Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty (4 page)

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Chapter 6 - Seeing Lights


Artemis and Siren followed Tctie as he rampaged through the invisible enemy
mobile armors. Seles watched carefully and fired to help the drone as he
continued forward.

cutting through them like they’re nothing,” Mira said.

didn’t know his race could berserk,” Seles said.

his mobile suit Tctie’s eyes were glowing bright blue as he sensed his kin in
his mind and attacked. He felt the pressure of Seles coming from behind but
resisted attacking her. As he clicked his mandibles Mira and Seles appeared on
his monitor.

need to calm yourself lieutenant,” Seles said.

don’t know if I can stop,” Tctie said.

need to focus and not let it take over,” Seles said.

battle around them lessened as the enemy retreated.

can hear them,” Tctie said. “It’s like everyone’s in my head right now.”

flew the Siren closer and began singing a quiet chant. After a few minutes
Tctie’s eyes faded back to black as he calmed down. Mira stopped singing when
she saw he looked normal.

you feeling better now?” Mira asked.

you,” Tctie said.

Mira,” Seles said. “Let’s return to base.”

commander,” Tctie said.

course,” Mira said.


* * *


is this feeling?
Brian thought. He found himself floating in the sea of blue. All around him he
felt the thoughts and heard the voices of everything near his body. In front of
him he watched the attacks on the Freedom and the Columbia base. In the distance
he saw a light flying towards him.

back to us,” Kivi said as she appeared from the ball of the light.

thought I told you to go back to the Raulno,” Brian said.

never remembered you being a higher rank than me,” she said with a smile. “What
are you doing in here?”

don’t know,” he said. “I guess I’m still fighting, but I feel oddly removed.”

reached out with her hand. “Come back to us.”

took her hand. “Thank you.”

he snapped back into his body Brian found he could see things he never thought
he could. It was as if reality had lines and holes to it. By flying into or
around them he was able to fight without being touched. As he turned he noticed
Kivi had taken flight and was fighting at his side.

you awake now?” she asked.

do you do that?” he asked.

meditated on it a number of times and found that strange world by doing so,”
Kivi answered. “I can’t go any further than the border realm though.”

last enemy craft was destroyed after the two attacked from both sides and
carved it to pieces. Both felt something ripple through their minds as they
landed on the street. While Kivi ended her berserk and returned to normal she
noticed the red glow coming from Brian’s eye persisted. He took his helmet off
and used an injector in the neck. The red colored blinked back and forth before
turning to blue. He covered his left eye and looked at her.

think I’ve got a problem,” Brian said.

not working anymore, is it?” she asked.

Brian said. He put his helmet back on and turned on the com. “Mira, I need you,

be there,” Mira responded.


* * *


Minerva, Aegis, and Mjolnir fought the enemy off while the base took a
pounding. Veda looked at the situation and shook her head.

planned this well,” she said.

shields are down to forty one percent and we’ve taken significant damage,”
Reban reported. “The Vomada and Daevoni are heading back for repairs.”

leaves the Avoni and Reinkar for defense,” Veda said.

worry about it,” Valis said over the monitor. “My plan has just about been
finished. Be ready to strike when the time comes.”

you wish,” Veda said. She glanced at the video showing what was going on down
on the surface. “It’s good to see they’re faring well.”

than us,” Reban said.

structure shook as another volley of pulse fire tore into the base’s exterior.


* * *


landed the Artemis inside the Freedom while the Siren quickly turned about.

take care of Brian, I’ll look after the ship,” Seles said.

it,” Mira said while flying away.

departed the Artemis and made her way to the bridge. Myden, Jesela, and the
four droids were present.

our status?” she asked before activating the console next to the captain’s

shields are functioning at fifty five percent,” Jesela reported. “Our mobile
suit forces confirm seven killed and twenty two wounded.”

weapons systems are at eighty percent,” Myden said.

are functioning normally,” Droid A reported.

other systems are normal,” Droid B said.

gritted her teeth. “They got us good.”

planned well,” Myden said.

are our allies in orbit?” Seles asked.

holding their own,” Myden said.

Seles said. “I have to check a few things out. Call for me if something

will,” Jesela said.

quickly made her way to sickbay as the wounded were being moved inside. All of
them were being treated except for Kyli. She was sitting in a bed looking
annoyed when Seles headed in. Suv Gar led the effort to help the wounded. When
she saw Seles she slithered over.

under control commander,” Suv said. “The wounded should be alright now that the
battle is over.”

Seles said. “Thanks lieutenant, keep up the good work.”

will,” Suv said before resuming her work.

went to Kyli.

happened?” Seles asked.

were ambushed,” Kyli said. “If it wasn’t for Myden and Tctie we would’ve been

did they do?” Seles asked.

of them sensed something,” Kyli said. “I don’t know how, but that’s what

your leg?”

live,” Kyli said. “But I won’t be flying for a week or two depending on the
regenerative treatment.”

glad,” Seles said. “I was worried I’d lose my best pilot.”

won’t go down that easily Seles,” Kyli said.

take care,” Seles said. “I need to go see the other one.”


* * *


closed her eyes and let the berserk come. As the Minerva lit up she saw the
enemy crafts flying around them. As the Minerva’s system continued she saw the
face of their enemies.

is Valis speaking,” she said. “Our enemy appears to be elite Ick-Tckt forces
armed with specially crafted mobile armors and heavy class cruisers. Their
stealth system uses the phase system we have with a dampener to conceal
themselves better. All forces are to fire at any outlined craft caught within
the Mjolnir’s spread attacks.”

on it,” Veda said.

sweep the area,” Valis ordered.

captain,” Meldi said.

Mjolnir began firing spread attacks in a wide berth to reveal a number of
outlines. The mobile suits and cannons of the Columbia base targeted those
areas and fired. A number of the Ick-Tckt crafts were destroyed as they fled.
Celi’s berserk ended and caused the shield of the Aegis to return to normal.
Valis stayed where she was and watched the battle. After a few minutes she
ended her berserk.

was a close one,” Celi said.

close for comfort,” Meldi added.

not heading back yet,” Valis said. “They may have a second wave so we need to
stay on guard.”

course captain,” Meldi said.


* * *


watched the battle from his office on Dega Jul with his fists balled. Siata
floated in a moment later and watched with him.

was expected,” she said.

know, but that doesn’t make it legal,” Baeron said.

whom?” she asked.

the attackers,” Baeron said. “Heaven’s Light has been deemed legal by the High
Council, therefore are allowed to port here legally.”

not what you’re concerned with, is it?” she asked.

the legal aspects are long past us,” he answered. “I don’t care for their

turned to leave.

are you going?” Siata asked.

can’t sit here and watch in anymore,” Baeron said. “My duty is to the people of
Dega Jul. Unannounced acts of war threaten that.”

have permission then,” Siata said. “Take twenty Lances with you.”

will,” Baeron said before leaving.

watched Brian in the distance and saw the Siren land in front of the Terran.
She felt something and could tell he wasn’t well.

wonder if we’re ready for an awakened human,” Siata said.


Chapter 7 - Mira’s Voice


looked at Kivi as his head ached horribly and his vision blurred. He stumbled
as she grabbed him and laid him on the ground. As he stared at the night sky of
Dega Jul he watched all the lights. It was as if they spun around and flooded
his senses. He felt himself falling unconscious as his body convulsed. Turning
his head, Brian saw Kivi trying to talk to him. A moment later the Siren landed
with Mira rushing down to him. As she knelt next to him she prepped her med kit
and gave him an injection.

you hear me?” Mira asked.

nodded his head but couldn’t speak.

can sleep Brian, don’t worry, I’ll take care of you,” Mira said.

he closed his eyes Mira used her scanner. Kivi cradled his head while the crowd
in the street watched. Above them, a dozen Lances flew in to secure the
airspace while a number of Minan soldiers took to the streets.

wrong with him?” Kivi asked.

overheating,” Mira said. “You see how his eye is glowing, that’s happening all
through his body. If I don’t find a way to cool him down he’ll die.”

opened the panel of his exoskeleton’s arm and programmed the temperature of the
interior to be much lower than normal. As the air inside the armor cooled his
body she locked his helmet back into place. The convulsions ceased but light
was still emitting from his left eye. Mira sighed with relief and started
scanning again.

stable,” she said. “But it looks like the treatment we were using won’t work

going to happen to him?” Kivi asked.

I did was a stop gap measure,” Mira said. “If nothing else is done he’ll be
dead in a few days.”

Lance landed and Baeron exited. He calmly walked over and knelt next to Brian.

ship has the best equipment for a Terran,” Mira said. “Can I take him there?”

course,” Baeron said. “But I’ll need a statement from you later.”

Mira said.

Brian was put into a stretcher and inside the Siren, Mira flew him back to the
Freedom. Kivi watched with Baeron at her side.

Kivi, can I get your statement now?” Baeron asked.

course,” she answered. “But only if you let me help with the investigation.”

fine,” he said.


* * *


and Reban were in the command center overseeing repairs when Valis, Esra, and
El Kar entered the room. All of the ships and mobile weapons had returned to
base for repairs for the time being.

our status?” Valis asked.

base is operating at fifty percent,” Reban answered.

Daevoni will need repairs for a few days,” Esra said.

Reinkar is the same,” El Kar said.

our enemy?” Veda asked.

were Ick-Tckt special forces,” Valis answered. “An analysis on their wreckage
will show as much.”

did they catch us unaware?” Esra asked.

stealth system is a generation ahead of ours,” Valis explained. “How are our
friends on the surface?”

let them speak for themselves,” Veda said.

monitor flashed and showed Dreka on the bridge of the Raulno while Myden was on
the bridge of the Freedom.

systems are operating at sixty five percent,” Myden said. “But we lost a fourth
of our mobile suit forces.”

suffered minimal damage,” Dreka said.

your ships collect their crew members I want you back in space,” Valis said.
“The Ick-Tckt will attack again, probably very soon.”

Dreka said before ending transmission.

didn’t want to tell you this, but I must,” Myden said. “They attacked Brian and
Kivi while they were returning to the ships. Kivi’s alright, but Brian’s in
critical condition.”

happened?” Veda asked.

was forced to berserk,” Myden said. “And in doing he pushed beyond the point of
return. Mira’s taking care of him right now.”

about Seles?” Valis asked.

taking care of the crew,” Myden said. “I’ll keep you updated.”

screen went black.

knew this would happen,” Valis said. “They’ve been planning this for months,
and now we may lose a lot more than we bargained for.”

you have any ideas?” El Kar asked.

nodded. “No matter what happens to Brian we have to survive as an organization.
These attacks were carefully planned by the Ick-Tckt. And no doubt their
government will deny these are their forces.” She looked at Veda. “I want you
and Daes, Jesela, Dreka, and Grigon to look for a way to detect them.”

working on it,” Veda said.

looked at the other captains. “You two need to focus on repairs. My plans will
be adjusted to assume you’re not involved.”

you wish,” El Kar said.

alright with that,” Esra said.


* * *


helped with a number of things in the launching bay before making her way to
Tctie’s mobile suit. He stepped outside and headed to the ground on the
elevator cord before noticing her. After setting down he let go of the cord and
bowed his head.

sorry commander,” he said.

have nothing to be sorry for,” Seles said. “I’m glad we got to you before
anything bad could happen.”

heard voices in my head,” Tctie said.

any of your race berserked before?” she asked.

to my knowledge,” Tctie answered.

was probably a side effect of entering that state,” Seles said.

Lieutenant Kyli?” he asked.

leg is broken, but fortunately that’s all,” Seles said.

glad,” Tctie said.

she’s better you’re in charge of the mobile suit teams,” Seles said.

do my best,” Tctie said.

turned as his eyes flashed blue for a moment. Seles watched intently.

is it?” she asked.

can hear the captain,” Tctie said. “Commander, you should go to him.”

will,” Seles said before leaving.

antennae twitched as he looked around the launching bay.
I can hear them.
It’s faint but there.
The drone felt something else in his head.
Is this
the captain?


* * *


used the scanning system in her exoskeleton to help Baeron and his soldiers
collect wreckage. As she looked around she noticed the amount of damage the
battle had caused to the surrounding areas. She took the helmet off before
leaning against a building. Baeron ordered a few more of his troops to keep
searching before joining her.

can see him when I look in your eyes,” Baeron said.

smiled. “He’s a better politician.”

he said.

the record, we didn’t know this would happen,” Kivi said. “And also, we would
never start a battle over a planet like this.”

your organization’s track record I believe as much,” Baeron said.

Minan soldier ran over and handed his commander a piece of wreckage.

as you were,” Baeron ordered.

course sir,” the soldier said before leaving.

examining it Baeron looked at Kivi.

your people make enemies with the Ick-Tckt?” he asked.

she answered. “Nor have they declared war.”

won’t,” Baeron said. “As long as they pose their forces as independent they
don’t need to.”

familiar,” Kivi said.

Baeron said. “But they’ll be smarter than the Malcovin were.”

know,” Kivi said. “Is there anything else you need me for? I think it’s time I
head back to my ship.”

can go,” Baeron said.

you,” Kivi said as she left.

watched her walk away.
She has the eyes of fire itself. I’d hate to be her
He thought as he returned to his investigation.


* * *


is this place?
Brian thought as darkness surrounded him. After a few minutes the dark gave way
to light as he felt himself traveling through a space without definition. As he
gained his bearings Brian noticed he was in a hot and humid chamber, surrounded
by large eggs. Through the light fog he made out an Ick-Tckt female guarded by
three warriors and dozens of drones. He felt his body moving forward on
instinct. He glanced down at his hand and noticed it was insectoid.
What the
hell is happening? What am I seeing?
As he wandered closer to the female
the slime covering his body dripped off. As it did so he felt like he could
finally breathe. He stepped onto a solid floor and walked up to the female.
While doing so he felt the compulsion to bow his head.

a healthy one,” one of the warriors said in the Ick-Tckt language.

he is,” the duchess said.

should we name him?” the second warrior asked.

powerful,” the third warrior recommended.

name you Tctie,” the duchess said. “You will serve me for life young one.”

felt himself separate from the body he was in. He saw Tctie standing where he
was. A moment later the scene dissolved until he saw he was with Tctie in the
launching bay of the Freedom.

that you captain?”
Tctie asked telepathically.

Brian answered.
“What was that?”

Tctie answered
. “It was my birth and naming.”

are you able to speak with me like this?”
Brian asked.

the first time I berserked,”
Tctie answered.
“Now I can hear
their thoughts like they were speaking. It’s quite disturbing.”

Brian said.
“If you want to understand your power, speak with Myden. He will
show you the way.”

are you alright?”
Tctie asked.

Brian answered.
“If I never regain consciousness tell everyone I said goodbye.”

Tctie said.


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