Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty (12 page)

BOOK: Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty
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Chapter 22 - The Battle of Viken Prime


Prime was slightly smaller than the Earth and had two large moons, one in a
closer orbit, with the other much further away. The surface was pocked with a
dozen continents and had a climate like Earth’s. Surrounding the planet from
east to west was a solar power generation ring much like the other homeworlds.
The massive structure was held up by four towers evenly spaced across the
equator. A thousand loyalist ships were clumped together in ten fleets around
the planet. On the surface, turmoil filled most of the cities as the government
forces were trying to quash the rebellion. The same situation was playing out
throughout the lizard people’s colonies in every star system. The Freedom
appeared near the south pole and had all of its mobile suits deployed with the
Artemis and Siren in the front. Brian stood on the bridge with Myden, Grigon,
Jesela, and the four droids. Their allies were currently phase cloaked behind

you sure about this?” Valis asked from the Minerva.

won’t know unless we try,” Brian said.

Valis said.

opened a com link to all crafts in the area.

all government forces, I am Captain Brian Peterson of the Freedom,” he started.
“We of Heaven’s Light have found your government in contempt of its people.
Your populace has rejected you as their government and as such, we request you
surrender immediately.”

loyalist ships headed for the Freedom and opened fire.

that’s your answer,” Brian said.

Columbia base appeared with the other five ships ready to go. The five Maidens
quickly flew into formation while the rebel Viken fleets appeared near the north
pole of the planet. The ship shook as the two forces exchanged fire.

Tctie, go for it,” Brian ordered

sir,” Kyli said.

my way out,” Tctie said.


* * *


both sides of the planet the battle commenced. The fighting was fierce because
the loyalists defended their government to the death. The Maidens charged with
their weapons firing.

save their special systems for when our other enemy arrives,” Valis said.

think they’ll attack?” Seles asked.

will,” Kivi said. “If I was them I’d attack during this mess.”

there a reason the Ick-Tckt hate us so much?” Mira asked.

not like we entered their territory,” Celi added.

aren’t acting as one right now,” Valis said. “And our intelligence reports show
the queen is not behind their attacks.”

means it could one of any of the dozens of other nobles,” Kivi said.

five finished destroying one of the loyalist fleets and continued forward as
their allies followed behind them. The forces of Heaven’s Light and the rebel
Viken fleets were steadily making their way towards the equator to link up. The
loyalist fleets retreated where they could and joined with their allies. After
a few minutes the battle calmed as the two sides regrouped their fleets.

all forces, we’re about to enter phase two of the plan,” Valis said. “Because
the enemy retreated sooner than expected modify your attack formations from
A-10 to A-8.” She switched the com back to the other Maidens only. “We need to
be ready at any moment for the Ick-Tckt. Our objective from here on is to draw
them away from the main battle and fight them on our own.”

Valis,” the other four said.


* * *


Freedom flew at the head of the combined fleet. Brian looked up from the
console and noticed something strange.

do you see?” Myden asked.

not sure,” Brian answered. “It’s not being picked up on the scanners, is it?”

unusual is being detected,” Droid B reported.

this something you recently acquired?” Jesela asked.

Brian said. He sent the coordinates of the disturbance to the Maidens. “If
anything happens I want them to be ready.”

two fleets charged. While the mass of ships tore into each other Brian kept an
eye on the disturbance while everyone else worked away. The Maidens hung back
in the distance while waiting for their enemy to arrive.

you explain this?” Valis asked.

shook his head. “All I can say is I see something strange near the five of you.
Be prepared for anything.”

will,” Valis said.


* * *


mass battle,” Veda said with a sigh.

Columbia base shook from the explosions outside. A number of the loyalist Viken
ships that were damaged were ramming into other vessels and causing chaos.

never ceases to amaze me how much punishment our shields can take,” Veda said.

lost function in two of the arrays because of them,” Reban said.

doing better than we thought they would,” Veda said. “How’s everything on your

sustained a good amount of casualties,” Yardek reported. “But less than the
government’s forces. This battle is turning into a free for all.”

have to agree,” Veda said. “How are your allies on the surface doing?”

taking them longer to sack the government than we thought,” Ulad said. “But as
soon as we win here the government on the surface has no protection left.”

Veda said. “Let’s keep it up.”


* * *


Maidens calm kept their cool as the battle around them intensified. Valis had
taken the data Brian sent and modified their position accordingly. Something
flashed on their scanners when a mass of Ick-Tckt crafts came out of gravity
jump and attacked. The five mobile suits moved closer together to help defend
themselves. Over five hundred of the crafts swarmed around them. The Artemis
and Gemini began the battle with a volley of long range attacks.

don’t think Tctie thought there would be this many,” Valis said as the Minerva

two hundred more on the way,” Kivi warned.

it’s seven hundred versus five,” Seles said.

seen worse odds,” Celi said.

long are we holding out for?” Mira asked.

won’t be like the Bronze navy,” Valis said. “Let’s hold together until we know
their target, then strike.”

like a plan,” Seles said.

did Brian know they would appear there?” Kivi asked.

has something to do with his perceptual abilities,” Mira said.

berserking to the limit he was able to ignore dimensions as we know them,” Celi

swarm of Ick-Tckt closed around them and pounded the five mercilessly. The
Aegis pushed its shield but found the protective bubble was being drained. The
four mobile suits with weapons fired as fast as they could to lessen the swarm
but it seemed for every craft they destroyed another two took its place. As the
pressure grew the enemy began focusing on the Artemis. Shot after shot
deflected off its shields as the Ick-Tckt swarmed Seles’s craft. A pair of HV
missiles made their way through the edge of the barrier and hit the Artemis’s
rifle, causing it to explode. Once the smoke cleared the Artemis was missing
the front part of its right arm.

are you still with us?” Valis asked.

Seles answered. “I’m alright, but she’s hurting.”

closer to the Aegis for now,” Valis ordered. “Do you still have offensive

can use the sword with the left hand,” Seles said.

help when the time comes,” Valis said. She narrowed her eyes.
They knew
enough to destroy her rifle. That means we’re going to have to do something
“Kivi, ready the twin blade system.”

ready to go,” Kivi said.

everyone, we’re all going to berserk and use our special systems at the same
time,” Valis said.

the plan?” Celi asked.

whatever you must to survive,” Valis said.


* * *


sighed with relief when he saw the Artemis was still flying. The battle between
the Viken loyalists and the rebels was still raging strong while the Maidens
fought desperately in the distance.

do you think Valis will do now?” Myden asked.

the Artemis in the condition it’s in she can’t do the usual thing,” Grigon

going to be a pain to build a new rifle for her,” Jesela said.

stared at the space around the Maidens.
I see.
He programmed in the
specifics before turning to the others.

going to try something crazy,” he said. “Myden, activate the Hades system.”

up as we speak,” Myden said.

are you going to do?” Jesela asked.

and the Gemini will lead the charge for the five of them,” Brian said. “But if
what I’m seeing is true the enemy has more forces on the way. We’re going to
aim the Hades cannon at the spot they’re going to appear.”

does sound crazy,” Grigon cawed. “But I like it.”

too,” Jesela said.

you hear that Veda?” Brian asked.

clearing a path for you right now,” Veda said.


Chapter 23 - Gemini’s Blades


Ick-Tckt swarm grew at an alarming rate around the Maidens as they kept their
crafts together. The Artemis switched to using its sword while the others
readied their special systems. Celi was the first to berserk as the Aegis’s
shield extended outward and reflected the enemy’s shots back at them.

Aegis will act as our safe zone,” Valis said. She looked at the nearly thousand
mobile weapons pounding them. “Let’s do this.”

Valis,” the other four said.

they started their attack a massive beam of energy flew by them. When the
energy faded away lover half of the Ick-Tckt forces were destroyed.

like Brian has our back,” Valis said.

we still on?” Kivi asked.

the way,” Valis said.

Gemini moved its cannon to its back as the mobile suit shifted form. As it
moved the larger mobile suit split into two. After a moment both sections
emerged as slimmer mobile suits sized the same as the other four. In each of
their hands was a massive
blade glowing with energy. Kivi smiled
as the berserk came over her. The Ick-Tckt crafts moved away as both halves of
the Gemini spun their blades. As the two halves charged they quickly cut their
way through the nearest wave of enemy mobile armors. The others watched while
Kivi masterfully piloted the two in tandem and slashed the enemy to pieces.

thought the arrow system was crazy,” Mira said.

Gemini appears as a bombardment style mobile suit,” Valis said. “But that’s a
smoke screen meant to fool the enemies away from its melee capabilities.”

doing pretty well for her first time,” Seles said.

time we join her,” Valis said.           

Artemis, Siren, and Minerva lit up as their pilots berserked. The three spread
out and charged into the fray.


* * *


stood on the bridge of the Raulno and cawed with excitement.

working!” he shouted. “Oh I waited for so long and it looks perfect!”

sound really happy,” Kaela said.

only the commander’s pride and joy,” Shol said. “But it helps that our captain
has some good moves.”

know she doesn’t have a thing for snakes,” Kaela said.

grinned. “I didn’t mean it that way. And besides, I don’t have a thing for

our status?” Dreka asked.

working as it should,” Kaela said. “The Viken aren’t able to cause much

also focusing everything on the Freedom,” Shol said. “I haven’t had to do much
in the way of evasive maneuvers.”

Dreka said.


* * *


Freedom’s engines quieted down as the ship returned to normal. Brian sat in the
captain’s chair and relaxed.

was all they needed,” he said.

amazed at how fast the Gemini is,” Jesela said. “I didn’t think any pilot could
move two at a time like that.”

outdid himself,” Grigon said.

she able to pilot both of them?” Jesela asked.

the fact the Gemini has two A.I. systems instead of one,” Brian answered. “All
she has to do is move one with each hand, just like when she’s fighting with a
in each hand.”

you need an injection?” Jesela asked.

waved her off. “Not anymore.”

loyalist forces began pushing back. When they started crashing their fighters
and ships into the rebel forces the Columbia base moved to intercept them.
Brian watched before hitting the com.

think we should clump together now,” he said to the other five ships.

agree,” El Kar said. “They’re getting worse by the moment.”

try formation D-10,” Esra suggested.

like that one,” Zae said.

idea,” Dreka cawed.

D-10 it is,” Brian said. “Kyli, Tctie, did you hear that?”

and clear captain,” Kyli responded.

on our way,” Tctie said.

six ships moved closer together to aid each other in shielding. When an enemy
ship went to ram the Freedom the Mjolnir sped over and fired a beam through it.
As it exploded the Mjolnir flew away. Brian smiled.
I choose well.


* * *


Maidens pushed their way out of the swarm of enemy mobile armors and gathered
together again.

I want you to follow Kivi’s lead,” Valis said. “Mira and I will take the other

it,” Seles said.

Gemini’s two halves slashed through the enemy forces with the one armed Artemis
taking a hack here and there. The Minerva sped forward with the Siren emitting
a song to disable every enemy craft in the area. After the four circled about
and rejoined the Aegis their berserks were close to ending. The Gemini returned
to its larger form and grabbed its cannon while the others stopped emitting
light. The enemy crafts capable of moving quickly gravity jumped away. Once it
was clear they were gone the Aegis returned to normal.

should we do now?” Mira asked.

friends are going to need us,” Valis said. “After the battle we’re going to
collect everything we can from this area.”

looked at the battle and noticed loyalists were sending out everything they
had. What she caught out of the corner of her eye were a number of defense
satellites moving into position. Her scanners showed they were carrying nuclear
missiles. She hit the com.

all forces, the enemy has deployed satellites armed with nuclear missiles,”
Valis said. “The five of us will do what we can, but be prepared.”

don’t like this,” Kivi said.

of us do,” Celi said.

stay with Celi,” Valis said. “Kivi, Mira, we’re going to spread as much as we
can to intercept any incoming missiles. We can’t let them get close. Celi, you
and Seles will cover the base and give it as much shielding as possible.”

Valis,” everyone responded.

five sped to their positions as the missiles were being readied for launch.


* * *


and Reban frantically worked to reposition all of their forces. On the screen
it was obvious General Yardek and Representative Ulad were angered by the
government’s move to use nuclear weapons.

forces are reporting difficulties,” Reban said. “Moving a fleet of this size
quickly is a problem.”

not surprised by that,” Veda said.

madness,” Ulad said.

arrogance is at its worst right now,” Yardek added.

would they use them anyway?” Reban asked.

they know the Confederation will slap them with sanctions,” Veda said.
“Sanctions mean nothing to those desperately clinging to power.”

a minor inconvenience to the economy for a few years,” Ulad said.

forces are moving apart as fast as possible,” Yardek said. “Although I don’t
know how effective that will be.”

loyalist forces backed off as their missiles were being prepared. The Maidens
spread out and started attacking the launchers before they could fire.

we can do is hope they destroy them in time,” Veda said.


* * *


watched the situation carefully and cursed under his breath.

we try the cannon again?” Jesela asked.

doesn’t spread out enough to hit them,” Myden said.

really need to look into an anti-nuclear device one of these days,” Grigon

not your strong suit,” Jesela said.

do you think Brian?” Myden asked.

looked at the various places the missiles were being readied from.
no way they can take them all down without the Artemis’s rifle. Even if we use
the Mjolnir it won’t be enough.
He looked at his allies.
If even one of
those gets through we’re finished. I guess it’s time I try something stupid.
He locked the helmet of his exoskeleton into place and checked that it was
fully charged. Brian drew his sword while the others stared at him.

going to try something,” Brian said. “Hopefully I won’t get killed.”

anyone could respond Brian stepped forward and disappeared.

he going to do?” Jesela asked.

launchers aren’t very big on their own,” Myden said. “If he spins the
and fires he should be able to destroy them.”

reckless,” Grigon cawed.

happens if he messes up?” Jesela asked.

he’ll get caught in the blast,” Myden said.

sighed. “Great, that’s just what I wanted to hear.”


BOOK: Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty
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