Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty (19 page)

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Chapter 36 - The Freedom’s True Power


Artemis fired its cannon as many times as it could before the enemy came within
their range to attack. The Freedom and the other mobile suits joined the volley
firing outward while the enemy forces pounded the ship. As the Ick-Tckt clumped
together the Freedom shifted its bow and charged for a shot from the main
cannon. A beam three times as long and wide as an arrow from the Artemis
blasted almost two hundred enemy ships and five hundred mobile armors.
Afterwards the enemy forces backed away. The bow of the Freedom shifted and
focused the particles from the gravity drives around the ship. The ship was
then enveloped in a powerful energy field much like the Aegis’s. The enemy
suddenly found they were unable to affect the ship or the mobile suits
defending it.

didn’t know it could do that,” Seles said.

really need to get the story out of Brian,” Mira said.

think everyone’s been keeping secrets again,” Seles said.

enemy backed away once they found their attacks were ineffective. The Artemis
kept its cannon in sniper mode and continued firing into the mass of enemies.
The Freedom turned about and headed into the thickest concentration of enemy
forces. The other mobile suits and the Siren joined the fight once more as the
ship tore through the enemy formation. The shaking from incoming fire was
intensifying until the Freedom lit up and powered the shield even more. The
enemy shots started bouncing back at them as they were cut down in droves.
After a moment the shield returned to normal. Seeing the shift as weakness the Ick-Tckt
ships closed in to attack again.

hope he’s got a plan,” Seles said.

sure he does,” Mira said.


* * *


Vkhl stood on the bridge of her flagship and watched the Freedom holding off
her forces. As she grinded her mandibles angrily her three warriors were
working away on the bridge.

can’t we damage their ship at all?” the duchess asked.

Freedom’s shield is more powerful than any weapon we have,” the first warrior responded.

haven’t used the special systems of the Artemis and Siren yet,” the second
warrior said.

should we do?” the third asked.

in everything we have,” the duchess said.

quite a gamble,” the first warrior said.

we’ll hold off until we see a little more,” the duchess said. “If we want to
make sure our people live as they always have we must sink that ship. The rest
of Heaven’s Light means nothing to us.”

Freedom quickly switched from the shield system back to the cannon and fired
into another fleet of a hundred ships. After the explosions cleared the
remaining ships started launching drone fighters.

is going to take a long time,” the duchess said.


* * *


calmly watched the enemy movements. As he went to send out a new order he felt
Tctie in his head again.

the enemy leader is Duchess Vkhl,”
Tctie reported.
“Her flagship is
currently in the furthest fleet from our current position.”

you deciphered her plan?”
Brian asked.

warriors are doing everything they can to destroy us,”
Tctie said.
sense she’s going to call in her reserves any moment now.”

me everything you’ve got,”
Brian ordered.

Tctie said.

felt the thoughts from the enemy leader as they entered his mind. He quickly
changed the plan he was about the send out. Jesela ran in and took her station.

to be late,” she said.

kept you?” Brian asked.

had to check on the engines,” Jesela said. “We’ve never pushed them like we are

still don’t trust me, do you?” Grigon asked.

trust many things about you Grigon,” Jesela said. “But using the engines like
this without testing is something even I’m wary of.”

weren’t like that on the sojourn,” Brian said.

was young and reckless,” Jesela said.

changed about that?” Brian asked.

not as young,” she answered. “By the way, all systems are functioning as they

Brian said. “I’ve made a few changes to our plan. Grigon, be ready to shift the
system to Siren mode when I say to. It’s about time we let our pilots do their


* * *


and Mira continued firing into the enemy forces. The space immediately around
the Freedom was quickly filling up with debris from enemy crafts. Seles
switched the Artemis to spread mode and fired into the field of destroyed
enemies to clear the area out.

should help,” Mira said.

so many of them,” Seles said. “Part of me thinks Brian is crazy.”

wouldn’t be the first time he did something like this,” Mira said.

should we do commander?” Kyli asked.

our ground,” Seles said. “Until further orders that’s what we’re going to do.”

Kyli said.

appeared on their monitors.

worked out a way to finish this,” he said. “Seles, Mira, you’ll lead the mobile
suit units on this route.” The two women looked over the plan he sent over
carefully. “Kyli, Tctie, follow them because your lives depend on it.”

captain,” Kyli said.

Tctie said.

are you going to do?” Seles asked.

watch and see,” Brian said. “Also, Mira, use your song system. The goal at this
point is to disable as many of them as we can.”

will,” Mira said.

Artemis and Siren lit up as they flew into the thick of the enemy. Right behind
them were the mobile suits of the Freedom. Mira started up a song and began
disabling enemy crafts in mass. Kyli and Tctie kept the other pilots inside the
Siren’s field as they went forward. Seles kept the Artemis in spread mode while
she destroyed lifeless enemy crafts. When another fleet went to surround the
Freedom the ship’s field changed again. This time a number of plates shifted on
the hull. A moment later the shield effect switched to a massive hum. Like the
Siren, all the ships near the Freedom lost control and floated dead in space.

smiled as she watched. “I knew you were keeping a few things from us.”


* * *


Vkhl watched the Freedom as it tore through her forces and headed straight for
her ship. The three warriors on the bridge were in a panic because they could
do nothing to stop the charging ship.

all forward units to ram them,” Vkhl ordered.

our only option at this point,” the second warrior said.

call in our allies,” Vkhl said. “It’s time we put an end to this.”

be here shortly,” the first warrior reported.

front line of Ick-Tckt ships and mobile armors flew straight at the Freedom.
Even without control their momentum kept them going. The Freedom was forced to
slow down and destroy them one at a time. The duchess’s rear guard pulled back
to wait. She watched as the Freedom carefully navigated around the debris and
damaged ships and kept moving closer to her.

like they can read our every move,” the third warrior said.

are,” Vkhl said. “They have a Grey under their control. No doubt he’s been
feeding them every thought we make.”


* * *


mobile suits made their way around the enemy fleet and turned to meet with
their ship. When reinforcements started coming in Seles charged up and fired a
pair of arrows right into them. Over two hundred ships and three times that in
mobile armors exploded before they could attack. The Siren and the Freedom both
left massive trails of disabled enemy crafts as they made their way towards the
duchess’s fleet. Mira ended her song and returned the Siren to normal. Brian
appeared on the monitor as the Freedom shifted back to shield mode.

forces are to return to formation D-1,” he ordered.

sir,” the pilots said.

the mobile suits returned to the ship. The enemy pulled back and gathered
together for protection.

look desperate,” Mira said.

single ship did all this,” Seles said. “I never thought I’d see such a thing.”

still have one more thing to do,” Brian said.

them?” Seles asked.

ask for their surrender,” he answered. “I’d like to avoid more bloodshed if we

ready in case you need us,” Seles said.


Chapter 37 - The First Duchess


Vkhl twitched nervously as her forces were being cut down. Her warriors shouted
orders across the fleets. When the Freedom reached the edge of her guard fleet
it stopped and only fired on vessels getting too close to it.

he thinking?” the duchess asked.

receiving a hail from the Freedom,” the first warrior reported.

he wants to talk,” she said.

I put him through?” the first warrior asked.

no need to,” the duchess said. “Nothing he has to say interests me. Destroy

course,” the first warrior said.

the remaining ships kept their distance while they surrounded the Freedom and
pounded it mercilessly. The duchess cackled as she watched the shield around
the ship slowly being drained.

were a fool to the very end Terran,” she said. “Thinking you could negotiate
your way out of this was the mistake that’ll cost you your life.”

a powerful pulse shot bounced off a number of unnoticed reflector plates and
slammed into the flagship. The queen and her crew screamed as the ship


* * *


shook his head after the flagship was destroyed. The remaining enemies kept
attacking as they closed in.

gave her the chance to end this,” he said.

switched the Freedom’s system back to cannon mode. The ship turned slowly
turned in a circle. As the energy beam shot out it carved a much larger swath
of enemies then it would normally hit if it remained stationary. After the
smoke cleared the few remaining enemy vessels fled.

units will remain on standby for the next hour,” Brian ordered.

sir,” the pilots said.

started pacing around the bottom of the bridge.

after winning you don’t look happy at all,” Jesela said.

not,” Brian said. “This was a senseless battle with no meaning behind it. I
gave the duchess every opportunity to surrender, parley, or flee. We were forced
into destroying her because of her foolishness.”

think arrogance is the term I’d use,” Grigon said.

about right,” Brian said. “So how’s she holding up?”

and shields are functioning at forty percent,” Myden reported.

engines are working at sixty three percent,” Jesela said.

mobile suit forces report no deaths and only minor damage to their crafts,”
Grigon said. “All other systems are working fine.”

long will our little performance keep us from gravity jumping out of here?”
Brian asked.

amount of time the drives need to recharge should be about twelve hours,”
Grigon said.

you want me to look them over again?” Jesela asked.

I’ll do that myself,” Grigon said. “I want you to look over the two special

Jesela said.


* * *


Kchlt watched her soldiers set up a defense perimeter around the capital city.
In the sky and orbital space directly above them similar formations were moving
into place.

Freedom is making its way to us,” she said.

latest intelligence reports say it single handedly destroyed Duchess Vhkl’s
forces,” Khcha said.

on par with a Mylor battleship,” the queen said. “The other races are probably
panicking as we speak.”

would assume they are,” Khcha said.

can see the gears of fate turning,” the queen said. “Two thousand years ago a
being like Brian walked amongst us. It was said of all the races the Teacher
visited ours was the most like his.”

came to us?” Khcha asked.

she answered. “He predicted a group like Heaven’s Light would take power and
change things. Now we know he was telling the truth.”

odd to see an organization devoted to unity and peace using violence to
accomplish its goals,” Khcha said.

is the least efficient way to do it,” the queen said. “But in the world we live
in it is necessary.”

makes you say that?” he asked.

and his fellows know they’re on a fool’s mission,” the queen said. “Their goal
is unification and peace.”

see,” Khcha said. “And what’s to come once unification is done?”

I can’t say,” the queen said. “But it’s time we stop denying the truth. The
Greys will come.” She looked at Khcha. “Heaven’s Light will exist as long as
tyranny lives. The Greys suffer the worst tyranny imaginable.”

they are on a fool’s mission,” Khcha said.

the queen said. “But let’s be glad they are. Someone must remain vigilant
throughout the ages.”

sky above them was filled with flashing lights when the ships in orbit
exchanged fire.

begun,” Khcha said.

must survive and see what future that Terran has in mind for us,” the queen


* * *


was checking over things with the Artemis and Siren when Seles and Mira
returned with a tray of food. Jesela closed eyes and sniffed the air.

a nut covered salad, and a variety of fruits from Odair,” she said. “How many
did I get right this time?”

Seles and Mira laughed.

must’ve messed up,” Jesela said.

looked at the tray and saw everything except for the pizza.

stomach must be smelling things,” Seles said.

sorry we didn’t bring what you wanted,” Mira said.

alright,” Jesela said as she grabbed a fruit that resembled an apple. “I’ve
been eating too much fatty food anyway.”

the problem?” Seles asked. “You’ve been working nonstop since we landed.”

sighed. “I’m getting some strange readings from the drive systems.”

we pushing them too far?” Mira asked.

could be it,” Jesela said. “Maybe I’m just over thinking it.”

should try getting sleep for once,” Seles said. “It works wonders.”

I did that you two might get into trouble,” Jesela said.

sound of debris hitting the shields echoed around the ship.

did you know anything about the Freedom’s special systems?” Seles asked.

bits and pieces,” she answered. “Grigon focused on that while I focused on
these two. I’m surprised the system worked as well as it did.”

was able to emulate our special abilities,” Mira said. “Can it do anything

that I know of,” Jesela said. “The systems from the Gemini and Minerva aren’t
applicable to a ship anyway. But a massive beam weapon, a super powered shield,
and a disabling system can be. I’m sure our enemies earlier didn’t enjoy any of
them.” She put her tablet down and looked at the food. “Enough of this, let’s


* * *


and Myden were the only ones on the bridge except for the four droids. Both
were working at their stations when Brian leaned back and yawned.

can take over if you need me to,” Myden said.

never sleep, do you?” Brian asked.

species only needs four hours of rest every two standard days,” Myden said.

I learn something new each day,” Brian said. “I’m alright. I hope the next
system we go into isn’t another ambush.”

do as well,” Myden said.

scanners showed a number of ships shadowing them again.

like more friends are here,” Brian said. “At least these ones are keeping their

good,” Myden said. “Have you had a chance to think things over?”

smiled. “If peace is ever obtained for a long enough period I’d like to take
some time off and travel. After getting my fill of that I think I’d like to get
a job at the Kein Academy.”

like to make more
, wouldn’t you?” the Grey asked.

of now only Kivi has gone through the ritual,” Brian said. “The Kalaidian
people deserve many more.”

like a quiet life,” Myden said.

know,” Brian said. “And perhaps it’d be boring. But that’s why we fight.” He
looked at the monitor and stared at the wreckage from the last battle. “We do
what we have so those who can’t or won’t fight don’t have to. I’d like to think
we get a chance to live the way we want to someday.”

about a family?” Myden asked.

laughed. “Because of the differences between humans and Kalaidians I don’t see
it happening anytime soon. I told Seles I’d like to have a couple of daughters.
It’d be nice if we could raise them in a world without conflict. But even if we
survive this another war awaits.”

in the moment,” Myden said. “Considering ifs and maybes won’t do you any good.”

laughed. “I couldn’t agree more old man.”

walked into the room and went to his console. After hitting a few buttons the
grey feathered birdman looked at Brian.

can leave anytime,” he said.

let’s get out of here,” Brian said.

Freedom flashed before gravity jumping away.


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