room filled with a lot more argument and discussion before the votes were
finally in. The majority of the races by a large margin voted in favor of Lord
Kris’s suggested course of action.

this decision we will order the special task forces to enforce the blockade,”
Lord Kris said.


* * *


Kchlt watched the news of the sanctions and blockade from her main hall. After
hissing in disgust she made her way to the top of the palace and gazed into the
nighttime sky. From the ground she saw a number of lights moving in orbit as
the nobles made their move. A single Auguar Star landed nearby. Her best
warrior emerged from his long trip to see Heaven’s Light. He glanced at the sky
before making his way to his queen.

have returned,” Khcha said.

you bring good or bad news?” she asked.

he answered. “Brian and his allies are willing to form an alliance with us.”

surprised they agreed so easily,” the queen said.

in the mammal’s eyes told me he was truthful,” Khcha said. “He seeks peace
above all else.”

what we seek,” Kchlt said. “What I wonder is if they want us to change our

it’s time,” Khcha said.

would we go about doing so?” the queen asked. “Our social structure is built
upon inequities between the females, the warriors, and the drones.”

been reading over the possible forms of government the Kalaidians considered,”
Khcha said. “Perhaps we should try a constitutional monarchy.”

sounds like a reasonable solution,” the queen said. “The females will maintain
their power and the others will have a say.”

has the possibility of bringing a more permanent peace amongst us,” Khcha said.
“I know it won’t be popular with the nobles but it’s worth the risk.”

discuss this in detail should we survive the coming storm,” Kchlt said.

and her Chka Knight looked at the ships in orbit.

forces will defend the homeworld to the last drone,” Khcha said.

posturing for now,” the queen said. “We must dig and seek allies.”


* * *


sat back from her console to rest. Myden and Grigon were finished and doing
little more than appearing to work. The four droids did likewise. All the
mobile suits of the Freedom were either outside or on standby in the launching

is really boring,” Jesela said.

is the word coming to my mind,” Myden said.

that you two,” Grigon cawed. “We could come under attack at any moment now.”

wish they’d just do it already,” Jesela said.

your wish has come true,” Myden said.

scanners on the Freedom and in all the mobile suits detected a swarm of Auguar
Stars making their way towards them. A dozen of them broke away and headed for
Brian’s position on the street. Myden activated the com to speak with everyone.

a dozen of the enemy are headed your way,” the Grey said.

worry, I’ve got them in my sights,” Mira responded.

Kyli, given the situation we should use formation D-3 instead of D-1,” Myden

hear you loud and clear,” Kyli said.

Tctie said.

care of things on your end Seles,” Myden said.

on it,” she responded.

mobile suits outside moved into groups of three around the Freedom to maximize
their shield output. A moment later a flurry of pulse fire rained down on the
ship and its defenders. While the area shook they fired back as best they

this better?” Grigon asked.

least I have something to do now,” Jesela said.


* * *


soon as the Auguar Stars started firing Brian ran for cover with his shield up.
While doing so he positioned himself in such a way as to protect as many of the
civilians running away from the scene. In the sky the Siren chased after the
dozen enemy units and struck them down one by one.

getting a lot better Mira,” Brian said.

says the same thing,” she responded.

many are left?” he asked.

destroyed three so far,” Mira said. “So be ready for a few more passes.”

Brian said.

piloted the Siren masterfully as the enemy crafts moved to surround her. She
took a pair out before they could begin their attack.

your queue,” Mira said.

you wish,” Brian said

focused his senses to see the wave patterns before flying into the air and
flashing in and out of existence. With the slash of his
destroyed the engine of the first mobile armor. Mira quickly reacted and
blasted two more. The five remaining charged at the Siren with their pulse
cannons firing. Brian made his way to another one and slashed its engine to
pieces while Mira blasted three more. The last Auguar Star crashed into the
Siren and sent the mobile suit into the streets below. Brian flew over as
quickly as he could.

alright,” Mira responded. “Looks like Jesela and Grigon will have a little work
ahead of them.”

bad is it?” Brian asked.

Siren’s still writing to me,” Mira said. “She can fly.”

pushed the wreckage of the enemy craft off to stop the fire. After the Siren
stood up both her and Brian noticed the main cannon was destroyed and both arms
were heavily damaged. An emergency signal was sent across the district while
Confederation troops moved into the area. A dozen Lances patrolled the skies
above them.

like our backup is here,” Mira said.

a good thing given the Siren’s condition,” Brian said.

we head back?” Mira asked.

wait for things to calm down,” Brian said.


* * *


opened her eyes when Myden called for her to act. After checking the reports on
the ground and in orbit she smiled.

to give it a shot,” she said to herself.

reflector plates around the Kein estate positioned themselves properly while
the Artemis accelerated its drive. Seles let the berserk come before taking
aim. She started by firing a number of standard shots. As each of the deflected
off the first plate they flew into space and were redirected by a number of
others in orbit. The pulse shots slammed into a number of phase cloaked enemy
ships as their fleet approached the Columbia base. After finding her target she
fired an arrow. The massive beam lit the sky as it bounced its way into the
enemy fleet and destroyed twenty ships and two hundred mobile armors. Seles shifted
the angle slightly and fired the second arrow. As the beam of light flew into
space it destroyed another thirty ships and over two hundred mobile armors.
After she ended the berserk the Artemis returned to normal.

was excellent Seles,” Valis said over the com. “We should be able to take care
of the rest.”

you want me to maintain cover fire?” Seles asked.

can as long as you know what you’re shooting,” Valis said.


Chapter 29 - A Confounding Battle


Freedom shook more violently as the number of enemy mobile armors increased.
Tctie and Kyli led the defense while Myden used the ship’s weapons to attack
the enemy crafts.

falling into place,” Jesela commented.

did an excellent job planning this,” Grigon said.

number of Lances from the Confederation flew in and opened fire on the Ick-Tckt
crafts. Commander Baeron appeared on the monitor from the cockpit of his mobile

mess to clean up,” he said.

for your help,” Myden said. “Can your troops detect them like ours?”

cracked their phase cloaks after you gave us the mobile armor,” Baeron said. “When
this is over all of you will need to meet with me.”

provide you with everything you need,” Myden said.

Baeron said before ending transmission.

find it strange how quickly things have turned for us,” Jesela said.

because he respects us,” Grigon said.

dozen Lances landed in formation around the Freedom to aid in its defense.
Every now and then a shot from the Artemis flew in to destroy a mobile armor or

works better than we thought it would,” Jesela said.

be glad,” Grigon said. “Our friends in orbit would have to deal with a much
bigger problem otherwise.”


* * *


pulse shots slammed into the Ick-Tckt fleet the Columbia base and its forces
deployed. The five ships moved in a star formation with the Raulno at the head.
The three Maidens separated and charged into the enemy fleet. Behind them, the
Mjolnir led the mobile weapon forces on a charge in a different direction.
Seeing their phase cloaks weren’t working anymore, the Ick-Tckt revealed
themselves as a fleet of a hundred heavy class ships and five hundred mobile

glad the Artemis thinned them out,” Kivi said.

numbers are greater than I planned for,” Valis said.

we handle them?” Celi asked.

we stick together,” Valis said. “Kivi, you can lead the way.”

Kivi said.

Gemini lit up and divided itself when Kivi started berserking. With the twin
blades the Gemini charged into the enemy fleet and cut them to pieces while the
Minerva and Aegis followed. Behind them the five ships and the base’s mobile
weapons met the enemy fleet in an exchange of fire. The Artemis’s shots from
the surface were now targeting enemy ships.

good to see that thing works,” Celi said.

another weapon to use,” Valis said. “Well, I think it’s time for me to go.”

be waiting if you need a safe zone,” Celi said.

Minerva lit up as Valis berserked and followed the Gemini’s two halves through
the enemy forces.


* * *


watched her scanner carefully while firing. Each shot she fired into a plate
reflected its way to orbit and either severely damaged an Ick-Tckt ship or
destroyed it.

is too easy,” she said before looking at the situation over the Freedom. “Guess
I’d better help them a little more.”

turned her aim and fired at different reflector plate. The pulse shots bounced
behind her and destroyed a pair of mobile armors attacking the Freedom. Her
scanners showed a number of new enemy units heading for her position.

them long enough,” she said before hitting the com. “Valis, they’ve sniffed me

your thing then,” Valis said.

will,” Seles said.

seem to be enjoying yourself.
The Artemis wrote.

be lying if I said I wasn’t,” Seles said.

you going to berserk?
The Artemis asked.

the plan,” Seles said.

eyes began glowing as she piloted the Artemis into the air and straight for the
attacking units.


* * *


and Reban worked as they normally did in the command center while the battle
raged outside. The Ick-Tckt forces were nearing their breaking point when the
base advanced into the thick of them.

a lot easier now that we can see them,” Reban said.

glad to have lost a few nights of sleep to do so,” Veda said.

of that, have you had a chance to activate any of them yet?” Reban asked.

are a last resort,” Veda said. “But yes, if we need some android soldiers they’re
stored away on the base.”

they programmed for combat?” Reban asked.

course,” Veda said. “Grigon was nice enough to plug them into his automated
system for Talons.”

see,” Reban said.

base shook violently when a pair of Auguar Stars crashed into the shields.

like we’ll have to finish this later,” Reban said.

that bad, huh?” Veda asked.

manage,” Reban said.

forces of Heaven’s Light were close to surrounding the Ick-Tckt forces when
something large appeared on their scanners. As its phase cloak went down it
deployed twenty five Avoni class ships and over a thousand Phase Raknas.

like Lena is here,” Veda said.

monitor flashed and showed Lena Obril on the command center of the Nevada base.

look like you might need help,” Lena said. “But from the way the enemy is
positioned I may be wrong.”

aren’t complaining,” Veda said.


* * *


and Kivi ended their berserks after the forces of the Nevada based joined the
battle. The two mobile suits returned to the protection of the Aegis.

that was easy,” Kivi said.

crazy when you do that,” Valis said. “You almost sliced me in half a dozen

got a little carried away,” Kivi said. “Sorry for that.”

the way, how did the Nevada base get so many ships?” Celi asked.

they don’t have special models like ours its necessary,” Valis explained.

the same with the other bases,” Kivi added.

few minutes later the last of the Ick-Tckt vessels were destroyed or fled via a
gravity jump.

return to base for now,” Valis said.

hope the others are safe,” Celi said.

are,” Kivi said. “If you think I’m crazy during battle, then go talk to Brian
or Seles. They’re twice as insane as I am.”

true,” Valis said.


* * *


rode back to the Freedom while standing on the shoulder of the Siren. The battle
in the skies had ended. The buildings and streets around the district were
heavily damaged. Those not destroyed were on fire while the civilians in the
area were evacuated by the Confederation security forces. Brian gritted his
teeth as he looked upon the horrible spectacle.

something wrong?” Mira asked. “You’ve been really quiet since we took off.”

knew what we were doing could cause this,” Brian said. “But I chose to look the
other way because I deemed it necessary.”

seems to be a constant,” Mira said.

reminds me too much of Earth,” he said. “All the advanced technology in the
world can’t bring peace. And while we fight innocent people die. My only hope
is this leads to less violence.”

that the Confederation is involved there’s no telling which direction it’ll
go,” Mira said.

switched his com to all his forces. “All forces are return to the ship. To all
senior officers, I want to speak with you within the hour. I have an
announcement to make.”


* * *


Jesela, Grigon, and the four droids went into repair mode.

doesn’t sound too happy,” Jesela said. “Myden, do you know what’s going through
his head?”

the Grey answered. “Normally he blocks me out, but I sensed a great amount of
emotion from him.”

what’s his plan?” Grigon asked. “We know you know.”

laughed. “As to the details, I can’t say. But you’ll be surprised. He wants to
end the conflict with the Ick-Tckt as soon as possible. I think he’s beginning
to see the problem we’ve had from the start.”

what would that be?” Jesela asked.

Ick-Tckt reminds him of his home,” Myden said. “In spite of their differences, the
Terran and Ick-Tckt are races with histories full of conflict. It seems almost
second nature to them to fight. Brian knows if we don’t end it quickly it’ll
result in chaos.”


30 - Closed Borders


stared out the window of his office as Siata floated in. He noticed she was
more subdued than normal.

we moving out?” the Minan commander asked.

a few hours,” Siata said. “It’s been over a decade since the High Council made
this decision.”

Kalaidian uprising only lasted a few days,” Baeron said. “We were barely
deployed before it was all over with.”

true,” Siata said.

what’s wrong?” Baeron asked.

can’t say,” Siata answered. “But I have a hunch and it’s not a good one.”

monitor flashed and showed a Minan communications officer.

we’ve detected three more of the bases of Heaven’s Light in orbit,” the officer

you lieutenant,” Baeron said. “Keep me informed.”

will sir,” the officer send before the screen went dark.

like that bad feeling came true,” Baeron said.

they’re gathering all of their bases then they must be ready for an invasion,”
Siata said. “No…that’s too reckless for Valis.”

it’s a precaution,” Baeron suggested.

probably what it is,” Siata said. “In any event, we have to get going in a few
hours. The Ick-Tckt border isn’t going to blockade itself.”

the Mylor female left Baeron looked out the window and stared at the damage
from the recent Ick-Tckt attacks.
Part of me wishes we could launch a full scale
He thought.
I can’t stand those who kill those not seeking to be
killed. War should be between soldiers only.


* * *


looked in the mirror and stared at his own face.
Nothing has changed. I can
see some funny lines but nothing else.
He though as he left his bathroom
and returned to the main room of his quarters. He focused his vision and saw
the ripples. He smiled when he noticed Mira and Seles outside his door
listening in on him.
I must be wearing my heart on my sleeve if both of them
are here.
Brian moved his table and chairs out of the way to clear some
space. He grabbed his
and started a spar routine.


* * *


and Seles leaned against the wall outside Brian’s quarters. Both had the same
look of concern on their face.

doesn’t sound like himself lately,” Mira said.

he doesn’t,” Seles said.

went quiet when they heard him practicing.

can understand though,” Seles said. “When I think about what I’m best at, it
involves killing others. That’s why I had to find other things to do with my

feel the same,” Mira said. “But Brian doesn’t know what his place is anymore. I
think there’s a part of him that wishes he had died.”

say that,” Seles said. “He has a purpose and it’s with us.”

hope you’re right,” Mira said. “Let’s leave him alone for now.”

laughed. “He probably can see us through the door anyway.”

can do that?” Mira asked as they walked away.

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